A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Chapter 167: Chapter 166: Of Dragons, Cloaks, and Tweetie Birds!

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Percy's face turned red, he opened his mouth to speak but Chanel stopped it with her finger, "I know Percy, you don't have to say it.

That one was for me, now go, I'm sure she's probably realised what a terrible mistake she's made by now. And if she hasn't tell me, there's no way I'm ever letting you out of my sights a second time."

Percy didn't say a thing. So instead he just smiled and nodded before taking off into the air, flying back to Hogwarts. Chanel saw his retreating form and sighed, she was going to miss the American, he really was something else.

Percy flew into Hogwarts grounds and slowed down as he neared the castle. He went down low against the lake surface, looking down to see Nick wave a tentacle at him. Percy waved back before he rose into the sky and flew towards the castle gates.

But as he neared the lake shore he spotted a mass of blonde and blue sitting underneath a tree by the lake surface. Percy could tell who it was, even from here. Her hair and robes gave her away.

Percy grew worried, he wanted to go down there and talk to her. But he didn't know if she wanted to talk to him. She cared about him, he knew that much, why else would she have given him a clue about the first task?

Steeling his courage Percy floated down towards her. She noticed him coming right away, looking up to meet his eyes. Percy grinned, "hey tweety bird," he waved.

Fleur couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the man flying down to greet her with that sappy smile on his face. Her heart skipped a beat seeing him land next to her, those eyes, those amazing eyes. Fleur sighed, 'my god he's amazing.'

Percy landed before her, "I...I just wanted to ask how you were feeling. It isn't everyday you fight a dragon."

Fleur nodded, "I'm am fine. T'ankz to you and your potionz."

Percy shrugged, "it was the least I could do, after you warned me about the dragons."

"Keep being zo nice and you'll loze t'e tournament," she teased with a smile.

Percy chuckled, "I'm sorry but remind me again who's currently leading?"

"By two pointz," Fleur glared.

"Still, leading," Percy grinned.

"And t'e cloak?" Fleur asked looking Percy over.

Percy grinned, "oh it is much more that that," Percy gave it a flourish, "it's my cloak of levitation. Something I invented. Kind of like a step up on the hoverboard idea. Only this time I used the magical property of the feathers from a flying horse in order to make it work."

"Zo t'at'z w'y you were zo curiouz about t'e Abraxanz!" Fleur gasped.

Percy chuckled, "yup!"

"B-but t'at was zo long ago, you 'ave been preparing for thiz zince t'en?"

"Actually since before then, remember the story about the flying horse?" Fleur's eyes went even wider, "yup, that was me!"

"Can I 'ave a try?" Fleur asked.

"Hm, maybe later," Percy replied causing Fleur to pout.

"I hate that my allur doesn't effect you." Percy laughed as a comfortable silence took over them.

Fleur patted to the spot besides her for Percy to sit, taking his chance the son of Poseidon quickly unlatched his cloak and pushed it to the side allowing it float on the spot.

Fleur whistled, clearly impressed, "I didn't know Abraxan featherz could be used like t'iz!"

Percy shrugged, "I didn't know either. It too a lot of research, but hey it's magic, all the work didn't really feel like work. Otherwise I would have never spent as much time as I did on it." He sat down by the lake side, resting his back on the trunk of an old oak tree,

"T'at waz pretty amazing Perzy," Fleur spoke up, "t'e way you took on t'at dragon. You do realize t'ey didn't want uz to fig't it yez?"

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I know. But I honestly couldn't' help it. I was scared stiff before, but when I was in there with that dragon, I-I don't know, something just came over me. I guess I was having too much fun."

"You t'ink fig'ting a dragon is fun?"

"Yes. And magic, I think magic is fun as well." Fleur laughed and once again silence. Desperate for chance to talk more with her Percy continued, "so any clues on what this thing is?"

Fleur shrugged, "no, and I don't t'ink I'm going to z'are Perzy. I am grateful for t'e potionz but t'at juzt makez uz even."

Percy laughed, just then Kelly popped out of his robes and puffed her cheeks, "hey!"

Percy noticed his little friend and grinned, "hey Kelly, sorry, were we ignoring you?"

Kelly nodded furiously, "yeah! Meany!"

Percy chuckled, "well I'm sorry about that."

Fleur blinked in surprise, "P-Perzy, did Kelly just talk?"

Percy smiled, "yeah, my aunt got the guy who put on the first charms on Kelly to boost them up a bit. I don't know how much she can talk, but I think for now she can say only a word or so."

Fleur's jaw dropped, "amazing," she waved, "hello Kelly."

Kelly waved, "hello!" Kelly then turned to Percy, "bored!"

"Bored huh? Well let's see, what do I have for….oh I know!" Percy reached into one of his robe pockets and pulled out the dragon figurine from before. He un-stunned it causing the mini dragon to keep in surprise.

Percy placed the dragon and Kelly on the ground, Kelly looked at the dragon, her eyes flashed as she smiled evilly. The dragon started to look scared, very very scared. It turned and ran away, with Kelly chasing after it yelling, "Kitty!"

Fleur watched this with a raised eyebrow, "I do not t'ink I am ever going to get used to you Perzy."

"You say that like it's a bad thing tweetie bird," Percy winked as he picked up a stone and threw it into the lake.


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