Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 1 – Chapter 3 – Reunions, Repairs and… Candy?

Jin Skyward

As I intently stared at the floor, I felt something jump onto my lap. As I looked at it, I realized it was a black cat.


"Yes nyaaa ~ "

She answers back while yawning and stretching her body.

"It's still early, you know; you can go back to sleep."

I don't normally wake up this early, the same for Kuroka, since she comes to my place from time to time to spend time with me and as well as sleep, nothing sexual happened so far though, well, she does give me a random barrage of kisses throughout the day, but that's beside the point.

"You weren't in bed, and it's colder when you're not there, nya."

She replies as she slowly starts to fall back to sleep.

I didn't answer but decided to start petting her, Shuri is also aware of Kuroka, the meeting between the two was pretty funny looking back at it.


Third Person Point of View

Nighttime, Kuoh


Shuri called out to the boy from the kitchen. After calling out to the boy and hearing nothing Shuri decided to go to the boy's room. She climbed the stairs and stood in front of his room.


She called out again, no response, but she started to hear shuffling and thuds in the room. As Shuri was about to put her hand on the doorknob, she heard a louder thud and a…


An unknown woman's voice screamed. Hearing this, Shuri yanked the door open, nearly taking it off its hinges. What she was greeted with was a sight to… Remember?

On the ground was the boy her daughter was dating, and an unknown woman straddling and struggling on top of him.

The boy's face paled when he made eye contact with the older woman. In turn, Shuri looked down at the boy with a slightly cold glare.


Jin pleaded. However, the woman didn't reply, but slowly closed the door while still keeping her cold glare at him.


That was the only word that came out of the older woman's mouth as the door closed completely.


Jin decided to stop playing around and easily picks Kuroka up by her hips, making her look like a child.

"You will explain yourself to her, are we clear?"

He said in a firm and authoritative tone. The female Nekoshou shocked at the sudden shift in attitude could only meekly nod her head and agree.

The two of them immediately went downstairs to follow the older woman. When they reached the kitchen, Shuri had resumed making dinner, but didn't turn around nor greet the pair.

"Um, Shuri-san, it's just a misunderstanding. She's a person I met from one of my requests."

Finally, Shuri stopped what she was doing and turned around to face the two, still quite angry.

"Carry on."

Jin nudges the girl beside her, and she begins to speak

"Hello ma'am, my name's Kuroka, and I'm a Nekoshou."

She brings out her cat ears and tail. Shuri looked surprised for a moment, but decided not to interrupt her yet.

"Like Jin said, I was part of his requests from earlier this week. I was actually called a 'Stray Devil' and he helped capture me and return me to the devils."

Kuroka then goes into all the detail that led to the situation upstairs.

Shuri was swept through a flurry of emotions as she listened to Kuroka's tale. Anger, sadness, and empathy were just a few emotions Shuri went through. By the end of it she had hugged Kuroka like a loving mother would and the Nekoshou returned it in kind.

"While I understand the reason for your stay here now, Kuroka, that doesn't really explain the situation upstairs. Why were you trying to… Force yourself on him?"

"I love him, nya! And I want to have his kittens, nya!"

She happily exclaims. Shuri looked at her with a complicated expression and then back to Jin.

"But Jin, aren't you dating my daughter?"

Kuroka tilts her head, confused.

"Harems are quite common in the Supernatural world, though, nya?"

Shuri freezes upon hearing the word 'harem'. Her eyes slowly start to bulge as the realization dawns on her.

"Y-You're building a harem, aren't you?"

"I uh…"

Jin knew he was, but didn't know how to break it to either parent. Baraqiel more or less knew as he had seen the young youth spend time with various females within Grigori. To the likes that included Penemue, the Cadre fallen, and the females of the Slash/Dog team. As well as seeing his brief demonstration of power towards the White Dragon Emperor, he couldn't exactly tell him no. So, Baraqiel had to more or less relent to it.

"He's already got a few ladies on there Shuri-san nya."

Kuroka starts to count with her fingers.

"Me, Lavinia, Natsume, Penemue, Shigune, and now your daughter. So far only 6!"

Kuroka holds out her fingers in front of her happily. Completely oblivious to Shuri's shock.

Shuri had to sit down and put a hand on her forehead.


She let out a loud sigh and massages her forehead.

"Penemue, I recognize that name, I can assume my husband more or less knows about this…"

Now her annoyance had switched from Jin to Baraqiel.

"We'll be having a chat about this. And Jin? Don't assume you're out of the woods, either, young man."

Jin could only smile wryly at all of this; he could only hope that they'd be okay with it. Knowing Akeno, she would be. I definitely didn't want the extra headache if this was something they couldn't agree to.

Jin looked at his right hand.

'If push comes to shove, perhaps I may need to…'

Looking to his right, a window appeared.


Active – Emotion / Memory Alteration – Lvl Max – The user can change parts or the whole entirety of other beings' emotions or memories.


'But that's just the last resort…'

[And you said you wouldn't stoop that low, Partner.]


'I did just say it's a last resort, and I will use this on anyone when I deem it necessary… Maybe Kokabiel. Could you imagine him becoming some weirdo screaming love and peace? It'd be pretty funny.'

The dragons just snorted and left it at that.

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

Shuri hasn't really spoken about it since, and the two of them have gotten on well, all things considered.

While I had been sitting there thinking back on their first meeting, a significant amount of time had gone by. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt someone enter the dining room. I look up and see a tired Shuri rubbing the sleep away from her eyes.

"Mmm? Oh, good morning, Jin."

She greets me with a tired smile.

"Good morning, Shuri. I already eat and made breakfast."

I keep petting Kuroka with one hand and gesture towards the cooked English breakfast I decided to make.

"I used a bit of magic to keep them warm and fresh."

Shuri let out another tired yawn and stretches

"Thank you ~"

She proceeded to help herself and started eating.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I notice it's just about to be 9 a.m.

"Shuri, where do you and Baraqiel plan on taking Akeno today?"

I want to know where they'll be going so that I can help out to make today a smoother experience.

"We decided to stay put in Kuoh today. I haven't gotten to know the entire place yet, my husband certainly hasn't. We can get Akeno to show us around, for a more… Genuine family outing… Hehe…"

Shuri trails off as she just sits there with a goofy smile, imagining their outing in a few hours.

We can hope it turns out well today.

"Alright, then I'll get going."

I get up and start walking out the door.


"Just going to check out the entire Kuoh to make sure nothing interrupts today. It'd leave a bad taste to all of us if it was."

With that, I teleport away. The two heiresses aren't that powerful yet and are still inexperienced. Therefore, doing my own thing shouldn't be a problem. Kuoh's outskirts were strewn with invisible ropes of magic that, if someone passed by them, especially any supernatural being, I would immediately be alerted.

Next, every member of the Gremory and Sitri peerage must be tagged. This will enable me to use a bit of magic to influence them enough to stay away from certain locations at certain points in time. This will ensure that they won't interfere with the Himejima family. The things I do for love. I sigh at the shit I'm doing.

