Jack Sparrow, A young teen living in the small city of Forks in the year 2005 finds himself waking up one day with a blue holographic panel in front of his face.
The system asks him to choose his own stats which it calls S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats.
It cautions the young man that his choice is irreversible but he doesn't give it much mind and rashly puts his stats points in.
Follow the journey of Jack Sparrow as he experiences a whole new world and the outcome of his own rash decisions.
This is a Twilight Fanfiction.
MC pairing isn't going to be told at the beginning so please don't ask for it.
This will not be a harem.
The system is a mix of Fallout New Vegas but it's also original so don't expect everything on there to be here as well.
If you don't mind those two then I wish you a great reading journey.
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The Twilight Gamer novel is a popular light novel covering Movies genres. Written by the Author WhiteAuthor . Read The Twilight Gamer novel online for free.