Wolves-[A Harry Potter Fanfic]

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

With the first light of dawn, the werewolves began to show the first symptoms of transforming into their human forms.

All the lupinids remained grouped together so that when they saw the transformation begin, they did the same.

The large group of newly transformed wizards and witches began to cover their nakedness as best they could. It didn't help that it was December and even with the spells placed on the island by the druids, it was very cold.

Some of the older ones barely showed any shame at their condition, and tried to look stronger by enduring the cold.

When the members of the different clans gathered, they quickly headed to their respective camps to get dressed.

Orion's cubs were barely exposed as the house elves raised two circles of what looked like mist.

Inside, the entire clan took the clothes that had been brought to them and dressed quickly.

They could transform without destroying their clothes, but they needed to imitate the state of the others present.

Fleur watched Miss Argent approach with some surprise at how they had managed to prepare themselves so as not to be seen by everyone.

The young Veela handed her clothes with an amused smile. The Frenchwoman's response was a quick thank you.

Three hours later the sound of thunder warned all clans that the last meeting of that moon would begin shortly.

Half an hour later all the clans gathered again in the established area.

Again Magnus O'Brian took the center of the clearing.

" In an hour we will be able to begin to return to our respective homes!" he began." I am glad to say that I am very proud to recover one of the most important customs of our race!" some nodded in agreement." In this meeting all the lycanthrope clans of the British Isles have gathered! I hope that this principle of rapprochement is maintained in the years to come!" he looked at all the alphas." And I pray to mother moon, that we can repeat this meeting for many years!" many let out a small cry of joy." Before we go, all the alphas have to say something else!" For a moment the lupinids thought that the idea of ​​the Werewolf nation would be exposed. With Greyback on the side oozing fury in his gaze it did not seem like the best line of action. Luckily it was not like that." The Blood Moon, Blood Claw, and Moon Fang clans, they have disappeared after the fight of alphas and by decision of their new alpha!" He said looking at Harry." Harry Potter met with the three clans and they decided that they would unite under a new clan!" saying it the three werewolves who had spoken with the couple stepped forward and raised the new symbol of their created clan." Before we go, I want everyone to meet the new werewolf clan of the Eye of the Wolf!" everyone saw the symbol of the full moon with the green eye inside. Harry felt nervous about all this." If nobody has anything else to say ...!"

" I have something!" said Greyback moving forward." Me and my men have created a new clan!" saying it he looked at Harry with hatred." The Wolfmark clan!" saying it one of his men raised a banner in which could be seen a silver wolf mask with the tongue facing outwards with green on it. Harry and the rest could see how the symbol was their own version of the dark mask. And by the growl of many, they were not the only ones.

" The creation of this new clan is known!" Magnus added, annoyed.

" There's more!" Greyback cut him off." I want my former servants!" as he said it, many of the new members of the Wolf Eye clan took a step back." Let them know that they can come back to me whenever they want!" the look he gave them seemed to promise pain to anyone who didn't.

" Careful, Greyback! " said Harry. " This could be interpreted as a threat to the members of my clan! " Everyone could see how Harry took a step forward and seemed to grow with each step. On the contrary, Greyback unconsciously took a step back.

" I'm just offering the chance to return to their old clanmates to whoever wants it! " he replied.

" I want my mate back!" said one of Greyback's men." Melany, come here!" he said looking at the group of Greyback's former followers. Nobody moved." I said come here! You're mine!" he said with more force. Growls of fury were heard among many clans.

" If she didn't go with you, it's because she doesn't want to! " Harry cut him off, causing the werewolf to take a step behind his leader. " In my clans, no one belongs to anyone! " This pleased many.

" But she's mine!" the werewolf protested." I transformed her and…!"

" Try to take her if you dare! " the boy cut him off. The werewolf cowered and returned to the rest. The look Greyback gave him promised pain for his outburst.

" Does anyone have anything else to say?!" Magnus asked with some annoyance." Nobody?!" he asked again." Then! I declare that the night of the longest moon is over! I look forward to next year's meeting!" as he said this he took out his wand and cast a series of spells into the sky.

