Chapter 73: Brother and Sister Share a Bathroom Ch. 03
This is what happened in the next three weeks, told by Jack.
Shit, it's nine already. I checked my watch again then groaned, I was going to be late, very late. I closed my eyes, when I opened them I laughed.
"What's so funny?"
"Hi sis, I didn't realise you were in the bathroom." I smiled to myself then said "I thought it was Monday."
"It's Sunday." She then added, in a mocking tone, "You are doing an advanced computer course and you don't know what day of the week it is?"
I ignored that and said "Come to bed."
"Can't, I have too much to do. If you fuck me now I will just go to sleep afterwards and waste the morning."
I was trying to think of something to say that would persuade her when she opened the door and popped her head in. I put on a miserable face.
Smiling she said "Nice try, but it's a no."
I gave a fake groan then said "OK, but will you change your mind about not sleeping in my bed tonight?"
"No." She then added "I sleep better on my own."
When she went back into the bathroom I closed my eyes, there was now no rush to get up. I thought of what we had done together last night. We had three weeks left to do the same again, and more. I felt my cock stiffen but I kept my hand away from it, I needed to save it for Jill. We were going to have plenty of time together so we could do what we wanted when we wanted. That was my last thought as I drifted off to sleep.
When I eventually got up I had a leisurely shower, then I went down to the kitchen, there was a note on the table. It was just about readable, she had obviously scribbled it in a hurry. It said 'Will be back about nine. You will have to sort yourself out for food." I was disappointed, I was hoping to spend the day with her. However it would give me time to study without any distractions, and if she got back when she said we would still have time for some fun before bedtime.
I checked my watch, Jill would be home soon. I smiled and then stared at the page again, it was a difficult topic and I was struggling to concentrate. I was debating whether to call it a day when my phone rang, it was Jill.
"Hi Jill, everything OK?"
"Yes, just hold on a minute."
"Sorry about that, was just speaking to mother."
I was confused, "Where are you?"
"I went home to see mother and father."
I interrupted her with "Are you still at their place?"
"Let me finish." She sounded irritated.
I could hear a sigh before she continued with "Mother is coming to stay with us for a few days, I am now driving back with her."
"It's complicated, I will explain when we get in. We have stopped for some food. It's going to be at least another two hours before we get back."
"What's going on?"
"Please Jack. I am tired and it's been a long day."
I wanted to say more, but I just said "OK."
There was quick thanks from Jill then she ended the call. I closed the book and rubbed my eyes. First a hurried note on the kitchen table, then mother in the car, very strange, but I would just have to wait until they got here for an explanation.
It was just after ten when they arrived. I heard them outside, then there was a knock on the door. When I opened it Jill was searching for her key and mother was behind her.
"What took you so long?"
"Sorry sis. Hi mum, how are you?"
Mother didn't say anything. I looked at Jill and she mouthed 'No'. I still had no idea what was going on but I heeded the warning, without saying anything else I gave mother a big hug.
"She is going to sleep in the box room, I am taking her there now." As they walked past me mother said, in a weak voice, "Jack please get my suitcase from the car."
I nodded, then I went to get her things.
The bedroom door was closed, I could hear Jill's voice but couldn't make out the words, I hesitated before knocking.
"Thanks, just put it in the corner. Make me a coffee, I will be down in five minutes." Then she added "Mother doesn't want anything."
I waited in the kitchen, Jill's coffee was getting cold. When she did eventually join me I could see how tired she was.
"It's almost cold, do you want me to heat it up?"
"No thanks." She downed it in one, after wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she said "I suppose you want an explanation?"
I was tempted to give a sarcastic reply, but I could see she was not in the mood, instead I just nodded.
She gave a long sigh then said "I got a call from mother this morning, she was in a right state. She said she was leaving father. I asked where she was going to go, but she had no idea, she just wanted to leave him. Eventually I calmed her down and persuaded her to come and stay." She stopped then shrugged her shoulders. The meaning was clear, 'What else could I do?'.
"You did the right thing."
She gave me a weak smile then said in a low voice "I was so looking forward to." She didn't complete the sentence.
I held her hand and said "Me too." I then repeated what I had said before, "You did the right thing."
For the next few days it was all mother and Jill. They seemed to be talking a lot, I wasn't excluded but I could see it was all mother and daughter stuff so I left them to it. However I was getting frustrated, I needed some special time with Jill.
Thursday was going to be a busy day for me so I set my alarm for seven-thirty, but I was woken before then by knocking on the bathroom door. I was still groggy but managed "Come in." Jill was wearing a short nighty, that got my attention.
"If you hurry up we can have a quick one in the bathroom before I need to leave for work." Then she added "And before mother gets up."
