A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Chapter 164: Chapter 163: Kelly!

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Hecate giggled, "they aren't dead kiddos, they are just not around. Percy's father is a very important man so he has a lot on his plate. And his mother isn't really suited to handle his...magical side. So he stays with me."

"Oh, I see," Harry replied as he and everyone else filled the new information away for later. It was rare to learn anything about Percy's past, ushall the greek would dodge the question entirely, so anything new was exciting to know.

Hecate chuckled, "well, bye for now," she gave Percy one last hug before she turned to Harry and blew him a kiss, "see you in your wet dreams Harry." She then walked towards the thestral drawn carriages along with the rest of the audience that didn't stay in Hogwarts.

"So I have been meaning to ask Percy, what is that cloak?" Ula questioned staring at the red and gold cape.

Percy grinned at the change in conversation, "oh you mean this? Well it's just a little project that I was working on, you all might know it better as...the 'flying horse'."

Fred gasped, "that was you!"

Percy grinned, "yup! Surprise!"

"What are you talking about?" the veela's looked confused. Gordan and Juan took turns to explain to the veelas what had happened, they were very...enthusiastic about it.

"Wait...why did you even make something like this? Don't you already have a board?" Hermione asked.

Percy rolled his eyes, "well you see when I first began studying here I was dying to go for a spin on my board, but I quickly realized my board wasn't as agile as a broom-"


"-Shut up Harry!" Percy yelled back, "ahem, anyway, yes, I realized I wasn't agile, so I thought of ways to fly better, and vola! I call it my cape of flight!"

"Cloak," Susan spoke up.

Percy blinked, "I'm sorry?"

"It's not a cape, it's a cloak. A cape goes only down till your knees, a cloak covers till your ankles and below. You are wearing a cloak, not a cape."

"She's right," Amanda nodded, "and believe me, I'm basically the queen of fashion around here."

"She really is," Catherine said with a role of her eyes.

Percy blinked, he turned to Fred and George, "I asked for a cape."

The twins shrugged, "we thought it was a cape."

Percy sighed, "fine, so I'll change it's name...the flying cloak."

"Lame," Juan snorted.

"It should be called something like," Harry hummed, "the cloak of...levitation?"

Percy snorted, "yeah right, sorry to break it to you Harry but this isn't levitation. Levitation is simply making something float, this is actual flight, much more complicated than a first year charm."

"I like it," Susan smiled, "the cloak of levitation, it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Yes but like I clearly just explained it's not levitations it's more complex than that-"

"-Yeah, the cloak of levitation sounds perfect! It sounds like something Merlin owns," George agreed slowly, causing everyone to call out in support for the name.

Percy sighed, rubbing his temples, "I am not demeaning my cloak!"

"Face it Percy," Chanel chuckled, "you've been overruled."

Percy grumbled some more, much to his friends' enjoyment. Just then Percy spotted Fleur walking with a few of her friends in the distance. Percy looked saddened for a moment, though he quickly masked his features turning to his friends to continue to talk.

Chanel however did notice, she turned to her fellow cheerleaders and whispered to them. They all agreed with her. 

"Hey Percy, I'll be right back," Chanel waved at him before running towards where she saw Fleur heading last.

"Where's she going?" Percy asked.

"Girl business, she'll be back soon, but until then," Amanda grabbed Percy's free right hand, holding it tightly, "you're all mine!"

Kelly popped her head out of Percy's robes and looked down with a glare, "cheerleader," she spat.

The veela looked up in surprise, "wait, you still have that toy?"

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I named her Kelly."

"Wow, guess that's nice, hello Kelly, remember me?"

The veela toy's glare strengthened, "bitch."

Catherine roared in laughter, "yeah, she remembers!"

With Chanel:

"Fleur, wait," the australian veela called out gaining the french champion's attention.

Fleur looked up to the taller veela and glared, "what do you want?"

"I want to talk to you."

"I don't 'ave anything I wazt to zay to you," Fleur spat back before she walked away, "slut."

"I can speak french too you childish bitch," Chanel spat back.

Fleur paused before she turned back enraged, "what did you call me?!"

"I called you a childish bitch," Chanel spat back, "I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"About Percy."

Fleur walked away, "I don't have time for this. I have no interest in joining his harem."

"That's what you think we are?!" Chanel growled, "I was wrong, calling you childish was a compliment, you are a narcissistic tool! You don't see us as anything more than sex on a stick do you?"

"You're a veela cheerleader," Fleur shot back, "what else can you be?"

"And that is why the rest of the world will never see us as anything more than objects to be had," Chanel's response was so shocking Fleur stopped moving and turned around to face the veela.

"What do you want?"

"What do you think's happening between Percy and I?" Chanel asked.

"I think you're fuck buddies," Fleur spat out, "and if it was just you it would be fine, but finding out his littler harem I-"

"Stop using that word!" Chanel hissed, "I'm not his sex slave, and he doesn't treat me like that! I am his friend! I didn't sleep with him because he made me, but because I wanted to, and do you think I'm a slut because of that?!"

"And the fact that every single one of his veela 'friends' has slept with him? Does that not show what he really thinks about us?!"

"Maybe," Chanel nodded, "but he has never treated me or any of my friends with anything but genuine compassion and respect. He's written to us not as a demanding lover but a valued friend….you know don't you? That he's resistant to our allur?"

Fleur glared, "and? It didn't stop him from-"


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