Different Sex Story

Chapter 74: David Enjoys his Perfect Job



When she gave a low moan I knew I had found the right spot. I let her enjoy my finger on her clit for a few seconds, then I pushed two fingers from my other hand deep into her cunt. When I rotated them inside her she purred with pleasure.

"Rub me harder, I am going to come."

I was now frantically working her swollen clit, and I was also finger fucking her. She has a nice cunt, but it's a big one. Time to add more fingers, four took her over the edge.

"Fuck, it's a big one."

It was. Her back was now arched and she was rolling her head from side to side. When she slumped back onto the massage table I slowly removed my fingers. She now had her eyes closed. While I waited for her to recover I looked at the clock on the wall, it made me smile, three minutes from start to finish. She always comes quickly, but was this a record for her? While I was thinking about that she opened her eyes.

"That was wonderful, you have amazing fingers."

"And you have an amazing..."

She giggled before I could finish. I then left her alone to shower and dress. While I waited I thought about her, how many times was it now? It must be ten or eleven. Despite all those times, and all the things I had done to her, she was still Mrs. Henderson. I didn't mind that, she was a nice lady and she always treated me well.

She first came to the massage parlour that I work at about a year ago, and is now a regular. I would guess that she is in her mid-sixties, possibly older. She dresses well and is obviously very rich. Over time she has told me a little about herself. She was widowed eighteen months ago, which explains why she needs my services.

"David I am ready now."

I knocked before entering. Mrs. Henderson gave me a big smile before handing over an envelope. I thanked her then I leant over and gave her a little kiss on her cheek.

As usual that made her blush, then I got another giggle.

"If only I was thirty years younger."

"Then you would be twenty."

She waved her hand at me before saying, "Don't be silly," but I could tell she liked my flattery, even though it was way over the top.

When she left I placed the envelope in my locker. I didn't need to open it to know how much it contained. She always tipped me the same, and it was a generous amount. On her second visit I had mentioned it, hinting that it was too much. That got a nice smile from her, then she said, "I give my hairdresser what I give you. Both of you provide a top class service," then she looked me in the eye before adding, "And that is the end of this topic."

The shower was nice and hot with a strong flow, just how I like it. My next client was in forty five minutes so I wasn't in a hurry. It was always a pleasure to see Mrs. Henderson, but why did she never want more? It was always simple with her. I would play with her small tits for thirty seconds at the most, then she would open her legs. A few minutes with my fingers on her cunt was enough for her. With what she was tipping me she deserved to be fucked, or at least licked. However I have been working at this place long enough to know that the best course of action is to let the woman dictate what happens.

Twenty minutes in the shower was enough for me. As I was drying myself I thought back on how I had ended up working here. Two years ago I would never have imagined that this was my future. Back then, when I was twenty, I was working in a bar. One day while I was talking with a customer she asked me if I had ever done any acting, that surprised me.

"No, why?"

She pointed to the mirror behind me, "Take a look at yourself. You have the face, and from what I can see you have the body as well."

I just smiled at her, not sure if she was being serious. Then she reached into her jacket pocket and produced a card, it stated she was a Theatrical Agent. She then talked about acting, eventually persuading me to attend a workshop that was run by a friend of hers.

"Try it. After a few sessions Roger will be able to tell if you have any potential. If that is the case then I will sign you up."

I did my best, but after the fifth session Roger took me to one side.

"There is no easy way to say this. On a scale of one to ten you are a one."

I shrugged my shoulders, "That bad?"

"I was being generous when I gave you a one."

That hurt.

"It's a shame, you have the looks to be a leading man. However you might make it as a model," then he spoiled it by adding, "Or a porn star, that is if you have the equipment."

We parted on good terms despite his scathing criticism of my acting. As I was making my way home I thought about his last suggestion, it was his idea of a joke but I was now seriously considering it. And yes I did have the equipment, eight inches. I might not be able to act but I definitely knew how to fuck.

It took me a couple of days to get a screen test. I was nervous but I still managed a good hard erection, they seemed impressed and I was offered a job straight away. I smiled all the way home, I had just got my dream job.