She didn't need to ask me twice. I wanted to lick her but she said we didn't have time. However I did get five minutes on her big nipples before she urged me to fuck her. This time she was on her back and I was pushing her legs up high. I had a great view of her cunt. I was just getting ready to enter her when I heard footsteps in Jill's bedroom, she must have heard them as well because she froze.
There was a knock on the door, "Jill are you in there?"
Jill replied quickly "Yes, don't come in."
"I couldn't sleep."
My cock accidently brushed against her cunt lips, Jill stifled a moan.
"I won't be long in the bathroom."
I couldn't wait any longer, I pushed the tip in, Jill hissed "No."
Ignoring her I pushed the rest in, then I stopped. I looked at Jill, she hesitated then nodded. It was a simple gesture but the meaning was clear, 'I want you to fuck me'.
As I started mother said "Thanks again for all you have done for me." Jill just grunted.
"Is Jack OK with me staying?"
I was now fucking her hard, I wanted her to come whilst mother was listening. There was a delay of a few seconds before she responded with a clipped "Yes."
I was ready to come. I looked at Jill, she was biting her lip, and from the look on her face she was ready as well. I pushed her legs higher, almost onto her shoulders, then I went into her as deep as I could, right up to my balls. I felt her cunt contract as she climaxed.
"Jill are you OK?"
I was hoping she would answer, if not mother might open the door. She was still recovering but managed to say "Sorry, just getting ready."
I pulled out, my cock was still rock hard, I hadn't managed to come. Jill looked at it, then smiled at me. She pointed to her mouth.
"Mum, have you any plans for the day?"
Whilst mother was thinking of what she would do, Jill was servicing my cock. It didn't take long, when she took it deep I climaxed. Jill gagged, then said "Just gargling with mouthwash."
"I might just stay in. I am in the middle of a good book that I would like to finish." Then she added "That reminds me, I didn't bring any mouthwash. Is there any of that left?"
I whispered "No, my balls are empty."
Jill only just managed not to laugh, then she squeezed my balls and said "There's plenty left, it's a nice taste, I think you will like it."
"Thanks, I will try it later. I am going to get some breakfast. I can shower later after you and Jack have gone."
As soon as mother left Jill repeated her final words, "After you and Jack have gone?" There was a worried look on her face.
I laughed. "She means after you have gone to work and I have gone on my course."
"I thought she meant."
I interrupted her with "After we have both gone from the bathroom."
"I thought we had been found out."
I gave a confident "No", then I started to wonder.
The rest of the week was uneventful. We had started a new topic and the lecturer was taking it nice and slow. In the evenings I did some studying but I also managed to find time to watch some television. I was expecting mother to say more but she didn't. There was lots of talking but it was all casual stuff, nothing was said about why she and father had argued.
The weekend was a big disappointment. On Sunday I managed to get Jill into the bathroom whilst mother was downstairs, but just after we had started she came looking for Jill. All I managed was a quick grope of her tits. Mother wanted to go shopping, when they left I knew that was it for the day. I got back into bed and played with myself.
On Tuesday evening Jill said "I am out with some friends tomorrow. I am going to be back late so nobody wait up for me."
Mother added "I am going to do the cooking."
"And I can finish that assignment, it's got to be in for Friday."
However the next day when I talked it over with the lecturer I realised there was more to it than I had first thought. I stayed late and he gave me some help with it. When I got back Jill had already gone out with her friends.
"Sorry mum, I should have called."
"Yes you should have", but she didn't sound annoyed.
"I will warm it up for you."
I gave her a big smile.
"I need you to do something." She must have seen the worried look on my face because she laughed, then said "I only want you to get me some books from the loft."
The meal was good. I apologised to mother, I would have to leave her alone whilst I did some studying. The first hour was OK but after that I was struggling to concentrate. There was a knock on the door.
"Just come in."
"Sorry Jack, do you remember what I said about finding me some books?"
"Yes, do you need them now?"
"If it's not too much trouble."
"Nothing is too much trouble for you." Then I added "Give me five minutes to finish this last page."
"Thanks. I am going to take a bath, will you leave them on the kitchen table? When I am finished I will go down and make myself a hot chocolate."
"So if possible you want Crime, Historical, and Romance." I stopped to think of any others she had mentioned earlier.
"Yes. If you see something you think I might be interested in then include it, but no Science Fiction."
The loft was almost dark, I must remember to ask Jill to get a torch. Fortunately I knew where to find the books. When I had tidied up a few weeks ago I had put them all together. It shouldn't take me too long, then I started thinking of the last time I had been in here. I looked over at the narrow shaft of light coming through the spy hole, I could feel my cock thicken. I then thought of mother down below taking a bath and to my surprise my cock got even harder. Were her nipples as big as Jill's? Was she shaved? How big were her cunt lips?