Dan and Emma compared them to non-magical signal flares.

In a certain order, all the clans went to the area where they had arrived only one or two days before. There was the great barge of the Irish government again. On it, the Rangers, the Aurors of Ireland, would take care of each clan returning to their home.

The first to leave were the clans of Orkney and Harry's Island, followed by two of the Irish clans and then the clan of the Isle of Man.

Amidst all the hustle and bustle, Greyback tried to get closer to Harry with what he believed to be great stealth.

" What? Are you lost, dog?!" Harry shouted without even bothering to look at him.

The few who had not yet left, upon hearing this, looked at him.

Seeing that he was the center of attention, the werewolf decided to run directly towards Harry.

" You'll pay for this," he shouted as he approached.

Dan and Tonks tried to get in front of Harry, but he stopped them with a sign.

" Come Fido!" said the green-eyed man with irony." Come doggie!" This only made Greyback lose the little sanity he had left. He even began a partial transformation.

" Harry!" said Hermione seeing that he had something in his hand.

" I've seen it," he replied.

When Greyback was barely a meter away from Harry, he leapt up and launched himself at him with his arms outstretched.

" Graaaaa!" madness took control of Greyback. In his mind, it was impossible to avoid it and with the portkey in his hand as soon as he touched him he would take him to his master.

He never expected what happened.

In the hand Harry was holding behind him, a large bone appeared. Without thinking about it, he threw it at the mad werewolf, stopping him dead in his tracks.

Everyone could clearly hear the tremendous blow that Greyback received and how he let out a tremendous moan worthy of any small dog, before disappearing.

" Kaay!" was heard before the werewolf and the big bone disappeared to the surprise of everyone who saw it.

" What?! What happened?!" asked Magnus O-Brian approaching.

" The little dog wanted a bone." answered the green-eyed man.

" But where did it come from? " asked the old werewolf.

" A chicken thigh bone, a couple of fatties, and some very willing and efficient elves." the dark-haired man replied.

" That was an unauthorized portkey!" said an Irish Ranger approaching." Who is responsible?!"

" Voldemort," Harry replied, causing several werewolves and a couple of Aurors to take a step back.

" We noticed that during the fight Greyback dropped something from his pocket, " Hermione added, " and that he was desperately trying to get it back."

" That's right, I remember that! " added Marcus Linch. " I think it was a piece of wood."

" I'm afraid this has all been a farce to try to capture me and take me to his master. " As he said this he looked towards Greyback's followers who were looking everywhere, seeing themselves cornered.

" We don't know anything about that! " said one.

" With your permission, alpha," said Leia Lewis, the only female of the three representatives of the new Wolf Eye clan. Harry nodded." Before coming to the meeting, Greyback and his most loyal followers met. I don't know what they planned but Greyback gave a very clear order. In case he wasn't present, we all had to obey his second in command." as she said this, she looked at one of Greyback's followers who looked at her with hatred.

" So it was all a lie." Magnus O'Brian, added sadly.

" Something good has come out of it, and I hope more will come in the future," Harry replied.

Knowing what the young alpha was referring to made the old werewolf smile.

" Ironic that something good comes out of that damn madman." he added before looking at the Irish auror." As you can see, we have nothing to do with Greyback. He is the one who has violated your laws and broken the agreement." he let out a sigh." I can only assure you that the rest of us were unaware of his plans and ideology." he looked at the auror." I hope you understand and convey our apology to the Druid conclave."

The Irish wizard thought for a moment before answering.

" Agreed." he replied." You will understand that this will still require an investigation and a report to the druids."

" Yes. And I am personally willing to give all the explanations, in person if necessary! " continued Magnus.

" But they will have to accompany us! " he said, pointing to the group of Greyback's followers.

" Excuse me!" said Dan." I don't want to butt into things that don't concern me, but..." he approached the Auror." Do you think you and your men will be enough?" he said pointing at the group." At least that's three crazy werewolves each." The Irish Ranger looked at the group and then at his men.

" By all the clovers of…! It's true!" he said more to himself than to the rest.

