Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Forest of Menos

 As the battle concludes and the other remaining hollows retreat, Ichigo and Caden interrogate "Slimeis," his name, to find out where the Adjucha he serves is.

After a couple of hours of "talking," they found out that the Adjucha owning this territory was in a dispute with another Adjucha, it was also learned that the Adjuchas were going to have a confrontation soon. Caden was excited to get revenge as his previous leader and all his original "Comrades" were slaughtered by him, and he even ate his subordinates if they became useless. For most hollows, this was a normal day in Hueco Mundo, but it was different for Caden and his group as they had a very loose form of comradery.

After the group took a break, they prepared to move on toward where the Adjucha was supposed to battle it out. Ichigo thought to himself that if he devoured those two Adjucha he could get power equal to a pre-Vasto Lorde form or a little more as long as they were somewhat strong. Ichigo was very focused on his only goal of getting Orihime back and nothing else stood in his way, but a trail of devoured hollows. The walk lasted for about a day and a half before they arrived at a massive circle of hollows surrounding the two Adjuchas and they began fighting each other.

One of the hollows looked similar to a bull, while the other resembled a tall humanoid-Ish female. As Ichigo and Caden joined up in the circle heading forwards closer to the battle they were stopped by hollows who noticed they were from either of the Adjuchas groups and instantly attacked them. (like I said hollow nature is just slightly adjusted to groups as now everyone hollow attempts to hunt in groups and follow a strong leader so they can all continue to feed and hopefully not get preyed upon by bigger groups) Instantly the outer layer of the hollows began to attack Ichigo and Caden's group as a brutal slaughter began between the two groups. The fight drew the attention of some, but most were still focused on the two Adjuchas fighting it out. Ichigo's frustrated continued as he kept wasting his time with needless things he used "Abyssal Strike" Smashing downwards as the ground to the hollows were tossed everywhere tossing some towards the two fighting Adjuchas, other groups joined into this fight as they saw a chance to weaken or dethrone either of these groups while they were in a fight. Several other wild hollow groups attacked the crowd and an all-out massacre began. Ichigo then uses Sonido to race towards the two Adjucha as he slams into both of them. Vexina and Taurus didn't expect some to even remotely consider attacking them as they prepared to defend themselves after being pushed back.

Caden continues tearing through the hollows as the groups begin to retreat or get mercilessly devoured by the other groups. As the groups begin to retreat or disappear Ichigo begins brutally pummeling Vexina and Tauras as they stand no chance against Ichigo even if they teamed up on him. Taurus kept charging Ichigo and Vexina kept trying to hit him with her Spike Gatling on her right arm. Ichigo continually getting more annoyed as he had been constantly wasting time dealing with small fries instead of finding Orihime; Ichigo's rage had been building and building until it finally exploded as he slashed Tarus in half and then teleported behind Vexina and tore off her head. Immediately Ichigo began to consume them and finally got to his pre-Vasto Lorde form, however, the Adjuchas were too weak to make him any stronger so he must hunt more Adjuchas.

Caden also made progress as he killed several Adjuchas and also saw his target watching Ichigo. Ichigo suddenly got thrown into a Pillar as the Adjucha Caden had been looking for had appeared. "Well, my trap worked well you shall be delicious to devour!". Proditor (Betrayer) was a tall and lanky giant just around (4 meters). He had massive spikes trailing down his back and his hands had retractable blades. Caden's body was fueled with rage as he saw the one who took the lives of his "comrades" and his leader, they may not have been the best, but they were better than nothing.

The revenge Caden had been waiting for had finally come to flourish as he charged at Inspectorous and Ichigo appeared behind him seeking revenge for that hit earlier. The battle commenced, while the echoes of dead hollows filled The Forest of Menos.

The battle between Ichigo and Caden vs. Proditor rages as hollows are caught in the crossfire and brutally disintegrated as more pillars collapse. The Battle is fierce between these three as Ichigo finally lands a solid strike slicing off Proditor's arm. Caden immediately took this chance to aim for the kill, but Proditor barely dodged as it sliced his side. Caden still in a state of rage continued pushing back Proditor, while Ichigo got stopped by a group of hollows which annoyed him greatly as he brutally tore them apart. Proditor retractable blades kept blocking Caden's progressively aggressive assault over and over. Ichigo then appeared out of nowhere behind Proditor and stabbed his leg as Caden went for the kill he plunged his hand through Proditor's chest and smirked at him "This is my REVENGE!" as he said Proditor laughed as blood trickled from his mouth "You won't live long enough to enjoy it as both of his retractable blades appear slicing Caden's head off. Ichigo witnessing this smashed Proditor into the ground turning him into a puddle of guts as he walked over to Caden's corpse. "I suppose this is truly still the world of hollows" Ichigo spoke in a soft slightly sad tone. Silence echoed across the battlefield as all the Adjucha had now died and only the one with long orange hair remained. Ichigo spoke in a tone of utter superiority "I am here for revenge like Caden so you may follow me or may become my prey". Several hollows shivered and many of the hollows began to kneel. After the battle, everyone decided to take a break, because well the boss said so. Ichigo sat in silence as he pondered his goal of saving Orihime and how hollows live life. He realized hollows weren't much different from humans in reality, humans were just filled with greed or lust for power, while hollows were filled with hunger a bottomless hunger to devour all things.

Ichigo began to move towards his next target which was the surface or "The Sands of Hueco Mundo", as several hollows had told him that the territorial conflicts were much larger scale and more brutal. The hollows continued explaining the random evolution of more Adjuchas and how they weren't as strong as their predecessors, yet stronger than most hollows. Ichigo considered their words as he made his way towards the surface. Ichigo came across several groups along the way and they either kneeled or were exterminated as Ichigo cared for none, but Orihime. His thoughts were always in a torrent as his instinctual side was much stronger and his only driving force keeping his sanity to a degree was Orihime. Ichigo continues to battle and devour more and more as his forces grow large. Ichigo now leads over 500 hollows and 20 Gillians. He killed all Adjchuhas he had come across as anything weaker did nothing for him. Devouring them made him stronger as he got closer and closer to his original Vasto Lorde form. Ichigo was prepared to slaughter every single thing he came across to increase his power, Ironically Ichigo had an unofficial second in command. This hollow was almost an Adjucha and looked like a Humanoid that mixed with a Stegosaurus and a Raptor. Ichigo cared not as his troops were fearful of him not respectful or reverent of him, in Ichigo's mind as long as they followed orders, he could care less what they thought of him. Ichigo and his troops finally found the exit as the open pitch sky and the moon of Hueco Mundo appeared before them. Ichigo sensed farther away the place he needed to go as massive territorial wars were being waged on the Sands of Hueco Mundo. Another change that occurred in the hollows is that they don't disappear when they die, they now leave a corpse that can be devoured more efficiently and provides more power. Ichigo began preparing his advance across the desert to his beloved.

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