I had never really thought about her in that way before. Mother was just mother, always there. In terms of appearance she was different to Jill. You can tell from their faces that they are mother and daughter, even though mother has blue eyes and a longer nose. However mother is only just over five feet tall and is very slim. Her tits are small but look good on her small frame. I made a mental note to check the label in her bra the first opportunity I got. She may be my mother, and she may be fifty-five, but she was still capable of turning heads when she was out shopping.
When I looked into the bathroom mother was naked, she was bending over the bath testing the water. When she turned round I got my first look at her nipples, nice but not as big as Jill's. Slowly I unzipped myself, I was rock hard. She checked the bath again, swirling the water around with her hands to mix the hot and cold, satisfied she stopped the flow. I expected her to get in, but instead she placed a hand towel on the floor. She then reached into a bag that was at the side of the bath and pulled out some things. I strained to see what they were. In her hand she now had a small mirror and a razor. She dipped into the bag again and, after some searching, brought out a small pair of scissors. I was intrigued, but all became clear when she sat on the towel and rested her back on the side of the bath. She was trimming her pubic hair.
As she spread her legs I had a good view of her cunt, it was facing the spy hole. From what I could see it already looked neat and tidy, I guess she was just going to trim a few stray hairs. She then pulled her knees up and I got an even better view. If Jill's lips were suckable these were eatable. I could see they were big, a proper mouthful. I closed my eyes and stroked my cock. When I looked at her again she was trimming herself. It didn't take her long, she was now moving the mirror around checking if it looked OK. She must have been satisfied with what she could see because she put the mirror down beside the unused razor. I wondered if she did this every time she had a bath.
I was now moving my hand quicker, I wanted to come whilst I could still see her cunt, when she got into the bath I would only be able to see her tits. However she didn't seem to be in a hurry to get in. She put all the things back into her bag then she pulled it nearer to her so that she could see inside it. There were some other things she needed, a tube of toothpaste and a roll-on deodorant bottle. She squeezed the tube onto her fingers, then she started to rub it slowly between her legs. So it wasn't toothpaste, it was a moisturiser, or a lubricant.
She was now playing with herself. At first she was pulling and stretching her big cunt lips, then she settled on giving her clit long stokes with two fingers. I was building up to a nice climax and it looked as if she was as well. I could hear long loud moans from her and I was finding it difficult not to join in. Without stopping she reached for the deodorant bottle, it was small in length but with the top still on it was thick. I wished my cock was that thick. Slowly she inserted it. I watched open mouthed as it went in. The look on her face was pain and pleasure, but mostly pleasure. It looked as if she was going to push it all the way in but she stopped with about an inch to spare.
She was now furiously rubbing her clit and I was frantically working on my cock. Her eyes were closed and she was talking to herself, just loud enough for me to hear.
"Fuck me, fuck me."
I was responding with "Yes, yes", probably too loud.
Her body shuddered and then she climaxed. I needed a bit longer. When I reached it I saw her pull the bottle out, gasp, and then in a dreamy voice say "Oh Jack."
Did she really say Jack? Had she heard me in the loft? Lots of things for me to think about whilst I looked for those books.
The next day when I got up I was hoping mother would still be in bed, I felt guilty about watching her in the bath. However when I went into the kitchen she was already there.
She gave me a smile and said "Thanks for finding the books."
"I just hope they are what you wanted?"
"They are."
I could tell she was in a much better mood, probably the result of what she had done to herself in the bathroom. Jill then joined us.
"I am a bit late today, I need to hurry up. I think I will skip breakfast and get something later on at work." Then she added "What did you two do last night?"
"Not much. I had a nice bath and Jack got me some good books from the loft."
Jill looked at me, then her face changed, I must have looked guilty.
Calmly she said "Did you manage to see OK in the loft?"
It was a loaded question. I averted my eyes and said "Yes."
As mother left the kitchen to go to her room Jill shook her head. When she was sure mother couldn't hear she stared at me and said "What did you do?"
I hesitated, then said "Mother had a bath and I found."
She interrupted me with "I don't want the bullshit answer. What did you do?"
I closed my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened them I took a deep breath, then in as firm a voice as I could manage, I said "I watched her in the bathroom."
"I bet you played with yourself."
"I wasn't the only one."
She sounded surprised. Now she was curious, there was a puzzled look on her face.
"Do you want me to tell you about it?"
She nodded. I spent the next few minutes giving her the details. She was fascinated with my description of mother's cunt lips, and amazed when I got to the part where she inserted the deodorant bottle.
"I have seen that bottle, it's very thick. I don't think it will fit into me and I am much bigger than mother."
"We can try it later."
