Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 1: Prologue (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1: Prologue

 Ichigo's life had fallen into a cycle of unrelenting despair. He had lost so much and sacrificed everything, yet it felt meaningless. It felt truly like he had nothing left.

He wished for any way to return his soul reaper powers, however, to no avail nothing changes at all. Then on a normal afternoon, Ichigo walks next to Orihime as Ichigo walks in silence like every other time. Orihime began to notice that Ichigo had slowly stopped speaking and smiling. Ichigo now felt distant and cold causing Orihime to feel pain in the depths of her soul, yet every time she tried to get something out of Ichigo, he would give lackluster or short answers providing no progress. The man she loved with all her soul had become a fragmented shell of the one she once knew. Suddenly the Spiritual pressure in the area became overbearing causing Orihime to instantly create a shield to protect both of them as Ichigo could still "sense' the spiritual pressure to some degree. Orihime speaks in a slightly shaken, but firm voice "Don't worry Ichigo, I will protect you" Those words inadvertently hit Ichigo like daggers as he used to be the one to protect her. Ichigo's powerless despair was eating at his mind as he felt voices in his head beckoning him to consume, yet he knew not of what it meant or who it was. The shield then suddenly shattered and they were both thrown backwards.

Ichigo then feels a presence on top of him as Orihimes eyes are filled with fear, because of what she sees. Ichigo none the wiser tries his best to break free, however, nothing works. Ichigo then feels intense pain as he gets stomped on by this hollow the hollow instantly teleports to Orihime as he grips her neck. Ichigo attempts to get up, but the spiritual pressure is overbearing. Orihime tries her best to break free, but the hollow is too strong, and that's when Ichigo can see the hollow for some reason. Ichigo's eyes turn surprised and hopeless as he sees the appearance of a Vasto Lorde. The Vasto Lorde is draped in bone-like armor and his horns are similar to that of a deer The eyes of the Vasto Lorde are cold and empty as he sneers at Ichigo before ripping open a gargantuan. Before the unknown Vasto Lorde walks through he speaks in a commanding and Deeming tone towards Ichigo "Weakness has treated you unkindly Ichigo" as he disappears with Orihime through the Gargantuan.

Ichigo is stunned as the spiritual pressure finally dissipates as he collapses into unconsciousness. Ichigo jolts awake as Kisuke is sitting in the corner of the room.

Ichigo instantly speaks 'Kisuke I need to get Orihime back you need to help me gain my powers again!". Kisuke speaks in a calm yet firm tone "Ichigo, I have told you many times I have tried and there is nothing I can do for you, but don't worry the soul society will send someone". Ichigo instantly speaks up "It was a Vasto Lorde the soul society needs to send a captain or multiple to save Orihime!". Kisuke speaks in a firm tone "Don't worry Ichigo they should be sending a captain after noticing their readings and the message I passed along to them already". Ichigo's despair and rage reached unparalleled levels as he couldn't do anything to stop Orihime from being taken away.

Every single day for the past week Ichigo comes and asks Kisuke for an update. "So, the SOUL SOCIETY HAS YET TO SEND A CAPTAIN YET?????!!!" Ichigo shouts in full-blown rage. "Calm down Ichigo they are busy dealing with hollow outbreaks," Kisuke says in a calm and clear tone. Ichigo is stunned by the audacity of the soul society and Kisuke for that matter. Ichigo leaves Kisukes place filled with rage and despair at his weakness, however on his way back home he senses something as he gets shoved to the ground. Ichigo looks to see nothing as he hears numerous hollows surround him. The hollows then began to fight each other over this delicious meal. Ichigo's rages reach a new height as he is unable to do anything, but get devoured by these hollows, Suddenly Ichigo has a thought as he then bit into the hollow causing it to wail in pain. Ichigo's rage fueled him as he clawed and bit into the hollow pressuring him. Ichigo continued fighting and clawing and tearing until he could finally see all the hollows he got out from under the hollow and backed away. Ichigo seething with a newfound power rushed at the hollow still ignoring his presence as he ripped and tore pieces of them. Every time they threw him against a wall or a way he came back over and over again. Ichigo then started transforming into a hollow as his rage fueled every ounce of his being as he roared. Ichigo started growing horns and claws as his eyes turned Abyssal Black and his pupils a dark red. Ichigo's jaws opened wide as he ripped open the neck of another hollow and he devoured the remaining parts of that hollow.

Ichigo remained as several pieces of hollows scattered around Ichigo had devoured every remaining piece of the hollows. Suddenly more hollows appeared and several Gillians appeared almost as if they were commanded or called. Ichigo then went on a rampage against every single hollow and Gillian he could find, endlessly devouring more and more as his hollow form is quite similar to his original "Vasto Lorde Form".