" I don't want to tell you how to act. You know what to do better than me! Although... " As he said it he approached and put an arm around the wizard, gently pushing him away while lowering his voice. " Have you seen how muggles act in cases like this? " The wizard looked at him strangely. " I mean massive sporting competitions, football for example! " Reality dawned in the wizard's eyes.

" I know what you mean! " he said. " But not how they act."

" It's very easy." answered Dan, smiling as he did to reassure his patients." If it was just a small transgression or a fight without victims, they take note of who provoked it and they are monitored in case of a similar act." he raised a finger." But that's not the case! If, like here, they have broken the law and due to certain circumstances they cannot be arrested for questioning or prosecution." he looked at the group." I would say that is the case. They take note of who they are and, if possible, their residence. Later, they can be arrested.|

" But they are English! " the Irish Wizard interrupted him. " As soon as they return to their island we will not be able to touch them!"

" True." Dan said." But you have to know when to give in. Keep in mind that a fight would only cause casualties. And frankly, the rest of us do not want the relationship we have started with your government and beautiful island to be damaged." He put a finger on his chin while pretending to think." I would suggest that since trying to capture them by force is not an option, they should be kindly asked to accompany you. I doubt any of them would accept. While you wait, your men can discreetly obtain a trace of their magic. So that if they ever return to your beautiful nation, they can be located and detained with guarantees of success." He smiled." In addition to that, you can add that they fled on their charges."

" It is not certain that they will return, " the Irish wizard tried to protest. " No one would be so stupid as to do so!"

" You're talking about a group that has a rabid dog as its leader who doesn't respect anything or anyone. " said Dan. " Do you really think those idiots won't do it? What's more! If you think about it, you'll already have them under control in case they come back and you'll stop them from trying to do anything in Ireland. I'm willing to risk saying that they're such idiots that they'll be here next year as if nothing had happened. " He raised his hand in a conciliatory manner. " I think that given the situation, it's the most reasonable and least dangerous path."

The Chief Ranger thought about everything this man had said. He had to admit that everything he had said made a lot of sense.

Nearby, Magnus O-Brian watched in amazement as this werewolf had turned what seemed like a disastrous situation into a viable outcome for everyone. He knew that by meeting with the Druids he could explain everything and that they would understand that it was all the fault of a few undesirables.

" By all the drunken centaurs in the world! " cursed the old werewolf. " That wolf knows how to charm sheep!"

" He's my father-in-law." Harry added." And yes, he knows how to talk. And I won't even tell you how he plays cards!" The old werewolf looked at him and nodded.

" Thanks for the warning, " he said.

" I think we'll let it go this time, " the Irish Wizard said at last. " But we'll need you to accompany us to the ministry!"

" Never!" said the werewolf who seemed to be in charge of Greyback's men. While everyone was preparing for the fight.

" Calm down, calm down!" the Chief Ranger quickly added." It was just a request! If you can't come with us because you have other obligations!" he said nervously at the surprise of his men at his behavior." We will settle for you leaving us your address so we can send you an owl in case we need you to prove that you have nothing to do with your leader!" This surprised all the werewolves, especially Greyback's followers.

" And none of use will have to go to jail?!" he asked seriously.

" As I said, I wasn't planning on stopping them! " said the Irish wizard, somewhat calmer and grateful for the suggestion of the smiling Briton next to him. " I just wanted them to explain that they had nothing to do with it! That's why I need them to give me an address in case I need them to send a letter to my superiors explaining it! Nothing more!"

" And we can leave?!" asked the werewolf again.

" As soon as you give me an address to send an owl and it's your turn on the barge! " added the Irish wizard. The werewolf's response was a grunt of agreement.

Shortly after, the head of the Irish Rangers spoke to his surprised men and they, after receiving instructions, began to move near Greyback's werewolves taking samples of their magical signatures while their boss and another took some directions that they knew would be useless.

With the situation under control, and after two more clans left the island, Greyback's men with a big smug smile left the meeting.

While Harry and Hermione met with the Wolf's Eye clan, with the three representatives were three young girls. One was just a terrified teenager.

