Chapter 87: Chapter 86: Bending with the flow, come what may.
"What do you mean?" Xue Ting questioned.
"A cold war would start anytime soon." Qiu Yeh explained.
"Aren't you holding onto the company for your career?" Xue Ting questioned.
"We might not in the end. We are salvaging what we can and use the networks for later." Qiu Yeh explained as Xue Ting blinked in surprise. "Now, quick tell me what's in the plan?" Qiu Yeh chased as Qiu Wen began to explain Xue Ting's ideas.
"Hmm… it's not a bad idea per se. I am amicable with the idea but we also need to consider rejected quality jewelry which is not too bad to be disposed of but not suitable for our high-end product range in HQ due to rushed orders… and like you said not everyone can afford high-quality jewelry too." Qiu Yeh pointed out.
"In that case, can we turn them into spare parts for customised jewelry? But again, how much are they in quantity?" Xue Ting asked.
"Say about 30% of recent production…" Qiu Wen and Xue Ting winced at Qiu Yeh's estimation cause that meant sunken revenues and losses.
"That's quite significant…" Xue Ting mumbled while thinking for a moment.
"Why not transform them into adjustable jewelry and charge lower prices with lower quality but have multiple designs and colors? This should cater to the lower-end market. Leave the high end to the branch business instead? Or you could consider having them marketed at fairs? This really depends on your business strategy and proposition cause it might pull the brand image down if done wrong." Xue Ting suggested as Qiu Yeh gave it a serious thought.
"If I was not planning on leaving, I would definitely agree that it will lower the brand image. However, in our current situation… Well, bend with the flow I guess…" Qiu Yeh concluded as he nodded in agreement.
"But doing all these would only benefit the company which we might leave at the end of the day…" Qiu Wen pointed out.
"That's alright. We can always sell our shares at a higher price at the end. Having said so, let's bring forward the company trip to next week shall we?" Qiu Yeh suggested to Qiu Wen.
"Why? That would only incur more cost." Qiu Wen wanted to protest.
"With so many going on, the mindset of the employees is deteriorating. It's a must spend amount. After all, we need their support while we are still around." Qiu Yeh explained.
"I agree. They do need a booster. In fact, I have heard worrying conversations over performances which would force them to forgo the cohesions due to poor performances." Xue Ting said in support of Qiu Yeh's idea.
"Alright, two against one. Company trip it will be next week then." Qiu Wen concurred in the end.
"Perfect. Meanwhile, get these proposals you mentioned in place, and don't forget my gentle warning…" Qiu Yeh reminded as Qiu Wen nodded meekly leaving Xue Ting wondering the severity of their situation.
"Where are you going to in a hurry?" Xue Ting asked curiously.
"To resolve a volcano eruption at home. The empress had summoned me home cause the ruckus went to complain." Qiu Yeh stood before buckling his blazer as Qiu Wen decided he should do something about it as well.
"Let's head there together. A pair of whimsical duos would definitely bring them down quicker." Qiu Wen suggested and Qiu Yeh agreed.
"See you at home…" Qiu Wen kissed Xue Ting's forehead before leaving as Xue Ting packed to head back to Jang's Cove hoping nothing serious would happen to the duos.
"Auntie Tang, I don't understand why they are so against me in the company! You must help defend me this time!" Francesca whined to Mrs. Tang after telling her the entire incident with Qiu Yeh.
"Oh, don't worry Francesca. There are always ways to deal with them. So it's Qiu Yeh this time round?" Mrs. Tang asked as Francesca nodded.
"Simple. I will just threaten to freeze his assets…" Francesca smiled but quickly frowned again.
"Now, what's wrong again? Stop frowning, it's very bad for your forehead." Mrs. Tang comforted.
"That wife stealer…" Francesca folded her arms and pouted.
"Ah, her… We still have this…" Mrs. Tang flaunted to her the envelope which contained the divorce agreement as the duo smiled when Qiu Yeh could not stand listening to their conversation from the main hall and stepped in with Qiu Wen.
He could guess what document it was but he did not want to hurt his brother so he quickly covered up before the ladies mentioned anything about the divorce agreement.
"So, what is it this time?" Qiu Yeh asked while taking a seat in front of his mother as Qiu Wen stood behind him.
"I hear some bullying in power ongoing… Qiu Yeh, I'm sure you know the consequences…" Mrs. Tang threatened as Qiu Yeh scoffed while Qiu Wen smirked as their predictions came true.
