Chapter 28: Knights of the round table and the angels in the sabriums the arcs the rams In the wolves of Wall Street of Tokyo New York you name it
I was at a Mexican restaurant I sit with a bold guy and is And his girlfriend that wasn't in his life anymore I lied and said her daughter was pregnant I pulled the trigger I killed her mother cause she killed my best friend. When there was no one in the bathroom I kicked her in there and shot her in the very restaurant bathroom I love her for dead ate my food like a gangster... I sit there with him and he ate his food like nothing ever happened He was at peace because she put him through a hell but he does not deserve Not only that she's a manipulative bitch but she doesn't kill somebody that took your kid in But didn't have to because When he wasn't the real father She really didn't matter to him at all you only cared about his youngest the only child but the thing is when you're really like that you can never forgive someone you must make that person who made you suffer cause he made made that person suffer The same way but spiritually attachment and like a stitch from a voodoo doll from a scratch and a bruise You've had a spiritual miscarriage and you know it cause it hurts and it only's gonna make it worse but it's gonna get better you eventually blow your top like a spokani Volcano That is all it takes just to hold all this in your regret it because it will just unfold more of you unfold the more you see the hell that you're gonna put the people through that always talks shit about you behind your back When someone lacks trust when trumpet trust is broken. There's no turning back now since you gave in to the taste of blood bullets and steel and stamping booklet's papers and eating better and building a muscle and building your own army and your own game Of Wolfe's on your own streets now your enemies are surrounded by wolves and bears Oh my run for it followed the wild devils on the forest they'll lead you to the dark side I was told but truly they're helping you lose your weight and helping you feel great when you don't you see the dark path but you're important to the people around you they won't revenge as much as you do They taste the blood of a fucking dictator who just didn't get what she wants so she killed cause she got caught sleeping around with her family that's not even real family to her but it is. There will be a street war eventually in front of people They say in The Holy Bible it is one of the biggest raptures of all A-war in front of you in earthquakes volcanic eruption Hale's wind and fire-and-brimstone The alphabet was evil and gluttonous and gread in selfish will pay the worst price evil for their carelessness it's it's gonna get them killed for fucking with the wrong people and their family People she cares about people she loves she'll lose everyone around her doesn't matter because she done my stuff again and will never be the same she locked her Uncle up by telling the fib and got her boyfriend locked up now Chris family is gonna not care about her but oh no little but they can play their fake games towards her but in a way they're protecting us By saving us from people like her because the way family works you betray someone by sleeping around with our enemy who killed our brethren Who he sleeps or she sleeps with for money or a car is complete trash greedy disgusting trash Ridiculous seeing someone't selfish and obnoxiously rude deserves prison with the girl she hangs out with with her 24 years of insecurity she'll never grow up she'll never learn neither will her friend she followed into the wrong path hurt her brother And now she's gotta take it like it's the best dam mental scar she's ever deserved She will never be forgiven she will be banned from her family she'll live up to her means Do you will always be poor cause that's what she gets for being and nasty disgusting glutinous messed up bitch.