Trying to Survive in a World Full of FUTA’S!
Chapter 91: Personal Update
So you guys are probably wondering where I have been right? Well I was beginning to work on another story set in the same world as this one which was why I was gone for at least the first two weeks.
But on the First of February my Grandmother passed away and I haven't had the energy or mental capacity to write chapters on any of my story's.
I'm saying this here for you guys since it's been over a month since I posted and almost two weeks since I posted on my newest fic either.
I will be back as this is my hobby that I love to write but right now I'm taking sometime to myself to get my head in a better place mentally.
This story isn't being dropped and I will be back, I just need sometime is all, so thank you all for understanding.
Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.