Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 34

The benefits of devil followers are too great. On the one hand, the level and arms are improved.

On the other hand, the ability to make money is too strong.

Not to mention 3.9 million in a month, even if Su Yue was given 2 million gold coins, it would be enough for him to spend to death.

Lord's log: "On the second day of your territory and the Turin world calendar, the first sect appeared: the Devil Sect. The leader of the Devil Sect is: Abraham von Heinrich Anatos, and the positions of the deputy leader and bishop are temporarily undecided."

"The church and the sect appeared?"

Su Yue knew that this was a big deal. If Abraham was just making a small fuss and getting some devil followers,

That's not a big deal at all!

But if he founded a religion? That would be a big deal...

"Fuck, Abraham, a jerk, founded a religion in my territory?"

Su Yue's face turned green.

Abraham held up an umbrella elegantly and smiled, "Master, please don't worry too much. The followers of the Devil Cult will only benefit the development of the territory."

"Really? You jerk."

Abraham smiled and said, "Really, I promise."

At this juncture, the system broadcast to the whole server appeared again.

"All-server broadcast: Congratulations to player Su Yue for tapping the potential of the territory and successfully establishing the first sect in the territory. Rewards: Free attribute points x5, random lord skill +1."


The players in the Turin world were stunned.

"Fuck, it's happening again?!"

"Didn't everyone settle the incident the next day? The territory was built, and no one announced it!"

"Didn't the server-wide announcement trigger all day? So Su Yue is still making trouble?"

"Shocked! Shocked!"

Long Qing looked at the player named Su Yue again, who appeared on the global broadcast, regardless of the reactions of players from other countries. They were a little numb, "Too outrageous, a sect? There is a sect in his territory? Is that okay?"

Zhou Zhuo: "Boss, let's follow suit and create a sect!"

Si Wuli (A-level bloodsucking baron): "Yes, why is this player named Su Yue always able to lead the way? Let's try to create a sect."

Long Qing thought: "You can give it a try."

Su Yue is like the first god-level territory, the first god-level NPC, and the server-wide broadcast, they can't follow suit at all.

But for this sect, they think they can try to follow suit.

What if you succeed, and you can get 3 attribute points?

This is likely to be the case.

The first person to establish a sect will be given 5 free attribute points, and the second person will most likely be given 4 or 3 points. If it succeeds, this is a free reward. Even if it fails, there is no loss... So at this moment, not only the high-level players in Dragon Country have begun to discuss the establishment of a territory sect.

Foreign players have also begun to study the situation of the sect.

Player Forum:

"Is Su Yue starting to stir up trouble again? Damn, he established a sect, but the world announcement didn't tell us what sect he established?"

"Curious, I'm also curious about what sect Su Yue established. He is too low-key in his daily life, and he doesn't post on the forum. With his current prestige, I'm afraid that if he posts a message, it will definitely be crowded."

"I also followed the trend and tried to establish a sect, but failed..."

"There was no movement at all. I almost fooled the refugees and farmers, but they didn't succeed in establishing a sect..."

"I think it's difficult to establish a sect?"

"Then how did Su Yue succeed?"

A global broadcast set off a wave of following the trend to establish a sect, but all the players in the Turin world around the world did not succeed.

Long Qing said, "Zhou Zhuo, I asked you to contact Su Yue, have you contacted him?"

Zhou Zhuo said, "Yes, I have him as my friend, but he has not read my messages."

Su Yue had no time to deal with them. As they said, the time for opening up the Turin world is precious, and he did not even have time to open the forum. He had no time to deal with 99+ friends and applications. Other players were very talented. They wanted to show off, but Su Yue's personality was actually a more solitary type.

He preferred to hide.

However, he was in the limelight... Now, players around the world know that there is a sect in his territory.


"But this is a bit strange. Logically, after the first player establishes a territory, the second player's promotion to establish a territory will be

and news, followed one after another. The player group is originally a highly competitive team. In many games in the previous life, the major guilds were racing against time to pass the dungeon for the first time. "

"You have one more second, I have two more seconds, it's a life-and-death race, and the internal competition is serious."

"Why has my church been established for so long? No one has followed suit?"

Su Yue looked puzzled.

Abraham seemed to see his doubts and smiled: "Master, this sect is not something that everyone can establish."

"Why do you say that? The church, what kind of faith, believers, isn't it established?"

Abraham smiled and said: "Yes, faith, since ancient times, the multiverse and the material plane have been filled with countless faiths... But first of all, where can believers be found?"


