Code 10

Chapter 8: Crossover - DC


Val-Or - Kryptonian - Krypton(destroyed), Rao System, Sector 2813; New Krypton/Argo

DNA Origin: Kal-El, Kara Zor-El

Soulblaze/Jorsind'r - Tamaranean - Tamaran, Vega System, Sector 2828

DNA Origin: Koriand'r, Komand'r

Peregrine/Shior Kel - Thanagarian - Thanagar, Polaris System, Sector 2682 //Tiercel is a male hawk//

DNA Origin: Shayera Hol

Benefac/*Benevol - Green Ma'aleca'andran/G'arrunn - Mars/Ma'aleca'andra, Sol System, Sector 2814

DNA Origin: "John Jones"/Martian Manhunter

Warmind - Pale Ma'aleca'andran/Hyperclan/A'ashenn - Ma'aleca'andra

DNA Origin: "Megan Morse"/Ms. Martian

Redshift/Ru'ul - Red Martian/B'lahdenn

Marsoror(Mars Sorceror) - Yellow Martian/Y'ellonn

Alphaa - Almeracian - Almerac

DNA Origin: Maxima

Savant - Coluan - Colu, Sector 1287

DNA Origin: Vril Dox

Marinor/Pontos - Atlantean - Earth

DNA Origin: Orm

Deepling - Trench - Earth

Strongwind/*Highwind/Headwind - Feitheran - Earth(specifically in Greenland)

DNA Origin: Northwind

Overseer - Oan - Oa, Sector Zero

DNA Origin: Ganthet

Eros - Zamaron - Zamaron/Domus Amoris, Sector 1416

DNA Origin: Queen Aga'po

Emanation, God of Heroes - New God - New Genesis + Apokolips, Fourth World

DNA Origin: Darkseid, Kalibak

Kwntsntlk/Master Trxystrbl- Zrfffian/5D Imp - Zrfff, 5th Dimension

Cyborsect - Reach - Reachworld

Jade Beetle/Celadon Chafer/*Smaradgine Sacer/Beat-All/Bugpack - Reach Infiltration Scarab

Synapse/High-Q - Dominator - Dominion

Main Event/Zorro/Chistab/Rabioso - Czarnian - Czarnia

DNA Origin: Lobo

*Rekonen/Eschaton/Katalyst - [Devastator] - Krypton //pronounced Reckoning//

DNA Origin: Doomsday(unique being)

Allstar - Starhavenite - Starhaven

DNA Origin: Dawnstar

Phase - Bgtzlian - Bgtzl, 4th Dimension

DNA Origin: Phantom Girl

Triplicator - Carggite - Cargg

DNA Origin: Luorno Durgo

Magneti - Braalian - Braal

DNA Origin: Cosmic Boy

Micron - Imskian - Imsk

DNA Origin: Shrinking Violet

Foresight/Oneiromancer - Naltorian - Naltor

DNA Origin: Dream Girl

Saturnio - Titanian - Titan (moon of Saturn)

DNA Origin: Saturn Girl

Heatdrop/*Hypotherm - Tharrian - Tharr

DNA Origin: Polar Boy

Raiko - Winathian - Winath

DNA Origin: Lightning Lad, Lightning Lass

//I know in canon only these two and their brother has lightning powers on Winath, but this is fanfic and I do what I want//

Smolpokk - Somahturian - Somahtur

DNA Origin: Infectious Lass

Lonestar Keet - Kwai - Second Galaxy

DNA Origin: Shikari

Ko'dee Strider - Astonian - Astonia, Sector 1

DNA Origin: Bro'dee Walker

Worlok - [Trigonite] - [Zinthos] (alternate dimension)

DNA Origin: Rachel Roth AKA Raven

Tenison'Nosinet - Forerunner - Earth-48

DNA Origin: Viza'Aziv

*Epilogue/Tailpiece - Sheeda - Earth(1Billion AD)

DNA Origin: Misty Kilgore

Swapling - Durlan - Durla

DNA Origin: Chameleon Boy

Drej - Obsidian Folk - Stoneworld, Sector 0904

DNA Origin: Kworri

Mortor - Pumice People - Stoneworld

DNA Origin: Aa

Obel - Dryad/*[Korlonian] - Dryad/Korlon, Sector 0904

DNA Origin: Brik, Blok, Strata

Gremlin - Krolotean - Krolotea

*Skw'rrl/Zizel - H'lvenite - H'lven //Pronounced Squirrel; Another word for chipmunk//

DNA Origin - Ch'p

Brainglobe - Gil'Dishpan - Hykraius, O-749 Galaxy

Hellfreak - [Sohite] - Soh, Sector 3545

DNA Origin: Kretch

Galaxo - Star Conqueror/[Asteroidea domitor] //I was thinking of making it Yurastor, based on Uraster, another word for starfish, but I changed my mind; Literally Starfish Conqueror//

DNA Origin: Jarro the Star Wonder

TW10 - Jeromite - Jerome, Sector 181

DNA Origin: KT21

Bratta - Kwyzz

DNA Origin: Krakkl

Tapestry - Hojian Silkworm - Hoji

Gossi-Storr - Zezzite - Zezz

DNA Origin: Gorin-Sunn

Lorflikk - Sh'Pilkuzzian - Sh'Pilkuzz

DNA Origin: Larfleeze

R'gritto - Kalanorian - Kalanor

DNA Origin: Despero

Pupitt - Monarchist - Papilliox //Pupate//

DNA Origin: R'amey Holl

Malpheas - Ryutian - Ryut

DNA Origin: Atros/Atrocitus

*Valorhound/Braiv-Ori(Bravery) - [Canis kryptonicus] - Krypton

DNA Origin: Krypto the Super-Dog

Gah Lant - Vernathian - Vernathia

DNA Origin: Val Yor

T.A.U.T.S. - ???