" Alpha." said Dorian." They are the three wolves without magic." The three of them looked nervously at Harry and their companions.

" Have they explained the situation to you? " Harry asked.

" No alpha." Dorian began.

" Please! I want to hear them." Harry interrupted. This surprised some and annoyed others." I know that you are the only ones without magic in your new clan. That is why I offer you an alternative." He looked at the two oldest, both around 25 or 30 years old." I know someone who needs a couple of helpers. She is a witch and I can guarantee that she will have no problems with your condition."

" In addition to being in charge of training you." continued Hermione. Under the annoyed gaze of Dorian and others." She will provide you with a house for the two of you and Wolfsbane potion every month." This surprised the two women, who looked at each other.

" With your permission, alpha." said one. Harry nodded." What is expected of us?"

" Do you both have studies? " They both nodded. " You will be her assistants and secretaries. Nothing more! " He answered. " In your free time, you can do whatever you want. " He thought about it. " Even if you want, you could meet again with your families. " A smile appeared on the faces of the two women. " Of course, with the necessary precautions due to our condition, you know what I mean! " The two women nodded. " What do you answer?"

" I accept alpha!" said one.

" Me too, alpha! " added the other.

" Great! " said the dark-haired man. " Then say goodbye to your friends. Your destination is Paris," said Harry smiling, seeing the incredulous faces of the two women.

" And me alpha? " asked the frightened young woman.

" You must be Melania," Harry asked.

" Yes, alpha. Melania Dikinson," she said.

" In your case, we have the problem that a minor cannot work. So, we offer you to go to a boarding school to study." said Harry." There are other werewolves there."

" It's where we study too." Hermione added." You'll like it."

" When you finish your studies." Harry continued." we can see if you want to go with them to France or… do something else." He looked at her smiling." It will be your decision."

" Will I be able to see my parents? " she asked hopefully. Harry looked at Hermione and let out a sigh.

" We'll need some time to organize something." she smiled." But I think you could spend Christmas with them." the girl smiled happily.

" Thank you, thank you!" After saying this she hugged Harry to everyone's surprise. The poor girl realized what she did and quickly knelt down." Sorry, my alpha, I didn't mean to...!"

" Don't worry. It's nothing," he said, taking her by the hand and lifting her up. Then he looked at the three representatives." In a few days, I will send you all the documentation and you can move to your new home."

" Thanks, alpha." the three agreed in chorus.

" It's your turn! " said an auror.

The Wolf Eye Clan left the longest night's lycanthrope meeting.

It was the Orion cubs' turn. Harry went to say goodbye to Magnus and Marcus Lynch. The only alphas left.

" I hope to hear from you soon," said Harry.

" You will," added Marcus Linch.

" Would it be possible for you to let your father-in-law accompany me to the meeting with the Druids? " Magnus asked. " Given the way he's handled the Rangers... it would make things a lot easier for me."

" I'll do something better." he said." When you have to go see the druids, send an owl here," he said while giving him a scroll with an address.

" Andromeda Tonks's office, Paris France," Magnus said while reading. Then he opened his eyes in surprise." That Andromeda Tonks?!"

" Yes." Harry replied smiling." Believe me. With her, I doubt we'll have any problems with the druids."

" Fuck! " Magnus replied. " If what I've heard from her is even half true, I'm sure that when this is over it will be the old Druids who will be asking us for forgiveness.

" Who do you think organized everything with the Irish government, Mr. O'Brian? " Harry asked, smiling.

The werewolf let out a loud laugh.

" HA,HA,HA! I like you, boy! " he said after finishing laughing. " I'll send her the owl. I think you're right. Greyback's madness has started something big."

With that, Harry and the rest, accompanied by three nervous women, disappear from the barge.

It was Marcus Finch's turn. He shook Magnus' hand in farewell.

" If you need help with the old ones…"

" With Andromeda Tonks?!" he replied amused." Fuck Marcus! I'll just have to introduce her and sit down." this surprised the other werewolf.

" Who is that witch? " He asked.

