The unwanted love

Chapter 55: 55.who is she?

That girl is still in hyunjoong's house ...

why she is still here?".....

then i saw hyunjoong come to her & give her some coffee.....


they have any relations????

she is his fan, only because of that hyunjoong giving her so good treatment, really , hyunjoong is really like that , its a breaking newsπŸ™‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

but who gonna believe on me!!!😞😞😞

my vision is .....

i need spy for this breaking

then money money😳😳 😁😁😁😁😁

wait but after looking that girl i don't feel her as fan...

if she is hyunjoong's girlfriend😨😨😨😌😌😁😁😁😁😏😏😏

my employee his girlfriend 😁😁😁😁😁

i gonna super rich...

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