Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.25 Installing cards and Making sleeves

After a quick snack, we began making our way out of the dungeon. We were going to take a long time getting back to town so I thought of a possible idea to make it faster. If I make a sleeve for my slot machine I can make a path through the forest. The baron will most likely make a road here at some point anyway so might as well start right now. Actually let’s first check out that install thing in the instructions.

Installing a card will make that card a permanent part of what it is installed into or a trap that is triggered when it’s activation condition is achieved. Monsters cannot be permanently installed.

That doesn’t answer much. Laura, can you explain better?

(For permanent install, spells like Umiiruka or Molten Destruction would be good examples. If installed on a person, it would increase their affinity with the element while reducing their affinity with the opposite element.) Laura explained to me.

(So molten destruction is plus fire attribute but minus water attribute. Makes sense. Can an installed card be removed?) I ask.

(You need anti-magic to remove it.) Laura tells me.

(Anti-magic? Like Anti-magic arrows? Or would anything that destroys spell and trap cards work? MST negate? Well not that it would negate the effect in this case. It would be more like destroying an equip card.) 

(Yes, I believe Master is correct.) 


As I’m talking with Laura I notice members of Prime Rib picking something up from the floor. I didn’t notice them earlier because they were under a pile of corpses but now they are visible. I see one as well and decide to pick it up.

“What’s this?” I ask, holding something that looks like a credit card in my hand.

“They are dungeon cards.” Zayaan answers me. “They keep track of the monsters you kill in a dungeon. They are what allows adventurers to make money in a dungeon. Once you collect enough points, you can trade the points for items at the dungeon shop.”

“That’s almost how the dungeon founder's powers work. That’s a little bit of a let down. I thought I had more power than a typical adventurer.” I say a little disappointed.

“Well, the dungeon master, and by extension the founder, have cheaper prices in generating objects with the dungeon. They also gain some points when adventurers use their cards to make things.” The baron told me. So I will just passively gain points as adventurers come to this dungeon. That’s nice.

(With the founder’s terminal Master can generate dungeon items anywhere. That is a power only held by founders.) Laura told me. That is going to be extremely useful. I can just make clothes anywhere I go. 

“I guess I still don’t understand the power of a dungeon founder.” I admit to everyone. “Should we try to collect all of the dungeon cards?” I ask.

“There is not really a point. The card is only for the one who originally picks it up. If you look at the card in your hand, you should notice a thumbprint and a name on it. That’s what makes it yours. You can’t use other people's cards.” Zayaan answers.

“Well then, everyone should make sure to pick one up.” I tell them.


After that little exchange I go back to browsing pack opener. I don’t think opening packs right now is a good idea. I mean I’m good at multitasking but I can just open them in the carriage. It's a lot more comfortable. But I do want to take a look at making sleeves. I open up the sleeve maker tab.

Sleeve Maker
Make a sleeve
Number of Sleeves: 0
Make a toploader
Number of Toploaders: 0

All of two options, not that I expected more. I choose to make a sleeve. I mean I did need one to use a toploader to begin with.

Sacrifice five cards from the collection to make a sleeve?
[Yes] [No]

So the cost is five cards. Let’s just go with some not so good cards that I probably would never use.


Sacrifice five cards from the collection to make a sleeve?
[Curse of the Fiend]
[Laser Cannon Armor]
[Penguin Knight]
[Queen’s Double]
[Yes] [No]

Let’s go with those. Laser Cannon Armor might be useful for installing, but it's insect equip, so it would most likely be terrible. 

Yes, make me a sleeve.

Gained 1 Sleeve

So now I have a sleeve. Let’s just equip it to Slot Machine. It’s the strongest monster in my collection at the moment, so sacrificing five cards for it isn’t that bad.

I pull the sleeve and Slot machine out of my skill, and slide the Slot machine into the sleeve. The sleeve seems to fuse closed so I can’t remove the card from the sleeve. So they are a single use. Well more like fuses with the first card used for.

“Sir Brian, what is that?” Alice asks me. She has gone back to her slightly more respectful tone after that entire begging for a hoodie thing earlier. Only Lucia was wearing what I made for her. The others had put them in their luggage. Or they just didn’t want to change in a dungeon.

“This?” I ask showing her the Slot machine card. “This is a card made by my unique skill. I can summon the monster in it.” I say to her. “And with card summoner skill, you should be able to as well.”

“Can you give it to me?” She asks me in a cute voice. She went straight back to her cutesy begging voice. I guess her parents fall under this pressure.

“I won’t give you this one, but I’ll give you one when I find one that I think will suit you.” I tell her. I don’t really want a cute girl summoning a monsterous slot machine.

“That’s a promise right? You promise to give me one.” She gets excited and instantly asks for a promise.

“Fine. I promise to give you one before I leave for the next town.” I promise her. By wording it this way, I have no real time limit if I just stay in Alewatch for a while. 

“Thank you.” She says to me.



It didn’t take us nearly as long to make it out of the dungeon as it did getting in. Having no monster corpses to walk on makes things easier. Judging by the sun, it’s late afternoon. 

“And now the trek back through the forest.” Alice complains. I know it’s not that fun, but we have to do it. Unless my idea works.

“Lord Brandon, I have an idea. Would it be fine if I summon a monster and have it clear a road for us through the forest? I think having a road of some kind would be good for the dungeon.” I ask the baron.

“You have something that can do that?” He asked me surprised.

“I think so. I don’t know for sure until I try. It should be capable of clearing the trees at least.” I tell him.

“Yes, let’s do it then. If the trees are out of the way, we can get an earth magican to consolidate the ground. What do you need to do to summon this monster?” 

“Not much really, but I think you all should head closer to the dungeon entrance to make space. It should be fairly large.” I tell him.

“Sure. Everyone! Brian will summon a monster to make us a path. Gather by the dungeon entrance so we are not in his way.” The baron gives out an order to everyone.

After everyone has gathered and there is enough space I pull out my sleeved Slot machine. This is my first time summoning a monster in a sleeve but I think it should work out the same.

(Master, you should activate the combat mode of your founder’s terminal first. It should assist you in your summoning.) Laura said to me. I didn’t even know it had something like that.

I pull up my sleeve enough to see the golden bracer on my arm. As I’m thinking of ‘combat mode’ something happens to it. Three wing-like sections protrude from it. It now resembles the DiaDhank duel disks that were used in the ancient Egypt ark of the anime. So I have a duel disk now. I think this means I can summon more monsters at once.

I place the Slot machine on one of the monster zones on the DiaDhank and say, “I summon Slot Machine.” Just like before a card appears on the ground and from it a large metal machine rises.

“Good. Now let’s make a road.”

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