Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Of course, mental attacks can also greatly deplete his soul, but compared to the former, mental attacks, he is fully capable of defending!

His power can be used to fend off the enemy, bless himself, and even resurrect himself, but because of this, when using this power to fight the enemy, what is consumed is his own vitality! Just like in a game, he is a profession with no blue bars and only HP. Although he will not really die if he is less than 0, he will also consume HP every time he uses a skill, and resurrection is a skill that consumes a lot of HP at a time. ! Whether the health bar is used to attack or to resurrect is a multiple-choice question for him!

After a powerful move just now, the power of the demon has also dropped greatly, even the protective black mist around the body has faded a lot, and the action power is not as strong as it was at the beginning! But a demon is a demon. It is irrational and crazy. It avoids the weight if it doesn’t understand, and doesn’t know how to escape. Even if its strength is not strong, it still tries to kill by its body!

“Huh! The fight just now hurts! But, you have fully understood the black mist, then, just give you back!” Liang Yiluo laughed, regardless of whether the monster listened to it or not. Understand, the ghost’s eyes were bloodthirsty, and he rushed over!

Although the demon could not understand the meaning of his words, he could feel the contempt in Liang Yi Luo’s laughter, as if he had been humiliated, and was even more crazy! Seeing that the little man in front of him dared to rush towards him straight, his instinct told him that the other party’s body could not have its own strength and run without fancy!

“Peng!” There was a muffled sound, but Liang Yiluo’s fist collided with the head of the demon without fancy. This was a duel of pure strength! The demon felt incredible. Its little wisdom was completely incomprehensible. The villain in front of him was so far from his own body, how could there be such a powerful force? It seemed that I had been insulted, and my anger became even more fierce. I used my whole body strength, pushing my head and sliding away!

Liang Yiluo used the power of the origin to revolve himself, making his punch strike with a hundred times, a thousand times the strength of his own, but it was like crashing into a fast-moving subway, he was the one who stopped the fast-moving train with both hands. people! Two deep marks were drawn on his feet, but his own strength was not as good as this monster!

Liang Yiluo couldn’t push back with all his strength, but Hao was not depressed, on the contrary, he was very satisfied! Using this monster as a blueprint, I finally knew how powerful I was. As for letting myself compare power with a monster, that would be stupid.

Knowing what I wanted, Liang Yilu didn’t hesitate, and grabbed it with one claw. The black mist of the monster’s body was like paper paste, and it was of no use to it. It was torn apart and caught open. There were countless eyes on the head. Most of them were caught in one fell swoop!

At this moment, the monster was unable to calm down, and its eyes seemed to be its weakness. Most of it was destroyed by this one, and it was like a mad dog and began to run around! The trembling sound reverberates in this mountain col!

Liang Yi fell into a grasp, and the small body grabbed one of the legs of the big monster beast nearby, and threw its entire body out like a windmill with all its strength.

With a loud sound of “Boom—”, his body was embedded in the wall, it was a reward for a reward!

If this situation were to be seen by others, they would definitely open their mouths in surprise. Such a terrifying power could be hidden in such a petite body!

However, it is impossible to kill this monster this time, shaking his body, driving the sway of the hill, and still stood up!

“Tsk! I’m tired of it!” Liang Yi screamed, and brought the flames into a straight line! His hands are like knives, insert the entire palm from the monster’s head, without giving it time to react, give it a loud shout, the power is completely poured into the hands, and the flame rushes into the monster’s body!

A moment of concentration, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! His face was flushed, and his body was working hard. The body of the “chill” monster was like a worn rag, which was torn in half by the two instruments. The endless blood flame seemed to emerge from the void, splitting the entire monster. The body ignites wildly!

After taking two steps back slightly, he took a breath of “huhu”, “It’s so cool! Although I don’t like this way of fighting, it’s really fun! What a real man! Ha!” Liang Yiluo was excited. Shouted, this kind of sensual enjoyment of tearing life with bare hands and splashing blood and internal organs is the most beautiful experience for the soldiers on the battlefield!

