Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 23 Killing (for collection and recommendation)

Chapter 23 Killing (for collection and recommendation)

Early the next morning, a truck and a Humvee, escorted by more than 50 soldiers, arrived at Wang Jin's garbage truck. Battalion Commander Xu jumped out of the car. Wang Jin had already packed up and saw Xu Gang in person. When he arrived, he greeted him.

"Oh, rare guest, rare guest, why did Battalion Commander Xu come in person for such a trivial matter, come in quickly and have a seat." Wang Jin greeted him with a haha ​​laugh, and Li Yue and others followed Wang Jin and stood smiling.

Xu Gang stretched out his hand to shake Wang Jin, and said with a wry smile, "Small thing? This is my family's property in exchange! If something goes wrong, I'm ready to jump into the river. Do you think I can't come?"

Wang Jin smiled, knowing that Xu Gang was right, food is life in the apocalypse.

Everyone knows that food is rare and precious in the apocalypse. Because of the power outage, some other food can be preserved, and most of the meat has deteriorated and rotted. The meat that can be found now is mainly bacon, and it is also very rare.

Other than that, the only way to get started is from mutant animals. But not to mention the powerful combat power of these mutant beasts, most of the mutant beasts live in the mutant forest, which is full of dangers. A heavily armed army can't even get there. I can't afford it.

The mutated cow last time was just an exception. Even so, this mutated cow still caused the casualties of more than 20 swift beasts. This is just a herbivore. If it was a carnivorous mutant beast, more than [-] died Velociraptor.

It is conceivable that meat is precious nowadays, but people can't get away from meat. If people don't eat meat for a long time, they will be weak and weak. The nutritional value of meat is many times that of other foods, which can make people better maintain health and vitality .

After the end of the world, a catty of meat can be exchanged for several catties of rice, and there is no market for the price. If the more than 1000 kilograms of beef traded this time were exchanged for rice, it would be about [-] catties, which would be enough for these people to eat for a long time.

Wang Jin gave instructions to Li Yue and the others. Li Yue and the others got Wang Jin's order and carried out buckets of beef from the car. Xu Gang also brought a big box. Zombie brain.

"Bring the car over here." Xu Gang called out, and a Humvee that was probably brand new drove over, and two soldiers opened the trunk to take out guns and ammunition.

"Let's check the amount, and if it's correct, we'll settle the payment. What do you think?" Xu Gang handed the brain core to Wang Jin and said with a smile.

"It's just what I want, let's not waste time and make a deal as soon as possible." Wang Jin winked at He Youxi and Jardin and the others, and counted the brain cores they took over, while Li Yue, the only one who knew guns, went to check those Firearms and ammunition.

Xu Gang's soldiers also quickly weighed the beef, which is their future food, fresh beef, they can't help but be fast, even if they are working, they will do it with a smile on their faces, no matter how tired they are, they will be willing.

Finally, after both parties confirm that everything is correct, the transaction is completed.

"Happy cooperation!" Wang Jin smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Happy cooperation!" Xu Gang and Wang Jin shook hands heavily, also smiling.

at this time.A soldier suddenly ran over and saluted: "Report, two attempted thefts were caught, and a large number of survivors gathered around the perimeter. Do you want to disperse?"

Xu Gang frowned, and without the smile just now, he said coldly: "The thieves will be dealt with according to the regulations, and I will disperse the survivors."

Wang Jin also saw a large number of survivors who were blocked by the soldiers. These survivors saw the buckets of beef, and their eyes were red. It must be that some people couldn't help being greedy just now, but they were caught by the soldiers.

Wang Jin was very clear about the fate of the two thieves. It was someone else's business, and Wang Jin didn't bother to care about it. If Wang Jin encountered this kind of thing himself, he would only deal with it more ruthlessly than Xu Gang.

Soon, two gunshots sounded, and the soldiers on the periphery pushed the survivors back and forth, keeping a distance of more than 20 meters to prevent the survivors from approaching.

At the same time, the soldiers inside accelerated the loading and unloading of beef. Buckets of beef were loaded onto the truck, and the machine gun was mounted on the front of the truck. The soldiers opened the safety of the rifle and surrounded the truck tightly. leave.

Survivors of the heavily armed soldiers naturally did not dare to provoke them. Even though many people were protesting, thinking that everyone had a share in these beefs, what responded to them was the black muzzle of the soldiers.

More than 1000 kilograms of beef is too much for more than 100 soldiers. If it is divided among [-] survivors, it will be very little. On average, each person will only eat a catty of meat, and they will eat it for two or three days at most.

For these foods, the soldiers naturally digested them internally and distributed them to the survivors?They are not that great yet, not to mention that they still have to protect these survivors. They work hard every day on guard and patrol, and consume a lot of physical energy. They just need this batch of beef to replenish their weak bodies.

As for sharing the beef with everyone and then going hungry to protect others, that is something only a fool would do.

This is not earthquake relief but the end of the world. There is no airdrop, no continuous flow of vehicles to deliver supplies, and there is no so-called support from all sides when one party is in trouble.

Thinking of getting supplies, you have to rely on the gun in your hand to snatch food from the mouths of zombie mutants and give food to others. In the end, you must be the one who starves to death.

Now the army distributes porridge to the survivors every day and also protects them. It is already the most benevolent and righteous thing.

Distributing food to everyone, let alone whether Xu Gang is willing or not, as long as he reveals this idea, he will be the battalion commander to the end, and the soldiers will never agree.

Seeing that they couldn't get food from the army, the survivors turned their attention to Wang Jin again. Although Wang Jin and the others are mutants, the survivors have never seen the power of mutants!Instinctively feel that mutants are easy to deal with.

In the absence of firearms, don't you just have two arms and one head?There is nothing to be afraid of!

