Chapter 6: The December 10 Blizzard
Percy Weasley was an outlier in his own family—or at least, that's how Joey saw it. He adored books with an obsessive passion and loved his pet mouse just as fiercely.
Joey, on the other hand, despised all mice, especially Percy's. The little creature was ancient but still managed to scurry about, stealing food at every opportunity.
She had once caught it nibbling on a large piece of Molly's freshly baked birthday cake. To cover up the damage, Molly had decorated the ruined part with a buttercream flower, and Percy had unknowingly eaten the concealed mess. Joey had watched the whole incident unfold with barely concealed amusement.
Winter at Hogwarts was harsh, and today's blizzard was particularly unforgiving. Despite the storm, Gryffindor and Slytherin had a scheduled Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
Joey and Angelina braced themselves against the icy winds, cloaks wrapped tightly around them as they made their way to the classroom. By the time they arrived, the Slytherins were already there, looking as smug as ever.
"Gryffindors really have no concept of punctuality," a Slytherin boy drawled dramatically. "Not that I expected much from people with underdeveloped brains and bodies."
Another Slytherin sneered, holding something aloft. "Even your house rats come crawling to Slytherin for food. Seems like the commoners' rations are running low! Catch your traitor!"
With that, a gray rat was tossed in Joey's direction, its tail pinched tightly between the boy's fingers. She instinctively caught it as it tried to wriggle free.
Her eyes widened. It was Scabbers—Percy's rat, the one missing a toe.
"You stole it? No ambition whatsoever!" Joey fumed, casting a quick Petrificus Totalus on the rat before shoving it into her school bag. She'd deal with it later.
"Thank you, Weasleys, for feeding him so well," a familiar voice chimed in mockingly.
Joey turned to face her old rival, Flami.
Flami smirked and raised an eyebrow. "So, you drew your wand. Are we calling this a duel?"
The Slytherins closed in, forming a semicircle behind her. Gryffindors, though fewer in number, quickly rallied behind Joey, their voices rising in defiance.
"Come on, snakes! Don't just talk—draw your wands!"
"Numbers won't save you!"
Two red spells shot from the Slytherin side, striking two Gryffindors. One boy was suddenly covered in pecking birds, while the other found his mouth sealed shut.
The Gryffindors erupted in outrage. "Cowards! You attacked first!"
Chaos consumed the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Spells flew in every direction as students engaged in their own personal duels, using whatever mischief spells they favored.
Joey and Flami, locked in a bitter feud, soon abandoned their wands and tackled each other. Angelina tried to intervene but was yanked back by another Slytherin girl, who grabbed her hair.
As more Gryffindors rushed into the classroom, they wasted no time joining the fray.
"What's going on?"
"Who knows? Just hex first, ask later!"
Fred and George Weasley arrived late to the scene. Upon witnessing the brawl, Fred instantly spotted Joey in the chaos and charged forward, his fists leaving a trail of Slytherins in his wake.
George whistled. "Impressive."
Fred bulldozed his way through, only to freeze when he saw Joey sitting atop Flami, arms locked around her opponent's, a wicked grin on her face.
"Little girl, you think you can take me?" Joey taunted.
Flami's face was covered in red spots, and tears welled in her eyes. "My father won't let you get away with this!"
Fred hesitated, unsure if he should step in.
George chuckled. "We've got ourselves a warrior!"
Suddenly, a powerful voice thundered across the room: "Expelliarmus!"
Every wand flew towards the front of the room, clattering onto the podium.
The entire room fell silent as Professor Cipla Alfik, the Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor, stood at the front, her face dark with fury.
"Who started this?" she asked coldly.
A Slytherin girl quickly pointed at Joey. "She drew her wand first!"
Fred and George yanked Joey up, though she still looked quite pleased with herself.
Professor Alfik ignored the accusations and repeated, "I asked, who cast the first spell?"
The Slytherins adjusted their uniforms, wearing their usual indifferent expressions. The Gryffindors exchanged nervous glances, their clothes torn and hair disheveled.
With a flick of her wand, Alfik cast a Flashback Charm on all the wands. Each tip replayed the spells cast until one wand revealed the first offensive spell—Avis.
She plucked it from the pile. "Last question—whose wand is this?"
A tall Slytherin boy slowly stood. "It's mine, Professor."
"Twenty points from Slytherin," Alfik said. Then, with a softened tone, "Now, those not in need of the hospital wing, take your seats. Today, we learn the Flashback Charm."
Flami ran out, crying. No one cared.
After class, Professor McGonagall summoned Joey.
Fred started to follow, but George stopped him. "Relax. Joey won. McGonagall won't be too harsh."
McGonagall led Joey to a stone gargoyle and muttered, "Cockroach Cluster."
Joey blinked. "...What?"
The gargoyle moved aside, revealing a spiral staircase. They ascended until reaching a polished wooden door with a brass griffin knocker.
"Come in, dear Minerva," called a voice from inside.
Joey's heart raced. This was the Headmaster's office.
Dumbledore sat at his desk, smiling warmly. "Ladies, have a seat."
Two pink sofas appeared. McGonagall eyed them distastefully but sat down.
Dumbledore chuckled. "So, this young lady won today's fight?"
"Dumbledore!" McGonagall scolded. "She sent Flami to the hospital—again!"
"Oh, yes, not ideal," Dumbledore nodded. "But what a spirited duel for one so new to Hogwarts! Don't you think, Joey?"
Joey puffed out her chest. "Absolutely."
McGonagall sighed. "Snape protested, so we're writing to your parents and deducting fifty points."
Joey groaned. "I just touched my wand!"
"And Flami's still treating a hexed rash." McGonagall smirked. "But winners must act with dignity. The points will return soon."
Joey brightened. As for the letter? Ryan tattled on her all the time anyway. What difference did one more make?
As she left, Dumbledore grinned. "Tell the Weasleys I adore their Cockroach Clusters."
McGonagall sighed—this girl was trouble.
Then she noticed Joey's forgotten bag.
Dumbledore took it, opened it, and froze.
A petrified rat stared back at him in horror.
McGonagall gasped. "Dumbledore! This is—"
Dumbledore's face darkened. "Merlin's beard… The Wizarding World is about to change."