Chapter 275: Mortal And Divine Casualties.

He corrected her, "She lost at least half. I'm sure she will be fined more for the offense."

The two of them chatted as an apocalyptic war raged out in the world.

It took a few days, but there was finally a conclusion to the battle. The conclusion was that the human army had successfully repelled the elven army and even scattered it.

Hundreds of millions of the elven army and 4 million of the human army died during the 32-day battle. There were no corpses to show because lava and fire from the sky had incinerated the bodies.

3 more elven kings were killed, reducing their number to 4. One human demigod was also killed during the battle.

By the time the battle ended, the sky and the earth had been scarred. The ground had been broken up and burned while smoke and ash from the fire had risen into the air to choke the clouds and block out the sun.

This is different from the artificial dark clouds that the human army created to change the weather. The dark clouds created by the smoke and ash were worse because it was still spreading.

The dark clouds spread far and wide and caused a large proportion of the world to be plunged into darkness. It was truly a scene of an apocalypse for the inhabitants of the world.

The elven army had suffered so many losses that most, if not all, of their strongest had died in the battle because of the fire from the sky and the hammer of dawn.

Command had gone all out in using their god-killing weapons on the elven army after the elven kings decided to interfere in the battle of mortals. They had used the concentration and number of the elven army against them.

The most important loss to the elven army was the death of the royal elves and kings. Now that their army had lost their strongest combatants and their commanders, it would take a long time before they could recover.

The human army didn't press the advantage. Instead of chasing after the broken and fleeing army, their soldiers stayed at their base and recovered. This let peace return to the Lignum world.

This peace lasted six months. During that time, the elves didn't attack the humans. They didn't even form any army to fight the humans. It was as if they had given up.

The humans made use of this period of peace to cut down trees, produce a new army of drones and combat bots, and send more satellites into low orbit.

Things looked peaceful, but the human army was slowly and surely constructing a trap around the Lignum world that would ensure their victory once completed.

Maybe the elves sensed this incoming danger, or maybe they had simply given up on their world; they decided to do two things, neither of which involved confronting the human army.

The elven kings instructed the elves to build the biggest boats that they could build. The elves and royal elves still alive obeyed en masse.

Instead of accumulating creatures for battle, the elves called them on for manpower. And instead of raising or controlling trees for war, the royal elves controlled trees to weave and fuse together to form a ship.

The creatures that they had called worked together with the elves to build three ships. The ships had different shapes and sizes.

There was one that was shaped like a pea pod. It was brown and hollow. Its hull was created from the trunks of many trees that had twisted and fused together.

When the ships were completed, soil, water, food, seeds, and other essentials were packed into the ships. Then elven mages worked day and night to enchant the hull to make it highly durable.

While this was going on, the elven kings were also working on the second thing that they had decided to use against the human infestation of their world.

The first thing they are doing is making preparations to leave Lignum. The boats they built are exactly for that. Some living things will enter the boat, and they will leave Lignum for greener pastures.

But before they leave Lignum for good, they want to try one last thing in an effort to regain their world. This is the second thing that they planned, and it might backfire on them, which is why it is very important that they have a means to leave the planet if things go wrong.

This second thing is to do the one thing that the Mother of Life hates the most. If it doesn't work, then they can only give up on leaving Lignum. But if it works and works too much, then they don't want to be around when it happens.

After six months, the three boats were completed. Three out of the four remaining elven kings still alive entered each boat.

The boats were ten kilometers long and 500 meters tall. They were about 1 kilometer wide.

The ships were mostly brown, but there were green colors here and there. There were even large green leaves that formed sails that will be used for collecting solar energy in space.

The elves, royal elves, and other creatures that would be leaving with the three elven kings gathered and entered the three boats. They formed a line that extended for a long distance as they entered the boats.

Despite how large the three ships were, they wouldn't be enough to carry everyone away from Lignum. Only 21 million living things or so would be able to enter and leave with it.

Most of the elves and royal elves still alive made the cut. That was because their population has always been low. Since most of them had died in the war, the rest still alive were few enough to make the cut.

The rest of the space, which was for 18 million, was filled with reproductive pairs of each race that they could find and could live in the conditions of the boat.

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