Adeptus Anew

Chapter 4: Goodbye Mr Hutt

Today has been quiet the boss is in his palace and no one has attempted to get past us so far. Why has the sky turned red sunset isn't for hours, as I turn I see beams of red light streaking from the sky before I react the first lands the tallest tower of jabas palace explodes reduced to slag in a single shot the second destroys the main bulk the 3rd and 4th blast slag into the air and the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th pummel the slag, melting the mountain and sand into a pool of molten material. There is no way Jabba survived that. Suddenly ships shoot overhead and something is dropped, are those people and why do they have wings? Before I can wrap my head around that Chris is engulfed in flame from the descending people. I run sprinting past my colleagues when one of the figures land on Jesle and something wet hits my back I try not to think about it but something peirces my back and heaves me up I turn my head to look at what has got me to see a mass of cybernetics as something else pierces my stomach and it begins to pull the hooks ripping through my skin as it tears me apart.

I was just wandering the outskirts of the town when three ship descended landing with a thump. The ramps descended and out of the closes one soldiers dressed in a red robe under red body armour. They had red helmets with glowing blue eyes and a tube that ran from their mouths to their chest each one had a cog with a skull inside on their chest and what appeared to be a section of a large cog mounted on their shoulders. Each one held a glowing blue sword like thing with two prongs on the end and a blaster although I didn't recognise the model. The other two discorged different soldiers each one was dressed in red fatigues with grey armour they had human faces but different detached. They began to march towards us. A guard moved to confront them one of the heavily armoured soldiers stabbed him with the prong thing and the guards arms snapped straight his head flung back and his eyes glazed over as he slumped on of the other soldiers walked over and dragged the guard back towards the shuttle and locked him in chains, I saw more connections on those chains. As they continued to march I turned and ran but as I did I saw more soldiers marching down the paths as the heavily armed ones beat and electrocuted people and then had the others shackle them. I need to get out of here. As I reach the space port I see a ship taking off, I can just make out a face at one of the windows it looks like a child. Suddenly two shots slam into the side of it. As it lists more shots carve through it and it begins to fall back down onto the star port and a ship shot past. I turn back and see two of the heavily armoured soldiers attempting to drag two twi'lek off when a short man rushed forward.

"Oi get your hands off my slaves." "They are not complying." "They will only do what I tell them to, now pi-"

One of the figures uppercuts the man mid sentence slamming his jaw closed with such force that several of his teeth shattered and a fleshy mass flew from his mouth. Tho of the other soldiers marched over and dragged his body over to a growing line of people shackled two of the heavily armoured soldiers walk up and down the line occasionally electrocuting a prisoner. The two slaves are left and the heavily armoured soldiers move on. I set off at a run and make it back to my apartment. I can't sleep every time I'm about to they find some poor sod who snuck out and zap him or identify a slaver and break him in the streets. I move over to my window and look over at old man Macburns his son snuck out an hour ago and he had to listen to his sons screams. He is taking it out on his wife I can hear her sobs as he throws things two of the heavily armoured soldiers are patrolling they react to the sound of him throwing something at his wife and approach the door with a single blow they boot the door in and march inside they exit dragging Macburns they throw him to the ground and he begins swearing then lunges at one with a knife stabbing him between the pannels of his armour, Macburns had just let out a cheer when a metal gloved fist smashed into his head as he fell I saw the dent in his skull. He pulled the knife from his stomach and crushed it before carrying on leaving Macburns body in the road, finally one of those cyborg zombies turned up and dragged his body off.

"Arch Magos the Skitarii Provost have subjugated 63% of the planetary population and the Skitarii Rangers are beginning to search the desert for smaller settlements. Only 9% of the population has died and 17% has been sent for servitorisation. We have begun marking out the strip mine and levelling the selected area for the hab cities." "Prioritise hab city 1 so the population can begin relocation within 14 standard rotations and the cleansing can begin." "Arch Magos we have reports that a xeno species called the Jawa who have attempted to shoot our forces with ion weapons which have damaged several skitarii and techpriests. They appear to be a scavenger people and non human." "All Jawa are to be exterminated and their vehicles examined." "Yes Arch Magos, next there is a species called the Tusken Raiders they are a violent tribal species and so far haven't engaged any of our forces however they have been seen watching from vantage points." "Send some tech priests to convert them, if the tech priests are successful we will have a new pool to recruit skitarii from." "Yes Arch Magos."

I had been enjoying my day off when I saw ships I didn't recognise flying overhead must be a new imperial design. Today I am travelling to Mos Eisley to work when the cart came to a stop, I can hear the driver talking to someone as several people in red robes and red body armour strode round to the back of the cart what appears to be a skull with a speaker in its mouth and a scroll hanging from the bottom.

"Please remain calm, this is a standard stop. The city known as Mos Eisley is under occupation by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Please exit the vehicle in an orderly fashion and stand with your hands held level with your ears."

