Chapter 6: the night beast
Kai just stood there staring stupidly. What was this fellow saying? Night beast? And why had he called him Kaiair.
But before he could take it all in, the fellow jumped forward and all but pushed him back into the shack.
"Are you dear, Kaiar?" He cried. "I said the night beasts are prowling and they are coming this way. Lock the door."
And the fellow was gone. Disappeared into the darkness without a trace.
Kai retreated further into the shack. If someone who was a resident of this dark place was warning him about something, it could not be taken lightly.
He remembered the strange unnatural screams he had heard earlier. Could that have been the work of the night beasts? And why the pluralisation?
He did not need think too far. Again, the shrill sound split the air. The unnatural, shriek that made the hairs on the back of your head neck on end and your blood freeze. It was somewhere between the meow of a cat but at the incredible volume of a loudspeaker and the shriek of the worst, loudest and most dreadful banshee the world had ever seen.
If Kai had thought that the sound was near before, it was now almost on top of him. It was right out the door! Kai stood still not even daring to move, fearing the beast outside would somehow hear his breathing.
Presently, he could hear an ominous sound. The sound of a low guttural hum that reverberated strongly in the air and then, came and went in such a rhythmic pattern that it soon hit Kai that he was listening to the sound of its breathing.
What a dreadful sound that was!
As if his troubles were not enough, he soon began to notice another thing. The air around was getting colder and colder. It was like someone or something was literally dragging the temperature down.
Could it be the night beast? Or beasts? The lad had used the plural. Kai did not know and did not care either.
He wished the beast would just move on and leave him alone. With any luck, this would soon be all over.
The next sound he heard was the sound of clawing on the door. He scooted further back into the shack. No! No!
Bang! The door to his shelter burst open and Kai flinched tersely but to his greatest surprise he saw...nothing.
He could hear the growling breath and could feel the presence of something standing in the doorway but he could not see a thing.
No, it can't be. He said to himself. The night beasts were invisible?
The shriek came again and almost defeaned him as he recoiled in terror. Survive the night? He was dead meat. It was enough that he was dealing with an unnatural monster. Now he had to deal with an invisible unnatural monster, what with him completely unarmed too. Permanent elimination, whatever that meant beckoned.
Then his eyes began to spot a shadowy shape moving partially on the ground and partially along the wall. It was the most dreadful thing he had ever seen in his life. And he soon realised that he was staring at the shadow of the beast he was supposed to be contending with. He did not understand how that was possible. Even though the environment was pitch dark, he could somehow see the shadow clearly. It looked large, with jagged, spindly limbs that seemed to stretch unnaturally. A great, jagged monstrous head moved from side to side as the beast swayed. Kai did not see any feet. It seemed like the brute was suspended in the air.
The fact that he could at least see or deal with what he was contending with was not comforting in the least. This fellow did not look something that should be grappled with.
All the while, the shadow had remained in one spot. Kai could see that fact clearly. But now it emitted another terrible shriek and began to move forward gliding gracefully. The reincarnated man remained rooted to the spot in fear. What could he do now?
The shadow looked closer and he moved further back racing away from it. But no matter how fast he moved, it just seemed to be right behind him, the guttural breathing droning on as if taunting him. Kai kept his eyes on the shadow the entire time as he struggled to keep his wits about him.
The situation was dire it was true but the only way he could get out of this alive was to keep his cool.
The night beast had not attacked yet for reasons best known to it. It was hovering somewhere around him, always close to him but not attacking.
"Kai, come on." He mumbled to himself. "You might be reincarnated and in some strange land but it's still you."
The first thing he needed was a weapon. He had to lay his hands on some form of a weapon. He took his eyes off the shadow that was lurking a few feet from him and scanned the entire shack again as quickly as he could. It was as dark as could be but maybe he would see something glinting. Something that could help. But there was nothing. He could not see anything.
Then he remembered the pouch he had seen in the third drawer of the cupboard. He had not been able to open but it had seemed heavy. Maybe he could grab it and use it like a club. It was weak, far too weak of a weapon in a situation like this but it was at least better than just standing there waiting for the beast to get tired of the taunting game it was playing and end him.
He drew his eyes back to the shadow again and just in time. The jagged, spindly limbs were shooting forward at lightning speed. Heading straight for him!