The Vice Captain of the WhiteBeard Pirates

Chapter 215: A Random Attack

My attack immediately blew off the shockwaves of the explosion followed by the actual explosion.

Matter of fact, the attack just cleared everything that was in front of it. It was like wiping dirt off a table, nothing was left in front of me. All that was left after the attack was nothing more than the desolate smoke created from the attack, and the dying figure of Kaidou who laid right in front of me.

I say dying because the man's torso looked almost severed. Sensing the endless vitality coming out of him, I could tell that he'd be able to survive from this, but it would take quite some time for him to recover.

I stared at him for a while before strapping my axe on my back. 

"If he doesn't win this war, it's on him," I muttered softly as I slowly grew my wings before flying away.

From a distance, I could already hear the panicked voices of King and Queen as they immediately tried to attend to Kaidou's wounds. At this point, I might as well start calling him a cockroach, from how he keeps on surviving from these battles with me.

I had already planned on going back to Whitebeard's location, but I wanted to pay Oden one more visit before I left. Maybe drop a hint or two on what I did, so I was already flying in the direction of the capital.

Soon, I was able to see the manor in which Oden and his family had lived in.

Landing inside the field, I was surprised to find that it had been eerily quiet throughout the entire compound. I didn't even sense Oden's retainers nearby, which further raised my suspicions on the matter.

I slowly walked towards the doors before opening them. The torches were still on, meaning that they had been in the house before hand, but I still wasn't able to find anyone roaming about.

Expanding my Observation Haki to cover the entire manor. I finally managed to find where Toki and the kids were currently at. Oden was nowhere to be found at the moment, but I was going to ask Toki about that later on. 

Walking into the room where I had sensed Toki, I found her holding the two slumbering children as she sat on the floor. Her expression was serene, but that serenity immediately shifted the moment she heard me walk in.

"Boris! What are you doing here?" Toki yelped.

"I'm here to see your husband, do you have any idea where he is?" 

"He's out right now, probably in the capital dancing about. He won't be back until later on tonight," Toki responded.

Looking around, the soft ambience that the candles and torches gave made a comfortable atmosphere within the house. After running and fighting for so long, I was beginning to feel a bit sleepy. However, now wasn't the time for that.

"Tell Oden, that if he really wants to follow through with this. I've aided him all I can," I responded before leaving the manor.

High in the sky, I immediately spread my Observation Haki to sense anything in the nearby distance. I already had a rough picture of where Whitebeard was, but getting to the specifics was going to be a bit of a challenge.

The stormy clouds that were plaguing the borders of Wano raged on with their usual intensity. I was about to rise above the clouds when I immediately felt a strange presences roaming about nearby. The presences were humongous, I couldn't even see where the top was, and the bottom of the presences were submerged within the sea.

"What the fu-"

A gigantic spear immediately appeared right in front of me. I didn't have time to dodge the spear, so I could only grab my axe and summon Conqueror's Haki and lightning to the axe.


I immediately swept my axe upwards, the spear immediately flew up in the direction the attack had gone to. The giant spearman immediately stepped back as it tried to regain its balance. On the other hand, the other giant figures immediately swiped down a gigantic blade right at me.

I raised my axe to block the attack, but the strength of the attack was surreal. It immediately sent me flying down and crashing on some tiny island that had happened to be nearby.

The island crumbled as it slowly began to sink. I still couldn't see the figures properly because of the storm, and it only made it worse that my Observation Haki still detected how huge these presences were. 

"What the fuck?! Who are you?!!" I roared at the figures. However, no reply came from these figures. 

Lightning struck, and I could finally see the figures' shadows a little bit better. It looked like they had wings on their backs, and they had also had a humanoid form as well. 

"Fine! Since you don't want to answer....." I immediately grew into my draconic form.

My two heads grew from my shoulders as I spread my wings and let out a huge roar. The already stormy weather got even worse as I completed my form.

All three heads of mine immediately opened their mouths as I summoned a huge energy blast. 

The two gigantic figures immediately began approaching me with their weapons ready. 

I immediately let out the blast soon after. The three energy blasts converging together to form a singular beam that was thrice the size of the individual blasts. 

The figures immediately raised their weapons, almost as if they were about to attack the energy blast itself, and right before they did; lightning flashed before the presences of the gigantic figures vanished right in front of me.

The energy blast kept going into the horizon. Leaving me completely stunned at the events that had just transpired.

I immediately started flapping my wings as all three of my heads looked around for the figures. There weren't any signs of them, it was like they had vanished into thin air.

'Am I dreaming?'


The presences of these figures felt very real to me. It almost reminded me of him, but it was different.....completely different.

I scoured my brain as I tried to remember where this kind of thing had happened before. Their shadows were familiar for some reason, but I couldn't put my mind to it.

Giving up for the moment, I let out a roar before flying towards the closest island where I could get some rest. My mind was still racing from all the events that had transpired.

Landing on a small island nearby, I reverted back into my human form before I plopped myself on the ground. I calmed my rapid heartbeat after taking some deep breathes, it was always something new whenever it came to the One Piece world, but it never ceased to amaze me.

I thought about all the events that had happened in One Piece, eventually, narrowing down something that had happened to be similar to an episode that had happened back when Luffy and the crew had happened to be on their way to Skypiea.

"Wait.....aren't they supposed to be appearing on Paradise? Why were they here?!" I realized, that was the only time that I had actually seen these figures before.

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