The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 72:A hope

"No way....!?"

I stared in astonishment at Marsiel's ability. Gathering myself, I asked, "Incredible... Is this a rejuvenation ability?" Marsiel shyly lowered her head and responded in a whisper, "You may say so, but I can only bring back small creatures from the bosom of death, but I cannot bring back to life a being that is already dead." she said, recalling a painful memory.

"Can you use this magic on a human?" I asked excitedly.

Marsiel looked at her brother, who nodded in approval before she turned back to me. "Actually, we don't know if my ability is considered like other healing magics. Other healing spells tend to push the body towards healing rather than directly healing it, but my ability provides a direct magical repair" she said. For some reason, she wore a calm smile when talking about her ability.

"So, is that a yes? Have you used your ability on a human before?" I asked.

"Yes. My mother was poisoned several times, and I used my ability to heal her," Marsiel replied. The pain behind her words was faintly reflected in her voice.

This information led me into deep thought. Marsiel's ability could be incredibly powerful if used in the right hands. And I shouldn't give this power to anyone else, especially not to the other heirs. Moreover, I need this girl’s power... I could finally bring Emilia back to life! ... And if necessary, I would even kidnap this girl and the boy and force them to use their abilities for Emilia.

"Does this ability have any side effects?" I asked.

Marsiel nodded his head up and down slightly.  "Yes, there is. The more I use my power on a person, the more their Kaizer power decreases. The Kaizer stage can even drop" she said in a somewhat melancholic tone.

"That's why we want you to help our mother," Markuol added.

"I will help your mother, but I have some conditions," I said after thinking for a moment.

"But Your Excellency, you  haven't seen my ability yet" said Markuol.

Turning to Markuol, I narrowed my eyes and focused on him. "You're right," I said. "But do we need to go to a more suitable place to learn about your ability?" I asked. Markuol nodded in agreement.

"Then just tell me what kind of ability you have. You can show me at a more appropriate time" I said to Markuol.

"I am an earth element magician at Kaizer stage 2, and I can say that I'm close to reaching stage 3," he said.

For someone as young as him, this was a significant level of achievement. I nodded and said, "Your ability is sufficient for me."

Now my thought was that I need to get along well with Marsiel, but it seems she is a reserved girl. However, she is very attached to her brother, so I must get along well with him too. Initially, I’m not sure if her brother will betray me, but... If it comes to the point of healing Emilia, I will take that risk.

Emilia’s recovery is the main issue, and Marsiel might be the only one who can achieve it. After all, she has an unusual element and might be able to heal Emilia gradually. Even if Emilia's power diminishes as a result of this healing, it doesn't matter. I never cared about her power... All I want is for Emilia to be my wife and queen.

Markuol looked into my eyes and said, "Your Excellency, if you help us, my sister and I will serve you with all our loyalty." His voice was filled with determination. "We need help to save my mother. Please help us," he said.

Though his words gave some confidence, I was not entirely convinced. When it comes to Emilia's health, I could take any risk, but I still needed to be cautious. Markuol and Marsiel were crucial in the process of healing Emilia. I need to plan my approach to them carefully.

"Times will come when your loyalty will be tested," I said in a somewhat threatening tone. "But until then, I will assist you. Arrange a meeting with your mother for tomorrow. I am sure that even after a brief meeting with her, the other concubines will avoid bold actions," I said.

Both Markuol and Marsiel's faces lit up, and they looked at each other and smiled. The smiles on their faces showed the value they placed on their mother. Although I was not entirely sure of their loyalty, I had to take this risk for Emilia’s recovery.

"Your Excellency, I will arrange the meeting with my mother immediately" Markuol said, indicating that he would take action right away. "My sister and I are grateful to you" he added.

I nodded slightly and said, "Good, then let me tell you the remaining part of the agreement." My words created a worried atmosphere among the twins, and they listened anxiously as I spoke.

"Firstly, Markuol, I don’t need your power right now, but I might soon." In fact, I'll never need your power, but you don't need to know that. After all, those who feel unnecessary somewhere are the ones who betray the most.

"But Marsiel, I need your power" I said, which was true. Marsiel looked at me shyly.

"Would you be able to heal someone on the verge of death if I asked you to?" I asked.

Marsiel was surprised by my words but then lowered her head and thought for a while. "I'm not sure. But I don't think I can heal someone on the verge of death..." she said.

Marsiel's quietly spoken words made me pause for a moment. My need for her power was undeniable, but was this power strong enough to bring Emilia back? This uncertainty could be a major obstacle in my plans. Still, I had to take this risk.

Bowing my head, I answered in a calm but determined tone, "Let’s assume that I keep this dying person in a frozen state. Would this help you?"

Marsiel's eyes brightened for a moment. "I think that would help in using my ability. I can only use my ability very little in a day, and if there is a chance to heal slowly, it could manage but it... Still, there is a possibility of no recovery" she said, with a hint of sadness in her final words.

"That's fine. Just try. So, after you meet with your mother tomorrow, I will take you to the person I want you to heal" I said.

A glimmer of hope appeared in Marsiel's eyes, but she was still worried. "Thank you," she said with a slightly trembling voice. "I will try. If I can help this way, I will do my best."

Markuol also nodded to show his support for Marsiel. "Your Excellency, My sister will always do her best, and I will be there whenever you need me" he said in a reassuring tone.

"Arrange a time for the meeting tomorrow," I said, to clarify the plans. "During the meeting, I will assess your mother's condition and make the necessary arrangements for Marsiel to use her ability."

Marsiel and Markuol nodded and expressed their gratitude. Markuol said, "I will arrange the meeting with my mother immediately," indicating he would act right away. "My sister and I are grateful to you."

"Good," I said. "After the meeting with your mother, we will go there with Marsiel." 

Markuol looked at Marsiel with a worried expression."Wait, Your Excellency. Will you be going alone with Marsiel?" he asked.

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?" I replied.

Marsiel and Markuol looked at each other for a moment, and I could see they were communicating with their eyes. Marsiel tugged at the robe Markuol was wearing. I couldn’t tell whether Markuol was against Marsiel coming with me or if he was trying to convince her to come alone with me, but an inner voice told me that he didn't want to leave Marsiel alone with me.

"Your Excellency, I’m sorry, but Marsiel and I have been together since childhood, and she can’t go to a place alone without me. Don’t misunderstand! This doesn’t mean we don’t trust you... It’s just that Marsiel is a bit shy" Markuol said.

Marsiel remained silent with her arms crossed and a sullen expression. From her body language, I realized that Markuol's statement was not entirely true. In fact, Markuol did not want to leave Marsiel alone with me. I could roughly guess the reason for this.

"Well, you can come with us, but let me say in advance, you cannot enter or see the room where the person Marsiel will heal is located. Only Marsiel and I will be in that room" I said. After all, I cannot allow him to see Emilia. Allowing Marsiel to see her is also a significant risk, but I have already taken that risk.

Markuol looked at his sister for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, Your Excellency. I understand. I need to go inform my mother about the meeting you will have tomorrow." Marsiel nodded silently, confirming her brother's words.

"You may go," I said, and they both bowed respectfully before leaving the room.

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