A month later I wasn't sure about it, and at the end of two months I knew it wasn't for me. You would think it was the ideal job for a horny young man, all the cunt you would ever want. However in reality it's hard work. You have to fuck when you are not in the mood, and you have to do it for long stretches. One day I had to come three times, that was twice more that I would have liked. At the end of that day my cock was sore, so I quit and went back to bar work.

It looked as if that was going to be my life, serving drinks and listening to all those sob stories. However just after I had turned twenty one, another opportunity came my way.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you happy with your job?"

I looked at him, he was a new guy, probably just trying to be friendly.

"I am for now, but I am not sure if I will always be doing this."

I then watched as he took out a card from his wallet. If it was something to do with acting I would have to force a smile and politely say no. However when I read the card I was surprised, it wasn't what I had expected.

Hilltop Mansion - Exclusive Spa, Sauna & Massage

Private Members Club

**Women Only**

That was all that was on it, except for the telephone number and address at the bottom.

"Would you be interested in working there?"

"I might be. What do they pay their bar staff?"

He found that funny, but I didn't understand why.

Eventually he stopped, "Sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. I mean working as a masseur."

He wouldn't give me any details but he did manage to persuade me to go and see the place, he would setup an interview for me. He stayed for another half hour, but we didn't talk anymore. However as he was leaving he said.

"A few pointers for Tuesday, don't be late, and wear your best clothes. And make sure your shoes are clean, they hate dirty shoes."

On Tuesday I was apprehensive, but I decided to give it my best shot. The place was easier to find than I had expected so I arrived too early. My appointment was in fifteen minutes so I waited outside for five minutes before ringing the bell. The door was quickly opened and I was ushered into a waiting room by a tall attractive young women.

"May I call you David?"

I just nodded.

"Thank you, I am Alison. We do prefer first names here," then she quickly added "But never for the clients."

I nodded again

"David, Amy will see you shortly."

She then left me alone, returning when my appointment was due. I checked my watch, it was almost to the second. I was then taken to a small office where a middle-aged woman was seated behind a desk.

"David, please take a seat. I am Amy, I run this establishment."

She then spent the next twenty minutes telling me all about Hilltop Mansion, and what the job would entail. At the end I asked a few questions.

"Thank you for your time. We will contact you in the next few days."

On my way home I thought about all that had been said. My job was to massage wealthy clients, they had to be wealthy in order to be able to afford the membership. The fact that I hadn't any experience didn't seem to be a problem, apparently a two day in-house intensive course was all that I would need to make me competent. Amy had said that my looks had got me the job, all I needed to do now was to apply myself so that I would make a success of it.

So here I was, a year later on, and I was loving every minute of it. I had thought being a porn star was the perfect job for me, that was until I had tried it, but this definitely was. I was now a skilled masseur, and I prided myself on that part of my work, but it was the extra services that I provided that I enjoyed the most. What was it Amy had said to me during my interview?

"Rich and famous women come her. Your job is to give them what they want, whatever that is, but remember you have to be very discrete. Afterwards they like to pretend that they have only been here for a massage. Do I make myself clear?"

She certainly had. I was now making nearly twice as much money as I had done before I joined, but from only working two evenings a week. There was no way I was going to do anything stupid that would lose me my job. Life was good at the moment, and I wanted it to stay that way. Finally, at the age of twenty two, I had got my act together. I was even enrolled on a computer course for three days a week.

Five minutes and my next client would be here. I didn't have a name but I had been told she was a new member. I always found that exciting, the anticipation of what was to come. How old would she be, what would she look like, and what service would she want from me? I smiled to myself. My guess would be that she was at least fifty. Her clothes would be very classy, making the most of whatever body shape she had, and the service she wanted from me was whatever she was not getting at home.

There was a knock on the door, she was bang on time.

"Please come in."

The woman entered with her hand outstretched, ready to shake mine, but it stopped in mid-air.

"David what are you doing here?"

It was my Sister Gemma. I didn't know what to say, I just stood there with a stupid grin on my face. She was now looking me up and down as if she had never seen me before.

I shrugged my shoulder, then as calmly as I could manage I said, "I work here."

She snapped back, "I can see that, what I mean is why?"

"It's my job, I like it," then I added, "But why are you here?"

