Vampire Cultivation System in a Hidden World of Monsters

Chapter 164: The Blood Artillery Stage (2)

My goal was to complete the Blood Artillery Stage by the end of the day. So far, I had spent an hour perfecting blood release and blood withdrawal. The next step was manipulating the blood once it was outside the body.

Shikasa walked me through the gradual process of basic external manipulation mastery. We began with the most obvious, keeping the blood liquid and viable for manipulation in the air.

This required constant agitation. Basically, I had to make the blood vibrate to avoid settling and solidification. The faster and smaller the vibration, the easier it is to maintain a liquid form and maintain the shape of the construct.

So we worked toward creating constant micro vibrations in the blood. That took a few minutes. We started with the easiest construct possible. A droplet of blood. Once I had mastered that, we moved on to multiple droplets.

After that we worked on geometric shapes for a while starting with a simple sphere. After that, a basic cube, a tetrahedron, and a dodecahedron. Once I had mastered basic three-dimensional geometric shapes, we moved on to more complex mathematical shapes like the Mobius Strip, the Klein Bottle, and the Calabi-Yau Manifold.

Once I had mastered some of the most complex three-dimensional shapes in existence, we made bullets, which were some of the simplest shapes. We started with pea-sized bullets.

The first step was single bullet straight line trajectories. I made a bullet as fast as I could, aimed it in my mind, and then fired it as fast as I could. I forgot to mention it, but we were practicing in the ruins of the Dragon Sect.

I had tons of objects to shoot at, and no one around to accidentally shoot. Except my mother of course, but if I shot her, it wouldn't be an accident.

After single bullet, single fire, was multiple bullet, single fire. Constructing multiple bullets at once and then maintaining them, while firing them off, one at a time. I blew up the heads of several statues that way.

Next was multiple bullet, multiple fire, single target. Then multiple bullet, multiple fire, multiple targets. It was a constant progression of complexity and skill refinement.

Some of the last things I learned before we moved on to the next step were increased bullet density for greater penetration, pointed bullets, curved trajectories, and bullet fragmentation.

The first two are obvious, but curved trajectories allowed me to shoot around objects, and bullet fragmentation allowed me to turn a single bullet into a shotgun blast at the last second, so the target didn't have time to react. Read latest stories on My Virtual Library Empire

I was going to be deadly as fuck against human sized targets after this stage. This wouldn't cut it to take down a dragon but a swat team of vampires would have no chance against me.

The remaining steps after this were blood blades, blood swipes, and blood shields. All this training with actual combat was getting very boring for me, so I asked Shikasa if we could spar while I trained the techniques.

She agreed to it, and my boring training turned into a dance of death. She had me hold back on the blood bullets for now, promising a battle to end all battles at the end that would incorporate all of the techniques I was learning.

Next, we worked on blood blades, which turned out to be a lot more comprehensive than I expected. I was thinking swords, but since I already knew how to form those, we moved on to far more exotic blade formations and applications.

She not only taught me how to form more exotic bladed weapons, she also taught me the martial arts behind their use. Some of the highlights were the chakram and the urumi.

Chakram were circular bladed weapons that could be thrown as discs. Combined with blood manipulation, they were incredibly deadly. I could speed them up to move and spin far faster than a human would be able to throw them. That said, I ended up just transforming them into flying buzzsaws.

The urumi was an interesting one as well. There were a multi bladed flexible whip blade. The blades themselves were thin and flexible like whips. You were supposed to use them to slice your opponent to ribbons, but with blood manipulation, I transformed those as well.

Instead, of just whirling them around, I could control each blade's exact movements. I devised a strategy where I would swing them at opponents and make the blades wrap around an opponent's limbs and constrict, severing their limbs.

Shikasa wouldn't let me practice the move on her at first, so I practiced on cement and wood columns around the dragon sect. I would swing the whip blades at a column, make the blades wrap around it and constrict.

At first I could only make deep gouges in the wood, but eventually, I was severing them into multiple pieces. Then I moved onto the concrete columns which also fell to my blades.

I still had to learn the blood swipe and blood shield, but I proposed we commence our first sparring session. I wanted to try out my new moves.

When we started the sparring match, she just stood there. She waited for me to make the first move. Alright. If that was how she was going to play it, I was going to gear up in a sense.

I started with making blood bullets, but I didn't just make them float in place. I made them orbit my body at high speed at various angles. Once I had a dozen of those going, I formed chakram and made them orbit around me at various angles as well.

And finally, I brought out two urumi. They had six blades each. Now you might think I wouldn't be able to use the urumi without the bullets and chakram hitting them and disrupting them, but you would be wrong.

As all of these constructs were technically liquid, when they collided, with proper control, they just passed through each other. The next thought you might have is, how do you have enough blood to do this?

While we were training all these blood manipulation techniques I needed to learn how to replenish my blood. I already knew how to do that through meditation by empowering my bone marrow with Vi to produce blood faster.

I simply had to train myself to do it automatically every time I withdrew blood from my body. The whole time I was training I was continuously practicing that, until it became second nature.

Now, I could pull an infinite amount of blood out of my body. The only limit was the amount of blood I could externally control. Well, I could externally control a lot.

Now that I was fully prepared to fight, I whipped my urumi at my mother and tried to wrap the blades around her limbs. I came in from the left and right side. I thought she had nowhere to go, but just as the blades came near her, she disappeared.

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