"Mother, don't you think you're jumping to conclusions too fast? Have you seen the sales report for the first quarter?" Qiu Yeh asked politely but Mrs. Tang knew he was at his peak of playing nice yet she did not try to pull back her threat as she continued to sip tea from her cup.
"Fine, if you want to freeze my assets go ahead. If you want to split Ryan and Sicily, go ahead. I will make sure I put you in the board room to answer to all of the shareholders. By then even if the company collapsed, don't think I will come to your rescue." Qiu Yeh sat back and crossed his legs waiting to see whatelse his mother had up on her sleeves.
"Don't worry Auntie Tang, my father will definitely support you," Francesca whispered to Mrs. Tang but it was loud enough for the brother to hear.
"What can he do if I disagree with the divorce? Watch his daughter be a mistress?" Qiu Wen's turn to retaliate as he leaned forward and stared right through Francesca's hopeful gaze.
"Really? Even if you are willing…" Qiu Wen purposely paused for a moment to make her hopes soar higher.
"... I would never. Over my dead body." Qiu Wen said with sarcasm, watching her hopeful face turn sour as Mrs. Tang grimaced at the brothers' harsh treatment.
"Hold it both of you. After all, she is still an employee of our company. It's our responsibility to teach and guide our employees well…" The brothers knew their mother would jump into a lecture so Qiu Yeh quickly interrupted her.
"Fine, if you say so then with the series of bad events recently created by your most valuable sales and marketing director, it had pulled down the rest of the employees' motivation by a lot. So in return, we shall pull forward the company trip and team building to next week." Mrs. Tang was left speechless for a moment by Qiu Yeh but she thought that it was no harm as it was just a cohesion.
A small amount spent would attract bigger wealth, that was Mrs. Tang's belief. Besides, it would be a good chance for her to find Xue Ting and create chaos for her to sign the agreement if later her attempt fails again.
"Alright, proceed then. It would give a better chance for all employees to get to know each other better to work better. Francesca, make good use of building rapport too." Mrs. Tang said as Francesca smiled and nodded.
The brothers glanced at each other wondering how the approval was smooth and could not help but feel something was amidst. However, they could not be bothered anymore as they both returned to the office and got busy with the preparations.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Tang headed over to Qiu Wen's house only to find Matthew and Joy were the only ones in. They were both packing some loose ends to bring over to their new house.
"What are you doing here?" Joy asked feeling uneasy as Matthew held her hand to hold her back at doing anything reckless to Mrs. Tang.
"Why can't I be here? Where's your sister?" Mrs. Tang asked before pushing the door wanting to head in only to have Matthew stop her.
"Not in," Matthew answered which upset Mrs. Tang.
"Rude boy! Here make sure she signs this copy. I will return to pick it up tomorrow." Mrs. Tang demanded as she tossed the envelope on the floor before leaving.
It made Joy so furious that she picked it up and accidentally saw the header printed with divorce agreement title. Joy tossed it back at Mrs. Tang and hit her back which startled her.
"You! Insolent barbaric children! I have had enough of you rude children trying to take advantage of my son and his inheritance! I will make sure you all stripped down to penniless overnight!" Mrs. Tang threatened as Joy did not stop walking forward at Mrs. Tang while pushing her off the pavement.
"Come! Try! I dare you! Your son is very unlucky to have an old witch like you! I will protect him and make sure he is free of you one day!" Joy fought with her which caused Mrs. Tang to nearly slap Joy when Matthew held tightly to Mrs. Tang's hand in midair.
"If you dare to lay your hands on her, I will not hesitate to call in the police." Matthew sternly threatened her and pointed towards the CCTV which frightened Mrs. Tang off-guard as she quickly scurried back into the car furiously.
"You watch it! You good for nothing children! Watch how I tear you down!" She threatened while winding down the car's window..
"Come! I dare you! I will be waiting!" Joy yelled back as the driver drove off.
"Qiu Qiu! Enough!" Matthew scolded Joy who was fuming as he held her back trying to pull her back into the house.
"Do not tell mummy about this. Let's collect our stuff and leave. After all, we aren't staying here anymore… So, stop fighting with such people." Matthew nagged as Joy unsatisfying stomped her feet back into the house.
"Don't let me see her by the roadside, I will surely ensure she goes bald!" Joy yelled before entering the house, leaving Matthew sighing in relief that Xue Ting made the right choice for them to move out to their own house. At least, that would keep the peace Xue Ting had been struggling to maintain intact.