The Tomboy of Digidestined

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Everyone walked into the colosseum, and saw it was really big and had what looked like a big screen monitor on the wall. And on each end of the colosseum, there was a soccer net.

"Wow, look at this place!" Takeru yelled, as he ran around to take a look, Patamon close behind him.

"Wow, imagine playing soccer in this place," Sora said with a smile, as she looked around.

"Hey, is anyone up for a game?" Sakuya asked with a grin.

"I found a ball!" Takeru yelled, as he kicked the ball over to them.

"That sounds great. The human team vs the Digimon team," Yamato said with a smile.

"How do you play?" Biyomon asked curiously.

"Basically, you have to get the ball into our net, while stopping us from getting it in yours at the sametime," Koushiro said, keeping it simple.

"You can only use your feet, and only the one guarding the net can use their hands," Sora explained, as she juggles the ball a bit on her knee.

This sent the ball flying and Palmon caught it.

"Nice catch. The goalie can touch the ball, so you should be your team's goalie," Sora said to Palmon.

Palmon nodded at this, and tossed the ball, which flew towards Taichi.

Taichi just kicked the ball hard, and sent it flying into the stands.

"Hey, what's your deal?" Sakuya asked with a scowl.

"Yeah, we're wanting to have some fun," Jo said with a nod.

"We don't have time for this. We need to focus on Etemon, and beating him!" Taichi yelled at the team.

"All work and no play makes Taichi a dull boy," Sora said with a scowl.

"Yeah, you have been acting like a jerk, since you got your crest," Yamato said with an annoyed look.

"Yeah, you don't see her being a jerk," Mimi said with a pout, pointing at Sakuya.

"Well, she's not the leader!" Taichi yelled, getting annoyed.

This got silence from everyone, who just looked at Taichi.

"Maybe she should be the leader," Jo grumbled to himself.

"A sound possibility," Koushiro mused, as he thought to himself.

"Yeah, she isn't acting like a jerk," Mimi said, with an annoyed look at Taichi.

"Pass!" Sakuya yelled out, as she made an x motion with her arms, and shook her head.

Sora shook her head at this, as she figured Sakuya would pass on being leader.

Taichi sighed slightly in relief at this, glad to hear Sakuya say this.

"Why don't you want to be leader sensei?" Takeru asked curiously.

"Probably because she's lazy," Yamato said as he scoffed, with his arms crossed.

"It's not that, bird nest hair," Sakuya said, as she rolled her eyes at this, while some of the others laughed at her crack at Yamato's hair.

"Let me guess, you feel you do better as support?" Sora asked curiously.

"Bingo cuz. I like to help people, not lead them. Though don't get it twisted, cause if I have to lead, I will. But I would prefer if captain buzzkill got that stick out of his as—" Sakuya was saying, before she was cut off as Sora slapped her on the back of the head.

"Oi, watch it with the language around Takeru," Yamato said firmly, as he glared at Sakuya.

"Yeah, good luck with that bird nest," Impmon said with a snicker.

Suddenly the giant monitor on the wall turned on, showing Etemon.

"Sorry for the wait, you brats, but the king of rock and roll is here! uh huh huh uh huh huh," Etamon said with a grin.

"Dang it, he found us before I could claw my ears off," Sakuya said with a flat tone.

This got laughs from some of the others, even Yamato whose mouth was twitching, as he tried to hide a smile.

This caused Etemon to face plant, with his leg twitching on the screen, before he shot back to his feet. "That's it! I'm gonna destroy you kids, for good this time!" he yelled, as he pressed a button on a console.

This caused the wall nearby to explode, as what looked like a Greymon wearing a black collar stomped his way into the arena and roared

"Hey Agumon, is that a cousin of yours?" Sakuya asked.

"Nah, it's probably his girlfriend," Impmon said with a snicker.

"Whatever it is, we're gonna teach it a lesson, and then we're gonna go after you, banana breath!" Taichi yelled with a grin, as he held out his digivice.

"Agumon digivolve to… Greymon!"

"Everyone take cover!" Yamato yelled to the others, who quickly ran to one of the soccer goals.

Which suddenly slammed on them, trapping everyone but Sakuya and Impmon inside, leaving them outside with Taichi and Greymon, along with the evil Greymon.

"Goal! I scored me 6 of you brats!" Etemon yelled, as he laughed like a monkey.

"Let my friends out, before I get annoyed, you hack!" Sakuya yelled.

"Yeah, I heard dying cats sing better than you!" Impmon yelled with a grin.

Etemon's eyebrow twitched in annoyance at this, as Greymon started to fight the evil Greymon.

Greymon tried to use Nova Blast but he only burped, before the evil Greymon slammed his tail into his face, before he tackled him, sending him to the ground.

"Why is Greymon so weak?" Takeru asked curiously.

"Probably because he ate too much, even after we took all our food back," Yamato said with a scowl.

"Nice job moron!" Impmon yelled at Taichi, who scowled at this, as he gripped his crest in frustration.

"No! I refuse to lose. Greymon, we need to win. I refuse to lose to this guy! Now digivolve, and finish this poser and his master!" Taichi yelled at Greymon.

This caused Taichi's crest to glow with a dark aura, before it shot a beam of dark light at Greymon.

"Greymon digivolve to… SkullGreymon!"

The new Digimon was made completely of bones, with what looked like a rocket on his back.

"Oh jeez, this can't be good," Sakuya said, as he and Impmon backed off a bit.

"Let him have it!" Taichi yelled, as he pointed at the evil Greymon.

SkullGreymon roared at this, and slapped the Greymon away, making him slam into the wall, making it crack.