I make a bottle of coke using magic and sit down, for now, taking out my phone I glance at the time.

9:30 a.m.

Still, plenty of time.


I hear a certain black cat speak.

"Good morning."

I reply to the cat that was lying on top of my head. When I teleported earlier, I just left her there, knowing she'd want to come with me. I'm more surprised she didn't wake up a lot earlier with all the movement I was doing.

Kuroka stretches in her cat body and finally jumps down to the ground, undoing her magic and transforming back into her human form.

"What time is it nya?"

Still a bit sleepy, she yawns again.

"Just around nine-thirty."

I gave her two ham sandwiches along with a bottle of water. She happily accepts them and starts eating.

"You're making sure the town's safe, nya?"

She asks in between eating her food.

"Yeah, I'm nearly done. I just need to tag the two devil's peerage members and I should be done. How about you? Got any plans?"

I take one final swig of the coke bottle and crush it out of existence.

"You don't need to tag Shirone then, I'll keep an eye on her, I can just take her out on an impromptu outing to the Underworld."

She informs me as she hands me back the bottle and I proceeded to make it disappear.

"Noted. I'll leave her in your care."

I stare at my right hand and use creation magic to create nanosized flies. I tell them to attach themselves to both peerage members and keep me updated on their location as well as what they're doing.

Once I finished giving them their orders, I send them out, and they all fly in different directions in search of said devils. This is more efficient than simply covering Kuoh and pinpointing them manually. Even with my near-infinite mana pool, it would just be wasteful.

Not too long after, the nano flies found their targets and latched themselves onto them. Now that was done, I just decided to kill time with Kuroka before the set time hits.

"Now that's done, nya."

Kuroka jumps up and sits on my lap.

"Want to do it?"

She asks while pushing her breasts towards my face.

I try to stop her, but end up grabbing a handful of Nekoshou tits.

"Ahhhnn! So bold nya"

"Kuroka, I already told you—"

"Why do you keep doubting me, nya? You're like one of those prince charming characters in children's stories nya, and I'm one of the cliché princesses who fell for you nya!"

She explains her weird reason.

"You know I'm not like that, right?"

"I know, but I'm just giving you some sort of example, nya!"

Kuroka and I just kept on bantering until it reached 11:50 a.m.

"Alright, that's as far as you'll get."

I pick her up as she just starts repeating 'nya nya' while half-heartedly struggling.

"Go and have some time with your sister."

When I told her that, she stopped, since she remembered what she wanted to do.


She cutely huffed, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and teleported away.

I teleported back to my house and Shuri was almost ready. Not surprisingly, Baraqiel was there… Wearing a suit.

"Uh, are you okay, man? You look like you're going to a funeral."

"I-I just wanted to make a new and positive first impression with my own daughter, that is all…"

He said, sounding slightly nervous. Shuri just giggled, the woman in question was just wearing a white summer dress and had a straw hat with her.

"Alrighty then."

I cast the same invisibility spell I put on Shuri not too long ago on both of them. I start walking out the door as they follow suit.

"Follow me."

It didn't take us long to reach the Shrine, a calm breeze was blowing today, and it made the climb up much more calming and comfortable.

Once we reached the top, I was greeted by the sight of my girlfriend standing and waiting there. She was wearing the exact same dress she wore during her date with Issei. I'm definitely not complaining, she looked wonderful.


I call out to her. Her head shoots up as I make my way toward her, although she had other plans and sprinted towards me. I open my arms out as she jumps in for a hug.

"I guess you were excited for today?" I ask her and chuckle.


I ask her and chuckle. She answered back, but kept rubbing her face against my chest.

I glance to the side and see both of her parents just smiling at our interaction. I look back at Akeno.

"Actually… Akeno, there's something I want to talk about."

I step away from her, and she looked at me confused and a bit scared.

"A-About what?"

"I'm going to replace this date with something else."

After I say that, she immediately freezes on the spot. Because I didn't want her to think about anything else, I just snapped my fingers to undo the invisibility magic on her parents.

Akeno turns to her right and looks shocked.


She exclaims.

"Yes, dear, it's me."

Shuri walks over to Akeno and hugs her.

"It's really me, baby."

She begins to whisper it over and over to Akeno as tears started to appear.

This should be my cue to leave, I look over at Baraqiel, give him a nod and thumbs up and teleport out of there to a spot further away.


Third Person Point of View

With the Himejima's

The mother and daughter duo were still hugging each other and sobbing. When they broke the hug, Akeno was the first to speak up.

"H-How are you alive?"

Akeno asks her mother, but before Shuri could reply. Baraqiel decided this was the perfect opportunity to take part in this touching reunion.

"Your boyfriend was the one responsible for it."

Baraqiel answers the question of, which made Akeno freeze and stare at her father. She started to glare at him, but——

"Akeno, please don't look at your father that way."

Saddened by her daughter's reaction, Shuri tried to light scold her, but it didn't really work.

"But mom he… He let you die; he wasn't there to protect us that day! He didn't protect you!"

Her anger and disdain for her father started to show up. Shuri resumed hugging Akeno and patting her head softly.

"It wasn't your father's fault, Akeno… Our clan, our family, the Himejimas, never accepted your father, and I's relationship, even before you were born. They tried so hard to destroy our relationship. It got worse once you were born…"

"They didn't want a child born from a human and fallen angel. They tried many times after your birth to kill you, your father and I. But he…"

Shuri looks at her husband and smiles.

"He still protected us through all of that and loved us. It never changed his opinion."

Akeno's feelings for her father were many-sided over the years, and she held a grudge, not just against him, but towards the entire race of fallen angels.

In her mind, they, as well as the Himejima clan, were the ones responsible for her mother's death. But her emotions started to waver after hearing her mother speak the unknown truth she never really knew.

"B-But you could have still prevented this! Didn't you think of making some sort of magical barriers to prevent assassins from entering our home?!"

Akeno still tried to argue, she almost wanted to keep these negative emotions, they were a constant part of her life after her mother's death after all. Akeno felt strange thinking about abandoning those emotions. So, she tried to find any straws to grasp at.

Baraqiel had a pained expression on his face.

"Yes, I could have done that… Truth be told, you were not the first to mention that to me. Azazel was the first to reach out when he heard the news, and Jin just recently."

He said as a sad smile formed on his face.


'He did mention something about taking requests from all three factions…'

Akeno thought.

"Yes, he started taking requests from the three factions, he took one from me personally. Not too long after meeting the young man we started talking, I wasn't sure why, but I opened up to him."

Baraqiel chuckled

"Who would have thought a man of my age would open up about his past to a 17-year-old teenager… But he did tell me a few things you have said, including putting up defensive magical circles and the like."

Baraqiel suddenly got down on the ground and assumed a dogeza posture.

"I thought about what he said. I nearly lost my temper with him when he mentioned those failures of mine all those years ago. I brushed off Azazel as my emotions were going haywire that day, but all of you have a point… It is a personal failure of mine, as a man, husband, and father."

