twisted lives of the wicked sins on fire

Chapter 16: when the all hell breaks loose

lucifer was bragging about his daughters

..... she starts laughing... about her granddaughters jokes from the future.....and then ..he heard crash. ..*boom*..... broken glass everywhere.... *The BABY * . fair child was tooking.... all kingsman ... looked for child searched for her no could find her they found the baby girl....she was sleeping st. shadows took her happiness.....Lucifer... cried thank God for my child.... he stole her happiness..... st. shadows was banned from the after life.... because he stole her happiness..but before then he explained why i wanted to protect what is mine ... until I kiss her goodnight..and goodmorning so she can marry me someday..... and be mine..... because know this she is not safe... on her own.....but she will get stronger and smarter... then she be able to defend herself and others...and no one will get in her way....then she will be able to conquer the world and everything with it....

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