She ignored what I had said and urged me to continue. When I had finished she got up from the chair and leant across the table, as if to reach for something.
"It's too risky to fuck me here, put three fingers in." I didn't respond quickly enough so she added "Now."
As I pulled her knickers to one side she spread her legs wider, and stuck her bum out more. Her cunt almost sucked my fingers in, listening to what I had said had obviously got her wet, very wet. I didn't even have to move my fingers, she rocked against them. Within a minute she had climaxed.
"I needed that."
She was right about it being too risky to fuck, we could now hear mother's footsteps on the stairs. We would have been caught.
"I thought you were late for work?"
With a straight face she said "I am. Jack was just helping me out with something."
Before she could ask what I had helped her with I said I was late as well, and then we both left the kitchen.
The rest of the week was mostly studying. I was now up to date with all my projects and assignments. I was looking forward to the weekend, I might get some time alone with Jill.
I woke early Saturday morning, I wanted to make the most of the day. I would do all my studying now, aiming to finish mid-day. That would give me the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday to relax. I would start the day with a shower, then have a quick breakfast.
As I entered the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around me, I got a surprise. I hadn't knocked, and mother was there, naked. We both froze for a few seconds before I averted my eyes and said "Sorry, I should have knocked."
"It's not your fault. It's this silly bathroom, it should have locks."
As I turned to leave mother said "Wait, you can help me with something."
Without thinking I turned round to look at her, but it was OK, she now had her back to me.
"That bra of mine is difficult to put on. Will you please fasten it at the back?"
I picked it up, it was hanging over the side of the bath. The label said 34C, so now I knew her size. I tried passing it to her but she didn't take it.
"It's easier if you put it on for me, from behind."
I hesitated then started to do what she had asked. I got close to her, my towel was touching her naked bottom, and then I put my hands under hers, near her armpits. She slipped one hand into the straps and then did the same with her other hand. The bra needed positioning. I could only do that by holding the cups and moving them onto her. I did that as quickly as possible, with the minimum of contact between my hands and her tits. I then fastened the bra at the back.
"It's not on properly. You need to adjust the cups." She then added "Take your time I want it to be comfortable."
I could feel my cock struggling against the towel. I reached forward and adjusted her bra, I could now feel the swell of her tits.
"That's good but the middle is scrunched up. Smooth it out."
As I did that I could feel her nipples get bigger. My towel dropped to the floor and I pressed my cock against her bottom, she gave a low sigh.
I hesitated, then whispered "Bend over."
There was no response so I put my hands on her hips and repeated it. She then knelt on the floor and bent forward resting on her elbows. Her little bottom was sticking up high. I put my hands on her thighs and pulled her legs even wider. I stared at her hairy cunt and magnificent lips. As I positioned my cock at her tiny opening I wondered if I would be able to push it in, then I remembered the bottle. It was so tight but I got it all in. Then I started to fuck her. I had desperately wanted to lick her, to suck all of those big lips into my mouth, but this needed to be a quick one. I had no idea where Jill was.
"That's deep, you are splitting me in two."
"Do you want me to stop?"
There was a quick "No" followed by "I am going to come soon."
She heard them first, footsteps. "Jill is in her room."
I slowed down, waiting to see what was going to happen now.
There was a short knock followed by "Mother, are you going to be much longer?"
"No, just a few more minutes."
She wiggled her bum and I took it as a sign to continue. I give her a few long hard strokes then I stopped to climax deep inside her. I thought I had left her on the edge but immediately after my cock had stopped twitching I felt her cunt contracting, squeezing my cock hard. She collapsed onto the floor and I fell on top of her.
A few seconds later she managed to say "Jill, I have just finished. Will be out soon."
There was an "OK." It sounded as if Jill was on her bed so thankfully she was not waiting near the door.
As I got up to leave mother gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered "Wasn't that a lot better than watching from the loft?" I just opened my mouth and stared at her. She smiled at me, then she put her finger to her lips and said "Don't say anything to Jill, she will not approve." So she knew about the spy hole but fortunately she didn't know about Jill and me. Isn't life complicated?
I spent the rest of the morning studying. I found it difficult because I kept thinking about what had happened earlier. The day had started with me hoping that I would get to fuck Jill, now I was hoping I didn't have to, I wasn't sure if I can manage twice in one day. I needn't have worried, Jill was occupied most of the day doing what she described as 'Paperwork'. Shortly after our evening meal she excused herself saying she needed an early night.
However she did get me alone in the kitchen Sunday morning when I was having my breakfast.
"I meant to say yesterday, mother was in a good mood, almost back to her normal self."
I thought about it, I had to agree with her. "Yes she was."
"I know why."