He balls his hands into a fist.

"Akeno… Please, if you can find it in your heart… Please forgive this foolish old man."


In all her life, Shuri never imagined that her husband would be this desperate. Even performing a dogeza for their daughter.

Before Akeno could respond to everything that was happening in front of her, she felt a strong tug to look above her father's shoulder. When she did, it almost felt like her eyes gained some sort of zoom in vision because the next thing she saw was Jin. He just smiled at her and nodded.


The small event ended as quickly as it started, and she turned her attention back to her father. Akeno broke from her mother's grasp and walk over to her father, she bent down and pulled him up. Without a word, she hugged him and with a shaky voice she told her father.

"I'm sorry…"

As soon as those words left her, the flood gates broke for the both of them.

The pair of them hugged and cried in each other's arms, a multitude of 'I'm sorry' and the like were repeated between the two. Shuri is also overcome by emotion while looking at the scene in front of her and joins them, all three were just crying and sobbing.

A broken family, finally reunited.

In the end, they separated from each other and cleaned themselves up.

"Now, then, how about we spend the rest of the day as a family?"

Shuri happily announces her idea to them, to which they happily agreed to.

Once they started to make their way out of the grounds of the shrine, Akeno looked back at the spot where she saw Jin and smiled. This smile was a type of smile she never thought would ever appear on her again. She couldn't help but blush.



Shuri called out.

"I'm coming!"

The family reached the bottom of the stairs and started their family outing, Akeno took the liberty to guide them around Kuoh, pointing out anything she thought they find interesting. Shops that her mother might find useful for the future, and anything else that came to mind.

Baraqiel was beyond elated, on his right arm his wife happily hugging him, and their daughter with a bright smile leading them around the little town of Kuoh. If the current him went back to the past and informed himself of the current situation, he would have just scoffed and dismissed it. This, he had to admit to himself, almost felt like the work of his creator and father. A genuine bona fide miracle…

The family continued on their outing, happily enjoying each other's company.

Jin Skyward

"Everyone needs a little push, huh?"

I watched the family leave the shrine. They'll be fine for now. I look at the sky and the sun shone brightly; it really was a perfect day for this, I couldn't help but think that.


I hear a certain fallen angel say beside me.

"How can I help you, Azazel?"

I ask him without breaking my gaze at the sky.

"I watched it all, gotta admit it got me emotional too. Baraqiel has been a long-time friend, after all."

Azazel says this sincerely, his usual cocky and annoying attitude not present.

"I also need to give you my thanks, brat."

I finally look at him, and he was grinning at me.

"Don't worry about it. I wanted to see my girlfriend happy. Her smile is genuinely better than anything she had before."

"Right right, anyway, I also helped you today. Any fallen that were assigned to Kuoh or near here, I sent them to the opposite side of Japan."

That dumb grin of his got even more pronounced.

"Really? I appreciate your assistance, Azazel."

I have no reason to give him shit if he really did that.

"By the way, Jin."

He was a bit too close for comfort and still grinning like an idiot.

"Looks like you've got a growing harem, huh?"

I feigned ignorance and replied with the nickname he disliked.

"What're you talking about, Ash Crow?"

"Stop pretending you little shit, I've seen you get closer to the females of Slash/Dog and to my surprise Penemue of all people."

"We're just friends… For now anyway."

Relenting, I just tell him straight out.

"So, I expect more harem members coming your way from the devils and angels? Heck, maybe even from the other supernatural races? Goddesses even?"

"You know, if you had this much drive and passion as you did for your job, Shemhazai wouldn't be nagging you all the time."

I just stared at the fallen as he jerked back.

"Hey! This and that are two completely different topics!"

He fires back, not even trying to deny my claim.

For the love of God, how did this person get appointed Governor-General and Leader of his race? Refusing to answer the guy, I just shake my head.

We fall silent. I take this time to track the family and teleport nearer to them. I also check in on my nano flies and the devils are nowhere near them, which was a plus. Ash Crow also joins me.

"Looking at them again like this… Feels nostalgic, though Akeno-chan was still a lot younger back then, she's all grown up now."

"But these last few years haven't been all sunshine and rainbows for her, though, even with the brief time I met her and the time we spent together. Something always felt off. At least from now on, she'll be genuinely happier."

I sympathized with her when I read and watched the work, she was from, but actually experiencing it firsthand is quite heavy and consuming. Seeing and hearing how they felt in person is very different from listening and watching from a screen or reading from a book.

The two weeks I spent here so far have been eye-opening. This place is no longer a world of fiction, it's my reality now. This started to set in when I raided that awful lab, and I saw how distraught Kuroka was.

Will I become some kind of hero of justice, helping anyone out? Probably not, but I'll do so to people I've grown close to. Even more so for my future harem.

But it won't hurt to enjoy the brief peace I have before the wheels of fate start turning and 'Canon' starts, right?

"Hold on a minute, don't tell me you just suggested becoming a middleman because you just wanted a way to meet the women of our factions, did you?"

Azazel comes to a sudden revelation.

{[Caught in 4k.]}

I just close my eyes and shake my head again. He's right, but I'm not going to confirm that for him. This man is both stupid and a genius at the same time. These two stupid lizards are becoming the bane of my existence with their stupid comments.

Are they perhaps getting bored? In fact, I rarely use [Boosted Gears] Balance Breaker, and even when I do, I only use it for fancy air travel. Even then, I just teleport around.


I got excited and overdid it, bite me. I retorted and could feel the red dragon bashing his skull at something.


The link cut just as Albion started to scream. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look back at Azazel as he nods approvingly.

"Fine, you don't need to say it out loud, I get what you mean. Well, I better get to work, otherwise Shemhazai will definitely be pissed."

After that, Azazel disappeared from the spot.

Later that day

3:00 p.m.

When I look at my phone again it's already 3 in the afternoon, in the last three hours the family had looked like they had fun, they're currently having lunch, I also took the liberty of creating some food for myself. I sat away on top of a pole with my sandwich, eating it. Using a weaker spell to hide my presence from normal humans, I kept watching the family.

That was until I felt a powerful presence appear beside me. I look over and see another individual looking back at me.




Why is she here? I asked no one in particular.

"You, join me."

The little girl in a black gothic Lolita dress points at me and says in a very monotone voice.

"Join you in what?"

I again feign ignorance for the second time today.

"My organization, Khaos Brigade."

"And what does this organization do?"

I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. It's not a very pleasant feeling, though.

"To, get rid of Baka-Red from my home."

"Baka-Red? Who's that? And where's your home?"

"A big dragon, my home… The dimensional gap."

She almost seemed sad when mentioning the place.

"Ever thought of sharing it?"

I already knew the answer, but wanted to play along a little bit longer.

"No, he is noisy and annoying."


Curious, I decide to use [Observe] on this loli dragon.