Her expression changed from annoyance to surprise, she hadn't expected me to ask that.

"Peter is away on business, so I thought I would pamper myself with a nice massage."

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. She knew what I really did here, and I knew that she hadn't just come for a massage. She was the first to break the silence.

"So what do we do now?"

"You can go to reception and tell them that you are not feeling well. They will then reschedule you for another day, and for another masseur."

I could tell she didn't like that idea.

"Now that I am here why can't you do it? It's just a massage."

I had never considered that. Was that an option?


I looked at her, she now had her hands on her hips and she seemed determined to get her own way.

I nodded, what harm could there be in giving my big Sister a simple massage?

"I will go next door while you undress. When you are ready please lie face down on the table. Use the towel to cover your lower body."

"OK, but do I keep my underwear on?"

"Take your bra off, the straps will get in the way while I do your back. You can keep your knickers on if you want, but it is best if you take them off, they might get stained by the oil I will be using."

As I was leaving the room I heard her say, "They are very expensive, I will take them off."

Five minutes later when I returned, she was ready. She hadn't bothered to use the locker, instead she had draped her clothes over the chair, and her knickers were on top. I couldn't help smiling, they were so small, not much more than a thong. What would they look like on her? Thinking about that was a mistake, I felt my cock harden. I needed to be careful, she wasn't a normal client, she was my Sister.

I started on her shoulders, they were very tense. I massaged them deep and hard, and she responded with a few moans and groans, but she didn't complain so I carried on.

When I moved onto her back she gave a small sigh, I think it was out of relief that I had finished with her shoulders. This time my touch was gentler, still firm but not as strong as before. I was now doing long strokes down the full length of her back, only stopping when I reached the edge of the towel that was covering her bottom.

"That's good, you have a nice touch."

"Thanks, I am glad you like it."

"I bet the other women like it as well."

"I think so. I have a lot of regulars so I must be doing something right."

Her back was now done, it was time to work on her legs. It made a pleasant change to have a firm body on the table. Gemma was twenty five, which was a lot younger than most of the clients I see, typically they are at least forty years old.

"It's a bit hot in here."

"I can turn the heating down."

"No, I think I will be OK if I just get rid of the towel."

I stopped mid-stroke for a couple of seconds, she had taken me by surprise. Normally when the client asks for me to take it off it's not because she is hot, it's because she wants more than a massage.

When it was off I got back to work on her calves, but my eyes were now glued to her bottom. It was like the rest of her body, perfect. She has the good looks that seem to run in our family, and she has the body to go with her pretty face. If I was being over critical I would say that ideally her tits could do with being a bit bigger. They are not small, probably bigger than average, but my personal preference has always been for women with big tits. As a total package she is definitely a stunner. That, and her charming personality, enabled her to bag Peter, a very wealthy business man. I like him, and they seem to be a happy couple despite him being fifteen years older than her.

"That's nice, I like that."

Without realising it I had moved my hands to her bottom. I was so engrossed in thinking about her that my hands had gone onto autopilot, they were massaging her there as if she was just another client. I didn't stop, but it had been unintentional. I needed to be careful that I didn't go too far, after all she was my Sister.

"Harder please."

When I pushed down on her she gave an appreciative moan. Most of my clients like that, it grinds their cunt against the table. It's a way of getting their juices flowing, and it gives me an indication of how keen they are to go further.

As I continued to firmly massage her bottom she responded by moaning even more, she was obviously enjoying it. I was as well, my cock was now almost fully erect. I always wear shorts and a baggy T-shirt. The shorts have a tight waist band that holds my cock in, and the T-shirt covers the bit that sticks out. It's comfortable for me and it also covers it up.

It was now decision time. I could ease up and get this back to just being a simple massage, or I could continue like this as if she was just another client. Then I almost laughed, I don't know why I was bothering to think about it, if she wanted to take it further I knew I would be too weak to say no.

"Hillary was right, you do have amazing fingers."


"The woman who told me about this place, specifically about you. I met her at a dinner party and we got talking."

It must have been an interesting conversation.

"We don't use first names here, what's her second name?"

"Hendrix, no I think it's Hanson."

"Are you sure, none of them sound familiar?"

