A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 110: A God’s sob story


"War is not heroic. War is not exhilarating. And, war is full of despair. It's dark. It's dreadful. It is a thing of sorrow and gloom."

— Izura Kira


"This is a story of about a billion years ago in human time. Back then, the universe was still not as calm as now. Wars and the eradication of entire civilizations and races were common things. Even the Asgardians led by King Bor Burison were barely protecting their own kingdom much less offering safety or trying to conquer others. Bor had four children with his wife Bestla. Odin was one of them.

Once in his youth was sent away by his father King Bor to Earth or Midgard after he found proof of a possible out-of-control raging celestial who could one day even pose a danger to Asgard. Odin was meant to slay the potential danger and ensure the future safety of Asgard. It was during this time that he met with some mystically empowered special humans. Although he barely cared for them, he still couldn't ignore their power and their potential, so he befriended them.

One of them was a 'mutant' or 'metahuman' girl, a girl with immense psychic power, my first human host, Firehair who later came to be known as Lady Phoenix after she learned to control and utilize my gifts well enough. It was during this time that Odin had seduced that woman in the hopes of using her powers to further the collective strength of Asgard later down the line although he had himself fallen for the human girl in the process. But unfortunately for both of them, Odin's father would never allow a human girl without any divinity at all to marry his son, an Asgardian prince.


After they defeated and sealed the mad celestial, Odin tried to stay on earth to further his romance and to live his life peacefully with the new love he had found. But he couldn't give up his desire for the throne, so when he heard of his father's demise, he couldn't control himself and returned to Asgard to claim his throne abandoning his first true love, knowing that once he became king he would never be able to marry Firehair or make her his queen due to her being a 'mere' human. She would never be accepted inside Asgard. So he just left.

But that was not the end. Unknown to him, Firehair was pregnant with his son, his first son. But she was not well. She hadn't taken Odin's abandonment well. It was increasingly getting hard for her to maintain control of her negative emotions, her Dark Phoenix whom she had thought to have controlled was once again showing signs of emerging, absorbing energy and life force from her to manifest. But she wanted to give birth, she wanted to be a mother, so she held on.

But unfortunately for her, just after a single month of pregnancy she was unable to sense her child's life force anymore. It was like the birth was rejected by the universe itself. So she did the only thing she could think of, she came to me for help, and help I did, a merciful favor to my first host. I used my power and domain over life and rebirth to give life inside her womb, the remains of her dead fetus changing into... something more. That was how my first and original phoenix seed, the egg was created. An egg-bearing a child who is as much mine as his human parents' if not even more.

But alas the egg had a 'defect'. It was without a soul. It had rejected all souls from the multiverse and reincarnation cycle and was soulless simply because fate and destiny didn't permit me, an abstract to have a child. None of the multiversal abstracts were allowed to ever have a sentient child after all, it's against the tribunal's rules after what happened with Abraxas. A true abstract nephilim is a dangerous thing after all..." The Phoenix Force was reciting her story.

"Wait wait wait, Abraxas? He... I mean this being you are talking about exists in real?" Rudeus interrupted her flashback not caring for the annoyance visible in her eyes for a split second.

"... Yes that being still exists. Now, let me finish the story in peace before you ask any more questions... As I was saying, the egg was unable to hatch but that didn't mean it had no hope to hatch ever in the future. And as long as there is hope, there is a way. So under my instructions, Firehair hid the egg away before her death with the help of her loyal friend Agamotto.

But Odin didn't know all that. After he had returned to Asgard to claim his 'rightful' throne, he found out that his brother, Cul had claimed it after his father's death. Odin was not as strong as Cul. So to grow as strong as him and defeat him, he went and drank from the Well of Mimir, gaining the knowledge of runes and truly becoming the god of Knowledge and Runes. He then along with his two remaining brothers attacked and managed to defeat Cul and banished him from reality.

But the fight had taken its toll on Odin too. The death of his father and brothers, the seed of fear sown into him by Cul as well as the corruption of his own divinities and knowledge brought him to near madness. He was not just content with becoming a king, he wanted to become the King, the greatest and most powerful of all, unchallenged by all. He erased all the traces of his brother Cul and killed each and every one who was ever touched or influenced by Cul's powers.

Afraid of a prophecy shown by Yggdrasill about his own child one day being a threat to him and rising against him, his own child one day bringing the dreaded Ragnarok once again, he wanted to ensure that he didn't have any bastard children conspiring against him. So he even stormed 'Midgard' to not only kill the billions of humans he believed to have worshipped or believed in Cul but also to make sure that he didn't have a child on Earth, a child that he wouldn't be able to control.

Firehair was dead by this time. So Odin wasn't able to find her and Agamotto who had given himself the position of the godfather of the unborn child even when the egg was just inside her stomach never strayed from his loyalty and responsibility. He never revealed the egg's existence or its whereabouts to anyone no matter what.

Thus the egg remained safe, hidden until recently when I suddenly sensed the egg somehow developing its own soul, an impossibility that somehow happened. And so I tasked the immortal woman Selene Gallio who had enough psionic energy to be able to contact me despite not being my host as well as the required ability and skills to conduct the proper ritual to rejuvenate the life inside the egg once again, so that it could hatch. And thus you were born. I aimed to protect you from everyone's sight by hiding your existence with my powers but strangely you were able to do it yourself naturally. Even I had problems keeping an eye on you. The only way I was able to do that was through others.

Anyways, it's almost poetic because even after doing all that Odin was never truly happy or successful. He was able to conquer the entire nine realms but his eldest daughter who did it for him betrayed him, his second eldest daughter who was supposed to bring prosperity and justice to his kingdom was stolen by angels, although he was barely saddened by the fact. Even now, one of his sons is constantly planning to murder his brother to usurp and steal his throne. He is still a king but his entire fate is just a puppet of those who sit above him in shadows." The Phoenix Force, at last, concluded her extremely big flashback with an almost happy voice towards the end.

"Wow, that was an extremely good and emotional flashback. You could actually get an Oscar for the master storytelling." Rudeus said as he wiped away imaginary tears from his face as well as some real tears from Jean's face.


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