Chapter 70: Chapter 69: A surprise went wrong
Should I tell you the truth, Wen Wen? This fear you have, I could understand too. I too fear losing you and the twins to her. Xue Ting thought to herself as Qiu Wen tried to calm down when the rain came back to a drizzle.
"Wen Wen, I think you should know something…" She said as Qiu Wen looked up at the sky and held her hand.
"Let's head to the car first!" He urged without noticing the change in Xue Ting's look. Before she knew they were already on the way to the car.
"You were saying?" He asked as they settled down in the car.
Xue Ting met his curious gaze and suddenly shuddered at the move she was about to make as she shrugged her courage away.
"Nothing. It's fine. Let's head home." She smiled as he began to drive them home while Xue Ting wondered when would she ever have the courage again to tell him.
I'm sorry, Wen Wen… She thought to herself as she blinked away her welling tears.
She went to May's gallery on her off day but sat staring on a blank canvas for a long time. May felt something was not right as she shook Xue Ting.
"Hey, what's wrong?" May asked when she realised Xue Ting was motionless.
"May, my six months is coming to an end soon…" Xue Ting met May's gaze who held her hand. "I don't want to leave him. But I can't stay. I need to keep the twins safe…" She explained as May gently patted her hand.
"Have you found a suitable house?" May asked as Xue Ting sighed. "I'm still looking…" Xue Ting rubbed her forehead.
"Ting Ting, why not find one near my place. If there's anything I could still look after them. Besides, it's gated. The entire Tang family would definitely not be able to harass you or the twins not even Ryan." May suggested as Xue Ting chuckled a little.
"What? Did I say wrong? Aren't you wanting to leave him?" May asked confused.
"I don't really intend to leave him entirely but I need to find a solution to the twins safe housing only. I could still date him…" Xue Ting's last sentence trailed into a mumble as May smirked at her.
"Not bad… Looks like you finally found true love… but Ting Ting, you know the pros and cons yourself very well. I would suggest if you can, finding a way to discuss this with him. Besides, he is the father of the twins. Now, don't deny it. I know this cause when Qiu Yeh found out. I know you had your reasons for being ambiguous with me." May advised as Xue Ting sighed, hugging her best friend.
"Recently, Grandma decided to transfer the shop lot opposite Jang's Cove to my name but it would only be after the family had gone through the will. I felt bad about that." Xue Ting explained as she let go of May who patted her hand.
"My friend… You deserve that much as her granddaughter-in-law. Besides, just take that it's for the twins." May comforted her as Xue Ting smiled. "Perhaps, also find time to tell him the truth, Ting Ting. That would sort out a lot of things." May said leaving Xue Ting pondering back on that night as she nodded before keeping herself busy with house hunting thereafter.
During midweek, Grandma then gave her a call after not hearing from her for a while. "My dear granddaughter, what have you been up to? Why haven't you contacted me?"
"Grandma, sorry, there had been several events to attend to. I will try to make time for you soon." Xue Ting lied while visiting a house that she was very fond of.
"In fact, yes you need to make time to come and discuss with me and your mother-in-law about throwing Qiu Wen a surprise birthday celebration. Come over tomorrow if possible. Make sure he doesn't know." Grandma instructed as Xue Ting was caught by surprise at her request.
"Alright, I will come by tomorrow Grandma." She said before hanging up while wondering what was Grandma's motive in trying to get her closer to Mrs. Tang.
For the past week, she had been so busy juggling house hunting while planning with Grandma and Mrs. Tang for Qiu Wen's surprise birthday party that she rarely spoke much to Qiu Wen or the twins as by the time she got home or woke up the house was empty. They had ensured she got enough rest due to her late nights that they did not wake her so early.
With all the preparation and invitation in place, Xue Ting told the twins about the plan while Mrs. Tang had called Qiu Wen for a family gathering on that day. It upset him a little but after a few coaxing, Xue Ting managed to convince him to attend since it was not in the family house.
She picked a champagne one-sleeve maxi dress to pair with her stripe heels on the day itself. However, the twins were caught in front of the main door before they could rush in.
"Hey! What are the both of you doing here?" Qui Wen asked feeling suspicious and surprised. The twins were trying to cover up for being caught but frantically failed.