I got back to work on her bottom while she thought about it.

"Got it, she was Henderson."

I laughed, my Sister probably thought that it was because of how long it had taken her to drag up that name from memory, but it wasn't. I had laughed because less than two hours ago I had fingered Mrs. Henderson to a climax. However I wasn't going to tell her that, rule number one in this establishment is, 'What goes on in the room stays in the room'. I like my job, and there is no way I am going to risk losing it by talking to her about another client, even if she is my Sister.

I was now pushing even harder on her bottom, and I was also making circular movements, pushing her cheeks apart and then back together again. From the noises she was making I could tell she liked what I was doing. It might even end this way with her reaching a climax without me actually touching her cunt. That has happened before with other clients.

"I want..."

I continued working her pert bottom, waiting for her to tell me more.

"I want what you do to Hillary."

I had no idea how detailed there conversation had been, but it must have been quite graphic, because Gemma was now opening her legs.

"Tell me Hillary what EXACTLY does David do to you?"

"It's quite simple really, he puts his fingers up my cunts then he rubs my clit until I climax. Now would you like me to get you another glass of wine? "


I was so engrossed in imagining what might have been said that I had stopped. I muttered a quick "Sorry," before moving my fingers to her opening.

When I gently pushed the tips of two fingers in she shuddered, then she wiggled her bottom as if she was trying to get them in deeper. I was in no hurry, this might be a one-off so I needed to savour it. All cunts are nice but there was added excitement for me because she was my Sister. Was it also special for her because I was her Brother?

As I pushed them in deeper she raised her bottom, that gave me a better view of her. I was surprised how hairy she was. Was that her choice or was it something that Peter preferred?

She now had two fingers deep up her cunt, they were in up to the knuckles. That was how I had started with Mrs. Henderson, but Gemma felt a lot tighter than her. As I started to finger fuck her I searched for her clit with my other hand. I had no problem finding it, it was a big one. It got even bigger when I started to rub it.

"Fuck that's good. Don't stop."

That made me smile. They nearly always say that, what makes them think that when I have my fingers on a nice cunt I am going to consider stopping? I was tempted to say the following.

"Do you mind if we take a break for a few minutes? I just want to read my text messages. Don't worry I will get back to your clit when I have finished."

I am many things, but stupid is not one of them, so I kept my mouth shut.

Two minutes later her breathing changed, she was now almost panting. I considered adding another finger but I was worried that might be too much for her. My two fingers in her cunt and the one on her clit were doing their job, so why change things?

Gradually her panting increased, at times she appeared to be struggling for breath. She must be close to a climax, it was now time to finish her off. I was now fingering her faster, and the finger that was on her clit was almost a blur.

"I am going to come. For fucks sake don't stop."

I didn't stop, instead I pressed harder on her clit, that gave her the climax she wanted. When she went rigid I stopped moving my fingers. She was now shaking her head from side to side. I kept my fingers still until she relaxed, then I removed them.

I was now standing next to her waiting for her to recover. It was two or three minutes before she moved, turning over to face me. Then she sat up.

I got a big smile from her before she said, "What happens now?"

"I will leave you to shower and get dressed. When I return you will give me a big fat tip."

I left the room smiling, that last part about the tip was a joke. It didn't feel right taking money from her.

While I waited I sniffed my fingers, there was a strong smell of her cunt on them. I breathed in deeply to make the most of it. It smelt good, and when I sucked on my fingers I decided it tasted good as well.

Fifteen minutes later she called out for me. When I entered the room she was ready to leave. I then got a quick peck on the cheek before she turned her back on me and started walking to the door. However she stopped just before leaving.

Turning back to face me she said, "I almost forget," then she reached into her handbag. What she brought out was an envelope.

"This is for you. That big fat tip you wanted."

As she tried to pass it to me I moved my hands.

"Sis I was only joking."

"Take it, you earned it. If you don't I will be very annoyed with you. Now you don't want that, do you?"

I shook my head, then I reached out for it.

"Don't get too excited. It's only half of what Hillary tips you. I am rich, but not that rich"

I smiled before saying, "Yes Mrs. Henderson is very generous. Half of what she gives is still a big tip."