She was waiting for me to ask her what it was but I didn't say anything, I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like what she was going to say.
Eventually she said "I heard her in the bathroom yesterday morning." Then she added "I think she was playing with herself."
I gave a weak smile and said "There is nothing like a climax to put you in a good mood."
She gave me a hard look then said "You were in your bedroom, did you hear anything?"
I tried to act casual as I said "No."
She looked at me again and said in a stern voice "You were listening. I bet you joined in on the other side of the door."
I opened my mouth to speak but I wasn't sure what to say, so I closed it. Should I say yes so that she wouldn't suspect that I was actually in the bathroom with mother? I must have delayed too long because she gave me a knowing look.
"You were fucking her."
"Keep your voice down." Then in a defiant tone I said "Yes I was."
I was expecting a fight, but instead she sat on the chair next to me, then a few seconds later she said in a calm voice "Tell me about it."
I gave her chapter and verse. She listened without saying much, but part way through I saw one of her hands go under the table, then between her legs. When I finished she told me that she had mentioned the spy hole to mother ages ago, at the time she split with her ex, she suspected him of using it whilst one of her friends was in the bathroom. After removing her hand she gave me a dreamy look and said in a low voice "No wonder she was in a good mood."
"The strange thing is that since it happened she hasn't mentioned it. She treats me just the same as she as always done, it's as if it never happened." I then added "Do you think she regrets it?"
"No, from how you described it she definitely enjoyed it, but perhaps she sees it as a one-off."
That got me thinking, then I looked at Jill and remembered she hadn't climaxed. Was she expecting me to fuck her on the kitchen table?
She must have seen the puzzled look on my face because she said "I need it now but we have to wait. Mother has made friends with Rose, the old woman who lives in the house opposite. She is going round for coffee this morning."
I knew who Rose was. I have spoken to her a few times, but not much more than saying hello. She seemed a nice lady and mother would enjoy her company, and I would enjoy fucking Jill. It was a frustrating two hours before mother left. As soon as the front door was closed Jill grabbed my hand.
"Upstairs into the bathroom."
"Why can't we do it my room, or your room?"
She sighed, it was obvious to her but not to me.
"What if mother comes back early for some reason?"
"We will hear her knocking."
"She has a key."
"You should have taken it off her."
In a sarcastic voice she said "Mother can I please take the key back." Then in a voice that was supposed to sound like mother "Why?" She finished, in her own voice, with "Because I want to fuck my brother Jack without you barging in on us."
I gave a nervous giggle, she had a point. "OK the bathroom it is."
When we got there we undressed in record time. Jill had her back to me, when she turned round I stared at her tits. I love those big nipple. I noticed Jill was admiring my cock. We were both highly excited, this might not take long.
"I want you to lick me."
I was surprised, but not disappointed, I would certainly enjoy doing that.
"I want you to lick me until I come."
That surprised me even more, but how would I climax?
"It's been a long time since that has happened." Then she added, almost as an afterthought, "And of course I will suck your cock until you come in my mouth."
We started slowly, I sucked gently on her lips and she licked the top of my cock. I then sucked harder until I had her lips and clit in my mouth, she responded by moaning, then deep throating my cock. We then settled into a nice rhythm of licking and swallowing. He mouth was doing wonders to my cock and I hoped my tongue was doing the same to her clit. After several minutes she started to slow, then she stopped. She was now holding my cock in her hand.
After catching her breath she said "You need to lick me harder, I am just on the edge."
"Me too, suck me harder."
We then continued as before, but now more furiously. I was gasping for air every few seconds and she was gagging almost continuously. She needed something extra to make her come, two fingers up her cunt and a thumb in her bum did the trick. She wriggled and moaned as she climaxed. My cock was out of her mouth, I was disappointed I hadn't come but glad she had enjoyed it.
After a few seconds she regained her senses, looking at my still rock hard cock she said "Do you want me to finish you off?"
I just smiled, that was a silly question. She then leant over and continued where she had left off. It only took a couple of minutes before I was pouring it into her mouth. It was a nice satisfying climax. I was about to tell Jill how wonderful it had been when I noticed the look on her face, she was deep in thought.
"Is everything OK?"
"Yes, I just realised that we only have one more week left."
I didn't want to think about that too much, it would spoil my mood.
"Mother will go back with you. She has been speaking to father on the phone quite a lot and it looks as if they have sorted out their differences." Then she added "For now."
"That's good."
"That you are going home in a week?"
She laughed then said "Just teasing."
After looking around for her clothes she said "I am going to brush my teeth, there is a funny taste in my mouth. You had better get dressed, mother might be back soon."
"OK, I will shower later."
I wasn't going to clean my teeth, I quite liked the taste of her cunt in my mouth. As I left the bathroom to go into my bedroom I wondered what, if anything, would happen next week, the final week.