However, what was torn this time was a monster that was stronger than the others and did not know how much. There was no blood, only the rubble of the dead body of the monster. There was nothing dissatisfied with the fall of Liangyi. Although he liked fighting the strong, he did not It’s not a pervert, if the scene is right, it is indeed extremely happy to do these things naturally, but he will not really tear people in pursuit of this perverted pleasure! That kind of person, as Qingshan Yehe said, has already been enchanted.

“A monster is a monster. Although it has a strong power, it has no intellect and combat experience. It only relies on instinct. That’s how it is when you are strong!” At the beginning, Liang Yiluo caught the monster, although it didn’t cause the monster. What kind of damage, but let my own fire ignite completely on it, but the flame is only analysis, and there is no harm, if it is a human, just take precautions, although expelling the fire of origin will consume a lot of power , But it will not leave such a weakness. When the celebrity He Mao was burned on his enchantment, he was unable to do anything because it hadn’t burnt on his body, so he let it burn on the enchantment.

And this demon only relies on instinct, and can’t feel the flame’s harm to it at all, except for the first time to annihilate it, and after that, in order to save strength, it even let it burn like this! During the fight, Liang Yi fell on it and ran out of the black ball, and when its power dropped, it had already resolved its black mist and its entire body, and it was easy to kill it! In fact, as long as he let the flame expand at that time, he could burn all the demons, but Liang Yiluo suddenly wanted to kill a real man.

The ghost eyes retreated and changed back to their original normal eyes. Looking at the broken killing stone on the ground that had no power at all, it had been completely killed by Liang Yiluo, and it was impossible to resurrect it again.

‘This demon is transformed by a large part of the power of the nine-tailed demon fox. It is also very powerful in the entire island country, but it is not the same as the real nine-tailed demon fox. Although it has power, it has lost the most important thing. Wisdom, if there is wisdom, although there is still nothing to do with me, it is very unlikely that I will kill it. Liang Yiluo quietly thought about the gains and losses. If this monster is wise, knows how to expel flames, knows that he can run away if he can’t beat it, Liang Yiluo really can’t deal with it. He completely relied on the analysis of the black mist to kill him so easily. If he was replaced by a different person, facing the weird mist and without a powerful weapon, there was really no way!

‘My strength is still far short! But I’m still very young, and I have great potential. One day… I will definitely…’ As if thinking of a blond figure again, Liang Yiluo made a fist secretly.

Data 0012

“Back?” In the depths of the dense forest, Qingshan Yehe sipped the tea he grabbed from his apprentice, and slowly said when he saw the appearance of Liang Yiluo.

“Yeah, old man, you have done everything you asked me to do.”

“Demon Slayer,” paused, “and murder!”

“Well, I know, I did a good job! What do you think of the monster beast?” Qingshan Yehe didn’t say how he knew the whole process, but just asked.

Liang Yiluo did not ask, but only answered: “Although powerful, but without wisdom, it can be said to be vulnerable to a certain extent!”

“So old man, did I figure out the teacher?” Liang Yiluo smiled.

“Well, your kid has been out of a teacher, old man, I have nothing to teach you!”

“What about the final profound meaning?” Seeing that the old man didn’t mention anything about this, he asked quickly. It’s not that he can’t wait to learn, but that this is a reward after his task is completed, and of course he has to get something that belongs to him.

Qingshan Yehe took a sip of the tea without rushing, looked at Liangyi with a smile, and said, “Didn’t you have learned it?”

Liang Yiluo frowned and thought for a while. This old man was always unclear about what he said. He said that he had learned it, so he had indeed learned it, but he hadn’t noticed it.

“Old man, you mean…what you asked me to do is the so-called ultimate meaning?” Liang Yiluo asked suspiciously.

Qingshan Yehe nodded appreciatively, “Yes. In fact, this is what I want to teach you! Before you set off, I said that those who block your path will be cut with one sword, and I want to tell you. No matter what happens, don’t ask good or evil, just ask your own heart, don’t need to hesitate, just do what you want!”