"That's good, I don't want you thinking I am mean." Then she added, "And another thing, I am going to make an appointment for next week. Is the same time OK for you?"

I hesitated before saying, "Yes."

"Are you sure, you don't look happy?"

"It's just that I was expecting that you would want to see somebody else."

She gave me a quizzical look, then with her hands on her hips, she said, "Don't be silly, why would I want to do that?"

After she had gone I had a quick shower, she had been my last client of the day so I was eager to get home. An hour later I was back at my place. As I ate the leftovers from yesterday's Chinese takeaway I thought about my Sister, she had certainly surprised me by turning up at Hilltop Mansion. I shook my head in disbelieve, had I really fingered her to a climax? Yes, and she was coming back for more.

In bed I closed my eyes and replayed what had happened, slowly stroking my cock as I did so. I tried to hold back until I got to the point where she climaxed, but I couldn't wait. It didn't matter though, it was still a nice one. Soon after I drifted off to sleep.

The next few days seemed to drag, I couldn't wait to see her again. I was also finding it difficult to concentrate at college, one of my lecturers even had to speak to me about it.

"Are you OK David? For the last two days you have hardly said a word."

I told him that I was feeling a bit under the weather, he looked relieved that it wasn't anything serious. We then talked for a few minutes about the project I was working on. When we parted I decided that it was silly moping about in class like a lovesick schoolgirl, I needed to get my act together.

Soon after I woke the next day, I got a call from Hilltop Mansion. Andrew had called in sick, could I cover his shift tonight? Two evenings a week was enough for me, but it would be difficult to say no, and the extra money would come in handy.

"Thank you David. I knew we could rely on you."

I had a better day in college. When I arrived for work the receptionist thanked me again. I gave her a big smile and she giggled, I think she fancies me.

The first client was something of a rarity, a woman who only wanted a massage. At first I thought she might be shy or nervous, too scared to take things further. However I soon realised that she wasn't.

"Would you like anything extra?"

"Thank you David for the offer, but I am too old for that."

She seemed pleased when she left, and I was as well when I opened the envelope. It was a decent amount of money, especially for just a massage.

While I waited for the next client I thought back to what she had said, "I am too old for that." That had surprised me. She could only be sixty at the most, she might even be in her mid-fifties. I have a regular client, Mrs. Barker, who is seventy one. I know here age because she always tells me it after we have finished.

"I am seventy one and I can still fuck like a thirty year old."

Then she laughs. She always manages to take my full eight inches, and she always ends with a screaming orgasm. Fucks like a thirty year old woman? No, more like someone in their twenties.

The next client did want more than a massage, much more. She was a small chubby woman aged about fifty. She had a pretty face and was immaculately dressed, twenty years ago she would have been very attractive. Five minutes after we had started she made it clear what she wanted.

"This massage is nice, but it's not why I am here. I am going to turn over so that you can suck my tits, and I want you to finger me as well. I will let you know when you can lick me."

She took her time in turning over. When she spread her legs I moved towards her, however before I could start she lifted her head up and looked at me.

"I forgot to mention that after you have licked me I want to be fucked."

"What position?"

"Doggy of course," then she lowered her head.

I thought that was it, but just as I was about to suck on her nipple she raised her head again.

"And you better have a big cock. If not I want my money back."

"Is eight inches big enough for you?"

"Perfect," then she lay back down again and we started.

From sucking on her tits to fucking her to a climax was just over thirty minutes. She was very enthusiastic, enjoying every minute of it. It was good for me as well because she had big nipples and a tight juicy cunt. I even climaxed shortly after she had. Normally I try not to, but I was enjoying it so much that I couldn't help it.

Fortunately the next client just wanted my fingers and tongue. I would have managed to fuck her, but it might have been hard work.

The next day in college I was restless again because I was seeing Gemma in the evening. I did try to concentrate, but I was never at my best. Eventually it was time to leave for Hilltop Mansion.

"Hello David. One of your clients has cancelled."

It must be my Sister. I waited while Victoria looked down at the client list.

"It's Mrs. Woods, your second client."

I was too relived to say anything, I just nodded, then I went to get ready. I had only just prepared the room when there was a knock on the door. It was quickly opened and Victoria popped her head in.