" If you can, read something about the British Wizengamot, " he said. " If her name appears, you will like it, " he added, smiling. " She has done more for our race than anyone else."

" Wait!" something came to Marcus Finch's mind." I heard about a British witch who has dedicated this last year to dismantling any law that affected... " He looked at him." Is that her?!"

" I'll see you soon, friend," he said amused.

Somewhat stunned, the alpha of the Giant's Den clan went with his men.

The last thing an amused Magnus O'Brian heard was a… Her?!, before the entire clan disappeared.

After that, it was his turn and after saying a grateful goodbye to the Chief Ranger, he and his clan returned home, looking forward to the next meeting with the circle of druids.


The youngsters' return to Blackrock was surrounded by interest.

As soon as they showed up, they saw how their teachers and the rest of their friends were waiting for them.

The little ones who had not been able to attend kept asking about everything. They wanted to know even the smallest detail.

The adults were of the same opinion. Except for different reasons. One of them was the three young women who accompanied them.

" How did it go?" asked a serious Minerva McGonagall.

" Better than we expected," replied Dan Granger.

" We'll talk inside," added Hermione.

Harry turned to the rest of his clanmates.

" Why don't you go with the little ones to the dining room and tell them everything? " he asked them.

Everyone knew that their leader wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to tell his teachers and friends what had happened and the possible reaction of a certain Lycanthrope nation.

Two nodded before looking at the younger ones.

" Let's go to the dining room and we'll tell you everything," said Tonks.

Each one went to their place.

Fleur discreetly left with Marie Argent, with the excuse of putting everything in order for her return to France. She also took the three women with her.

Two would travel with the Frenchwoman to Paris.

The third would soon see her life change, for the better.


When Harry began his story, everyone was sitting in comfortable chairs and the elves had taken care to supply each one with their favorite drink.

" The truth is, almost everything went as we expected." Harry began." As for the act itself…" he looked at his wife and friends." It was incredible! I would say it is worth continuing to do."

" Do you think it will be done? " asked Cyrus Greengrass.

" When we tell you what has happened and what has been planned, you will understand, " Emma reassured him.

" Don't cut it anymore! " protested Beatrice Davies. " Come on, what are you waiting for! " she added excitedly.

" The meeting was phenomenal." the green-eyed man continued." We had no problems relating to the rest."

" Although many noticed something strange." Tonks added." More than one showed me her neck submissively."

" Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary until the fight," Harry added.

" Fight? What fight?" Andromeda asked nervously." Don't tell me that...!"

" Yes." Harry interrupted her." As we suspected, it was all a trap by Snake Face and his lapdog." From behind the boy, Emma and Tonks let out a smile.

" The way he squealed when you beat him up, I think the name fits him," Hermione added jokingly.

" Did you beat up the most feared werewolf in all of Europe?" asked Robert Davies. Harry nodded with some pride." Fuck! Can you really not give me a bite?" he asked, rolling up his robes. His wife nudged him lightly with her elbow to get him to behave.

" Will you please explain everything at once? " Amelia Bones protested, very interested.

" Let's just say... that dog took a while to get his bark back, " joked Dan Granger.

" Harry, please, " Minerva finally asked.

" Okay! " the young man replied.

The next hour was spent explaining the fight and how they discovered that Greyback was trying to take him to Voldemort.

Hermione and the rest also explained how the mad werewolf forced the fight and how his men tried to enter their camp.

Afterwards, the boy and his wife explained to everyone about the alpha meeting and what had been proposed.

The idea was very good but with the unique condition that the young clan had…

" We know very well that if this werewolf nation were to be created." Hermione began." As soon as our condition comes to light, we will have to leave it. But if it were created... it would be a wonderful thing for all those affected by the curse!"

" And now… what?" asked Cyrus Greengrass.

" Andromeda has to meet her two new assistants." Harry began amused." And tonight Minerva might have a new student in her charge."

" A girl without magic." said Emma amused." If she's like us, we'll soon have another potions student." she smiled as she said it. Beside her, her husband nodded happily.

