Chapter 75: Chapter 74: Protecting my family
Qiu Wen was skeptical about leaving the next morning but with the CCTV monitoring system being able to track at his fingertips, he forced himself to leave hoping to catch the culprit in action. As he reluctantly hugged the twins and left, Xue Ting was swift with her actions thereafter.
"Let's move to the house I promised you both today. Start packing." She instructed which sent them both a little taken aback.
"Mummy what? Moving? What do you mean?" Joy asked shockingly.
"Why the sudden rush? Was it because the ambush was by Daddy's mother?" Matthew asked while lifting Brisbane into his arms.
Xue Ting sighed and nodded. "Does daddy know about all these…" Joy asked worriedly as she held Xue Ting's hand.
Xue Ting shook her head. "Let's pack first and move over. Whatever that's left you can always return to collect them. What's important is for both of you to settle down there as quickly as possible. After all, this house still belongs to the Tangs. I don't want them to be associated with you both in any way." Xue Ting explained as the twins nodded understandingly before rushing to pack their necessities leaving Xue Ting to call May.
"Sweetie! What makes you call me today? Is it a day of fun?" May chirped over the phone as Xue Ting smiled tempted to invite her for a drinking session.
"I wish we could have fun drinking. I'm informing you that I'm moving the twins to our new place. Since it's nearby you, I thought you might want to drop by sometime." Xue Ting said as May gasped.
"Are you divorcing? Is the contract's time up? Why the sudden move?" May questioned shockingly.
"The recent ambush is a result of prolonging the contract when it is about to end. I'm just dissociating the twins from the Tangs that's all." Xue Ting explained.
"Does Ryan know or Xavier?" May question worriedly. "No, they don't. I will find time to tell Qiu Wen when he returns from the so-called family trip to the Wei's private island." Xue Ting assured her.
"Alright, then sweetie. Take care. Send me the address. I will drop by for the fun when I'm free." May said before the ladies hung up and Xue Ting continued to pack after sending May the address that all of them had forgotten to keep check on their phones till they reached the new place late afternoon.
Qiu Wen had been feeling very restless and uneasy during the entire flight so when they just landed, he instantly checked on the CCTV footage. Jia Yi was by his side when he saw the shifting of boxes footage. He began to panic but forced himself to calm down as he tried to call every single one of their mobile but to no avail.
"Jia Yi, stay here and monitor the situation. I'm heading back to sort the matter out." Qiu Wen turned with his luggage without second thought as Jia Yi could only oblige to his instructions.
The four-hour flight back to Wai Tao was cruel for Qiu Wen to endure as he forced himself to stay calm else his panic attack would only delay the flight longer and get unnecessary press attention after that. He headed back home to a quiet, almost vacant house if not for the bulky furniture as he frantically went into each of the twins' rooms to find them all packed to their original state. Qiu Wen crumbled inside him as he slid down to the ground trying not to think they had all left him.
Think. Think where could they have gone. It's impossible they would leave like this… May… The restaurant. Yes, she should be at work. Qiu Wen convinced himself to stand back up and rush to the restaurant only to be informed that she was on a break for a week due to moving house and heading to her hometown.
Macy finds it strange that Qiu Wen was not aware of it as she immediately gave Xue Ting a call but no one was picking up. She then sent a text to her instead.
Xue Ting, the twins, and Brisbane had been busy unpacking and cleaning up the new apartment as it began to rain heavily outside. Xue Ting took a moment by the balcony and enjoyed the sight of the rain as her chaotic mind searched for ways to tell Qiu Wen. Only then did she remember her phone. Its' battery was dead so she left it to be charged before continued unpacking.
Qiu Wen was at close to his breaking point when he arrived at May's gallery. It was close to closing time and she was locking up right when she found Qiu Wen kneeling in front of her.
May gasped in surprise. "What on earth are you doing here?! You scared me for a moment!"
"May, please tell me where my wife and kids are?" Qiu Wen pleaded desperately as May became composed while folding her arms with a plan to demand justice for Xue Ting
"After all that you have done, if you put yourself in her shoes, would you dare to ask for forgiveness?" May questioned as Qiu Wen looked away.
"Do you know how much had she gone through? Do you know how painful it was to see her trying to hide her pain each time? First, it was her yet I let you go since it was a misunderstanding during the party but now it involves the twins… She would kill just to protect them." May squatted in front of him.
"So, why do you think I should let you know?" She vented before standing trying to walk away.
"May, I know I have been a horrible husband and father. I know I should have just walked away from my mother. I have known she was all behind the mishaps. I promise you I will fight my way out of her and protect my family…" He pleaded halfway before May got furious.
"How many times exactly have you said that?! How many times did you exactly do it?!" May yelled which sent Qiu Wen into tears.
"Going against my mother is not easy. I have my ways and am sure you should have come to know a thing or two since working with Qiu Yeh. So, trust me. I will promise you this with my life that I will protect all of them." Qiu Wen's conviction moved May a little but she still walked ahead into her office leaving Qiu Wen devastated at his failure.
However, moments later, May returned and threw the address she wrote on a sticky note at him. "I don't want to hear another excuse or I will personally claim your life if anything goes wrong." May warned as she locked up her gallery while Qiu Wen dashed back to his car and drove in the rain to the address.
By the time he parked, it was very late as he checked the time. Noticing how well the place was guarded, he decided to wait till morning instead to meet them and slept in the car.
That night May was restless as she knew she had stirred trouble for Xue Ting who was still struggling with ways to explain to Qiu Wen. To make herself feel better and able to get some sleep, she decided to update the twins about Qiu Wen knowing where they lived.
Xue Ting, on the other hand, had been pacing on the balcony the whole night cracking her brain on ways to explain to Qiu Wen and her situation.
How am I to tell him about this move? Oh, sorry we had to cause of your mother. That would only make things worse for them. Lie to him again? She shook her head.
No, no, no… I cannot afford to hide another secret… Sigh… I don't want to lose you, Wen Wen. What should I do? She lay on the long beach bench the twins bought for the new house impromptu on the way there before eventually falling asleep while watching the rain and thinking.
The next morning as the twins woke to the message from May, they discreetly sneaked out of the house and went downstairs in search of Qiu Wen's car when they saw Xue Ting was busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast for them. Fortunately for the twins, it was loud when it rained so Xue Ting did not hear the door closed alarm.
"Xin Xin, do you think Daddy would still be around?" Joy asked worriedly as Matthew stopped track when he saw a familiar car plate number.
"There…" He pointed to their dad's car as Joy almost ran towards it under the rain when Matthew pulled her back and walked with her under the umbrella.
She frantically knocked on Qiu Wen's window sending him awake in a panic only to realise it was his twins standing outside. He quickly opened the door and stepped outside. As he embraced them both and stood under the umbrella with them, he felt a huge rush of relief overflowing him.
"We're sorry Daddy. Don't blame mummy. She had been unable to sleep thinking of ways to tell you about this. She is very worried after the ambush and wanted us to move over first…" Joy was interrupted while explaining by Qiu Wen's tightening arms.
"I don't. Where is she? I want to see her. I thought you all left me alone without a word." Matthew sensed the shaky voice in Qiu Wen as he gently tapped Qiu Wen's back.
"We were too busy with the sudden agenda. We didn't get a chance to check our phones till morning and Aunty May told us you would be here. So we came looking for you. We should head in before mummy panics knowing we both were gone." Matthew explained as he nodded in agreement letting Joy lead the way.