"Mrs. Green has just called, she is running ten minutes late."

When she did eventually arrive she was flustered.

"I am so sorry, it's completely unacceptable."

When she looked up at the clock she put her hand to her mouth, she looked horrified.

"I am TWENTY minutes late."

"Don't worry, my next client has cancelled. It doesn't matter, you will still be able to have your full time."

"It matters to me. Being late is so rude."

I gave her my best smile, then we talked until she calmed down. Forty minutes later she was even calmer, that's what a good climax can do for you. I like Mrs. Green, she is such a nice polite lady, very well spoken. You cannot imagine her ever swearing, or saying a rude word, but you would be wrong. You should hear her when she has an orgasm, such a dirty mouth.

I now had plenty of time to kill before Gemma's appointment. It would have been better if Mrs. Woods hadn't cancelled. I think this is the third time she has done that, all at short notice. If this was another establishment somebody would have a word with her, but here we are very tolerant. Our membership fees are very high, in return they get a good service, and a high degree of tolerance from us.

I glanced at the clock, Gemma should be here in a minute or two. What I had done with Mrs. Green had been a nice starter, but my Sister was the main course. When I thought about what we might end up doing, I got a tingle down my spine. I looked at the clock again, one minute left. However, another five minutes passed and I was still waiting, then there was a knock on the door.

"Hello little Brother," then I get a firm hug from her.

"Sorry I am late."

I muttered under my breath, "Not as late as Mrs. Green."


"Nothing, just ignore what I said."

She did, then she proceeded to get undressed while I was still in the room. I didn't leave, instead I turned my back on her to give her some privacy.

"I am ready, you can turn round now."

She was flat on the table, but this time on her back, and without the towel. As I approached her she closed her eyes, that gave me the opportunity to scrutinise her body before I got to work on it. It was the first time I had been able to get a good look at her tits, they looked firm, and the nipples were a decent size. I only glanced at her cunt, because I already knew what that was like, but it still made me smile. What a bush, it definitely needed pruning.

I spent the first five minutes on her stomach, slow but firm strokes from just below her breasts, down to the start of her pubic hair. Then I got more adventurous, placing my hands under her tits to feel the weight of them.

"Do you like them? I wish they were bigger."

I could tell she was searching for a compliment, that she needed me to reassure her that they were a nice size.

I didn't disappoint her, "They are perfect, big and firm. And I like your nipples."

That got a nice smile from her, then she looked at me in a quizzical way.

"If you like them so much why aren't you playing with them?"

The smile then reappeared, so I knew she was teasing me.

As I placed my hands on them she closed her eyes. At first it was firm strokes around the sides, away from her nipples, then I slowly moved inwards. When my palms touched her nipples she gasped.

"Gentle, they are always sensitive."

I reduced the pressure, then a minute or two later I started using my fingers rather than my palms. I was now rubbing and pinching them. I could tell she liked what I was doing, and I was careful about not being too rough with her. I was happy for it to continue like this for as long as possible, we had plenty of time. You might quickly eat a burger in order to satisfy your hunger, but when you have steak you take your time over it. Gemma was prime meat, too good to hurry.

"You are doing wonderful things to my nipples with your fingers, but do you think you could suck them as well?"

I was reluctant to change, but I guess after doing the same thing for nearly ten minutes, it was time to move on.

I liked her nipple, it was nice and firm. When I chewed on it she gave a loud moan. I was probably being too rough, but she didn't complain. My plan was to suck each nipple in turn, and to do it until she indicated that she wanted something else. That's what I did. I spent five minutes sucking them before she spoke.

"I like what you are doing, but if you don't get your fingers on my cunt soon I am going to go crazy."

I wanted to do that as well, but I was going to make her wait a while longer. A minute later she spoke again.

"Please do it."

She sounded desperate. It was now time to give her what she wanted.

"If you aren't going to do it, then I will."

I liked the sound of that, so I just continued working on her nipples. A few seconds later she had her hand between her wide opened legs. When she gave a loud gasp I knew her fingers had found her clit. As she played with it I wondered how many times she had done that before, and at what age she has discovered the joy that she could get from that little lump.