No one could contain their snorts upon hearing them. The couple's enthusiasm for potions was… unique. No one doubted that in a short time, the pair would be two of the most eminent potions masters on the continent, if not the world.


A few hours later, Andromeda and Marie Argent left the island accompanied by the two young werewolves who would help the witch in the office they had created in France and which served as a meeting point for all the families with the rest of the world, especially with the French government.

That night, the surprised Melany Dickinson was bitten by Harry, and shortly after a brown wolf ran through the forest near the mansion.

At first light, she returned accompanied by a female Grim named Cloud.

This time Minerva didn't even bother to protest, knowing the reason for the young woman's animal company.


Greyback managed to open one eye. He was in great pain all over his body. The image of a large bone came to his mind. He could not contain a moan that sounded very similar to the whimper of a beaten dog.

A new and tremendous fear had been born within him. The Potter boy was clearly beyond his reach. The warning he had given him had burned itself into his mind. He knew that if he fought the boy again, he would not live to tell the tale.

When he managed to recognize the place where he was, a new fear took over. Once again his life was at stake.

He had no doubt that he would soon be brought before his master, whether he wanted to or not. And he knew that when he could give no reason for his failure, his hope of survival would be zero.

In his condition, it was impossible for him to escape, especially when he did not have any of his men to help him.

He had to think of something that would allow him to stay alive. In situations like this, he was grateful that his lycanthropy prevented his master from reading his mind.

He had little time to think about anything. He had no doubt that intense pain would be present in his near future. Although… it would be better than death.

He was not wrong.

Barely fifteen minutes later the smell of potion ingredients and grease reached his nose.

' Snape.' he thought.

The Potions Master entered the room and looked at his patient. Greyback knew that feigning unconsciousness would be futile.

" I see you finally decided to wake up." he began." Our lord is eager to meet you." the werewolf could not hide a grimace." And I can assure you that he is very interested in knowing why Potter was not with you." he finished with some disgust as he said the green-eyed man's name.

" I will tell that... to our lord... in person," Greyback answered with some difficulty, while he sat up, enduring the pain.

" I don't envy you." was the potionist's simple response before handing him a bottle.

Greyback didn't even think about it before taking it. He doubted it would kill him before he spoke to his master.

Although with what he had thought the chances of escaping alive were slim... that was better than nothing.

He could only beg whoever would listen to help him.


Greyback followed Snape with some difficulty into the room where his lord ruled his followers.

The potion maker only looked behind him once along the entire path.

Upon arriving, he knocked on the door and waited a moment before entering. Everyone knew that his master would not speak from inside.

As soon as Snape entered, he knelt before his lord's throne.

" Master. As you asked, " said the Slytherin to the dark lord. " as soon as you woke up I brought it to you."

" Leave us." said the dark wizard reluctantly.

Snape nodded before quickly leaving the room. A very effective way to avoid receiving a punishment, whether deserved or not.

Greybkack simply let himself fall before Voldemort.

" My lord." said the werewolf.

" Why didn't you bring Potter? " the dark wizard asked indifferently.

" I swear on my blood that I did everything in my power to do it." he answered quickly." I was just one step away from achieving it."

" But…"

" I'm sorry to admit that I underestimated the pup," he said, lowering his head.

" Did he beat you? " said Voldemort, between interested and annoyed.

" Yes, master," he replied.

" And?"

" He also managed to control his wolf." he replied." I don't know how it's possible but they have a strength... superior to mine."

" Is he stronger than you? " said the dark wizard. " The most feared werewolf in the world."

" I'm ashamed to admit it, but yes, Master." he replied." But there's something else!" he added quickly." The boy has something... I don't know how to explain it! He seemed to know what I would do before I did it!" that did interest Voldemort." I think... it's possible that he has the help of a psychic."

" Do you have proof of what you say? " the dark lord asked with some concern. If the boy had such a resource... he was more dangerous than he suspected.

" No, my lord." he answered." But among his followers there were three who never left him behind." he continued quickly." One female even spoke to him, whispering in his ear." he dared to sit up a little." After that, it seemed that she somehow knew what I was going to do."