Name: Ophis

Age: 5000+

Potential: Dragon God - Ex

Rank: Dragon God - Ex

Gender: Female (Genderless)

Race: Dragon God

Titles: Dragon God of Infinity/The Jet-Black God of Infinity

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 990 (98%)

Hp: 7,200,000(Hp Regen: 499,999 per minute)

Mp: 5,555,555 (Mp Regen: 366,666 per second)

Str: 99,999

Vit: 91,111

Dex: 91,200

Int: 420

Wis: 2550

Char: 9999

Luk: 1300


That certainly is something… I glance at my own stats, while I do have a lower level, my stats are much higher than hers. Is this what the stats are for the strongest beings in this universe?

[We can take her.]

{In a fight, right?}


You two have been looking at memes through my memories too much. But yes, we won't have a problem with her, Great Red is apparently only level 1000 while his highest stat is120k which I'll assume is Str. I wonder what Trihexa is like…

"And if I decline?"

I finally answer her, she didn't move at all while I was looking at her stats. Ophis doesn't reply but still stared at me unblinking and without emotion.

"If I decline…"

I use creation magic and pull out a bag of sweets.

"I'll decline with this."

I bring them in front of me. This action finally got a reaction out of her, a tilting of the head. I just hand it over to her.

"Try them."

She stares at the pouch of candy in her hands and doesn't do anything for at least a full minute. Maybe she's analyzing them to see if they're poisoned? The Dragon God finally reaches in and puts one of the candies into her mouth. As she chews on it, something flickers within her eyes, but quickly fades.

"This, is tasty."

Her tone had a hint of emotion in them, so she's totally not devoid of it all, just really dulled and doesn't know how to express them.

"Is that so? Well, if you want more, just come find me, and I'll make more for you."

The Dragon God just nods and now proceeds to stare at me while chewing on candy.… Oh, right.

"Sorry, but my statement still stands, I won't join the Khaos Brigade."

She doesn't say anything and turns to leave, but I grab her arm. She turns back to me, but I just shove another bag of sweets at her

"Another one for the road."

She looks back at it briefly before nodding and teleporting away.

Truly an expected meeting.


[Truly Truly Love.]

…??? It feels like Ddraig is slowly losing brain cells, and as I reflect on the place where the Himejimas were, I realize that they have moved on. Looking at my phone, it shows me that it's 4 p.m. An hour had suddenly passed with my short meeting with Ophis. I sigh and get up; I quickly locate them and teleport closer to them.

"Though, I'm surprised she didn't sense the [Boosted Gear] within me…"

She either did and chose not to say, or didn't, which was a bit surprising as she somehow managed to locate me.


Khaos Brigade

Third Person Point of View

Ophis had teleported away from the powerful young man, who also gave her bags of sweets. She found them tasty and did not plan on sharing any of them with anyone. But she did find him interesting. However, she wasn't one to show off her power, as she is well aware that she's one of the strongest beings in her universe.

This mere fact did not affect the human male. To Ophis it almost felt like the young man was looking at an equal, no, almost like he was looking down on her. This is because he never once showed a hint of fear, only a brief surprise when she teleported to him.

Ophis has met many powerful individuals over the years, but he is certainly a powerful individual. He was considerably stronger than the rest. She would personally put him in the top 10 strongest in the world. Ophis was aware of the strength of the most formidable, since they were nothing to scoff at.

If herself, Great Red, and 'that thing' were tied for first place, then second in line was the Hindu God of Destruction Shiva. The Hindu God wasn't boastful of his strength nor did he roam around picking fights or wars, he only had utmost confidence in himself and his power.

While Ophis was lost in thought, she eventually walks back to her organization's base of operations.

"Oh? You're back Ophis?"

Hearing a voice, she looks up and sees the descendant of Lucifer, Vali Lucifer. He received only a nod.

"What are those bags for?"

He asks her as he stares at them.


She trails off while putting another one in her mouth.

"C-Candy? Who'd you get it from?"

Vali was confused as to why one of the strongest beings in the world was eating candy of all things.

Ophis just stare at him with her usual blank expression

"A strong human."

Ophis starts to describe the human to him, and Vali starts to understand who it was. Now that she had thought about it, she didn't ask for his name.

"Oh, Jin. Yeah, he's strong, did he join?"

He asked a bit excitedly because if he accepted, then he would have no problem approaching him to spar. He also wanted to get back at him for the humiliating defeat he suffered. He tried to learn more about Jin, but Azazel ignored or didn't provide full answers, just like the others.

"Jin? Jin… Jin…"

Ophis started saying his name over and over, Vali was put off by this and decided to leave, but before he could Ophis finally answered the question

"No, he declined."

"Is that so?"

He raised a brow and teleported away. A bit disappointed, but I decided to leave it at that.

"Jin… Candy man…"

Ophis mumbled, unfortunately for the young man he had gained a strange nickname from Ophis that would probably lead to some misunderstandings in the future.

She continued her walk, but this time encountered Cao Cao. Cao Cao was the leader of the Hero Faction that was a part of the Khaos Brigade. Cao Cao was a descendant of the original Cao Cao from the Three Kingdoms Era.

"Hmm? Ophis you're back. You left all of a sudden."

Pausing and looking at the Dragon and the bag in her hands

"Are those sweets?"

Taken aback by what he was seeing, he was only given a nod by the leader.

"Human, reject invitation, give candy."

Almost robotically, she told him of the brief encounter between the two.

"I see, was he strong?"

Cao Cao was interested in the human because she personally went to him for the purposes of recruitment, most of the time it was him that recruited humans as he wanted to test their species limit against the supernatural.

"Strong, stronger than you… Or anything else here."

She says as she puts two more pieces of candy into her mouth.

This caused Cao Cao's eyes to widen. A chuckle left his lips as he refused to believe it.

"I didn't know you could make jokes, Dragon God."

"I, do not joke."

She flatly answers back, ending their conversation, and then she walks away.

This scene proceeded to happen a few more times between her and the members of her organization. Seeing the petite world-ending girl walking around eating sweets from a bag was a sight to behold. Until she came across a certain devil.

"Hmm? Dragon God, what is that?"

The devil is known as Shalba Beelzebub points to the bag of candy with her.


She puts another one in her mouth as she answers.

"…Who did this come from?"

He finally asks, a bit irritated at her.

"A strong human."

Intrigued by this, since the Dragon God, most of the time disregarded humans and only let the Leader of the Human Faction Cao Cao recruit them.

"Hoh? Quite rare of you to acknowledge a human as anything but weak. They must have been something, so? Did you recruit them?"

He snorts. Shalba only sees humans as weak, and if there are any that are slightly stronger, they're just tools in his eyes.

Ophis shook her head, this again irritates the devil.

"And why not? You could have easily made them join, a little bit of brainwashing or enticing with more power with your snakes would have been child's play."

Ophis said nothing to the devil man and just teleported away. She didn't see a reason in forcing the boy if he gave her these delicious sweets, he's the Candy man after all…

"Unbelievable… How does she expect her goals to be reached with such an apathetic attitude? Well, it matters not, as we're also just using her after all."

