Tunnel Rat

Chapter 101: Overdue Books

Milo had taken advantage of the relative calm in Harry's area to attempt a visit to his Arcane Library. It was more difficult now. Instead of logging out and getting an option to go to the library, he now had to do a ritual in game that took roughly fifteen minutes. He inscribed a rough circle, and sat and meditated about traveling. Eventually his vision blackened and after a very small bit of queasiness, he was on the doorstep of his Library.

Conscious of how the slaver-mage had met his death, he was careful to open the door and step inside. Who designed these things with a small porch that dropped you into the void? Just bad engineering as far as he was concerned.

Cichol was there, waiting for him. "I'm guessing things are exciting in the waking world? No time for research and learning? And now here you are, finally back, with your magic all twisted and bent. Come in and tell me about it." The old mage who had built the library seemed grumpier than ever. That made Milo happy. He needed some constants along his journey.

It took him a few hours to go through the long story. Cichol had a lot of interruptions, especially when discussing Philistron. Milo had thought long and hard about how much to tell the old spirit, but had finally decided that he needed at least one person to talk to, and the old man couldn't leave the library unless he chose to be reborn as someone else. That felt safe enough to Milo.

The fun part was seeing his face when Milo's Smuggler's Stash was brought out, and opened. Cichol had gazed in wonder at the old books Milo had hastily looted from the slaver-mage's library.

Interspatial Relationships and the Balancing of Aspects Across Barriers

Drakonik for Dummies

Origins of the Machine: A Compilation of Legend and Theory about the golden age of Gnomes

Let the Circle be unbroken: 17 common Hexes for White and Grey Witches

Increase your Star Power!: How to construct an Antennae to the Stars

The Void and what isn't in it.

Music of the Spheres: Tuning your spirit to hear what Celestial Bodies are saying

Did some Orcs devolve and become weak?: A possible origin of humans.

By Imperial Decree!: The building of the first College of the Arcane

Elvish-Drakonic Dictionary.

Theory of Fundamental Forces: Attraction, Energy, Strength, Weakness, Magic, and The Void.

Celestial Fire and the burning of Creation

Man's ascent to Divinity as Gods walk like Men

Gnomish Contract Law: Volume 167 of 256

Two books were in languages that neither Milo or Cichol could read. Both seemed to have magical locks and traps on them. Cichol put them carefully into a side room by themselves. They were a puzzle for another day.

The last book Milo was sure he had left in the airship: Mating Habits of the Common Lantern Bug by Damien Franklin

It was a huge leatherbound book, locked with no less than four clasps. Milo was happy to leave it that way. Cichol seemed happy to put it into his collection, but also shook his head at the title.

As Milo started to pull out some of the items he had stolen, Cichol stopped him. "I will never mind the donation of books to my library, but be cautious with other things. While you have the use of this enchanted place, it is not yours forever, it is mine. Mundane items will be hard to recover as the library will count them as part of itself. Magical items less so, but I advise caution."

Milo pondered that. "But I looted all of this from Philistron? Why could I take it from him?"

Cichol snorted. "As you said, you were looting things from an enemy. And from what you say, he probably stole most of the items in the first place. You stealing a stolen gem is far different than taking an heirloom of his house, like his first wand or a medal he won for bravery. Also, rules made to protect against thieves often abandon thieves themselves. Something to consider as you go through life."

All of the books went to Cichol’s library. Milo could always read them here when he had time. Some of them looked interesting.

Milo considered the contents of his magical box. He hated storing things in it permanently, as that cut down the room he had for food, cheese, or things he found. One by one, he started taking things out.

There was a large bag of mixed gold, silver, and copper coins. That had seemed liked an obvious thing to take to annoy Philistron. He kept the 437 Gold coins, and put 40 silver and 40 copper into his coin pouch. Then he dumped the remaining silver and gold into a large urn that already contained coins.

