Chapter 5: The Horror of the mechanicus
I am tired I have been running for ages. They came last night with their ships and red robes. A weird floating skull told Uncle Owen that we were to move to Hab City 1. I was so excited some of my friends from Mos Eisley moved there and they say it is amazing, the houses are big, the open areas are cool, water is abundant and food is cheap. They did say that there was a lot of something called a Skitarii Provost and Servo Skulls whatever they are. Uncle Owen said no saying that we were happy here and the skull said something about moisture farms being obsolete and the armoured people stabbed Uncle Owen with some sort of sword causing him to stiffen and then fall. Auntie Beru came out of the house and shouted for me to run as she sit the armoured person causing him to stumble. As I turned and ran I heard her cry out. My feet suddenly go out from under me, as I hit the sand I role over to see the glowing red eyes of one of the red robed soldiers as he advances raising a pronged sword I throw my arm out and he is launched across the sand smashing into a rock and going limp as sparks bounce off him. Suddenly I hear something land behind me, I scramble onto my knees as she advances I throw my arm out but nothing happens I try again but she continues to advance before reaching down and lifting me up. She holds me at arms length and tilts her head her green glowing eyes burning into me. She turns and I can see another robed soldier on some sort of mechanical animal like a small bantha. The soldier hands me to the one riding the machanical animal who heaves my up and uses his left arm to pin me to his back as we set of riding across the sand until we arrive back at the moisture farm. People that look like a cross between cyborgs and the creatures Auntie Beru likes to watch holo dramas about are moving around taking the moisture catchers apart and carrying things out of the house. The soldier I am riding with approaches one of them and pushes me towards it, it catches me as I slide of them back of the mechanical animal its metal arms gripping me painfully. It's glowing green eyes bore into me before it turns and walks towards a ship. One of the armoured soldiers steps towards it but it lets out something that sounds slightly like binary and the armoured soldier steps back. We continue it's metal fingers digging into my armpits. It places me down in the ship and pushes me over to a seat and clipped me in. As I look around I can see two lumps shoved into the corner. The monsters keep walking in and out loading the ship up with parts of the farm and finally the ramp rises up and the ship is plunged into darkness.
"Arch Magos the psyker designated Luke Lars has arrived." "Good, give him to the Ordo Force to train. I want him to join our holy priesthood." "Yes Arch Magos, Prisoner designated Obi won Kenobi has been moved to psyker containment cell 4 and the wards have been activated." "Acknowledged"
It has been two months since the mechanicus invaded. I was one of the first moved to Hab City 1 and so far it is good. Food was free for the first week then they came around and assigned jobs I got assigned to working the strip mine. I didn't expect it to be as big as it was when I first saw it. I couldn't even see the other side. It was a 10 meter deep trench with metal sides apparently they had finished clearing the sand and we were to dig I had the honour of assisting a techpriest in operating a huge drill. I have to go to prayer before work to get the blessings of the machine god. I enter the temple to the machine god and put on my amulet it's a crude thing made from a chain welded to a large cog but it is mine and shows my faith what more could I want? I wrap it around my hand and walk slowly forward staring at the beautiful depiction on the ceiling. For such a brutality efficient organisation their works of art are breathtaking. The ceiling depicts a mass of people in prayer to a red planet. Beautiful ships radiate from the planet in all directions each aimed at a different planet marked by a metal skull. More patterns and designs spiral out from it until above the stained glass window is a gold bird with two heads the right head is more mechanical with a red eyed and a silver beak it also has a cog above its head. The stained glass depicts a techpriest. His hand rests on a cane with a skull topper he is engulfed in blue lightning. Behind him a shadowy thing rises its mechs legs almost embracing him. His mechanical eye is a glowing green glass. Below him are some words in a language I can't read. I slowly walk towards the window and fall to my knees. I pull the chain on my amulet taught until it digs into my palm and recite the words I have heard so many times but never been able to translate.
"Praise be the machine god, Praise be his most holy servant in Arch Magos Terak prophet of his will."