Lord Voldemort thought about it carefully. From what his spy had told him, the boy was surrounded by only one other werewolf who happened to be his wife. And Snape hadn't said she was anything special. If he remembered correctly, he described her as an insufferable Mudblood who thought she was a know-it-all.

For a moment he was about to dismiss it. But the image of another red-headed Mudblood came to the forefront of his mind.

Because he hadn't paid attention to the boy's mother, he had lost the first time. He couldn't afford to repeat his mistakes.

" Anything else? " he asked his servant.

" If it weren't for that, you would have Potter at your feet, my lord." the werewolf concluded.

Voldemort took a moment to think about the situation. He needed to know more.

" I want you to tell me everything." he said." And I mean absolutely everything!"

A pained Greyback spent the next hour explaining to his master what happened from his arrival at the meeting until the moment he used the portkey.

Obviously, some facts were changed and others completely ignored. But anything to stay alive.

When he finished, he crouched with his forehead against the ground, waiting for his master's decision.

" I understand why you think the boy might have… a seer in his group." the dark wizard finally admitted." And in a way I can even understand you losing. Does that mean Potter has gained control of all three of your clans?" he asked, holding back his fury.

" Correct, my lord." he answered fearing the worst." But most of my most powerful warriors are on my side! Only the weakest and the females have stayed with him. I can take care of all of them in no time and I do not doubt for a moment that you with your immense wisdom and power will find a way to defeat the boy's seer." he smiled with his usual grimace of pleasure." It will be a pleasure for me to tear his neck out when you say so."

" I know." he replied." CRUCCIO!"


" You have failed me!" Voldemort almost shouted." Your mission was to bring me Potter at any cost!"


" I don't know what that is." he said smiling." And you know it."


As quickly as it had started, it had stopped. Greyback lay on the ground, moaning. He knew that doing anything else could result in him receiving another dose or… something worse.

" But... I must admit that what you've told me intrigues me." he said at last." It would be very beneficial for our cause to have the help of a seer. Even if she is a mudblood bitch." he began to think." I have to find a way to trick her in order to capture her." he smiled." It would be very fun. We would leave Potter without his source of information, and his wife." He opened his eyes thinking of something else." Maybe it's even the way to capture him." He leaned back on his throne happily." It would be delicious to see him writhe at my feet while he watches her being tortured and raped, in front of him."

" It would make me very happy to do it in your name, master. " The werewolf managed to say.

" Crucio!"


" I didn't ask for your opinion." he said, removing the curse." Your job will be different. I want you to gather under your command every werewolf you find. If necessary, transform them." This made the pained werewolf smile viciously on the ground." Before the end of the year, I must be the leader of all the werewolves in the country. I'll tell you what to do after that. Go away."

" As you... command. Master." he said, crawling towards the door.

" Are you still here? " asked Voldemort, seeing him crawling. " Cruccio!"


" Go away," he said, removing the curse.

This time Greyback used all his remaining strength to try to get up. In his condition, he barely managed to do so and when he fell he managed to reach the door, and fell on the other side when he opened it.

From the other side Snape watched him fall and without a second glance entered the room.

It would be a couple of hours before one of Greyback's men would show up and take him away.

[T/N: Ok, good and bad news. I did some checking and the last chapter of this book was just a summary because the author didn't have time to write a real ending for the book. I will try my best to turn that summary into a real chapter, though if I suck then I'll just give the original to you. If you enjoyed this chapter then why not drop some stones, leave a comment telling me of your favorite parts, and write a review. If you can't wait for the next chapter then check out my Patreon for the rest of the chapters. The last chapter of this book is scheduled to come out in March, but for just $10, you can get access to over 300+ posts. Which includes the rest of the book. I changed the pricing of tiers to be cheaper overall after a vote over on Patreon, now there is only one tier but instead of paying $10 for like 13 chapters a month, I only just realised how ridiculous that was, you can pay $10 for 50+ chapters a month. You could also just join the free membership, we still need like 7 people for you guys to get another bonus chapter. (*/ω\*) ]


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