Monday was a difficult day, the topic had gone from easy to hard within a morning. I struggled in the afternoon, but I just about managed to keep up. I was so tired when I got back that I slept for half an hour before we ate. Jill cooked a wonderful meal, that improved my mood. I did the washing up then I joined them for some more television and conversation.
Tuesday was a much better day, it looked as if the course was starting to wind down. Chris the lecturer said that Thursday and Friday would be easy, just revisiting previous topics. The day was made even better when just before the last lecture ended we were told that we could have a late start on Wednesday, eleven instead of nine. When the cheering died down he explained why, it was because we had covered more than we needed to in the first two days of this week. This was as our reward.
I didn't bother setting my alarm, I knew I would wake up in plenty of time. When I did get up Jill had already left for work. I was on my second cup of coffee when mother joined me in the kitchen. I offered to make her a drink but she said no. She then sat down on the opposite side of the table to me.
"What time does your course start today?"
"So you have some time before you need to leave?"
I looked at my watch, "Yes, an hour and a half." Then I added "Do you want me to do something?"
She hesitated before saying "It might be better Jill doing it, but she is always so busy."
I was now intrigued. I was about to ask her what she wanted me to do when she suddenly blurted out "I want you to shave me." She then quickly added "You see I have been reading about it in a magazine, one of Jill's magazines. It's something I have never done before."
I didn't immediately say anything so she averted her eyes, and in a low voice said "It might be better if Jill does it."
I quickly said "No, Jill is too busy."
She looked up at me and smiled, "We should do it in the bathroom."
I got there first, mother was in her room getting her things. When she joined me she had everything I needed to shave her. She then turned her back to me whilst she took her knickers off. I found that strange because I had fucked her a few days ago, but also charming. It kept up the pretence of this being completely innocent, what harm can there be in a son shaving his mother's cunt?
We were now ready to start. She was on her back with her dress pulled up and her knees high. I pushed on them to get her legs even wider. I stared at her cunt for a few seconds, admiring her large lips. I needed to concentrate or I would never get it done. I took a deep breath, then I got to work. The first part was easy, cutting as much of the hair as possible with the scissors. A few times I had to touch her lips to move them out of the way, but I was well behaved, only doing it when it was necessary. Next came the difficult part, shaving her with the razor. I applied very little shaving foam, just enough so that the blade wouldn't pull. I shaved slowly, rinsing the blade often.
"Have you finished?"
"Nearly, I am just checking for stray hairs."
I spent the next five minutes doing that, then I declared "It's as smooth as a baby's bum."
She giggled and I smiled, I had done a good job. She then used her small mirror to inspect it. After checking it from all angles she said "Perfect." Then she continued with "That magazine I was reading said that when you are shaved it's better for both the man and woman when they have oral sex." Then she giggled again and said "or woman and woman."
That made me smile. I put on a serious face and said, in a serious voice, "I am not sure if that is true. I think we should put it to the test. What do you think?"
She looked at me and just nodded. As I got down between her legs she closed her eyes. I was in heaven. I sucked and licked every inch of her, at times I almost chocked on her lips. I was having trouble breathing, but I didn't want to stop. She was continuously moaning and groaning, and now she was shaking her head from side to side. My cock was stiff, trapped in my trousers. I didn't know if I should unzip myself and fuck her or just continue. It was so good for me, and I hoped it was for her, that I didn't want to spoil it by changing what we were doing. However what I did do is push two fingers into her, as I continued to lick her I also fucked her with them. I wondered if I should add a third, but from the noises she was making two seemed more than enough. We must have been doing this for at least fifteen minutes, it was time to finish her off. I started licking and sucking as hard as I could, but I think it was my fingers pushing in deeper that made her come. It was a big one. I kept my mouth and fingers in place until she had calmed down. I hadn't reached it, but for some reason I now didn't feel the need to. The only sound from both of us for a couple of minutes was heavy breathing, it took us that long to recover.
I was the first one to speak. "Well?"
"What do you mean?"
"Was it better now that you have a bald cunt?"
She giggled then said "I prefer to call it shaved rather than bald, but yes it is better, much better."
"I agree shaved is better."
"What does Jill think?"
"She thinks." Then I stopped in mid-sentence, looking at mother I said "How long have you known?"
"I didn't know, I just suspected. You just confirmed it."
I groaned, "Are you annoyed?"
She gave a big laugh then said "Don't be silly. My son has just licked me to a massive climax, and he fucked me a few days ago. I am not in a position to judge. You are both consenting adults."
As I was digesting what she had just said I could see she was thinking about something.
"Does Jill know about you and me?"
"So it's all out in the open now?"