“And this is the strongest profundity of the old man who has been able to overcome all obstacles for so many years!…”

Qingshan Yehe stopped for a while, then said quietly: “Sword of Slash!”

Liang Yiluo nodded, this teaches him the heart of the strong, the sword of beheading people, is indeed the strongest profound meaning beyond any one!

“Boy, the old man can’t see through your ability even now, but the old man can feel its power. I don’t know how to improve it, so you can grasp it by yourself!” Qingshan Yehe suddenly thought of it. What to say.

Liang Yiluo secretly said: The power of the origin of this transcendence is more than powerful? If you can fully grasp and penetrate everything in the world, then you will be truly invincible! However, Liang Yiluo hadn’t told anyone about the specific effect of this ability, even Qingshan Yehe hadn’t said it. After all, this was his method of pressing the bottom of the box. If people knew how he would be confused?

He could only claim that he was, but secretly wondering, what is this old man going crazy? In the past, I rarely talked, even if I talked about how to train, the only time I went crazy and said a bunch of things was before the assignment.

“Boy, your tea is pretty good, and the old man is very satisfied!” Taking a sip of the tea, Qing Shan Yehe said somewhat intoxicated.

After listening, Liang Yi smiled bitterly and said: “You like it.”

‘This is the tea that Liangyi’s family produces is very small every year. I haven’t drunk it much, but you drank it all. Isn’t it okay? ‘For this point, Liang Yi was behind and repented. One time when he accidentally drank tea, he was discovered by Qingshan Yehe. Unexpectedly, he was also a tea lover. When he smelled good tea, he immediately snatched it because his apprentice respected his master. Liang Yiluo was helpless, unable to beat and beat, and had to hand it over!

Thinking of the sword during the battle, Liang Yiluo hurriedly asked: “By the way, old man, do you know any good swords in this world? I really can’t use that kind of general merchandise. If I fight in the future, I will change the sword, or I cut it off with a half-cut sword, thinking that I, as your apprentice, a master of swordsmanship, always cut the sword. It also hurts your reputation, isn’t it?” Say something nice and you won’t die, Liang Yi is busy flattering.

Qing Shan Yehe glanced at him, “I don’t have any reputation, old man? Even if I have one, it’s not a good reputation… Moreover, I am not from this world. How can I know where there is a good sword?”

When Liang Yi heard this, he was dumbfounded, but this old guy was really supernatural, but he had forgotten that he was not a person in this world.

‘It seems that I have to ask the Liangyi family if there is any. If not, it’s okay to get some news with the influence of the Liangyi family. ’

“Eh, it seems that I haven’t contacted my family since I followed this old man to train…” Thinking of this, Liang Yiluo was a little worried. Liang Yi’s family is also his family in this life. It is a serious crime to make parents worry about their children. , After talking with the old man, I quickly greeted my family, and they thought something happened to me.

“Right, kid.” Qingshan Yehe glanced at Liang Yi Luo meaningfully.

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Liang Yiluo asked in confusion.

“I just thought, boy, you have been my apprentice for so long, and you have been calling me by the old man. You haven’t called me the master. I really don’t respect the teacher. I should kill you with a sword!”

“This…” Liang Yi thought about it, it seemed that it was true, but I wanted to explain a few words, but I couldn’t say that as a celestial person in the previous life, respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao is a necessary virtue.

Just do as he thinks of it, and Liang Yi straightens his clothes, pours a cup of tea from the teapot in front of him, hands it to him, and bows respectfully: “Master!”

Although the clothes were a bit torn due to previous battles, they still looked formal.

Qingshan Yehe also straightened the normally seemingly rickety waist, took the tea, and drank it as if drinking.

With a “poach”, he broke the teacup after drinking it.

“Hahahaha!! Good, good, good! Good apprentice! For the teacher can accept such a good apprentice before entering the soil, God treats me not badly!” Qingshan Yehe suddenly laughed, but his face was full of joy. Even the corners of his eyes seemed to laugh with tears.

Seeing what Liang Yiluo wanted to say, he waved his hand to stop it.

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