DNA Origin: Wraith

//Tennyson's Ace Up The Sleeve//

Mentapillar - Venusian Mind Worm - Venus

DNA Origin: Mr Mind

Quantomic - [Dilustelian]

DNA Origin: Silver Shield

Khouriga - Warzoon - Warworld

DNA Origian: Mongul, Mongal, Jochi

Sir Wondrous - Gothamite - Gotham (Earth-9)

DNA Origin: Wanda Thorul/Wonder Woman

Disco Brawl - Barrion - Barrio III

Voin - [Predmetian]

DNA Origin: Subjekt-17

Dekkilex - G-Goblin - Earth (E-12)

DNA Origin: Dubbilex

*Rushhour/Breakneck/Haste/*Mach 10 - Speedster/[Homo sapien celeritas](human variant, natural Speed Force Connection) - Earth

DNA Origin: Bart Allen

//Armor is like Savitar's//

Ten-bat - [Homo langstrom] - [Earth-230]

//Everyone is a Man-Bat.//


Although the Omnimatrix would scan and collect the Meta-gene, Codon himself would not receive it due to the unpredictable nature of the gene. Any kids he had would, though.

Peak Human in comic book world is far more than it is in real life. I mean, Nightwing shrugs off a 4-story drop and just keeps running, whilst Batman's daily exercise regimen would kill someone in real life. So yeah, he'd be a lot tougher after entering the DC world. Though, we can ignore Hal Jordan piloting a million-times-light-speed ship without the Power Ring as just pure willpower alterring him over time.


Ultimates + Renames

U Val-Or: Rename: Der-Rin (Daring). Remember all those strange abilities pre-80s Superman had? This guy has them.

Super Ventriloquism, Hypnosis, Enhanced Regeneration (I'm pretty sure Modern Superman would die if Wonder Woman slit his throat), Facial Shapeshifting, Rainbow Mini Clones, Telepathy, Temporal Vision (can see through time!), Telekinesis, Power Granting under a Blue Star (let's him give powers to non-Kryptonians for a time)

His Solar Absorption is much more efficient, with Nigh Immunity to Green and Red Kryptonite Radiation (Gold Kryptonite affects him the same as Green does to non-Ultimate Kryptonians), and possesses far more control over his abilities, able to control the output of Solar Flare, whereas Superman would take a day to return to full strength.

He possesses a Blackout ability that allows him to become a Photon Sink, basically black hole for only light. Using this ability causes his powers to increase at a heightened rate at risk to himself, but even a few seconds of Total Darkness can turn the tide of battle.

Concentration allows him to teleport and produce fire on his body, and deliver explosive blasts through his hands. His heat vision now has concussive force, and his abilities can affect those who are intangible, like Martian Manhunter.

Yes, it's even more overpowered than Superman. So what, comic heroes are bullshit OP.

U Soulblaze - Rename: Soulstar/Soulnova. Green lines and circles are on his face and hands. Catlike features - such as slitted pupils, ears, teeth and retractable claws. His hair has become green, with a purple stripe down the middle. Has immense control over Starbolt energy, capable of expelling it from anywhere. Can imbue his claws with Starbolt energy to cut through anything, making the patterns on his face and hand light up. Has the ability to expel much of his Starbolt energy in a Starbolt Nova - similar to Superman's Solar Flare. Can expel Starbolt energy as flames, including from his mouth.

U Peregrine - Rename: Royal Hawk/Nth Hawk. His hands are similar to talons and his skin has a familiar metallic sheen. His hair is now silvery feathers, with malar stripes. His bones are nigh-pure Nth Metal that can be brought out of his body to form weapons and armor. Can manipulate his body in a way to let out a high-decibel screech. There are talons on the tips of his wings.

U Benevol + Warmind - Renames: Fernusaviour + Fernussault. Sacrificing their ability to shapeshift for a much tougher body(can still stretch their arms and 'buff up'), both forms have reawakened the Fire Abilities of the Original Martians, capable of instantly incinerating nearly anything(works like Fiendfyre at it's most powerful). Telekinesis is also increased an incredible amount, with Fernusaviour being capable of moving Planet Earth by himself. Fernussault has greater Fire abilities, though Fernusaviour possesses "healing flames."

//Appearance Reference.

Fernusaviour: Cover of Martian Manhunter, Volume 1:The Epiphany, by Rob Williams

Fernussault: Young Justice, true form of Ma'alefa'ak and Megan Morse. Has the tail from the comics.//

U Overseer - Rename: Pathokin. Human-sized and muscular. Has gained the ability to form constructs from any of the 7 Emotions, as well as selectively enhance or deactivate other being's emotions or his own. He can create hard-light copies of himself that look exactly like him. He can temporarily bestow emotion-based abilities on others, but doing too many at once(more than 20) will cause his health to decline. His armor is similar to Kyle Rayner's when he has all 7 rings.

U Mentapillar - Hypermind

(Mr Mind Hyperfly)


Nemetrix Creatures

Drang - Krypton // Kryptonian, Canis kryptonicus

Brontadon - Thanagar // Thanagarian, Lizarkon

Cironielian - Tamaran // Tamaranean

/The Cironielian Chrysalis Eater from the cartoon, except non-sapient and eats them at any time. Possesses high resistance to Starbolt energy, and a unique form of camouflage where they alter the absorption and output of UV rays, making it far harder for Tamaraneans to see them./

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