Code 10

Chapter 9: Crossover - Marvel


Overkill - Klyntar - Klyntar, Andromeda Galaxy

DNA Origin: The Venom Lineage

//Mutation: Permanent Codex Retainment - his Klyntar codex retains the abilities of all non-Omnitrix hosts; Antibody: Gained from Antivenom, allowing him to purge other Klyntar from their hosts//

Marinor - Atlantean/Voduni/Homo mermanus - Earth

DNA Origin: Namor

Ulvhethnar - Asgardian - Asgard //Old Norse word for Warrior//

DNA Origin: Thor Odinson

//Mutation: Farsight//

Helbringr - Frost Giant/Jotunn

Starsmith - Dwarf/[Dverg] - Nidavellir

Skruller/*Kull - Skrull - Skrullos, Drox System, Andromeda Galaxy

DNA Origin: Super-skrull(F4 Variant)

//Mutation: Eternal Gene - Higher strength and expanded lifespan//

Obzirv - Watcher - Planet T-37X

DNA Origin: Uatu

Won-Durr - Kree/Ruul - Hala, Pama System, Large Magellanic Cloud

DNA Origin: Mar-Vell

//Mutation: Binary Gene - The alteration to Carol Danvers' genetics by the Brood allowed her to become Binary. The Omnimatrix registers this as a unique mutation//

Absurdity - Poppupian - Poppup, Poppupoo System

DNA Origin: Impossible Man

Ivory - Beyonder/Sinnu Sarrum

Leonegas - Tyannan - Tyanna, Crossroads of Infinity, Negative Zone


Bustaar - Baluurian - Baluur, Sector 56D, Negative Zone

DNA Origin: Blastaar, Burstaar

Armageddus/Negasect - Arthrosian - Arthros, Sector 17A, Negative Zone

DNA Origin: Annihilus

*Branch/Dryad/Onodrim/Grove - Flora Colossus -

DNA Origin: Groot

Starbird - Shi'ar/Aviary - Aerie/Chandilar, M37/Shi'ar Galaxy

DNA Origin: Deathcry, Warbird Delta

(Mutation: Ancestral Wings)

Majesty - Majesdanian - Majesdane

DNA Origin: Karolina Dean

Erel - Angel/*[Hevenite] - Heven/The Tenth Realm //Hebrew word for Hero/Angel//

DNA Origin: Sera

//Mutation: Winged Male//

Starling 10 - Fuertona - Planeta Fuertona(native); Utopian Parallel(migrated)

DNA Origin: America Chavez

//Mutation: Starling Power//

Binnith - Netherworlder - Netheria City, Subterranea, Earth //Beneather//

DNA Origin: Baxu

Negalodon - Nicanthan - Nicanthus Prime, Negative Zone

Spineless/*Jomo - Mojoworlder - Mojoworld

Kyriarch/*Sovran - Sovereign - Sovereign

DNA Origin: Adam Warlock

Silik - Kronan - Ria, Krona System //Silicon//

DNA Origin: Korg

Galactor 'Galor' Clustorus - Ascended Taa-an

DNA Origin: Galactus the Lifebringer, Gali

Tensur the Defender/Big League - Celestial Emperis

Wildcat - Beast/[Homo maccoy] - Earth (E-TRN243)/[Beastworld]

Sleazebug - Brood/Sleazoid - Sleazeworld/Broodworld

//Mutation: Compassion Gene//

Valence/Meson - Centaurian - Centauri-IV, Alpha Centauri System

//Mutations: Kavkov Gene - Flight and Optic Blasts; Empath; Higher Vocal Range: Can whistle within a range of 6 octaves rather than 4.//

Swamp Lizard - Badoon - Moord, Capella System; Lotiara, Capella System

Supremos - Strontian - Strontia (des.), Shi'ar Galaxy

DNA Origin: Kallark/Lal-Ke, Xenith, Kubark

Scattermind - Rigellian - Rigel-3, Rigel System

Sirselle - Mephitisoid - Tryl'sart, Cyrane Om'lr System, Shi'ar Galaxy

Raccooneer - [Procyon artifisapien]

DNA Origin: Rocket

//Etymology: Raccoon taxonomy, Artificially sapient//

Force Horse - Kymellian - Kymellia

Astonishing Aranean - [Homo sapien araneus] - [Earth-2069468]

//Peter's powers spread like a disease - an apt destruction, as everyone turned into man-spiders. After being cured, everyone keeps the spider-powers on top of any other abilities. This world would be a buffet for the Inheritors.//

Night Prowler - [Homo wagnera]/Nightkin - [Earth-2318468]

//Red Diamond/Sinister Timeline//

Gamma Punch - [Homo sapien gammaradatus] - [Earth-10231]

//Brains and Brawn- Everyone's like She-Hulk.//

IndestRexible - [Homo rhysifan] - [Lizardworld/Earth-1316284] //Basically, everyone is the Lizard. The plot of the Amazing Spiderman 2, but Lizard wins.//

Fireborn - [Homo sapien phoenicus] - [Earth-16956514] //Somehow, the Phoenix Force is spread throughout all of Humanity. And it can't get out. A world of psychic firebenders.//

Soldier - [Homo vitaskine] - [Earth-7002045]

//In this world, Erskine's perfected serum was spread around as much as possible.//

Basker - [Homo lycanus] - Earth-13989/Lycansphere

Nightchild - Vampire/Homines nocturnae - Earth

//Mutations: Ancient Gene - Higher Speed and Healing; Adze Gene - Extended Survival; Siren Gene - Higher Hypnotic and Empathic Abilities//


The Omnimatrix can store Mutant and Inhuman genes, but cannot grant them to the user due to the unpredictability of the X-Gene and Terrigen Factor. Similarly, despite temporarily containing Deviant DNA, it was disposed due to the inherently unstable nature.



U Galactor - Superclustor

U Won-Durr - Meer-Akul/Spek-Takul

U Erel - Mashhit

U Tensur - Thowsindur The Overcelestial

U Branch - Ironwood/Irongrove



Frenzy Feast - Flerken

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