"They are having another event here." Xue Ting tried to cover up as she snuggled up to his arm. "We should go in."
"Yes... We wanted to drop by to wish you a happy birthday, knowing your celebration is here, Daddy." Joy said awkwardly.
He slid his arm away from Xue Ting. "Wait a minute, speaking of which. You have been very busy for the past week with Grandma and my mother. What have you been up to with them?"
"Oh, that's just grandma actually..." Xue Ting tried her very best to cover up as it was the last moment before he spoiled his surprise.
"You two should leave for your event." Xue Ting signaled the twins to leave as she tried to distract Qiu Wen.
As the twins left silently, Qiu Wen began to feel suspicious as the twins' actions just were not believable.
"Sicily, what is going on? Come on, spoil the beans. Stop pulling my leg!" Qiu Wen addressed her English name which meant he was serious and angry at the same time. It was agitating Xue Ting too.
"I'm not pulling your leg… It's just an ordinary family dinner because of your birthday. Why aren't you..." Qiu Wen rolled his eyes in disbelief as she continued putting on her act and he doubted her even more knowing that something special was in place.
Grandma was pacing restlessly looking at the clock and hoping Xue Ting would bring him to the venue in a success. She paced closer to the door and heard a commotion. She opened the door slightly and heard Qiu Wen arguing with Xue Ting. It made her upset knowing that all of Xue Ting's hard work was going to be wasted.
"Knowing my family, there is bound to be an occasion or even a surprise in there! You do know I dislike such parties as I've told you from the beginning of the contract! Mind you, you're just in an open marriage contract with me! Remember your status! You're not in a position to even have a say in anything!" Qiu Wen was blowing on top of his temper as Xue Ting struggled to control her temper and disappointment.
She could not understand how a birthday surprise could inflict a huge impact on him as such when it was just a simple gesture.
Was I being too wishful? He's right. It's all an act. It's just a contractual open marriage like he said. What were you thinking Xue Ting?!
Xue Ting kept repeating the last line to herself in mind as she stared in anger at Qiu Wen before letting her tears fall as she turned to the stairs and ran away.
Qiu Wen realised he made a huge mistake but was too furious to chase her. Xue Ting regretted wearing her four-inch heels and running down the stairs as her tears began to blur her vision, she slipped off a step but managed to grab hold of the handle as she stabilise and continued to run off. Qiu Wen watched her slip as he was half worried and began to chase her.
"Tang Qiu Wen!" Grandma screamed in anger but behind her everyone stopped midway and started to sing him his birthday song as a birthday cake was coming through towards him.
Apparently, the whole crowd had mistaken the whole incident as he stood by the main door stunned while Grandma being quick-witted, calmed down a little before making way for the cake to reach him.
He saw the twins in the crowd and instantly Xue Ting crossed his mind, making him feel guilty.
"Where is Sicily?" His mum asked.
"She erm... " He stuttered awhile as he eyed the twins in the background.
"Qiu Wen?" Grandma asked again.
"She had something urgent to attend to. I was about to fetch her..." He tried to get a hold of himself and found it weird that his mother was suddenly concerned about someone she was never fond of.
"Looks like the party planner couldn't make it in the end." His mother sighed with a hint of sarcasm as her statement made him feel even worse.
"Blow the candles!" Dan called out.
"Yea blow the candle first!" Another guest supported the idea as he did and everyone gave him an applause.
Grandma instantly pulled him to an end while the rest of the guests began to mingle. While at it, he signaled the twins to come over before he trailed his Grandma.
"Can you run after your mother? I'm sure she is still around. Call her till you find her. I will come to fetch you all." The twins nodded as they instantly went off while Grandma began to nag at him.
"Are you very happy now, boy?!" Grandma for a long time raised her voice at him and he knew she was very furious.
"If you think blaming her anyhow for all the effort she had put in makes you happy, then you're not my grandson!" Grandma growled at him.
"I'm sorry grandma… I just thought Mum was putting in all the tricks on me again. You know how much I dislike surprises especially not from her."
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to! Your mother was also dragged into this by me. If you don't bring Ting Ting to attend the party tonight, don't call me Grandma again!" Grandma was so furious that she stormed off leaving Qiu Wen feeling even more remorseful.