A solid gold statue of a winged goddess with the word 'Nike’ inscribed on the base was probably valuable to someone. But he didn't want to pack it around, and it seemed like a bad thing to just melt it down. He set it on a shelf. It glowed briefly as he did so. Cichol chuckled. "Well, that one certainly settled in fast."

Milo pulled out a bent and broken Halo made of silver with the name 'Zauriel' inscribed on the inside edge. Cichol looked it over and then handed it back to Milo. "Harmless unless you fix it and try to wear it yourself. Which I don't recommend. I'd just turn it in to any church, probably a good-sized reward on it. And turn down any quests it offers." The halo went back into the box.

The next item was a large bag of thick cloth. Milo had thought it contained gems, but it turned out to be yellow, glowing crystals. Just looking in the bag made him feel unwell. He closed the bag and moved away from it. Cichol took one look, grabbed the bag and threw it out the door and into the void. "What idiot keeps uncoated enchanted hassium in his house?"

After that, Cichol took an active hand in helping Milo sort things out. A Staff of Plagues,Helm of Alignment Change, and Vorpal Sword of Betrayal all got tossed into the void by the Cichol. Milo was horrified as the sword sliced through the old ghost's neck, but Cichol just laughed. "Can't kill the dead." The sword whined like a beaten dog after that, promising to be good, before being sent on a one-way trip to oblivion.

Two things remained: A large bone claw, and a gleaming copper sphere about six inches across. Cichol pull out the claw. Milo could see some faded runes moving along the bone, but they avoided coming close to Cichol’s hands. The Bonemancer looked hard at it, before handing it to Milo. "Old, but not nearly as old as the rib we added to you. Some of these creatures still exist, but they prefer the deeper regions. Road-Builders, the dwarves call them. Many dwarven realms were partially created by them as they made tunnels that connected larger caverns.

Milo took the claw from him and studied the runes. Faded magic concentrated where he looked, one old rune overlaying another until finally only one glowing rune was left.

Through study you have learned the Rune of Deep-Digging. You may use this rune to construct spells.

Runes Known: Deep-Digging, Velocity, Strong-Bones, Swift-Swimming, Sharp-Claws, Destruction

Rune Limit: INT/2 + Rank of skill: Ancient Runic Lore (Current limit is 12.)

You have gained 200 experience in Ancient Runic Lore and 200 Experience in INT.

The skill: Ancient Runic Lore has increased to Rank 2

"I think I'll keep this for now." Milo wanted to study the claw more, and he was always going to be in need of good bones. The Sea Hydra had been good for that, at least. His stash had a couple of dozen long bones taken from the flippers that would make excellent harpoons.

Cichol picked up the sphere. "Interesting, it appears to be a non-magical object made of solid Orichalcum, valuable just for the metal. You rarely see it outside of the cities beneath the waves. " He tossed the coppery sphere to Milo.

Milo turned the orb in his hands, staring at it. As far as he could tell, it was a perfect sphere with no imperfections. He was about to put it back in his stash, when the surface changed, and a huge eye opened on the sphere, staring at him. Milo couldn't look away. A scene appeared, projected by the eye, incredibly real.

He was flying over the ocean towards an island of volcanic rock that jutted up from the sea, high into the air. Smoke came from the top and he realized it was an active volcano. Closer and closer he flew, until he could see a lake of molten rock that filled the caldera. In the center was a huge temple made of white marble, carved with scenes of love and battle, celebrating the life of a king.

Gigantic dragons swam in the molten lake, and or lay upon the roof of the building. Milo bared his teeth and growled when he saw the eels. All of the creatures in his view turned towards him, roaring their anger, and some flew up to do battle. Milo dropped the orb, and the vision ended.

For the second time, you hold the Eye of Wonder. Initiating quest for Hoard of King Mattias.

There are currently two other people who have the special skills needed to help you with your quest.

The artifact again appeared as a solid copper ball. Cichol picked it up and set it on his mantle. "I'll put this here for now. I must say, it was amazing to see the sight of so many amazing creatures, I don't blame you for being a little overwhelmed with the wonder of it all."

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