Shalba looks at his left hand and balls it into a fist, letting a bit of demonic energy flow out.

"Soon… It's only a matter of time."

He grinned.


Khaos Brigade

Third Person Point of View

With Vali

After Vali left the Dragon God, he made his way to his team. He formally named it Vali Team a few years back. He wanted to recruit people in this team who did not possess Sacred Gears, as he created this team for the sole purpose of killing Rizevim Livan Lucifer, that devil was the sole reason for his pain and suffering as a child.

The old devil gave his father Razevan Lucifer 'advice' in a form of abuse and bullying. Since the father felt inferior to the hybrid human child once he learned Vali had Divine Diving.

Vali hated the both of them greatly, when his father found out that his mother was being kind to him and treating his injuries, he also directed that abuse at her, which eventually resulted in her death.

Vali wanted revenge on both, but sadly, one of them died before he could enact it. But fate was a fickle thing since his father died to the very scum, he harbored hatred for, that being his own grandfather.

Ever since then, Vali has directed all that hatred to that one man. So, he trained, and trained, and trained, got stronger and better handling with his Sacred Gear.

But he found out that his grandfather had a unique ability that the old devil named it 'Sacred Gear Canceler' and as it sounds, it had the ability to negate and cancel any and all Sacred Gears.

Once Vali learned of this, he had to redouble his efforts. He needed to find people, strong people that didn't rely on Sacred Gears for power. In this way, he began to train his devil heritage, and as a result, he reached Ultimate-class.

The team he has assembled over the years was strong. But he was not done with the recruitment, the members he has, for now, were Bikou a monkey Youkai who was also a descendant of the Sun Wukong.

When they first met, Vali had asked Bikou to join his team, Bikou who wanted to leave his peaceful village and fight strong individuals agreed, but only if he could beat him in a fight, and so fought they did.

Bikou was strong and gave Vali a good fight, but the deciding factor for that fight was Divine Dividing, once Vali pulled that out, it ended rather quickly due to the ability Divide. It had been a long time since Bikou lost and happily joined Vali's team. They became good friends over time and regularly spar with each other.

The next two he recruited were the Pendragon siblings, a pair of humans. He was sent to England by Azazel for a mission. It was simple enough, but out of sheer luck, he came across the two siblings.

While the siblings were hesitant at first, they accepted his proposal and joined his team. However, once they left England Arthur sparred with Vali, much like Bikou they had a good match, but Arthur was ultimately defeated by Vali since he didn't use his strongest sword Caliburn. It was his own fault, but Arthur accepted his defeat.

The reason for both siblings leaving their household was because he needed to protect his lover, Elaine Westcott, a maid for their household. Arthur is a very caring person, so faced with this challenge, he decided to leave the family in order for her not to be thrown out.

His sister Le Fay Pendragon cared greatly for her brother and so decided to follow him in order to help and protect him too. The two care greatly for each other, watching each other back in a fight.

Finally, their most recent member, even though it's been a few years. Kuroka, a Nekoshou turned devil. She became a Stray Devil after certain events. She spent her time running and hiding from pursuers.

Nevertheless, she found herself facing Vali's team and being recruited in the process. Kuroka was talented in Youjutsu, Senjutsu and the use of touki. She was also an expert in magic like Le Fay.

So, with all this she was recruited by Vali, Kuroka saw that Vali was strong, adding to the fact that he was the White Dragon Emperor also helped convince her. She initially made advances on the boy, but seeing as he had no interest in the opposite sex, she slowly lost interest and only teasingly asked him from time to time to give her kittens.

"Oh? You're back Vali."

Bikou greets his friend and leader.

"Yeah, any luck in finding new members?"

Bikou shook his head.

"Unfortunately, no, actually, why do you look so… Disturbed?"

"Ophis was eating… Sweets, well, candy."

"Heeeeh? Now that I think about it, that's probably the first time she's, well, eaten anything. So? Who gave it to her?"

Curious as to who had the absolute balls to give food to that being.

"The human Middleman…"

Vali grumbled. Bikou replied, howling in laughter as he started slapping his sides.

"The guy who beat your ass?! Ahahahah!"

"It seems she tried recruiting him then."

Arthur showed up along with Le Fay.

"Did he join?"

Vali shook his head.

"No, no one really knows what goes through that guy's head. Especially with what happened with Kuroka."

Vali remembered that their resident Nekoshou was pardoned for her crimes, all thanks to that guy.

"She thinks she's being sneaky, but it's obvious she became infatuated by the guy. At least she's still coming back for missions and meetings."

"He doesn't sound like a bad guy though, helping Kuroka and all."

Le Fay chimes in while floating on her broom.

"I agree, but a meeting is still in place for that final verdict."

Arthur pushes up his glasses.

"Are you going to fight him again? I want to!"

Bikou who had stopped laughing had come back to the group.

"No, I haven't. Lavinia and Azazel keep on stopping me from putting in requests."

He said, annoyed, and stared off in the distance.

"Well, you did spam text the guy, Vali-sama. Can you blame them?"

Le Fay deadpans, and Vali just huffed at that.

"Whatever. Let's just go out and look for anyone else that's strong enough to join."

Vali started walking away towards the door he had just come back from. They just shrugged and followed their leader out.

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

I yawned, today was quite boring. But I would say the good type of boring? The Himejima family outing wasn't interrupted at all, the Sitri peerage was with mostly Sona, so I didn't need to worry about that, they used the day to train. A little bit more responsible, but with the other one…

Rias peerage was, I would say, all over the place. They had a little bit more freedom than Sona's peerage, so they mostly did what they want all day, the exception for this was Koneko, as she was dragged away by Kuroka, she tried to protest but couldn't really do anything.

Kiba had decided to train today, which I commend the guy, but the training was basic and didn't help him grow in power, but keep his senses in tack and reinforce his basics. Not bad, but not all too good, either.

Rias Gremory, their King, well, she was a bit… I guess relaxed? She had spent the day relaxing and binge-watching anime.

I won't lie, I probably did do that myself in my old life, but with the threat of an engagement party on the horizon, it would have been better for her to train. Well, whatever. I can help her correct that in the future. Can't fully blame her, she's young, a teenager, and was spoiled the majority of her life. I guess it's only natural.

[Are you interested in her partner?]

Ddraig asked me. He finally stopped being weird for once.

{Her growth was not bad, from what I have seen.}

I am, but it took too long for her to get there, and she could still grow and even get better. Rias needs to get a bit of a reality check, I don't want her to completely change as a character, but a better and more mature version of herself.

I mean, most of us want that, right? We all have flaws, no one is ever perfect. But we strive to better ourselves, I would say that regardless of race or species. I glance back at the family, still happy. I can start by getting Akeno to try influencing her King.

{I did not expect those kinds of words from you, Jin.}


I guess it comes with age? Whatever age I was, anyway.

