Chapter 163: Chapter 162: Five of Them?!
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"W-who the bloody hell are you?!"
Percy sighed, "guys I would like you all to meet my aunt, Hecate Blackfyre. And yes, she is like this all the time. Don't worry you'll get used to it."
"Right, you are my little nephew!" Hecate quickly wrapped an arm around Percy's empty hand, "come on, I don't want to stay in this stuffy stadium for any longer than I have too!"
The others agreed as they all quickly walked towards the exits.
Harry and Susan walked together in the front, the girl continued to shoot daggers at Hecate, which the goddess ignored.
Percy and Hecate walked near the back allowing the two to talk to each other in private.
[So what's the cloak made off?] Hecate asked.
[It's just a cloak, what makes it special though is what's inside.]
[Wait...where did you get pegasus feathers?!]
Percy's eyes went wide, [how did...sigh, never mind, goddess of magic and all that. The feathers are mine.]
[What do you mean yours?]
[I mean they are mine. I plucked them off off my animagus form.]
Hecate's eyes went wide, [are you crazy?! You peeled your own feathers off?! How did you even survive?!]
Percy chuckled, [relax it's fine. The feather's felt like pulling out my back hairs. Plus I can barely feel the pain, so it's no big deal. And all I have to do is a basic healing charm and I'm all set. Heck I'm basically a pegasus feather producing machine!]
Hecate glared, [you crazy demigod.]
[Oh please, don't act like you wouldn't do the same thing.]
[...Yeah you caught me, I would. But seriously Percy be careful, this is a dangerous thing you are pursuing. If any else get's this….] Hecate snapped her fingers causing Percy's cloak to glow for a second, [there, I added a few extra security features just in case.]
Percy's eyes went wide, [hey! Not cool Hecate! This was my project to change!]
Hecate shrugged, [don't care. Remember what I said, the magical world and divine world can't meet. Your pegasus form is a grey area, but don't push it kiddo. Understand?]
Percy sighed, [yeah yeah...but it is still pretty cool right?]
Hecate grinned, [oh Hades yes.]
As they exited the stadium Percy realised a lot of people kept looking at him. It was because of the task, they were impressed, seeing their looks Percy couldn't help feeling proud, guess he proved to them and himself that he was worthy of being the Hogwart's champion after all.
As soon as exited the stadium though a familiar voice called out for Percy, "yu ho! Percy!" Percy turned to see Amanda run up to him with the other veela cheerleaders behind her following slowly.
"Hey guys," Percy waved at them with a smile, "did you like the show?"
"You bet!" Amanda cried out as he planted a kiss on his cheek, a little too close to his lips to be considered simply friendly.
"Amanda, we talked about this," Chanel hissed.
"What? I only kissed him on the check," Amanda pouted, crossing her arms.
"Well well well, if it isn't the five veela," Hecate's grin was down right evil, "didn't realise you five would show up here."
"Oh, hello Hecate," Chanel smiled, "here to see Percy's performance?"
"You bet!"
"Speaking of which," Catherine stepped up clearing her throat before screaming, "what the hell were you thinking?!"
Percy gulped as he stepped back in surprise, even Hecate backed away a good few steps upon seeing talons growing in Catherine's fingers.
"You could have gotten yourself killed! Or worse, burnt alive!" Catherine waved her finger at his face, "do you have a death wish?!"
Percy gulped, "please calm down."
"Calm down?! Calm down?! I'll show you calm!" Catherine snapped her fingers forming a fireball in her hands. She threw at Percy's head, who ducked under it just in time.
"Alright that's enough," Amanda grabbed Catherine by the arm, dragging the veela away kicking and screaming.
Ula sighed, "don't worry, she's only doing this because she cares."
"She threw a fireball at my head!" Percy yelled.
"Love comes in many, many forms," Ebele smiled.
Percy sighed, "yeah, I suppose."
"Anyway, great job Percy," Ula smiled as she kissed him on the check, "you made us proud."
"You looked like a knight in shining armour!" Ebele exclaimed, "like one of those stories where a knight has to save the princess from a dragon!"
"Or in this case himself from a veela," Chanel chuckled as Catherine and Amanda came back, the French veela now calm.
"Sorry," Catherine grumbled, "let my anger get out of hand."
"It's fine," Percy rubbed his neck, "I deserved it."
"Who are they and how do they know Percy?" Hermione asked in a whisper to the side as she and the rest of the Hogwarts students watched all of this silently.
"It's kind of a long story," Fred began.
"Basically Percy slept with them and now their buddies," George explained.
"Huh, guess that wasn't that long after all," Fred realised.
"What?!" Harry's eyes went wide, "Percy slept with them? All five of them?"
"He's a God," Ron whispered in awe as he joined his brothers looking at Percy like a God.
Hecate finally broke her silence as she spoke up, "alright then Percy, I'm off!"
Percy turned to her in surprise, "already?"
"Yeah, your uncle and dad are having another spat," she rolled her eyes, "you know how they get. Next thing you know it's going to be world war 3."
"Wait Percy's dad is alive?" Chanel asked surprised.
Percy blinked, "yeah, of course he is. Why did you think he wasn't?"
"Well, because..." she looked around for support.
"Well you said your parents weren't around so we assumed..." Amanda spoke up softly.
Percy laughed, "oh that's rich! You thought they were dead?!" Percy held his stomach laughing hard.
Hecate giggled, "they aren't dead kiddos, they are just not around. Percy's father is a very important man so he has a lot on his plate. And his mother isn't really suited to handle his...magical side. So he stays with me."
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