"Almost." I then added "Jill doesn't know that you now know about her and me."
"Are you going to tell her?"
"Not sure, I need to think about it."
I arrived five minutes late, the lecture had just started. I apologised to Chris, I hate being late for anything, but this time it had been worth it.
I enjoyed the last two days of the course. I already knew that I was going to pass but I was surprised that I got a Distinction, I had estimated that I would miss it by a few points.
"Well done, you have been a good student, you deserve it."
"Thanks Chris." I looked at the certificate again, just to be sure that it still said 'Distinction', then I shook his hand.
When I got back on Friday I was buzzing.
"Look at this." They just glanced at it then passed it back to me.
I got a quick 'Well done' from both of them. They didn't seem excited at all.
Jill asked "What are we going to eat this evening?"
I stared at both of them, I was slightly annoyed, then after a few seconds they burst out laughing.
"Sorry Jack, it was Jill's idea." I then got big hugs and kisses from both of them.
Jill then cooked a wonderful meal. I was in a good mood, that was until mother wanted to know what time we would be setting off on Sunday. I just wanted to enjoy the evening, and tomorrow, without thinking about going home. We both wanted an early start so we planned to go straight after breakfast. It wouldn't take me long to pack so I would just leave it until the last minute.
I woke up late Saturday morning. It felt good not having any studying to do, I could relax and take it easy. As I lay in bed I wondered if it really was the end between Jill and me, also what about my new relationship with mother? The thought that I was going to be so far away from Jill was making me depressed. I needed to fuck her one last time, but would I get the chance, and if I did would she want to?
"Hi mum, where's Jill?"
"Shopping, then she is meeting a friend for coffee, Mary or Alison." She paused before adding "Or it might be Kate."
I looked at her, she shrugged her shoulders and said "Let's just say a friend."
In a casual tone I asked "Do you know when she will be back?"
"Late, she wants me to cook tonight. She said she should be back to eat with us but not to wait for her."
My heart sank, I was deeply disappointed, but I tried not to let it show. I spent the rest of the morning in my room reading one of the books I had brought down from the loft for mother. It was good, I would take it back with me.
I was getting hungry, and was just deciding what to eat, when there was a knock on the door. Mother popped her head in, "I should have told you earlier but I am going out with Rose, the woman who lives across the street." She was gone before I could tell her I knew who Rose was. That made my mind up, I would go out and eat.
I stayed out later than I had originally intended, I was reluctant to go back and sit on my own.
"Good timing, I am just about to start cooking, will you be ready to eat in about thirty minutes?"
"Did you do anything interesting?"
"You are not very talkative."
"Sorry, it's because I am going home tomorrow." I then added "I have enjoyed it here."
Mother laughed, then looking at me she said "I think Jill has enjoyed you being here as well."
I gave her a smile, but I didn't say anything, thinking about Jill was now too painful because I was leaving.
We had just started eating when she got back.
"It looks good, and smells even better. Did you save me some?"
We both had a mouthful of food so mother just nodded. Jill scooped all of the remaining food onto her plate and started eating quickly. I gave her a dirty look, I had wanted a second helping. She didn't notice it, or chose to ignore it.
"Thanks mother this is good food." Then she added "I am starving."
After the meal we watched television and talked. When it got to nine I started to feel sleepy, but it felt too early to go to bed. Jill must have noticed because she said "You look tired, I think it's your bedtime." She then paused before saying "And I am going for a bath."
When she had finished she looked at me, I now understood, she wanted me upstairs. I hadn't told her yet that mother knew everything, so she was still hinting rather than saying it outright. Mother was smirking, but trying not to let it show. I joined in the game.
I gave a slightly exaggerated yawn then said "I think you are right, I should go to bed."
Jill looked relieved, then she said "Let's go upstairs together." As we left she turned to mother and said "Will you do the dishes?" Mother opened her mouth to complain but we were gone before she could say anything.
As soon as we were in the bathroom Jill started giggling.
"Did you see the look on mother's face when I asked her to wash up?"
She then kissed me before I could reply, it was strong and passionate. I was enjoying it but she suddenly pulled away from me.
"I need to run the bath."
Surprised I said "Are you actually going to have a bath?"
"No, but mother thinks we are."
After putting the plug in, and turning on the water, she faced me, ready to continue. I was about to tell her that mother knew about us, so no need to be secretive, when she kissed me again. Her tongue was deep in my mouth, I would now have to tell her later. I didn't bother removing her T-shirt, I just put my hands underneath it. When I squeezed her nipples through her bra she moaned, then said "It opens at the front. I bought it today." Then she moaned again before adding "I know how impatient you are to get to my nipples."
