Chapter 1129 Culinary Adventure in the Darklands
1129 Chapter 1129 Culinary Adventure in the Darklands
In a timely fashion, the first item that Marcus and Lyra ordered arrived.
"I've never seen any of these before." Marcus said, examining the contents of the salad that had been brought out to them.
A dark purple leafy vegetable of some kind made up the base, and there were several different types of mushrooms, tuber type vegetables, and some sort ow mellow fruit with grey flesh.
Every single one of these ingredients was new to both Marcus and Lyra. And as he had delved into cooking since coming to this world, Marcus was interested in learning about the vast treasure trove of previously unknown items available to him.
'Woah! Didn't expect that.'
The moment Marcus brought one of the firm pieces of the leafy purple vegetable into his mouth, it began to melt.
It had seemed firm and similar to uncooked cabbage at first, but it was clearly vastly different.
The taste was also less bitter and had a sourness to it as it dissolved from the heat and saliva in Marcus's mouth.
At first, he wondered if this was a unique reaction to him. After all, his form was not truly that of a flesh and blood living being. Perhaps there was something about it that caused this specific vegetable to react in such a manner.
However, Lyra was experiencing the same thing, and while she was not exactly human either, she was a lot closer to one than Marcus was.
"It's good. The tase caught me off guard at first, since it wasn't what I was expecting. Still, I think that I really like it." Lyra said, giving her assessment of their opening course.
Marcus agreed, and when Relia got back, he planned to ask her where he could procure the ingredients that were used down here. Even though he just considered it a hobby, cooking was something that he enjoyed and allowed him to relax.
After the salad came a platter of cured meats and a few different types of cheeses.
The cheese smelled and looked different from anything either of them had encountered before.
'I wonder what sort of animal's milk they used to make these. I haven't seen anything resembling livestock down here. Perhaps its imported. Among the people staying at this inn, there's no doubt that most of them are traders.'
When Yisia came around to check on them, Marcus asked her about everything they had been served so far. He made sure to write everything down in a notebook he had pulled out of his item box.
"Still, I have to ask, will the two of you be okay eating this much food?"
From Yisia's perspective, both Marcus who was currently in his guise as Irene, and Lyra, were both small and dainty looking women.
Yet between just the two of them, they had ordered enough food to feed four Lamias.
"Ah, there's no need to worry on that end. I'm not exactly human." Marcus said, holding out his hand and transforming it into one of the Gluttonous Spirit Eater's claws.
Naturally his sudden change in appearance shocked Yisia. When Relia had arrived with her guests in tow, Yisia had used her own appraisal skill to get a read on them.
With her level being much lower than theirs, she did not learn much, but Marcus' race had definitely come back as human.
"As you can see, I've got some tricks up my sleeves. So don't worry, none of the food you bring us will go to waste." Marcus said with a jovial chuckle.
For a few moments Yisia could not eek out a response. She simply stood their stock still in shock.
However, her years of experience running this end had endowed her with a high degree of professionalism. Within just a few seconds she had erased her astonishment and regained her composure.
"I see. That was certainly surprising. I suppose that means you're considered a monster like us. I never would have been able to tell."
Yisia was doing her best to be polite and act friendly, while also collecting information.
She had already known that Marcus was impossibly strong, but now she wanted to try and figure out what sort of creature he really was. It was her duty to learn everything that she could about any forging visitors to this town and assess what sort of dangers they might present.
She had already known that Marcus was impossibly strong, but now she wanted to try and figure out what sort of creature he really was. It was her duty to learn everything that she could about any forging visitors to this town and assess what sort of dangers they might present.
"Yes and no. My exitance is a bit complicated. I just wanted you to know that I can easily eat everything brought out to us, so there's no need to worry on that front."
Nodding her head, Yisia smiled and headed back to the kitchen to retrieve their next order. Normally she would never do this level of grunt work, but Marcus and Lyra were too high level to allow anyone else to deal with them.
They certainly seemed to be good-natured and unlikely to become violent, but Yisia was not going to take any chances.
"Since when were you able to do that? I knew that you can take on the forms of creatures whose souls you've eaten. Yet this is the first time I've seen you do a partial transformation like that." Lyra said, looking at Marcus curiously.
"Well, it's a recent development. My Master of Soul and Body unique skill got upgraded when I evolved. The Supreme Skill it became, Ascendant Existence, allows me to shape myself in a more flexible manner than before. It's almost like I don't have a set form anymore. Truthfully, I can even change myself to look like people, beasts, or monsters that I haven't eaten the souls of now. Though, it's quite a bit more difficult."
To show Lyra and example, he held his hand over both of his eyes for about a minute, and when he revealed them, they had changed color, and the pupils had taken on the unique shape of a feline's.
"That's a nice part trick, but is it really useful for anything?" Lyra responded, sarcastically clapping her hands.
"Not really. But I think if I practice more, I should be able to drastically alter my shape even during battle. It'd be pretty difficult to deal with someone that suddenly grew a third arm, or could duck their head into their torso, right."
Lyra certainly looked severely weirded out by Marcus' suggestion and told him in a joking manner that she might not be able to associate with him any longer if he constantly morphed himself into freaky forms.
"It's not like you need weird tricks like that anyway. Your already strong enough to stand toe to toe with some of the strongest beings in this world." Lyra commented.
"That's true, but there are some truly incomprehensible things out there. It wasn't too long ago that I got into a fight with someone that I couldn't really do anything against." Marcus said, flashes of his battle with the man from outside of the world that had intruded upon Mirrion coming to mind.
Wanting to know more about this, Lyra bombarded Marcus with questions, but he quickly remembered that the Administrator told him to keep his lips sealed on the matter and said nothing else despite his longtime friend's pestering.
"Why'd you even bring it up if you're not supposed to talk about it." Lyra said with huff.
"Sorry, I forgot for a moment. Try not to dwell on it. I don't think anything bad will happen but best not to test any boundaries."
Moving away from this topic, the two of them went back to focusing on the food.
A lot of it was pretty unusual compared to what could be found on the surface, but it was still good nonetheless.
"I almost wish that we could just go on a culinary tour instead of heading off to do the bidding of some vampiric overlord." Marcus said, taking a large bit of a savory pastry that had just been brought out.
"Well, we don't really know what we're going to be doing. Maybe Relia's boss actually just wants us to go around with them and try all the delicacies in the Darklands. Stranger things have happened"
Marcus chuckled at this wild notion and imagined a jovial journey with a powerful vampire through the dark tunnels of the underworld as they stopped by the pockets of populated areas and rated the different cuisine found in each culture.
"If there was television in this world, we could definitely make a hell of a show with that premise."
"Yeah, it'd be a hit. I'm sure." Lyra said, her face a bit flush from drinking a large bottle of an alcohol distilled from the nectar of a monstrous pitcher plant.
The two of them continued to have a good time together and catch up on everything that had happened while they were apart that they had not already touched on.
What Marcus really wanted to know was how her relationship with Quillon was developing, but Lyra refused to answer him.
Then as they were just about finished with their feast, several men carrying large boxes of supplies walked into the hotel.
From out the door, Marcus caught sight of a massive wagon loaded with cargo and could tell that some of the items were too small to fit through the service door on the side of the building. Hence why things were being brought through the front door despite it causing a small disturbance.
As one of the men was walking by, he suddenly stopped.
His eyes were locked on Marcus and lyra's table, or more specifically he was staring at Lyra with a look of complete shock.
"Dame Jadzia!?"
(A/N. For those that don't remember, Jadzia is the name Lyra was given when she was reborn on Mirrion. Other than Marcus and his group, that is the name most people know her by.)