Zodiac University

[18+] Chapter 4: Unexpected Visitors

Virgo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. It was after school, and he was lounging on his bed.

“Haaah…college is hard work,” he said aloud, rolling over onto his stomach. He picked up his phone and was about to scroll through social media when the screen lit up with caller ID. It was his boss, Bethany, from the bakery. He quickly accepted the call.


“Hey, boss!”

“It’s Bethany,” Bethany said and chuckled. “You’re always so formal, even when you’re not working.”

Virgo laughed. “That’s just how I am, I guess. Did you need something?”

Bethany chuckled again. “Getting straight to the point as always, Virgo. As a matter of fact, I wanted to ask you something. Two boys came into the store about an hour ago and they were asking for you.”

Virgo raised an eyebrow. “Who were they?”

“I didn’t get their names,” Bethany said, “but I figured they were your friends from high school. Unless you’ve already made friends on your first day! I’m so proud of you, Virgo!”

Bethany started to ramble about how she’d loved watching Virgo mature and develop as he continued to learn things about himself, and Virgo tried to listen, but there was a sinking feeling in his stomach distracting him from paying attention to Bethany’s words.

“Yeah, um, hey, Boss?” Virgo interrupted.


“What did they look like?”

“Let’s see…” Bethany trailed off, deep in thought. “They were both very tall and muscular. One had orange eyes and hair…the other had curly brown hair that was so long! Just like yours, Virgo! Oh, and beautiful sun kissed skin. They were your friends, right Virgo?”

“…” Virgo didn’t respond. He felt the anger that he’d experienced earlier rise within him. So it was Taurus and Leo, snooping around and sticking their noses in places where they shouldn’t be. They’re trying to gather blackmail material, Virgo thought, clenching his fists. Information about my home, my job…everything they can get to make my life just like Cancer’s.

“Virgo?” Bethany sounded a bit worried. “They were your friends…right?”

“Yeah,” Virgo lied and laughed. “I was just distracted for a second. Thanks. Did the guys ask anything?”

Bethany hesitated, seemingly sensing that something was wrong, but must have dismissed the idea because she replied, “Yes. They wanted to know where you lived. I didn’t tell them.”

“Thanks,” Virgo repeated. “See you at work, Boss.”


And with that, Virgo hung up. He rolled over onto his back and started kicking his feet rhythmically.

“It’s begun, huh?” he whispered to himself as he stared up at the grooves and bumps in his ceiling. Well, fine. Virgo was perfectly equipped to handle this situation. He didn’t have brains for nothing.

If they wanted a war, so be it.


Taurus and Leo had, in fact, gone over to the bakery where Virgo worked after learning of his employment there. Taurus had put on his charming mask and completely captured his boss’s heart. The hag didn’t tell us where Virgo lived, Taurus thought. But that’s fine. I’ll get that information soon enough.

Not only did he have several agents looking through the town’s database, but using his own intelligence and computer proficiency, Taurus had managed to hack into the school files and pull up Virgo’s profile. The hometown and related information was missing, for some reason—but Taurus wasn’t discouraged. He’d uncovered Virgo’s full name, age, race, and nationality. His agents had informed him of his weight, height, and previous schools.

Now the brown-haired male was lounging in his dorm, hands stretched above his head as he recalled the incident that had occurred earlier in the day.

You should be ashamed of yourself! Virgo yelled. At the memory, Taurus grinned. Shame? He hadn’t felt shame in years. This was life, and it was survival of the fittest. He’d gotten to his position by working hard. Okay, that was a lie. It had been mainly luck…luck and genetics.

Taurus always figured he was right. His philosophy and his beliefs…they were superior to anyone else’s. In the past, people had attempted to stand up to him and knock him down a peg. But it didn't work. They’d even gotten physically with him, as Virgo had. But Taurus could hold his own in a fight. Plus he had Leo, meaning any beatdowns resulted in someone being sent to the emergency room.

Several people called Taurus a psychopath, a subhuman entity void of empathy. He’d heard that and more vile names spewed from people’s mouths. But did he care? Not in the least.

