Chapter 308: Meteor Shower [5]
"So, how did you manage that?"
It was the first question that Feng Ziran asked when they started moving. Feng Zhiying chose to stay behind and return to the palace for new orders after promising to keep their actions a secret, so it was only the two of them now.
Atlas was wary of the unknown phoenix, but Feng Ziran assured him that she was like a sister to her. She would not betray them. Continue your adventure with empire
Anyway, Atlas was focused on following the two men who had recently begun their journey back to their main headquarters, so the question confused him.
"Sorry? How did I manage what?"
"You know, those guys. They were attacking you the entire time, but it was as if their attacks didn't exist at all. Everything passed through you without any purpose. I was wondering if it was the effect of some technique."
Atlas' brows raised for a moment before he was able to understand what she was referring to.
Back then, there was a moment that stood out. When he was landing his final blow on the second enemy, the man held his hands out as if he was planning to attack, however, he did nothing at all. He released qi, but it disappeared into thin air.
Atlas had seen it from a distance. The two men were practitioners of the Dao of Illusion. They had been using illusions against Feng Ziran and Feng Zhiying before he ever arrived. Even he was able to see it.
But, when he got close, didn't those illusions disappear?
It was as if they had never been used or created in the first place. As he was in the midst of battle, Atlas didn't question it, but he was now realizing why it was so easy for him to fight against those two.
'My Eyes of One give me a certain immunity to illusions, and Perfect Adaptability does the same. When the two effects compound…'
Essentially, even the "energy" of the Dao of Illusion was unable to touch his body. His immunity was too strong.
Atlas didn't know what to think about this revelation.
'Is this an absolute matter, or does it only apply to weaker enemies?'
He had to find out. Though practitioners of the Dao of Illusion were rare, having a complete immunity to their techniques was a mind-boggling advantage.
Of course, they were still cultivators, so they didn't possess only a single method of fighting. Nevertheless, it was still an extremely significant fact.
'When it comes to illusion formations, I am still able to see the illusion around me, but it becomes intangible.'
Perhaps because of the more permanent nature of a formation, such a thing happened. Feng Ziran's random curiosity showed him something he needed to look into in the future, but as she was still awaiting an answer, he could not delve deeper at this exact moment.
"Let us just say that it is the result of a secret technique," he said, refusing to elaborate more.
Feng Ziran pouted at the lackluster response she received after waiting thirty seconds for an answer, but she didn't pry further. Clearly, Atlas was unwilling to share anything.
Shaking her head, she decided to change the topic.
"How much do you know about the current situation?"
Atlas shrugged. He had been able to learn bits and pieces of information, but nothing with enough significance.
"I only know that this meteor shower is manmade. Other than that, this encounter was my first time seeing the enemy."
He smoothly left out Horus' little group and the theft of the golden arrow, but that wasn't information Feng Ziran didn't need to know.
Blissfully unaware of the fact that she was conversing with a bandit who stole from their clan, Feng Ziran nodded her head and spoke.
"Well, you are correct about that. Our clan is also mostly unaware of the other side's motives or identity, but we are aware of where they are. We have been fighting against them without any knowledge of what they are attempting thus far."
They were fighting solely to fight, hoping that enough death would bring about a change in the situation.
"And, as we keep fighting, the clues will reveal themselves, and we'll be able to stop this."
It was a good enough solution, but Feng Ziran's expression was not a good one.
"Over three hundred thousand people have already been killed by the impacts."
Atlas had not been to a city other than Genvera, which had the complete protection of the Feng Clan. He didn't know the kinds of damages that had been caused.
In but a few hours, several small cities had been destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people had been killed, and for what?
Nobody knew, even at this very moment. It was different from when Warden attacked Vanatos, because that group was very vocal about their motives.
'Too many people have died already.'
Such calamities happened in the past as well, but surely not within the same decade. They happened only a handful of times over the course of a century or even millennia, making it hard to fathom that such events were normal in the Tower.
'No, these events are not normal. This only began after the Blood Moon Phenomenon.'
The number Feng Ziran mentioned was so large that he could barely comprehend it. Instead of thinking about those who died, he was forced to face his attention forward and keep following those two men.
So many people had already been lost, but they were moving so that more wouldn't face the same terrible fate.
Feng Ziran must have sensed his agitation. She started to list the facts that she knew to be true about the situation and told him what the other members of the Feng Clan had been reporting on.
As they had these conversations, they found themselves coming to a stop. The two men they had been trailing were halted in the middle of a plain. Several tens of meters in front of them stood a city wall.
A shattered city wall.
"This is…not how it was supposed to be."
Devin's face crumpled.
"Did they find it too early, or… did something go wrong with 'that thing?'"
Samuel shook his head.
"I don't know, but we have to go in if we want to find healers. Some of them may have survived…"
The two's conversation was incomprehensible without knowing the context behind it, but Atlas and Feng Ziran didn't need much of an explanation.
They also sensed the waves of aura pulsating from the center of that city, and they also saw how the entire city was reduced to rubble.
"This…used to be Gearven. It was a bustling trade center…"
…but it was now a wasteland.
Instead of buildings, it was polluted by rubble. Instead of streets, there were bloody paths of dirt covered in mutilated corpses.
Feng Ziran remembered it as a bustling trade city, but Atlas' first impression of it was that it was ruined.
And the source of this madness, seemingly the source of the aura coming from the center of the city as well, was brought here by the group those two men belonged to?
Now that they'd achieved their purpose and brought Atlas and Feng Ziran to where they wanted to be, there was no need to keep them alive any longer.
Torturing them for information until they decided that death was better than life was absolutely on the table.