"Our world also has ready-made sects. "

Abraham shook his head and said, "Anyway, I will ensure the monetary gains in our territory, and these believers will spread to the periphery. Master, your most urgent task now is to recruit a hero as soon as possible. "

Su Yue certainly understood, but he didn't understand many things.

So there was no rush to recruit heroes in the tavern.

Su Yue took advantage of the rain to observe the actions of the devil cult believers in the territory.

It would have been fine if he hadn't observed it. Once he observed it, Su Yue became more and more surprised.

The target of his observation was a second-level loan shark named "Si Ager". From the outside, this devil cult believer was no different from an ordinary farmer. But Su Yue soon realized the problem.

They gathered together and started eating yeast-free bread.

And Su Yue found out from the log and the status bar that they had been circumcised.

Six devil believers gathered together, holding a copper basin and a black seven-branch candlestick and began to pray... "The devil cult doctrine: money is life, gold coins are faith, respected great Lord Su Yue; the great Abraham gave us a new life, there are only two things in the world that will not betray us. One is faith, and the other is gold coins. ”

“Be kind to our neighbors…”

“Don’t gossip…”

“There is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to be happy, and a time to be sad; if someone’s malice is too great to be quelled, this is called a wicked person; malice occasionally appears, and can be restrained, this is called an ordinary person; those who have no malice are called saints…”

Su Yue was shocked to find that they actually have their own complete set of doctrines?

A devil believer threw a gold coin into the sky, and the gold coin tinkled and rolled on the wooden table.

“…Good guy.”

“They actually have their own perfect doctrines… Can Abraham do things to this extent? This is too detailed! "

Su Yue's face was numb. These devil believers acted in an orderly manner. Their beliefs and contents seemed to be well planned and mature...

Su Yue looked up and saw "loan sharks", "gamblers", "tobacco merchants", "profiteers (weapons)". These guys gathered together should be the source of his future cash flow. "Try to go out and bully others, don't bully your own people in the territory here."

At this time, two devil believers said, "I'll go to the south to preach."

"I'll go to the north to lend money at high interest rates."

"Many other believers and brothers have gone to the southwest. I will go to the southwest to find other chosen ones, trade with people, and sell weapons. "This is a "second-level profiteer". His family actually has a stable with two gray-brown mules that they found from nowhere.

There are burlap bags hanging on the mules, which are filled with a lot of goods, iron ingots, broken weapons, wheat seeds and other things... It is obvious that this profiteer is going to trade and make money.

As a lord, Su Yue inexplicably has an illusion that he knows nothing and his territory has developed and prospered.

"Damn it! ?"

"You've opened up a trading channel?"

Su Yue was shocked by Abraham's execution and ability. With this group of vagrant profiteers, it's no wonder that his gold coins have soared... And the business of usury seems to be a bit lucrative... I wonder how much the net profit is?

It would have been better if Su Yue hadn't observed it. Now that he has observed it, he finds that there is suddenly a devil sect in his territory, which is full of profiteers.

"Merchants are indeed what I need, so that the economic power is in my hands. Abraham, the Sixth Brother, has such a horrible intention. He has firmly grasped my economic lifeline... I am afraid that I will not be able to get rid of his influence in the future."

"Damn Sixth Brother."

When he thought about earning 3.9 million gold coins a month...Su Yue smiled and motioned Jin Xiu'er to come over.




The cute and lovely succubus girl threw herself into Su Yue's arms, her face flushed and she looked light and happy, which made Su Yue happy.

"What are you doing? So happy?"

"I like it, I like the Lord! ~ The Lord is back, are you going to check my construction results?"

"Of course, let's go to the tavern to see, I plan to recruit a hero next. The territory can also enter the stage of multi-line development, and we can't always do everything ourselves. By the way, Xiu'er, these 1,652 refugees have come to us, are there any other excellent NPCs? "

Su Yue has not forgotten the chores and troubles he encountered when dealing with corpses.

There are two councillors for the interior and the city hall, but Jin Xiuer cannot manage all the interior affairs, as he is an architect.

Abraham handles government affairs, and Su Yue is afraid that this sixth brother will overturn his territory!

He is so turbulent!

He has not been back for less than a day.

Abraham promoted and corrupted farmers and refugees in his territory, adding nearly 100 second-level soldiers, establishing a merchant class, and even creating a devil sect. It even caused a global shock and a server-wide broadcast.

This is a server-wide broadcast.

And there was no second broadcast, which means how terrible Abraham's act of founding a sect was? Su Yue was so terrified that he couldn't think about it carefully.

Jin Xiuer smiled and said, "Of course there are special NPCs."

Su Yue looked forward to it.

He didn't know that the next recruitment of heroes would give him a big surprise.

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