The Adeptus Mechanicus? Must be a new division of the Empire. Everyone slowly gets out and forms a line as they ordered. Slowly a figure in only red robes moves down the line scanning us, this is bad. When they reach me they scan me and I get a look under their hood, their face is horrible a blend of cybernetics and flesh with seemingly no rhyme or reason, then move on and 2 people to my left they stop. Suddenly one of the soldiers stepped forward and stabbed her in the stomach with a rod like sword with two prongs on the end. Her body snaps straight a strangled scream escaping her mouth and she crumples to the ground, suddenly a man further down the line bolts he just manages to get to the top of a dune when a fist sized hole is punched through his chest, he tumbles back down the dune and I turn to where the shot came from a figure also dressed in red robes seemed to be perched on stilts and holding a long rifle. The one scanning us seems completely unfazed and didn't stop scanning us.

"Please return into the cart your journey will proceed shortly"

The skull makes me jump as it speaks and we get back onto the cart but the driver seems to have been replaced by a red robed figure, the ugnaught who originally drove us boots are just poking out from a nearby buildings door. I think I will start carrying my lightsaber again.

It's been a week since the Adeptus Mechanicus took over I managed to find out what happened. They tasered any who resisted and dragged them off. It was worse for any non human like species when they encountered them they didn't deactivate the taser when the victim fell unconscious they only stopped then the body started smoking. The only upsides to the occupation so far are free water and food rations and a severe drop in slavery since if you are caught possessing slaves they beat you then tase you. They are building something at the equator, refugees from settlements on the equator arrive every now and then, they say that a huge area is being mined and beyond the zone large sections of land are being leveled and buildings are being constructed. The mechanicus gives them rations and a map and sends them on their way those that don't succumb to the heat or cold risk being taken by the tuskens apparently from those who escaped the Tuskens have shrines marked with the symbol of the Mechanicus. I need to go into town to get my food rations. I end up in the usual stop which results in two people being tased and dragged off. I wish I could help them but if I do I will be outed and Anakin will kill me and take Luke so I must not act. I arrive in town and make my way to the mechanicus management centre it was the town hall but they hung large placs with the symbol of the mechanicus on the walls and over the doors. I remember 3 days ago someone blew themselves up inside. It took 3 minutes for the soldiers to begin dragging bodies out non of the bodies were mechanicus all of them belonged to civilians who had been seeking their rations, they haven't done much to repair the building their cyborg zombies have only just begun to clean the exterior of the building in fact they prioritised cleaning the placs and then started cleaning up the blood. As I step in the scent of blood poorly hidden by cleaning agents assaults my nostrils the scorch marks are still visible and the walls are reinforced with some material I don't recognise. I pull the form out of my bag I hope they don't make me fill in the 27 I had to last time. Finally It is my turn and I place the form on the desk. The clerk picks it up and examines it.

"This is within acceptable parameters"

They place a bundle on the desk. The nutrient bars they provide are tasteless and have a weird texture but they are filling you only need one for each day. They provide a single bottle of water for each day. As I turn to leave one of the cyborg zombies steps forward it's cybernetic eyes glow green.

"My, m m, my. Wwhat iss a Jedi ooof yyour prestiige ddooing on mmy neew plannet."

I freeze and turn towards the creature but it has carried on walking its eyes back to red. I rush out of the building and turn left but several of the soldiers are walking down the road their tasers sparking. I turn and run, zigzagging through allyways until I am in a different area of the town. I gingerly step out of the ally and begin walking but I feel something rushing towards me I spin my bag dropping to the floor as I ignite my lightsaber to meet the blade humming for the split second it strikes my lightsaber before the figure leaps back it has mechanical limbs with its torso and head encased in red armour with a tube going from its helmet to its chest. It remains in a crouch its humming swords at the ready. I take a defensive stance before spinning and swiping at the incoming shot. Pain blossoms across my arms chest and jaw as molten metal. I am forced to spin again and block the sword I force it back with the force and remove its arm and carve its chest. It leaps up onto a nearby roof. There is the sound of footsteps and the heavily armoured soldiers rush in from every direction each one seems to have a small Mack that crackles with electricity and a blaster in the other hand. They rush forward and I begin blocking and dodging, I sweep my lightsaber low carving through 3 of their legs but the ones behind just toss the injured ones behind them. Suddenly my leg goes loose I spin and slice the head of the one holding its mace to my leg. I manage to hold them back for a couple more minutes and attempt to use force speed but my leg is still loose and as I get away from them my knee explodes a shot imbedding itself in the floor in front of me as I collapse a humming blade carves through my hand causing me to release my lightsaber but within a split second my hand is separated from my wrist. Something hit me my back and electricity flows through me I use the force to keep it from knocking me out and drag myself forward but a metal boot slams into my hip cracking the bone a metal fist smashes into my good arm snapping the bone. As I raise my head a metal boot smashes into my face snapping my head back and a mace smashes into my left eye. I can feel as the electricity boils my eye in its socket. Finally a fist slams into the back of my head and the world goes black.

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