Chapter 6: hidden past memories mom relationship... evil stepfather
Hide so no one could find you because if they do you'll be dead as I lay here on my bed I reply to myself why am I so alone is it because I'm a witch and a God I'm scared to even think about what would happen if I have had kids and I got blew up. I ask that God that if there is no fear to look back and to move forward into the light and move away from the dark is darkness is badd in its pure evil I'm tired of my selfishness I love people I love who I am I love having a twin sister it's hard to believe that Rebecca turned out to be my twin sister now that I married to a good man and I'm still in school chapter 1 book of spells of defeat the enemy defensive spells keep moving forward. I don't feel hungry today I just Want tea I .then a -blast occurred I was so moody. I puke all over with the floor and the classroom over by the teacher's desk. So I got a late slip and went straight home . I thought to myself my world changed I was a different person I didn't know what to do so I left home and never looked back I moved in with my new husband. as i ran from my mother.....