THE WAY OF THE celestial Being

Chapter 7: chapter 7:The One

Prim:Well, Samuel?

Prim looks down upon him with his many eyes,Samuel is shocked and shaken by his true being above him.

Prim:Well, that's enough(I turn back to normal). You should get back to your job.

Samuel:(shakes his head as he gets back together again as he nods and leaves)

Prim:(I do a thinking pose) What should I do now? Hmm.

Hundreds of years later,humans were around the world. Every where Prim decided to come down to earth after all this time.

Prim:yo peeps what's going on?

They all look up at him and go onto their knees.

Random 1th:OH, all great creator

Random 2th:Why come with your divine holy presence to our lowly mortal beings?

Prim:Why? Because uhhhm I need you all to sacrifice to me.

All the world in this land he came to. The land of being able(now dead) gave me animals, but one gave me fruits.

Prim:bluh fruits? You forsaken me!

Zalario:My lord, please, I beg of you.

Prim:uhm(thinking) okay,I won't kill you...

Zalario:(I sigh)

Prim:But you will be punished by never dying forever!!

Zalario:(chains bend my hands as I saw Prim teleporting) Lord....

Later on....

Samuel:big!! Is wrong with you!!!

Prim:Stop,shouting. He didn't give me the necessary sacrifice.

Samuel:For what?!

Prim:(I open a portal letting food in) sacrifice to make me food.

He ate like a pig as Samuel shook his head and facepalm.

A couple of thousand years later, Prim. Saw how people thanks for not seeing him for a time started worshipping God's like odin,Zeus,Poseidon,yahweh and Shiva.

He decided to do what the people call "miracles." he went down to earth in front of a poor village. With his usual ehco voice, he spoke to the creations.

Prim:My creations ,I am the one fragment. The high creator. Prim!

Prim,cured the diseases,healed the blind and made food out of thin air.

1 year later,he had the biggest religion in the world. As he sat on his throne, he had a headache.

Prim:(rubing his head) Damn these prayers too much for even me.(I grumble)

Samuel:Why not turn it off or something

Prim:Or better yet!(I created the first computer 🖥 I saw millions of flies on the computer). Geez

Samuel:(I whistle) damn,that's a lot of prayers.

Prim:Yeah, I know, Sam.(I sigh as I lay back on my throne).

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