Later that day

9:30 p.m.


A magic circle appears beside me.


I hear Baraqiel's voice come out from it.

"Hey, what's up? Something wrong?"

A bit surprised to see this come out this early.

"We're more or less finished, Shuri and I are waiting for you. We'll take a walk in the park; I'll call you again when you can come out."

"Sure thing."

The magic circle disappeared, and I'm left to my own thoughts again. I wonder how I'll explain these things to them. I might as well tell them I'm half Dragon God. I can probably trust Baraqiel to keep it a secret for now. The same with Shuri, as for Divine Dividing… I'll wait a bit more.

I teleport to the park that the family had moved to, since the day was beginning to end the park was basically empty, the devils had more or less gone home for the day and are resting. A perfect opportunity.

I watch them from a distance until a magic circle finally appeared

"Jin, It's time."

With that, I leap down from where I was.

Third Person Point of View

With the Himejima's

"It's been a long day."

Baraqiel says to no one in particular. He had his arm wrapped around his wife, nothing but smiles all day.

"It really was, but all things have to come to an end."

Shuri replied to her husband. Both parents watch their daughter who was in front of them looking at the slowly turning night sky.

Shuri watches as Baraqiel summons a magic circle and tells Jin to join them.

"Akeno dear? Can you come here?"

Shuri calls out to her daughter. She turns around and, happily, trots over to them.

"Is something wrong, mom?"

"Hmm, nothing, it's just that…"

Shuri stops her sentence as she sees Jin walking towards them.

Akeno noticed both of her parents had fallen silent and were looking behind her, so she decided to turn around as well.

Thankfully, thanks to the system telling Jin to wear slightly more appropriate clothing. But Jin being Jin didn't know what clothes would be appropriate, and so he decided to change into a Tuxedo.

"Don't you think that's a bit overboard?"

Shuri giggles as she tells the young man. He just gave her an awkward smile.

Jin Skyward

"Don't you think that's a bit overboard?"

Shuri tells me while giggling.

My mouth twitched. Couldn't you recommend something System?

Answer: Heh


This thing is becoming sentient and I have no idea how to feel about it.

"I didn't really know what to wear... So I just settled for this."

Turning my attention back to them, I gave them an honest answer. Baraqiel just chuckled at my expense, but in the next moment, I was tackled by none other than Akeno herself.


She happily calls out my name.

"Oof! H-Hey there Akeno…"

I hug her back and start rubbing her back.

"Did you enjoy your day? I did give you a small present after all, haha."

"Mmm… One of the best presents I've ever gotten."

She hugs me tighter. I couldn't help but just smile wryly at her, I look up to see both parents smile at us. After a long minute hug, Akeno finally breaks it and stands a bit back.

"So, what're your plans after this?"

"Shuri will move in with me to Grigori, it would be a lot safer there. I would also like to inform Tobio about her, as well as Suzaku…"

He trails off and looks at his wife.

Suzaku Himejima, the current head of the Himejima Clan and current inheritor of her clan's Sacred Beast, the Vermillion Bird. However, unlike her other clan members, she had never treated Akeno and her family any differently.

It is more important to her to care about her family than to follow the old and dumb traditions that some old generations try to enforce. Her appearance seems to be a lot like Shuri…

{[We found a loophole, lads!!]}

WHY ARE YOU BOTH ACTING LIKE IRISH TEENS ALL OF A SUDDEN?! Refusing to answer both dragons start cackling, I was forced to cut the link.

"Suzaku… I remember playing with her from time to time in the past."

Akeno says while reminiscing about the past.

She's also have been in contact with Rias, but due to who she is, she wasn't able to meet up with Akeno at all. Sounds rogue being head of a clan and being that compassionate, while the majority of them are racist assholes… Species-cism? Species-ist? Whatever, but they're just horrid people. Should I go slaughter them?

[Unless they provoke you, then don't. Even if they made your girlfriend's family suffer, you'll also more or less provoke the Shinto Gods.]

{You can try in the future, however, just make sure Suzaku and the Shinto Gods are in good standing with you. Hell, add Amaterasu to your harem and have her punish them instead, include Suzaku in that to while you're at it.}

And now you both give me love advice… What the hell…

"Unfortunately, Akeno can't come with us…but we'll be in regular contact."

"I want to move in with you, Jin, but Rias doesn't know about us yet."

She sighed and lightly huffed.

"Mmm, yeah, you'll be sharing the house with Kuroka-chan."

Shuri adds with an evil smirk.

Oh, no.

{Oh, no}


"Kuroka? The former Stray Devil?"

Akeno asked, but she soon pieces the puzzle together, and she points at me shocked.

"You were the one who helped her, weren't you?!"

"Guilty as charged."

"Do you know how happy Koneko has been? I felt a bit of envy when she had her reunion with her family, but I guess I can't really complain anymore."

She sheepishly admits while messing with her hair.

"Yeah, I actually tracked both peerages today so that they wouldn't intersect with you guys. I did get Kuroka to spend the day with Shirone though."

"So, she's part of your growing harem?"

"W-Well, I uh, I guess."

Can't avoid the topic anymore. I glance over at both parents, Shuri giving me the deal with this yourself smile and Baraqiel had looked away pretending to whistle.


Answer: Bruh indeed.

"Kuroka and I first met when she was trying to force herself on top of him. It was a very interesting way of meeting someone."

Shuri adds, still giving me that smile. Akeno looks at me unamused and just puts a hand on her cheek

"I was afraid of this, first me, then every other female that's part of the supernatural."

She couldn't help but shake her head. Shuri was shocked at her daughter's reaction.

"A-Akeno? Don't you want him for yourself?"

She wasn't expecting her daughter to be so understanding. Akeno smiled back at her mother.

"I'm part devil now, mom, I have seen this more or less throughout my life. It's basically a normal occurrence now."

She looks back at me and then back at her.

"Also, for the short time I knew him, I thought that if he was ever part of the supernatural, I knew he'd eventually gain one."

"Well, if you're okay with it… Then it can't be helped."

Shuri smiled and sighed, resigning in defeat.


Baraqiel looked at his watch and nods. Finally joining in instead of awkwardly standing there.

"We should stop there, for now, it's getting late."

"It can't be helped. I'll join your father tonight; I want to check out our new home in Grigori."

Baraqiel nodded and proceeded to use a teleportation circle, and they were gone the next moment.

"That was anticlimactic. I kinda expected my father to make a bigger fuss over me dating you…"

Akeno was a bit confused as she looked at the spot where her parents once stood. I cough into my hand.

"Well… They did give me their blessings a few days ago… So, you know."

Akeno just stared at me mouth open shocked.

"Well then, we won't need to worry about 'that' then, when we do reach it, of course."

Akeno walked back to me and hugged my arm.

"I don't know which 'it' you're talking about, but sure, we shouldn't have any problems about any of 'it' in the future."

I'm not sure if she's talking about pregnancy, getting engaged, or something completely different. I could only vaguely agree with her.