I bow my head and almost feel as if his holy gaze is upon me. I rise and turn walking out as I unwind the chain from my hand. I make my way to where a hover cart is waiting. I climb aboard and take my seat. I can see the servitors that pilots the cart. I can barely recognise it but it is definitely Old Man Macburns son. Once all the workers for this shift have arrived or been dragged here by skitarii provost because they overslept. The cart sets off it takes half an hour before we arrive at the edge. We all pack into the lift and it begins to descend. We come to a stop and I look out over the mine in the weeks since I began this section has descended by another 10 metres. I get out and make my way down a staircase trying to avoid getting trapped when the servitors carry the next shipment of debris to the lift to take to the surface. I make my way over to where Tech priest I6-02Z she gave me the honour of hearing her name. She is standing next to the drill I help her with. As I approach she continues working until I am a metre away when she points towards a panel with a mechandrite. I walk over to the panel and begin fiddling with it while muttering the prayers she had taught to me. Hours pass and we continue working her servo skull relaying orders to me as we continue to dig deeper into the rock. I glance up from the controls to see a worker approaching. I notice that he is wearing a bulky coat and holding a tube. I leap down from the controls and rush at him swinging my hammer and wrench at his head. He ducked the blow and punched my stomach then grabs the hammer and throws it away.
"He's trying to damage the mineing machine."
I mull myself to my feet pull out my amulet and wrap the chain around his throat pulling him back as I tighten it. He struggles his fingers gripping the chain as he thumps his elbow into my stomach.
"Machine god give me strength to end he who would damage your holy machine."
Pain erupts through my chest and I cough blood. I feel him go limp as we slump to the ground as I6-02Z approaches her servo skull hovers overhead. When I open my eyes again I am lay on a table as red robed people bustle around they are fixing me replacing my weak flesh with metal. Then something slides up my nose and cracked through into my skull and my thoughts dull. I watch as my body moves without my will. I see I6-02Z as I return to my duties but now I hear her orders in my head without the inefficiencies of my own mind. I will now serve until I rot under the hot sun.
The door slides open and a figure shuffles in his cane clicking on the floor before he sits in the chair across from me. I slowly raise my head feeling the weight of the collar that connects to the table in front of me via a thick chain inscribed with a language I don't know. I have lost track of how long I have been here, every now and then a liquid flows through a tube into my throat I assume it is nutritious. Some of the wires that radiate from my pelvis must carry away waste. I look at the figure sat across from me with my one eye. He is one of those abominable Tech priests. But he looks different the right side of his face is pale and the eye that sits in it is opaque what appears to be nodes of some sort are dotted across his skin. His left eye is cybernetic with smaller sensors and eyes that mover up his face onto his forehead like growths. The lower section of his face is obscured by a large metal grill.
"You are designated Obi Won Kenobi, a Jedi master and council member. You served during the minor civil war known as the clone wars and survived order 66 which was triggered in response to the Jedi attempting to overthrow the senate." It wasn't a question. "No, NO order 66 was an unprovoked genocide by a Sith Lord. We served the republic and the senate we didn't attempt to overthrow them!" "You do not deny being Obi Won Kenobi then? Good. I didn't overly want to torture you today." "What?" "I am Arch Magos Terak the highest ranking member of the Adeptus Mechanicus in this galaxy. Now why were you on Tattooine does it have something to do with the psyker designated Luke Lars?" "What? Wait you know about Luke don't touch him he isn't important." "Incorrect, he is the first psyker inducted into the Ordo Force and is already showing above average levels of potential and high levels of acceptance of our teachings." "What you have him what happened to Owen and Beru? They would never allow that." "The relatives of designated Luke Lars resisted relocation to Hab city one and were servitorised, location in this room."
My blood went cold and my three stumps tinged as I slowly turned my head to look behind me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked into their blank faces. Their faces were mutilated and poorly stitched back together, cybernetics appears to have been stuffed into them. They were a mess of cybernetics and flesh blood still dripping down their skin tight jumpsuits. Tears rand down one side of my face.
"You are monsters." "Incorrect we are the mechanicus. They resisted and have been blessed with a better purpose as will you. You are to be given to the Ordo Force for testing. Now I will give you a choice you can cooperate and I can put them down or you can resist and I will assign them to work the mines until their flesh sloughs off."
I focus trying to remain calm, and attempt a mind trick.
"You will let me go." "Attempt to use psykic powers to alter thought streams. You aren't very intelligent Kenobi."
He raises his cane and points the skull at Beru. The nodes in his skin glow and suddenly electricity bursts from the skull engulfing Beru who drops to her knees letting out a mechanical scream as the electricity engulfs her. The smell of burning flesh fills the room as she twitches her body steaming.
"Usually servitors are lobotomised to prevent the contious mind from interfering with operations however with these two that step was skipped. He will be outfitted to clean the toilets of Hab city 1."
Suddenly a clod liquid flows through the tubes in my pelvis and my contiousness begins to fade.
"Rejoice for you will serve a glorious purpose."
My head hits the cold metal of the table. As the world goes black and the glowing green of Teraks eyes burns itself into my vision.