Humans were playthings to him, little chess pieces he moved cautiously to rise to the top. And if that made him a psychopath, so be it.

At least, that’s what he’d always thought.

But this development was something strange. After getting slapped by Virgo, Taurus had, for the first time in a while, been shocked. And why? He was used to mistreatment. Many thought he deserved it, for the terror and pain he inflicted on everyone he met.

So then why…why did he have such an emotional response to the interaction with Virgo?

“Virgo…” Taurus breathed, running his tongue over his teeth. It had been years since anyone had stood up to him like that. And it was the first time he’d let the person off with a warning.

Leo had asked him why he’d let Virgo run off. Taurus didn’t have an answer for him then, and didn’t now.

No, that wasn’t true…he knew why he’d treated the young male differently.

It was because he was different. He was special. He wasn’t like the other fools in his life.

Taurus could feel it. He saw it when he looked into Virgo’s eyes for the first time. His beautiful, jet-black eyes had been burning with passion mixed with stability. Yes, Virgo was different. He had a calm disposition, but a fiery core.

Just like the Earth.

To say that Taurus had taken an interest in him was a bit of an understatement. He didn’t just find himself attracted to Virgo’s spirit…he was also attracted to that beautiful brain of his. What exactly went through it that moved him to stand up to the biggest bully in the country? He seemed like the type to defend others. Was that it? Or was it something more? It was something internal. It had to be.

Taurus licked his lips. Whatever the case, Virgo was a worthy opponent—and Taurus was going to have fun with him. He was going to be extra careful in ruining his life, breaking apart everything he knew slowly and surely so that Virgo could only stand on the sidelines, helplessly watching. Yes. He would be powerless, dropping to his knees in defeat as Taurus burned his world to the ground.

The thought of it made Taurus tingle and he felt a sudden pressure in his groin. He inhaled deeply before slipping a hand into his jeans. The whole situation turned him on immensely. The idea of Virgo sobbing and begging at his feet after acting so confident was enough to send ripples of pleasure down his spine.

Taurus began gently fingering his member and breathing heavily. He wanted to pick apart Virgo’s brain. He wanted to dig deep into his past and learn everything about him. He was obsessed with everything Virgo was. Taurus closed his eyes and moaned at the thought of him wrecking Virgo’s body. He was going to destroy everything that was in Virgo’s possessions. His family, his job, his enrollment at Admirant…and now, he was imagining the thrill he’d get from fucking Virgo senseless.

Taurus had never been truly attracted to a guy before. Or a girl, for that matter. To him, everyone was the same. He had told Leo he was bi, but that could’ve been a complete lie. Taurus didn’t even know what sexual attraction was. He’d figured it was something for stupid people, who didn’t have anything better to do than fuck around. But it wasn’t as if he was a virgin. Taurus had had sex before and even reached climax. But he didn’t necessarily enjoy it, and he didn’t want it again.

…until that moment.

He realized he wanted to have sex with Virgo…rough, dominating sex. The sex wouldn’t be mindless like before. No. It would have meaning. It would have a purpose. It would serve as Virgo’s reminder that he owned everything he stood for. It would show Virgo who was really in charge of his circumstances. It would force Virgo to accept that he was nothing against Taurus.

It would break Virgo down and make him spiral into a depression so deep, he’d never climb out. It would feed Taurus’s already-enormous ego, and make him laugh at Virgo’s tears.

It would put him in his place.

Taurus wrapped his hand fully around his shaft and began to pump vigorously, grunting as he did so. “Hah…fuck.”

It was decided. He was going to wreck Virgo—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

First, he’d gather all the information he could find—from Virgo’s location down to his favorite color. He’d educate himself and get inside Virgo.

Then he’d wreck him from the inside out.

Taurus felt the tidal wave of pleasure building up and threw his head back as thick ropes of his semen splashed across his bedsheets. He clenched his teeth and let out a guttural moan as he rode out his orgasm. Stars flashed across his vision.

After he was done, he sat up and wiped his hands, preparing to leave his bedroom. His personal maid, Merida, came in as he was leaving. Taurus waved a hand at her dismissively.

“Clean the bed,” he said and went to see what else his agents had found.

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