Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 39 The finals are ahead of schedule, fighting against the teleportation wave light sword

Chapter 39 The finals are ahead of schedule, fighting against the teleporting light sword

Chen Shun was stunned. He just made a casual opening statement. Did Zhao Long take it seriously?

There was no reaction at once.

But soon, he knew that Zhao Long was deliberately making fun of himself.

Give up?

Does he know that Zhao Long wants to win more than anyone else?

Run the Yu Qi and prepare for a fight with Zhao Long.

But at this moment, Zhao Long suddenly turned to the referee and said, "Referee, I admit defeat."

Give up?

Before the referee could react, the students in the audience started to argue first.

"Admit defeat? Is this a joke? Why would he admit defeat?"

"That's right, his talent is not weak either, except for Jiang Xian'er, who is a little bit worse, but it's not like he can't beat him."

"Even if you know you can't beat it, you still have to give it a try. We're already in the semifinals, so there's no need."

Everyone suspected that Zhao Long was joking.

The referee was obviously caught off guard by his words. He looked at Zhao Long and confirmed, "Are you sure you want to admit defeat?"

"Yes, I surrender."

Zhao Long's tone was calm, and there was no hint that he was joking.

The referee frowned slightly. He didn't expect someone to admit defeat in the semifinals.

But he didn't say anything. It didn't matter to him whether he admitted defeat or not.

He immediately announced, "This match, Chen Shun and Wu Qi win!"

Following the referee's decision, the discussion among the audience and students became more heated.

"Damn, what are you doing? I really gave up. I thought I could see another bloody fight."

"It's boring, it's boring, it's just a waste of time!"

"Isn't this insider trading? Xiao Zhan won't admit defeat tomorrow, right?"

Zhao Long's reaction was really surprising.

Not only did Chen Shun fail to react, but even Jiang Xianer from the same camp was in a state of confusion.

"Are you serious? Don't you want to be number one? Your purpose was very clear when you came to me."

Zhao Long smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't be so stupid as to let you get so many elixirs for nothing without getting any benefits."

"Then what do you mean by doing this?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Zhao Long didn't want to explain and walked straight towards the competition stage.

Jiang Xian'er became more and more confused, but looking at his confident back, she could only follow him silently.

On the other side of the audience, Lin Dong looked at Xiao Zhan with suspicion, "Why did Zhao Long and the others admit defeat? His purpose of poaching Jiang Xian'er was to deliberately disgust you, but now they have given up?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't understand either, but he wouldn't worry so much.

It's other people's business to admit defeat and it has nothing to do with him.

It's not like he had to slap Jiang Xian'er in the face.

"Okay, today's game is over, the finals will be held tomorrow..."


Just when the referee made the announcement, Chen Shun's voice suddenly sounded.

He was still standing on the competition stage and did not get off.

Hearing his voice, the students stopped leaving and looked back to see what he was going to do.

The referee also asked, "Chen Shun, what can you do?"

Chen Shun first saluted respectfully, and then said, "Teacher referee, it's still early today. I think it's better to advance tomorrow's final to today. Anyway, Xiao Zhan and I are in good condition, so it doesn't affect fairness, and this can also help The college saves a lot of resources and time, what do you think?"

Upon hearing this proposal, the referee would reject it without thinking.

Because this is the rule of the academy and cannot be controlled by him as a referee. Telling him will have no effect.

But at this moment, Vice President Wang Qian, who was sitting on the rostrum, suddenly said, "I think it is feasible, but I have to ask Xiao Zhan about this. He has just experienced a battle and must have been exhausted. It depends on his intention whether to do it in advance.”

Chen Shun didn't expect Wang Qian to give face like this, and immediately looked at Xiao Zhan, "Xiao Zhan, what do you think? I can give you enough time to recover. This day is coming anyway, so why not make a break as soon as possible now."

Xiao Zhan has actually almost recovered after adjusting his breath just now.

He looked at Ye Youlong and asked her opinion. After all, the two of them were one.

Ye Youlong thought for a while and nodded, "I think it's okay. It can end as soon as possible, and you can also enter the secret realm to practice early."

Xiao Zhan also had the same idea. If he comes into contact with the secret realm one day earlier, his strength will improve faster.

So he said to Vice President Wang Qian, "We have no problem, we can advance to the finals."

Wang Qian said, "Okay, since you don't have any objections, let's go ahead."

So, the referee stepped down, and Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong stepped onto the competition stage again.

Chen Shun looked at the two of them, with blazing fire burning in his eyes, but this fire was disdainful, "Xiao Zhan, you are quite brave. In this case, don't say I bully you, I will give you another half hour to recover. "

"No need, I've recovered."

"Okay, in that case, don't blame me for being rude."

After Chen Shun finished speaking, Wu Qi turned into a three-foot sword and appeared in his hand.

The blade of this sword is as thin as a cicada's wing and is truly translucent, but the blade is very straight without any bend.

The cold white light, under the sunlight, seems to blend perfectly with the surrounding environment, and no shape of the sword can be seen.

This is the Wave Light Sword.

Fused with light, it becomes an invisible sword!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Shun came up, he immediately enlarged his moves. It seemed that he really wanted to resolve the battle quickly.

Xiao Zhan stood ready, holding the Death Scythe in his hand.

The Wave Light Sword is difficult to defend against, and combined with Chen Shun's teleportation talent, it is even more difficult to parry. Xiao Zhan knew that this was a battle that could not go wrong. Once the opportunity was seized, it would be the collapse of a thousand-mile ant nest.

"Which one of them do you think will win?" Jiang Xian'er couldn't help but ask Zhao Long in the audience.

Zhao Long stared at the two people above him, but said nonchalantly, "I don't care who wins, anyway, I will win in the end."

Jiang Xianer was very puzzled. Why was Zhao Long still so confident at this time?

He himself has already surrendered and admitted defeat.

Not far away, Lin Dong stared at Jiang Xianer fiercely.

"Smelly bitch, you must admit defeat quickly, otherwise Xiao Zhan will beat you all over the place!"

Not seeing Jiang Xianer deflated, Lin Dong felt extremely unhappy.

"Xiao Zhan, come on! Get first and beat them all!"

Lin Dong had nowhere to vent his anger, so he shouted towards the competition stage.

Even if he couldn't defeat Jiang Xian'er, if Xiao Zhan won the first place, it would still be a slap in Jiang Xian'er's face.

As long as it's a slap in the face, that's cool!

On the fighting stage.

Xiao Zhan gathered his energy and held the Death Scythe tightly. The black air on the Scythe was like a life-killing blade from hell. Coupled with Xiao Zhan's cold and murderous temperament, he really looked like the death judge who walked out of hell.

"What a handsome chicken~"

This is what most students think in their minds.

No man can resist this domineering weapon, and if he can, it means he is not man enough.

Again, when it comes to appearance and momentum, the Death Scythe ranks second, and no one dares to say it ranks first!

Suddenly, the two of them moved.

Almost at the same time, the two launched attacks and rushed toward each other.

From the audience seat, he looked ordinary and didn't even seem to be holding a weapon. A menacing evil, like a rampaging evil, destroying all obstacles on the road!

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