Chapter 276: Hail Mary.
This 21 million creatures formed a very long line that took weeks to end. But far more than those who would be leaving are those who won't have the privilege. They stood around waving goodbye or just stood still waiting to see their people off the planet.
When everyone that could leave had entered the boats. The demigods used their power to lift the boats to the sky.
Uplift wasn't solely from the power of the elven kings. All the elves and royal elves also helped with their magic.
They all touched the boat and used their magic power to help it float together with the vast power of the elven kings. It helped that the boats had been enchanted to fly, so it was easier to make them float than making an ordinary tree float.
The three boats lit up with a green light. They rose into the air, reached the sky, and beyond it. Then they left the Lignum world completely.
As they left the Lignum world behind, Command of the Yggdrasil civilization noticed the three boats. But they didn't do anything to stop them.
Command had been spying on the elves since they began building the boats. But they had been instructed by the Supreme Commander of the expedition not to interfere.
So they just watched instead of sending fire from the sky onto the boat. They did nothing even though the three boats could cause complications for the Yggdrasil civilization in the future.
All they felt as they watched those three boats leave was amusement. It was because once they leave Lignum, they would leave the sensory range of the sleeping god. So Aganju would finally be able to take action without fear of waking the sleeping god up.
Just Command was watching; the last elven king in the Lignum world was executing the second step.
Her job is the most dangerous, as she might die. But she went ahead with it because it concerns the safety of her world.
She prepared a site and brought together a group of unwilling creatures. No mortal had been told about this plan, so the creatures that were brought were captured and brought against their will.
When night came, the elven king began the most forbidden ritual in Lignum.
This ritual is a blood sacrifice in honor of the spider goddess. Such a thing had been outlawed by the mother of life thousands of years ago after she defeated the spider goddess.
To break that law will rile up the mother of life. The mother of life will definitely be angry, and she might wake up.
If the mother of life wakes up, then this elven king is likely to die immediately because of how much the mother of life hates blood sacrifice and her nemesis.
The elven king was white from head to toe. Her skin, eyes, hair, toes, and fingernails are all white.
Her white porcelain skin was full of cracks. Some of the cracks were so large that the divine spark within her chest was visible.
From this crack in her body, cold energy was spilling into the environment. This caused everything around her to freeze and become white just like her.
Her presence alone is causing snow to fall as if winter had arrived. The air was as cold as her face.
She waved her hand and brought a large pig before her. She placed it on the white altar before her and bound it to the altar.
The pig resisted and shrieked. It wiggled fiercely on the white ice altar that it had been placed on. Unfortunately, it couldn't escape from the force holding it in place.
Next, she formed an ice blade in her hand by condensing water in the air and freezing it. Then she brought down the squealing pig.
However, fire fell from the sky to attack her. She was able to escape quickly. But her ritual had been interrupted.
This continued several times. Anytime she wanted to start the ritual, the humans would interfere and stop her.
They would either use the full power of the spear of glory or use the hammer of dawn or send divine golems to attack her. She would either have to bear the attack and be injured or run away and hide.
She chose the latter. But the Yggdrasil civilization was always able to find her. It baffled her.
She thought to herself, "Do they have a god that's watching my movements and knows where I am? But if they have a god, why hasn't it appeared and won this war for them?"
She didn't want to believe that the humans had a god, as that would make her situation nearly hopeless. But she couldn't figure out how the humans were always able to find her.
She didn't know that the humans had eyes in the sky and were currently forming an inescapable net of eyes and spears of glory in the sky that would help them win the war without question.
All she knew was that she had had no rest for weeks until the last human demigod came over to fight her in conjunction with divine golems and finally killed her.
Her death and the completion of the orbital strike and surveillance system marked the end of the second step of the invasion of the world of Lignum.
The third step began in earnest. With it came more types of missions for the human soldiers to execute. The soldiers of the third division were finally allowed to roam around Lignum World on their own.
Kelvin had received more glares and experienced more confrontations ever since his short fight with Sarah. One of them had even escalated into a fight.
Fortunately, he wasn't the one who started it. He was the victim of that second fight and was rewarded again for enduring the harassment.
Unfortunately, the reward was too small after he agreed to the settlement. Even the AI was not happy with the meager amount of 500,000 merit points that he received.