A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 109: Impossibility is just another possibility


"Unfortunately, in reality, there is no situation where one can win merely by following the rules. There will be knights that break the rules and even chess pieces that betray him."

– Ciel Phantomhive


"What is this? What are you doing to me? This is impossible. STOP you disgusting humans." The Dark Phoenix screeched in pain and annoyance as it felt its strength being constantly drained from it without its permission.

"Why should we? Weren't you doing the same thing to me up until now, feeding on me like a goddamn parasite? How does it feel now little birdie? It's a taste of your own medicine you know." Jean mocked Dark Phoenix with a proud smile on her face.

"You will regret this." The Dark Phoenix screamed as suddenly its dark nefarious-looking aura of psionic energy began to emit from its body and rush towards Jean in an ominous way.

Jean however didn't dodge or try to evade this. Instead, she boldly began to emit her own psionic energy which appeared like a silvery aura compared to the evil bird's dark one. Tendrils of two different types of psionic energies then began to wrestle each other for dominance as they clashed against each other in an epic showdown looking like a scene straight from an anime.

It seemed that the winner would only be determined with one of them winning fairly and overpowering the other but sadly this was reality, a reality where somebody like Rudeus existed. He didn't like playing by the rules and since he was allowed to cheat here without any repercussions, he would use this opportunity to its full extent.

He wasn't able to use magic in this space but he could use all of his own bloodline abilities and most of his divine powers. So, aiming at completely leveraging profit from this situation he made his move.

"Almighty Push" He used Rinnegan's OP repelling ability to its full extent and surprised the poor little bird by using a force on it that could potentially level cities.

The Dark Phoenix was caught in his surprise attack and was thrown away with the force and both its focus and expert control over its own psionic energy faltered which resulted in Jean getting the upper hand.

However Rudeus didn't stop there, he continued bombarding it with his own divine energy constructs like swords, spears, and arrows as well as spamming multiple divine energy blasts on it until he began to feel his own divine energy reserves dwindling from continuous overuse. He was sure that by now he had probably spammed more melee weapons than any war in human history (at least he liked to believe that).

The massive bombardment had even caused a small area of the white-hot room to change color a little as red mist-like smoke covered the scene, proof of the heavy divine energy saturation in the area.

"If this happened back in your mortal world, your planet would have suffered from some heavy damage. Divine energy although nourishing in some cases can be equally destructive and can cause long-term effects like corruption and mutation of living beings as well as degradation of the realm's reality and existence itself if strong enough. And your particular divine energy is anything but weak. It's aimed at not nourishment but to dominate everything it touches, proving its own superiority." The Phoenix force commented in an expressionless manner like it was merely stating a known fact.

Jean however didn't react at all to Rudeus' attacks keeping all her thoughts to herself. She just concentrates on manipulating and maintaining her own psionic energy tendrils while looking out for any signs of the Dark Phoenix.

Once the 'smoke' cleared, the huge dark figure of the evil birdie again became visible but this time it was in a really poor shape as it looked like a malnourished, battered, and diseased bird that could die at any point. Even its wild dark flames seemed to be reduced to mere embers of its past glory.

However, the biggest surprise of all was not the condition of the Dark Phoenix. No, the biggest surprise was that the psionic energy tendrils of Jean were successful in pushing apart the Dark Phoenix's own psionic energy and able to invade its body.

"Gotcha." Jean gave a victorious smile as she clenched her jaws and started the final phase of the plan. Her psionic energy slowly spread throughout the Dark Phoenix's entire body as even its own energy seemed to slowly merge with Jean's and further strengthen her.

"Stop... ppleaassse." The bird of destruction groaned and begged weakly feeling pain course through its entire body, afraid that if this continued then Jean's own psionic tendrils and Rudeus' black receivers would slowly be able to strip it of its entire existence.

"Why should I? Did you stop when I begged you? Did you release me when I begged you to not hurt those innocents, to not hurt my friends, to not hurt my boyfriend? So why should I show you mercy now? No, you will suffer the same fate that you planned for me to suffer, nonexistence. You will again return to the same place that you were born from, ME." Jean yelled the last word in a theatric brilliance as she pushed her psionic energy further into the bird with all her might and then pulled one last time.