Yesterday they didn't know that Wang Jin and the others had so much food, now that they saw it, how could they not be jealous?

It happened that the soldiers had already left, and under the leadership of the caring people, the survivors flocked in, intending to grab one and leave, the law does not blame the public!
Seeing these survivors gradually surrounded, Wang Jin smiled disdainfully, picked up a rifle and pulled the trigger towards the sky.

"Tu Tu Tu!" The ear-piercing gunfire sounded, and the crowding survivors couldn't help but slow down. He Youxi and the others also turned the muzzles of the rifles they had just obtained and pointed at the rushing survivors.

"If you dare to take a step closer, you will die!" Wang Jin said coldly, and dozens of swift and fierce beasts also rushed over with bared teeth. Seeing these fierce beasts, people finally stopped in their footsteps.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. If they don't dare to shoot, they can get countless food as long as they rush over. Do you still want to live hungry?"

"That's right, so many of us are afraid of what they will do. We will drown them all with just one breath of spitting. If we dare to fight back, we will kill them."

"It's unfair for you young children to take up so much food. If you share it equally, everyone won't have to go hungry. We will be grateful to you."

Some of the survivors are desperately agitating. There is no shortage of lawless people at any time, thinking of getting something for nothing, especially after the end of the world.

"Bang bang bang!" The rifle in Li Yue's hand spewed out flames, and the three clamoring people had a blood hole in their foreheads, and they fell down slowly with expressions of disbelief.

"If you want to grab food, this is your fate." Li Yue picked up the bullet casings under his feet and said coldly.

At this critical moment, Li Yue still understood the truth. If these people were not killed, if more survivors were encouraged, more people would die. She knew that Wang Jin would never be lenient.

"They killed our people, everyone copied the guys and fought with them." Seeing some people fall to the ground, some people were afraid, while others were even more angry.

Twenty or so young and middle-aged men rushed out, holding kitchen knives and steel rods in their hands, shouting and cursing, with a fierce look on their faces.

These people had a variety of weapons, wore uniform company uniforms, and looked arrogant. They seemed to be in the same group as the few people who were killed just now.

Wang Jin didn't know what these people were thinking. He dared to charge the gun with a cold weapon. Is this self-confidence or ignorance?But these are not important anymore, it seems that Li Yue's intimidating power just now is not enough, since that's the case.
Wang Jin's eyes turned cold, he didn't waste bullets, but controlled the velociraptor.

Under Wang Jin's control, more than a dozen velociraptors moved violently, swiping their claws and gnawing their teeth. More than 20 people were killed by the velociraptors in the blink of an eye.

These ordinary people are no match for the Swift Beast at all. Someone unbelievingly slashed at the Swift Beast with a knife, and could barely break through the Swift Beast's skin, but couldn't get into the flesh. These attacks provoked a more ferocious revenge from the Swift Beast. It ruthlessly tears those who attack it.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people were frightened and stupid. One or two turned around and ran away, hating their parents for giving them two missing legs. It's a pity that these people could run faster than the swift beast, and they were chased by the swift beast one after another. fall.

The battle came and went quickly, and before everyone could react, more than 20 thugs fell to the ground in pieces.

There were four or five people who were still alive who were even worse. The beast lay on top of them, biting off the meat and devouring it bit by bit. Their screams shook the earth, but they couldn't stop the beast and could only enjoy it. The pain of being stripped of flesh and blood.

"Ah! Spare me! Someone come and save me." A thug with a broken leg crawled on the ground with both hands and stretched out his hand to the crowd, but who dared to save him!Seeing him crawling towards here, they all backed away.

In the end, a sharp claw stepped on his back, the ferocious animal head lowered, and when it was lifted up, there was already a bloody piece of flesh in its mouth, the thug screamed even louder, and his eyes were full of despair.

The facial features of these four or five thugs were distorted in pain, and their blood flowed out to death.The people around, whether they were survivors or people from Wang Jin's side, all turned pale, and many couldn't help but vomited out.

There were also some survivors who showed joy on their faces. Wang Jin didn't know that these people relied on their physical strength and their numbers. They often bullied the old, weak and single survivors, and robbed them of the few food allocated by the military. In the investigation, some people helped them cover up and defend, but most of the results were left alone.

Over time, they developed their arrogance and domineering. They thought they were the second largest force in the camp after the army. Because they were used to being arrogant, they dared to charge. Who would have thought that Wang Jin was not so ruthless? just kill.

More than 20 people died here. These survivors were finally afraid and realized that Wang Jin and others were not pigs and sheep to be slaughtered, but murderous executioners.

Forced by the gunpoint, and getting closer and closer to the bloody beast, these survivors trembled, how could they dare to stay here, and ran away in a hurry

Seeing the survivors leave, Wang Jin sighed and said: "In the last days, there is no strength. If you possess a lot of food, you will only be envied by others. People with strength will be useless no matter how jealous and jealous they are. The strong in the last days will be respected. I hope you Remember this sentence."

Wang Jin's bloody method made their hands and feet cold, and they nodded quickly after hearing this, not sure if they listened.

"These scumbags dare to come and grab Brother Wang's food. They really don't know how to live or die. It's evenly divided. Why should we give you the food we worked so hard to get?" He Youxi said loyally.

"Damn it." He Xinying spat out two words.

Everyone else condemned, but Li Yue returned to the car in a bad mood.

Wang Jin glanced at Li Yue's back, and He Xin came over and said to Wang Jin: "Li Yue is fine, I know from her decisive attack just now that she is not pedantic, maybe she can't get used to it, after all, her previous job was a policeman , I'll go talk to her later."

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Wang Jin said.

"What's the trouble? I'm also a member of this team." He Xin rolled her eyes at Wang Jin and walked into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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