"Oh jeez," Sakuya said, as he winced at this.

"You think that's bad. The others are gone," Impmon said, as he pointed at the soccer net cage, which was now empty.

"What?! What did you do, you baboon freak?!" Sakuya yelled at Etemon's screen.

"Wait, they got out?!" Etemon yelled out in annoyance.

"Oi," Sakuya and Impmon said with a groan, as they slapped their foreheads.

"Sakuya!" Sora yelled, getting their attention, making Sakuya and Impmon look over, and saw the others running over to them.

"How did you all get out?" Impmon asked curiously.

"Jo's crest showed us a secret way out," Mimi said with a smile, as Jo held up his tag, which indeed had a crest.

"Woah! What the heck is that?" Takeru yelled, as he pointed at SkullGreymon.

"Oh, that's Taichi's Greymon digivolved, no big deal," Sakuya said, with a wave of her hand.

"That's Agumon? Wow," Yamato said, as they all watched SkullGreymon.

SkullGreymon roared, as he charged at the helpless evil Greymon, and grabbed him with his claw, before he threw him at the giant screen.

"Hey! I just upgraded that, you miserable bag of bones!" Etemon yelled, as the screen cracked and sparked.

SkullGreymon then aimed his back missile at the screen.

"Taichi! Call him off, his opponent can't even fight back!" Sakuya yelled at Taichi.

Taichi nodded at this. "Don't do it!" he yelled at SkullGreymon.

But the Digimon ignored Taichi and fired the missile, which struck the screen and obliterated it, along with the evil Greymon.

Everyone gasped at this, finding this way too extreme against a helpless opponent.

Impmon watched this, his eyes widened in surprise, before he yelled in pain and grabbed his head, as flashes of images appeared in his head.

A demonic monster on a motorcycle with twin guns, laughing evilly, as he beat up some Digimon, while some teens nearby were glaring at him.

"Impmon! Are you ok?" Palmon yelled, as she ran to Impmon.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Impmon said, as he held his head.

SkullGreymon roared loudly, as he fired more missiles at the colosseum walls.

"We need to stop him, before any of us get hurt," Sora said.

Taichi watched this with a look of shock, as his friend went on a rampage.

"I-I didn't want this," Taichi said, as he shook a little.

SkullGreymon ran through the wall, and ran into the desert.

"We need to go after him!" Sakuya yelled at the others.

Everyone nodded in agreement at this, and followed Sakuya, who grabbed Taichi.

"Come on! We need to stop this, before it gets worse!" Sakuya yelled at Taichi, as she dragged him along.

Taichi quickly shook his head at this, and followed them out of the colosseum.

They all saw SkullGreymon running into the desert, before he stopped as black smoke came off him, and he started to glow yellow, before he shrunk down.

"Oh thanks goodness, he's out of power," Biyomon said, as she flew next to Sora.

Everyone ran over to where SkullGreymon shrunk down, and saw where he once was, was now a Koromon.

"Koromon!" Taichi yelled, as he ran over to his friend and picked him up.

"Wow, he is back to how he was when we first met him," Yamato said.

"I can only assume it's because the next level of digivolution is so strong, it drains him a lot more, hence being in a weaker form," Koushiro said, as he looked at Koromon curiously.

"Or Taichi being a moron made him weaker," Sakuya said with a pointed look at Taichi.

"I know, I know. I didn't want this! Please Koromon, at least tell me your OK!" Taichi said, as he hugged his friend.

"Uh Taichi, I'm fine. What happened?" Koromon asked curiously.

"You digivolved, but I'm gonna guess not in the way you're supposed to," Sora said, as she approached them.

"Yeah. I'm gonna guess wanting to cause pain or being reckless doesn't have a good effect on our partners," Sakuya said, as she thought about this.

"Well, at least none of us was hurt," Yamato said, trying to put everyone at ease.

"Hope that you learned something Taichi," Sora said firmly, but not in a condescending way, knowing she should support Taichi, not tear him down.

Taichi nodded at this, as he hugged Koromon close.

"Ok, we should get out of here, before banana breath shows up for round two," Sora said after she nodded and looked at the group.

"Technically, it would be round three," Takeru said helpfully.

"Him making us de-digivolve isn't a fight, it's being a punk ass bully," Sakuya said with a scoff, as everyone started walking.

Impmon was silent as they walked, trying not to think about what he saw in his head, after he saw SkullGreymon's rampage.

"Hey, you ok?" Palmon asked curiously.

"Y-yeah. I'll be ok, flower child," Impmon said as he nodded.

Palmon nodded at this, but frowned as she wasn't sure if Impmon was telling the truth.

As the group walked, they didn't notice Guilmon watching them from a hill of sand nearby.

"Wish I could have helped them a bit. I wish Izumon was here, so I could have," Guilmon said with a pout.

"Don't worry, you did enough for now," a voice said behind him, making Guilmon turn around to see a hologram of Gennai.

"Gramp!" Guilmon said with a happy smile, as his tail wagged, before he tried to hug the hologram, causing him to fall over.

Gennai chuckled at this. "It's good to see you, Guilmon. But I'm not here to catch up," he said.

"Ah, you need my help?" Guilmon asked, as he got up and dusted the sand off.

"Indeed I do. Myotismon is making moves to go to the human world," Gennai said with a nod.

"Human world? Is he after Izumon?!" Guilmon yelled, before his eyes slitted and he started to growl.

"Now now, no need to get mad. I have a plan to help the Digidestined if he gets there… and you know it's Izuru," Gennai said with a chuckle, at the red lizard's name for his partner.

Guilmon chuckled at this, as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, as Gennai made a portal, which he walked through before it closed behind him.

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