With her final pull, the crippled bird's body broke down into pure dark energy that combined with Jean's own psionic energy and turned into a greyish-silvery color spreading blinding silver light everywhere, taking the form of a mighty silver bird that retreated back into Jean, forever merging with her and finally becoming one.

Opening her eyes, Jean's green eyes now appeared to have a brilliant silver glow to them which made her appear even more beautiful and exotic. Infact, her whole appearance seemed to have enhanced as she could truly be compared to one of those country-toppling beauties in wuxia novels.

"How do you feel now my jade beauty?" Rudeus joked with Jean.

"Good, very good my incubus boyfriend." Jean joked back with a red blush adorning her face.

"Boyfriend? When did I even accept your proposal? Looks like somebody is getting ahead of herself." Rudeus smirked in a mock arrogant manner.

"Oh really? I don't need your permission. I'll kidnap and forcibly marry you if I have to." Jean pouted mockingly as she snorted at Rudeus.

"*Cough* *Cough* I think you two can continue this useless conversation later when you are back in your own home dimension. A relationship between a man who is practically my own son and a woman who was my direct avatar till a few days ago seems almost incest to me especially if I consider the similarity between my and the formerly mentioned woman's psionic and astral signatures, not that such trivial stuff matters to me. It's weird that humans consider incest an absolutely forbidden relationship when they have themselves done it in their beginning stages to propagate successfully." The Phoenix force calmly said but Rudeus could detect a hit of annoyance in her voice for some reason.

"Me and you are related besides me being your former avatar?" Jean questioned skillfully ignoring the phoenix's comment on incest.

"Yes indeed. It's almost an impossibility but it has still happened. Our psionic energies and astral selves despite the gigantic difference between our existences are vastly similar. It's almost like we were both cut from the same piece of cloth, one was made into an entire dress while the other was a mere handkerchief. Quantities of the cloth might be vastly different yet the quality is one and the same.

That is the reason why the Dark Phoenix was able to mutate and change to that level under the effect of your strong negative thoughts and energies. It is also the reason why every Jean Grey in the multiverse is the most suited to become my avatar for their respective universes, why I choose her every time. The only difference between them and you is that none of them has ever managed to absorb and assimilate their Dark Phoenix counterparts into herself without any consequences, none of them except you." The Phoenix force informed Jean.

"So I guess I am special?" Jean asked confused.

"Well everyone is special in their own way but no, in this case, it's mostly due to Rudeus' involvement since no other Jean has ever gotten Rudeus' help in their struggle against the Dark Phoenix as There is only one Rudeus Fireheart or Atem in the multiverse and he is the one standing beside you." The Phoenix Force revealed.

"I see. Thank you Rudeus. And I really mean it. You changed my life for the better. I can't even begin to thank you. I don't know what I would do without you. I-I love you, now and always." Jean confessed as she looked at Rudeus for approval.

"I love you too. And believe me, saying this for me is really hard since I didn't even know its meaning till a few days ago, hell I probably still don't understand it completely but what I feel for you is definitely something akin to what love is supposed to be, that or it's a real bad case of obsession." He joked at the end to not make this situation awkward.

Jean just smiled at him and attempted to hug him which he gladly accepted. It was a pure form of love that wasn't composed of just lust and bodily desires which was new for him since most of his relationships were based on exactly that, raw beastly sex. But he didn't hate this, infact he liked this a lot.

'Maybe I should try to form more healthy, organic, and less toxic relationships with all my girls than just fcking them on a routine basis. Although banging your girls really hard is also a form of connection, isn't it...?' He thought in his mind trying to solve the unsolvable puzzle of love.

"I told you two to restrict your earthly mating desires till you return to your own realm. For now, I need your absolute attention Rudeus, for this includes the topic of your future survival, your relation to Odin, and why he wants to kill you." The golden bird's somber tone echoed as she finally decided to tell Rudeus the events of his birth.


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