"I'm not leaving your side today."

She adds while hugging my arm even more.

"This romance has been going full throttle, so let's slow down a bit. You can unofficially move in with me for now, how about that?"

If she all of a sudden moves in with me, knowing Rias she'll start asking questions and look into it more.

"Tonight's the test night! ~"

She cheerfully pumps up her fist. I chuckle at her and teleport us back to my home. When we get there, the lights were already on. Looks like Kuroka is back.


I hear somebody moving towards the entrance hall

"You're back nya?"

Kuroka reaches the hall and answers, but stops and stares at Akeno.


She tilts her head.

"So, official number 1 of the harem has arrived nya. Welcome nya."

Kuroka welcomes Akeno to the home.

"Fufufu, thank you Kuroka ~"

Akeno lets go of my arm and walks over to her. They whisper something to each other and glance back at me, whisper some more, and nod to each other.

"Uh, is something wrong, girls?"

Weirded out by their behavior, I couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, just girls talk"

Kuroka replies as Akeno grabs her hand.

"Yep, girls talk, and we're going to continue. Excuse us for now, Jin ~"

So both of them left. Akeno pokes her head out again

"No eavesdropping."

"Oh su—"

Alert: Emergency maintenance initiated

Wait what? Shocked at the system suddenly saying it needs to do maintenance.

Answer: Go to a spot devoid of life and create an empty I.D

Time limit: 10 minutes.

"Actually, something came up. I'll try to be back before you guys go to sleep, but if I don't just go ahead."

"Eh? J-Jin?"

Surprised by the change in atmosphere, Akeno immediately became worried.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, probably."

I can't give her a definite answer, so I'll have to make do with that.


I didn't let her finish and walk toward her. I hug her and kiss her forehead.

"I promise I'll be back, alright?" she robotically nodded her head and went back to Kuroka.


I hear Akeno scream to her newly made friend.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I leave through the door. Now, then, what good spot is devoid of life? I thought as I look up. Bingo. I stared at the moon, that place is definitely devoid of life.

Alert: Beginning transportation to the moon.

I didn't get to say anything as I was instantly and forcefully transported to the moon.


Answer: Yes, you can breathe.

Alert: Forcefully using I.D Create skill.

I stood on the moon and stared back at earth, I did not think this is where I would end up at night, the moon of all places. Wait, you can do that?

System: Initiating maintenance mode.

Systems shutting down.

Final update rolling out.

"Final update?"

Removing: Store, Quests, Gacha, Relationships, and Options from the system.


Combining all skills…

Forcing evolution

"Forcing evo—"

I black out.

An unknown amount of time later

"Ugh… What the fuck happened?"

I blacked out, didn't I? Ddraig? Albion?

{[We're here. We also were forced to sleep.]}

They both replied.

What the hell happened?

"Oh, crap, that's right! Menu? System?!"





[Voicemail]: (Temporary: Once opened will disappear)

Those were the only things that showed up.

"Voicemail? Looks like it's a one-time use."

Wanting answers since the system has gone silent. I press the voicemail function.

[Greetings, Jin.]


I didn't recognize this voice anywhere…

[You're probably wondering why the sudden update, and of course why I made you fall asleep. Worry not, for I ========= was responsible for it. You've been busy, however, I planned to do this later in your journey, but I decided why not now.]

The voice pauses for a moment, and I listen intently.

[I will also explain the reason for your reincarnation, truthfully, I was bored. I have no other reason. I didn't plan for you to do some greater scheme or whatever, however, that changed after I watched you for the last two weeks. I gotta say I like the way you're doing things.]

[Other previous Reincarnators I let this happen to went and became power-hungry psychos' that started banging anything that moved and that happened way too quickly and I in the end killed them off. While it was amusing at first, It quickly became boring since they would follow the same path. Don't get me wrong, I don't watch you as some sort of entertainment, I was just informed of your activities. I watched back the footage, that's all.]

[This is a one-time deal I'm giving you, and you can't refuse, since I forced it onto you earlier. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am known as =========, you probably didn't even understand that. But I'm also known as the Outer God, Azathoth.]



[I welcome you to our rankings, Jin.]

And with that, the voicemail function disappeared along with the voice message.

I stared at the only options left:







True Name: ????? ?????

System Given Name: Jin Skyward

Age: 17

Potential: ∞

Rank: ∞

Gender: Male

Race: Outer Ultimate True Dragon God

Titles: Outer God/ Rising Outer Dragon God

Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing

Level: ∞

Hp: ∞

Mp: ∞

Str: ∞

Vit: ∞

Dex: ∞

Int: ∞

Wis: ∞

Char: ∞

Luk: ∞

Gold: 881,981

Money: 9,629,316


[Holy SHIT!!!]




Active / Passive – [Origin] Primordial Numen – The ability to use every known power across the Omniverse, be it past, present and future.


…Do I even need either of you anymore?


???: Answer: Name required.

"Wait, system?"

System(?): Answer: Yes

"Why do you need a name?"

This all started to get even weirder.

System(?): Answer: Evolution

"Evolution… Name… Name… Name…"

I sat there for a while thinking of a name for the system. The system has provided be help over the course of the two weeks, wait, helper?

"I know, your name from now on is Cúntóir, it's Irish for Helper."

System(?): Name received, proceeding with evolution.

Moments later, a feminine voice starts to speak.

Cúntóir: Answer: Thank you for the updated name, creator.

Cúntóir: Notice: Skill created.


Passive – [Origin] Cúntóir – Born from the nothingness after the final update of 'The System' The following abilities are available:

Thought acceleration: Raises thought processing speed by a million times.

Analytical Appraisal: Appraise with eyesight alone. It also contains the previous effects of the skill 'Observe'.

Parallel Operation: The Ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena from the mind.

All of Creation: The Ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in the Omniverse.

Synthesis / Separation: The Ability to synthesize and separate everything.

Ability Modification: The Ability to change and modify abilities.

Future Attack Prediction: The Ability to predict attacks in the form of light trails. The properties of this skill are not its ability to predict, but rather that whatever it 'predicted' is destined to happen.


Isn't this just Wisdom King Raphael from Tensura? I mean, I'm not complaining. I get up from the ground I had been sitting on, I look around and can't believe the view in front of me. Seeing the earth like this is quite surreal. I didn't really have time to look around me.

Sy— Cúntóir, how long was I knocked out for? I almost called Cúntóir, system again, but I stopped myself.

Cúntóir: Answer: 13 hours 7 minutes and 29 seconds.

"That… That took a while then. Thank you for using Create I.D earlier."

If she didn't, then I would have been fucked since it took so long.

Cúntóir: Answer: You're welcome.

"Who would have thought that Azathoth himself reincarnated me, but looks like I had some previous 'senpai's' that didn't make the cut. Rest in peace, horn dogs."

He also said he had plans for me? Is he going to send me to other universes or something? I'll deal with it when the time comes, for now… I look over towards the sun, I want to fly towards that.

