Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 314: Victor—Reserve of the Hague Tribunal!_2

"Wrong? No, they're just scared," Captain Reinhard Tristan Eugen said with a calm smile. When his gaze turned, settled steadily on the other party, the female reporter met his gaze...

She felt one word: "Deathly silence!"

"In the Northern Army, there has never been a precedent for using legal proceedings against drug traffickers. If we were to start now, wouldn't the judges be overwhelmed? To avoid environmental pollution from gunpowder, I opted for burial alive. Perhaps several hundred years from now, this will still be a fertile land."

Listening to his words, the female reporter shuddered, recalling his nickname: "Follower of Death."

In just six hours, he and his squad had killed no fewer than 2,000 captured drug traffickers!

Among them, he had one hundred drug traffickers lie down, and then... ran them over with a road roller. It was said that the reporters present at the time all vomited and probably would never eat pizza again in their lives.

And that scene had pushed the viewership ratings to 75.9%!

Ranking first in over a hundred television channels!

And as if by "silent agreement," the Northern Army started a so-called "killing contest" against the drug traffickers, to see whose methods were more varied, who could be more ruthless!

According to incomplete statistics, from last night until 8 o'clock today, at least twenty thousand drug traffickers had been killed!!

The methods were so brutal, the acts so savage, they were simply horrifying.

Even other countries were shaken, the Yankees on the side kept stoking their underlings to continuously attack Victor.

"The Guardian" from the United Kingdom: An utterly unprincipled and inhumane massacre!

"ABC" from Spain: The tragedy of Mexico is outrageous, Victor's atrocities have brought down civilization, he is post-World War II Neo-Nazism! He is a war fanatic; he must be brought to justice and The Hague Tribunal should sentence him to the extreme penalty!




Anyway, everyone who could jump on the bandwagon did, taking the moral high ground to strike at Victor.

Even South Korea clamored, "If Victor does not stop his atrocities, then we will send an expeditionary force to strike at him!!"

Many human rights organizations also came forward. They went marching, shouting, until they finally uttered a famous phrase.

"The life of a drug trafficker is still a life!"

An American BBC reporter on the streets of Spain grabbed a black woman with her child. She lifted her top to the camera to reveal a belly full of needle marks, "Drugs are not scary, people can coexist with drugs. It's our choice! It's the manifestation of freedom! Victor is killing freedom, restricting human rights, he is a tyrant. Can't drugs bring me happiness, relieve the pressure of my life? Is that so wrong?"

"Call on the United Nations to define him as a war criminal!"

"Call for a trial!"

There were always people fanning the flames behind the scenes, this "precious life of drug traffickers" campaign against Victor grew bigger and bigger like a snowball, with some even threatening suicide to pressure Victor.

In response, on December 1st,

Casare reported the "achievements" at an international press conference in front of journalists from around the world.

"From November 23rd to midnight on November 30th, the Mexican Northern Group Army's 3rd Marine Division has completed the cleansing operation in Guadalajara, a total of 112,351 drug traffickers were humanely and physically eradicated, with bodies being donated for medical research. The Governor's Mansion is satisfied with this and very grateful for the efforts of their colleagues in the 3rd Marine Division. Therefore, the Governor has decided that from 15:00 on December 1st to 15:00 on December 15th, an 'expanded eradication' operation will be carried out on the cities liberated by the Northern Mexican Army, lasting two weeks, to humanely destroy drug traffickers!"

The reporters below buzzed at the news!


Isn't it enough to do this in just Guadalajara? Do you have to expand?

The more we criticize you, the more you do this?

How can you be so rebellious?

"You are murderers! You bastards!" A female reporter suddenly came out with the flag symbolizing the Anti-Viktor Alliance, loudly resisting.

The flag was interesting, featuring a free eagle above, with fields below where farmers were working, and on the side their propaganda slogan: Freedom, Democracy, Diligence!

It really is... indescribable.

Casare looked impassively as she was dragged away and continued, "Effective immediately, any Spanish, British, American, Japanese, and South Korean nationals entering Mexico will be subject to a drug test, and if positive, execution!"

That's targeting if ever I've seen it.

"You're a killer, the people of Mexico are weeping..." Just then, another protesting reporter stood up, waving the flag and shouting.

Casare smiled as he watched two burly men of the Northern Army, "Take good care of them, very good care."

A Lieutenant hesitated, then nodded, pulling the female reporter toward the outside.

"Let go of me, you murderers."

"And what makes you think, we wouldn't dare to kill you?" the Lieutenant suddenly spoke up. He clearly felt the female reporter stiffen, raise her head, and shudder at his almost smiling expression.

"Chop her up, throw her down the sewer."

"That's too cruel, didn't the drug traffickers raise a few dogs? Just let them bite her to death."

Listening to the two men talk, the female reporter began to cry hysterically, "No, don't kill me, it wasn't me who wanted to do it, someone gave me ten thousand US dollars to protest, no, don't kill me!"

"So you thought the money was easy to earn, huh? Heh, no worries, I'll let you experience the Mexican drug traffickers. You're protesting, right? Go see it firsthand!"

"I won't go, I won't, I don't want to!!"

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