I didn't reply, I was too busy unfastening it. When it was open I pushed the cups aside and got back to working on her nipples. They were just as I like them, swollen. I lifted her top up and then eagerly sucked at one of here ripe nipples, the other one I pinched and pulled. I was happy to continue like this but she started pushing against me. I stopped and moved back.
"Get it out and fuck me, my cunt is on fire." Then she quickly added, "Don't bother fingering me, I just want to be fucked."
I nodded, then as I was unzipping myself I said "Lie on your back and lift you dress up." When I was ready she was as well. She still had her knickers on but was pulling them to the side. I was tempted to lick her but she had been very clear on what she wanted.
After turning the bath water off I got between her legs. I had one hand on my cock and I was guiding it towards her opening. When I entered her she removed her hand. The elastic in her knickers was uncomfortable against my cock, it was a mistake leaving them on. However it was too late to mess about now, she would not be happy if I stopped to take them off.
We were now fucking each other hard. I was pushing in as deep as possible, I just wished I had another couple of inches to give her, but from the noises she was making it seemed what I had was enough. We must have been like this for at least ten minutes before she climaxed. It sounded like a big one.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I am COMING." The last bit she had almost screamed. I stopped without reaching it. Yes, not taking her knickers off was a mistake, they were a big distraction.
"Jill are you in there?"
It was mother, how long had she been there?
"There was a weak "Yes" from Jill followed by "Don't come in."
Too late, the door was opened. Jill was still flat on her back, legs wide open, with me on top of her. There was silence for a few seconds before Jill attempted an explanation.
"We were just."
I cut her off with "It's OK mother already knows."
She gave me such a look before saying in a clipped voice "And when were you going to tell me that?"
As I got of her I just said "Sorry sis."
She gave a long sigh, "It does make things simpler now that we all know."
"Yes, even Rose knows about us."
They both looked at me, I suppose they could tell I was joking because neither of them replied. It was meant as a joke but it had fallen flat.
I looked down at my cock, it was still pointing upwards. Mother was now taking an interest in it.
"You didn't come?"
"No." I didn't bother explaining why.
Looking at Jill she said "Get up, you have had your fun." Then looking at me she added "Lie on your back."
The tiles were cold, I hoped they were not going to be a distraction as well. She didn't bother taking her clothes off, instead she reached under her dress and just removed her knickers. I smiled at her as she crouched above me, she then sat down slowly, taking every inch of me deep into her cunt. She was now sitting still, eyes closed, enjoying the feel of my cock inside her.
Without opening her eyes she said "My favourite position. Don't move, let me fuck you." As she raised herself up she added "I want to control it."
I did as she asked, she then used my cock as a toy to give herself pleasure. She was fucking me, changing tempo to suit her needs. I had no complaints, I was enjoying it as well.
I looked over at Jill, she was sitting on the edge of the bath staring at mother. She seemed to be fascinated with what she was doing. Mother suddenly increased the pace, I turned my head back, I could see she was on the verge of coming. I closed my eyes and hoped we would time it right. Mother would definitely climax but I might need finishing off by hand.
I needn't have worried. The final few seconds were so frantic that it brought both of us off, almost at the same time. Mine was good, but mother's was better. I looked at Jill, her mouth was open in awe as she watched mother, her eyes still closed and head still back, enjoying the end of her climax.
When she eventually opened her eyes she smiled at me and said "That was hard work." Jill laughed, and I joined in.
Mother then got off me, and I got up from the floor.
I said "I guess that's the final." I didn't bother finishing the sentence.
We looked at each other. Jill had only said one word but from the look on their faces I could tell they were thinking the same as me 'Was this really the end?'.
The silence was broken by Jill, looking at mother she said "I have just realised something." Before we could ask what it was she added "When we climax we make the same sort of sounds."
"I have noticed that as well." Then I continued with "That's because you are dirty bitches who like to be fucked." I thought I might have gone too far but they both seemed to take it as a compliment, which is what I had intended it to be.
As I was leaving the bathroom I had a thought. I turned back to look at them, they were just about to go into Jill's room.
"Jill, before mother joined us I toyed with the idea of writing a story about us." She looked horrified, I quickly added "With the names changed, places changed etc."
"OK, carry on."
I continued with "These last three weeks would make the story even more interesting."
They both looked at each other, then mother turned to me and said "If you do I want bigger tits."
Jill giggled and said "And I want to be supermodel." Then looking at my crotch she added "And I bet you want a big cock?"
"No, I have already got one." They both found that really funny, I laughed with them.
When we had stopped I noticed a puzzled look on Jill's face.
"Are you OK?
"Yes, I was just thinking. You could write about it, but I could also write about it as well."
Later as I lay on my bed, tired but satisfied, I made a decision.
I would write that story!