"Let's change it up for the time being."

I bring out [Divine Dividing].

"Ready Albion?"

{Any day.}

"Balance Break!"

[Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!]

White armor covered my body.

Cúntóir: Answer: You did not need to do that; you are perfectly capable of going—

"I know, but I don't want to neglect these two, or else they'll sulk."


{He's right, though, Ddraig.}

[Which side are you on?!]

Bending my knees, I get ready to jump toward the sun.

Cúntóir: Answer: Canceling I.D Create.

Cúntóir: Answer: Please keep in—



I used the same amount of force I had before my evolution, but I completely forgot about my literal infinite stats and instead of my regular take-off speed, I ended up smashing through the sun.

"That— That isn't going to fuck up anything, right?"

Cúntóir: Answer: I tried warning you. Please keep your new strength in mind.

"Duly noted."

I remove the helmet I had during Balance Breaker and go back to the hole I made on the sun. I put my hand out and begin to reverse time on the spot I went through. The hole instantly repairs itself; I flew around to the front to see if it fully repaired itself. Thankfully it did.

"I wonder if there's alien life in this universe, you guys up for a quick field trip?"


{I am also interested}

"Let's get going then."

With that I took off using the same speed I just used, I quickly flew through the galaxy looking at planets that I thought had life or had the potential for life. Unfortunately, they didn't, as a last resort, I decided to ask Cúntóir.

"Hey, Cúntóir can you scan around this place to find life?"

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, scanning universe…

Cúntóir: Answer: There is life, but it is only that of tiny organisms. No intelligent life found within this Universe with the exception of Earth.

"Bummer, it seems that FxF and ExE are actually from another universe and not just another planet far away from here. Well, I guess that's the first indication that I was in an Alternate Universe, well not including Issei not existing."

But that plot is still far from happening. Do I take care of them now and avoid that problem? Or power up everyone else and let them beat them?

[Either one works. Pluck out a problem now or later, either way, they will die regardless.]

{What do you mean by powering up everyone else?}

Hmm? Yeah, I'll power up my harem with the help of my powers, and the rest I'll motivate to become stronger by beating them up. You know, motivation through humiliation? Vali should be doing that by now.

Cúntóir, can you mark earth, so I can get back to it?

Cúntóir: Answer: Marked, pinging.

I could feel a pinging sensation in a certain direction and moved towards it. It did not take long for me to reach earth, and I was looking at it again. After canceling my Balance Breaker, I teleported back to my home. Cúntóir, how long was I gone for? I got carried away with my new power and just traveled space, maybe that wasn't a smart idea.

Cúntóir: Answer: 1 hour 3 minutes and 42 seconds.

Cúntóir: Answer: Activating Mana and Aura suppression.

Thank you Cúntóir. I nearly forgot to do that again, haah…she's already saving my ass.

[Damn, you're fast, partner.]

I peered into the living room and both women were still chatting away. I make eye with Kuroka who was facing the doorway, and she perks up.

"You're back nya!"

Which caused Akeno to look back and they both got up and hugged me.

"Where did you go? You disappeared when you left through the front door."

She asked worriedly.

"I was on the moon."

I answered them.

Cúntóir: Answer: Reminder, Creator forgot to inform Shuri and Baraqiel about your race.

… Shit. SHIT THAT COMPLETELY SLIPPED MY MIND. Exactly on cue, I heard both dragons cackling in my head.

"The moon…?"

Kuroka looked excited

"Bring us there next time! Nya!"


I couldn't hide my own disappointment at myself.

"Is something wrong, Jin?"

I was asked again by Akeno, who was still worried.

"I, I wanted to tell your parents that I was a human dragon god hybrid. I completely forgot, too, though. I have to tell them next time."

Cúntóir: Answer: You are—

I know, I'll stick with that Human Dragon God hybrid, for now, I mean, telling them I'm an Outer God would be a bit too much. I tell her.


Kuroka shouts out of shock as she falls onto her butt.

"Ahh— I forgot to tell you that too."

I scratch the back of my head. I might as well reveal that to her as well.

"Sorry about that, Kuroka. Oh, and also this."

I bring out the [Boosted Gear] and show her.


Kuroka pounces me.


She starts to rip my clothing off me.


Panicking, I stop her by holding her up.


Akeno yelps at the sudden attempt to assault me.

Kuroka didn't even answer and had a tantrum while being held up, an incoherent amount of 'nyas' were said.

A few minutes later

"Have you calmed down enough?"

I asked her, she slumped down while being held. It's almost like that picture of a cat being stretchy while being held up. Pretty funny, not gonna lie.

"Ugh, yes, I have nya…"

Akeno sat through it all with a fake smile. I don't know what's running through her head but… I could vaguely guess after what happened… I finally put her down

"Alright, I'll go and make—"

I glance at the clock, and it's 11 p.m.

"A small midnight snack."

I go towards the kitchen and start cooking. Using magic to speed things up, it didn't take long for me to make the snack, and then I returned to the living room with three plates.

"Smells good, what are they?"

Kuroka looks at the food with a slight drool.

"Chili-Cheese Tater Tots, I saw a recipe about it before. Dig in."

I gave them each a plate, and they immediately dug in.

"What is this nya?! It's tasty!"

"I agree, it's as tasty as the last dish I ate from you."

Akeno agreed with what the girl beside her said.

"Using magic to cook has its perks, I also don't mind cooking normally without using it. If you guys want the recipe, I can share it with you."

They both nodded their heads, we proceeded to finish our midnight snack while chatting idly. We finally decided to end the day after I cleaned the dishes, we had made our way to my room.


I just stared at the two women in front of the bed I was lying on. Both of them were wearing very revealing lingerie. Evil thoughts begone!

[Just fuck them already.]

{Why are you hesitant?}

I want to have my first time with both of them at different times. After that, I wouldn't mind whichever happens.

Cúntóir: Answer: Does Creator need contraception?

'Nooo, noo I don't need it thank you very much.' I'll just make it so that they won't get pregnant that easily, even if I end up finishing inside them.

Cúntóir: Answer: Very well, turning sperm cells infertile

Err— Thanks, I guess. I didn't really know how to feel about that.


Both girls call out. My focus turns back to them as they both crawl up the bed towards me. DxD boob physics are amazing, look at them bounce. They both eventually reach me. Akeno lays her head on my chest while Kuroka nuzzles her face on my neck.

I notice both of their hands are inches away from my crotch and stop them. They both look up at me with a pout and a bit of disappointment.

"I want to do my first time with both of you at separate times. Let's keep this type of play for a different time, alright?"

I tell them my honest thoughts on the whole thing. They both smile and agree to it.

I snake my arms around their waist and pull them closer, today has been hectic as hell, but I can finally relax like this.

A lot of thoughts go through my mind as I slowly drift off to sleep, but before I fully lose consciousness, I check on both of them. They both have a steady rhythm as they both fell asleep pretty quickly.

I finally join them in dreamland.


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