Chapter 166: Chapter 165: One Drink, One Kiss!
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Percy sighed, "fine, just one drink. I need to get back and I don't want people thinking I'm a drunk on top of everything else they're accusing me off."
They opened the carriage door to find it smaller than they expected, "alright, you guys sit in there and I'll fly there," Percy told them as he began to levitate up before Chanel grabbed him and pulled him to the ground.
"No way Mr. Jackson, you're riding with us," she forced him inside with all the others. Soon they were all stuffed into the carriage, with Chanel sitting on Percy's lap holding the golden egg for him.
They quickly flew towards Hogsmeade where they all got off and went into the Three Broomsticks.
The veela's took Percy upstairs into their room, it was bigger on the inside with several double beds pushed together to form one giant bed.
"What do you want to eat Percy?" Amanda asked as she and the others tooks off their heavy coats revealing tight fitting jeans and blouses underneath.
Percy gulped, he realised he had been drawn into their lair...again….he wasn't really complaining though, just an observation.
"Is there anything light?" Percy asked as he put the golden egg on the table, "my stomach is still a little tipsy after the day I've had."
"I'll order something, be back in a sec!" Amanda called out as he went to order lunch for them all.
"So Percy how's school?" Chanel asked as she and the other girls got on the bed while Percy drew up and chair and sat down before them.
"It's okay, I guess, can do without all the drama though," he unclipped his cloak and tossed it to the side causing it to levitate on the spot.
"Woah, how did it do that?" Ula asked with surprise in her eyes.
"Trade secret," Percy grinned, "I've been tinkering around with a lot of stuff, magic's fun! I'm actually having fun learning something!"
"That's nice," Catherine shrugged as she pulled up her legs to her chest, "I never liked it though. Too much work."
"It's magic, how can you call it work?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Bah, you're just nauseatingly optimistic," the french veela spat out.
"So Percy you said you've been having drama at school?" Chanel asked, "what about?"
"Nothing really," Percy shrugged, "first there was the whole, 'American' champion thing. But I took care of that quickly, but then there was the whole 'sleeping with five veelas', and then Fleur and then there was that time the twins turned me into a woman which is really stupid-"
"-I'm sorry what?" Ula stopped him, "they turned you into a woman?!"
Percy grumbled, "yeah, fuckers spiked my drink and when I was distracted by having tits Harry put me into a dress. And the worst part is someone took a picture of me and has been selling it all over the school!"
"Wait a minute!" Catherine called out as she grabbed her handbag and looked inside pulling out a photo that grew to be the bane of Percy's existence. It was him as a woman dressed in that fetching red dress with a confused look on her face.
"Is this you?" Catherine asked shoving the photo into his face.
Percy sighed, "yeah...that's me."
"Holy shit!" Ula cried out as she took the photo, "you look gorgeous! Your ass is out of this world Percy! Damn, almost makes me wish I was gay."
"How do you even have that!" Percy cried out, "you're not even a student at Hogwarts!"
"Some kid from Hogwarts was selling these," Chanel shrugged, "lots of people were buying them. I think every guy in the town has at least one copy."
Percy's eyes widened in horror, "oh dear gods. But why do you have it?!"
"Well," Catherine gave a nervous chuckle, "we kind of got jealous. We bought it so that we could look at it and motivate ourselves to work harder, you know, kind of like exercise motivation. You really do have a cute butt."
Percy held his head, "this is the worst!"
"Oh Percy it's okay," Ula comforted him, "look at it this way. If you want you could get with a hot lesbian whenever you want!"
"Gods kill me now."
Amanda quickly returned with their lunch and Percy spent the rest of the afternoon and a batter half of the evening talking to them about a number of different things. Mostly about their lives and hobbies, whenever his life came up Percy reflected or gave vague answers, for obvious reasons.
It was a nice afternoon, and Percy was glad the awkward tension between them had vanished, after all what would you say to someone to slept with in an orgy?
But Percy and the cheerleaders made it work, Percy didn't come here so sex and the women weren't cheap. They were friends and Percy was glad they could talk for a little while.
An hour later Percy left them, Amanda was furious that nothing had come out of it, but she understood. In her words, 'he's probably exhausted from fighting a dragon, I want him at his best, not his worst'.
Chanel walked Percy out, as they stepped outside the inn Percy turned to her and smiled, "thanks for this Chanel...I needed it."
The Australia veela smiled, "any time Percy. You looked like you were going to collapse from exhaustion, plus it was nice to see you after so long."
Percy nodded, "yeah, I feel the same, I really-" Percy's words were cut short when Chanel grabbed him by collar of his robes and pulled him down into a kiss.
The demigod's eyes went wide in shock, but before he could do anything she stopped, pushing him back.
Percy's face turned red, he opened his mouth to speak but Chanel stopped it with her finger, "I know Percy, you don't have to say it. That one was for me, now go, I'm sure she's probably realised what a terrible mistake she's made by now. And if she hasn't tell me, there's no way I'm ever letting you out of my sights a second time."
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