His horns grow longer and thicker, his claws grow sharper and are tipped with a dark red, his entire body has become white, and his long hair has now turned blood red. Ichigo continued his slaughter endlessly until he found that he was now in the Menos Forest. His thoughts become somewhat clearer as he now must find Orihime as fast as possible. Ichigo wanders through the Menos Forest looking for prey his mind is focused on a single goal, which is finding Orihime. He rips apart any resistance as he slaughters hollows, and Gillians, and even comes across an Adjucha. Ichigo then gets into a brutal fight with this Adjucha as Ichigo's rationality is slowly being eaten away at as all he wishes to do is find the one who loves to the depths of his soul.

 Ichigo battle with the Adjucha was bloody and brutal until the Adjucha finally ran away because it was similar to a Lepard. Ichigo tired after all the brutal fights found a cave to rest in as his mind was racing. Ichigo had fears of what could have happened to Orihime and how he needed to reach her as soon as he could. Ichigo slept for a time before awakening and finding new prey to target. Ichigo's hollow form has now fully cemented itself and no trace of humanity was left, only a fractured soul of what it once was. Ichigo tracked down more hollows and a few Gillians as he devoured them. He finally found a smaller and damaged Adjucha and began brutally beating it for any information about what had happened after Aizen and Espada's demise. The fearful hollow explained that something had changed in Hueco Mundo and hollows were now becoming stronger faster. Gillians were tripling in number Adjuchas were not as rare as they used to be and even Arrancars and Vasto Lorde existed even now. The little hollow then stated how the Adjuchas were all fighting for territories more than usual and a new Vasto Lorde had risen to power after killing a few of the Territorial Lords (Adjuchas).

Ichigo pondered these things and considered that if he could devour stronger hollows his original form would return. He then gripped the neck of the hollow and broke it before devouring the hollow whole. Ichigo then continued moving looking for more prey as he was constantly fighting to stay somewhat rational as his instincts of finding Orihime was almost all that remained. Ichigo then entered a different part of the Menos Forest he saw many Gillians and Hollows following an Adjucha which was very confusing to Ichigo as hollows are not usually very "Teamwork oriented". He followed the group for a while until they suddenly stopped and the Adjucha called out "Friend who has been following us care to join?" Ichigo was instantly alert as the Adjucha allowed him to follow them for who knows how long. Ichigo then began to walk forward toward the group as the Adjucha spoke once more "I am Aranea Caden's (Fallen Spider) and the leader of this small group of Gillians and Hollows". The great territorial wars of the Adjucha have caused many hollows to join groups instead of being hunted by themselves. Ichigo pondered this man's words before considering his options, logically he didn't need to work with anyone else as he would get stronger over time by just devouring more and more. On the other hand, if he could hide inside a group and then strike whenever he could strike. Ichigo surprisingly decided to join this odd group of individuals because his goals hadn't changed and if he needed to, he could devour them later. Aranea Caden's spoke as the group continued walking "You seem to be about at the level of an Adjucha, however, something appears to still be missing for you" Ichigo surprised by his sudden deduction Ichigo decided to speak in a very low and dark voice "I only wish to find who I came for nothing more than that". Caden was somewhat surprised he got a response out of Ichigo, but before he could respond they were attacked, but another group of hollows. The other group was led by two Adjuchas one looked like a Lion and the other looked more like a floating Octopus. The lion-looking hollow speaks first "Caden you should have sided with our lord, and this could have all been avoided"

Caden sneered "A lord who eats his subordinates and also kills my leader and you want me to side with you?" "Looks like it going be the hard way" as the lion got prepared to advance and the troops of Hollows and Gillians prepared to attack each other in a brutal battle. Ichigo instantly appeared next to the lion and kicked him into one of the pillars as Caden went to fight the floating Octopus thing. The Disorganized fight was one to behold as the devouring of each other raged forward almost as if the hollow primal instinct had changed ever so slightly. The lion-looking hollow slammed into the wall after the unexpected assault and immediately charged back towards Ichigo.

Caden began by climbing up one of the pillars and creating a sort of spider web, while the floating octopus shot out acid-like bullets from each of its limbs. Caden jumped from his web-like structure on top of the weird floating octopus and started wrapping him up in string to limit his movements as they started to spin out of control with the octopus unable to float with so much weight. They plunge to the bottom with a slam as the octopus is now tied down. Ichigo then went on the defensive as the lion did continual punches over and over pushing Ichigo. Ichigo then suddenly appears behind the lion hollow and just slams down on him with both hands. Ichigo then tore off the lion-like hollow head and began devouring him. "We could have interrogated him for information you know?" spoke Caden in an annoyed tone. "I just need to devour my opponents and move forward toward my goal" spoke Ichigo in a solemn almost depressed voice.

Caden noticed this and didn't continue his conversation. He removed the remaining enemy hollows and prepared to interrogate Octopus Hollow. The truth would be revealed one way or another.

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