After a minute it became obvious that I needed to stop her. She was just too good at it, and if she wasn't stopped soon she would climax. When I pushed my hand between her legs she wasn't happy, especially when I removed her fingers from her clit. However when my fingers got to work on it she relaxed, and she seemed to be enjoying what I was doing, but I was careful not to rub as hard and as vigorously as she had been doing.

We continued like this for a few more minutes, and it looked as if it would end this way, I would suck her tits and play with her clit until she climaxed. But she had other plans.

"Lick my cunt."

I was going to, but I didn't react quickly enough for her.

"Lick it NOW."

A few seconds later she had what she wanted. I started by pushing my tongue into her as deep as I could, then I moved it about as if I was trying to taste every part of it. I could feel her sticky juice start to coat my cheeks and chin. As I was doing this she wiggled her bottom, and she was making a purring sound. This was something I couldn't do for long, I needed to breathe.

I was now licking her clit. It was big, possibly the biggest I had ever had the pleasure of servicing. My Mother always says that Gemma's best feature is her pretty face, but she is wrong, next time I might correct her.

"No Mother. Gemma is very pretty, but I think you will find that her best feature is definitely her big clit."

"Finger me."

As I pushed two fingers in I wondered why I wasn't already doing that, I should have done that as soon as my tongue was out of her opening. I must concentrate, pleasuring my Sister was serious business.

When they were in up to the knuckles, I just left them there. I would fuck her with them later, first I wanted to play with her bottom. As I continued licking her I searched for her anus with my free hand. When I found it she pushed back against my fingers, good she was happy for me to enter it.

"Peter likes to finger me there, and I like it as well."

The mention of her husband's name at such an intimate time made me feel a little uncomfortable, but not so uncomfortable that I was going to stop.

"If it was possible for you to stick your cock in there, and lick me at the same time, that would be perfect."

If I could do that I would be in the circus as a contortionist. What she wanted was impossible, but I could do something to her that was almost as good.

"I can't do that, but what I can do is use a dildo. I have a six inch one that you can try."

"How thick is it?"

It's was quite thick, but I wanted to play it down.

"It's not too bad. It's tapered so it should go in easily."

"Good, it sounds perfect."

It took me less than a minute to get it and to lubricate it.

"Sorry, I couldn't find the special gel I normally use. I have put massage oil on it, but don't worry it's hypoallergenic."

"I don't care what's on it, even axle grease, just get it in me."

The first inch was easy, but she held her breath while the thicker part went in. When it was all in her body relaxed.

"You told me it wasn't thick."

"Do you want it out?"

It was her choice, but I was hoping she would want to keep it in.

"No, but it's at the limit of what I can take."

Good, that was one hole taken care of, time to fill the other one up. This time it was difficult to get my fingers up her because of the dildo pushing against her cunt wall, but I kept on going until I managed it.

"Fuck that's tight, very tight. I am ok, but don't move your fingers. It will be too much if you try to fuck me with them."

"OK, I will just lick you until you come."

It took me a few good licks before she started to moan. All that messing about with the dildo had taken her off the boil, but I wasn't worried, with both holes full, and my tongue working on her clit, it wasn't going to take much to get her going again.

Two minutes passed and she still wasn't any nearer to coming, so I upped the pace. I was now sucking her big clit as hard as I could.

"Fuck, it doesn't get any better than this."

That spurred me on, and somehow I managed to suck even harder.

"That's it, don't stop. I am going to come."

I didn't even have to suck again, she was now climaxing. As she thrashed about I lifted my head. It was fortunate that the dildo had a little strap at the end that I was holding, if not it may have been lost in there forever.

I waited a minute before taking my fingers out of her cunt. That had been easy, but she winced as I removed the dildo.

When it was out she sat up. She then looked at what I had in my hand.

"You put that into me!"

She seemed surprised that she had been able to take it.

"Yes, every inch."

She then shook her head, as if she still didn't believe it. That made me laugh, and she joined in.

"Take your time with the shower, you are my last appointment so there is no rush."

I was just about to leave her when she gave me a frown.

"We haven't finished yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I have reached it, but what about you?"

"I can sort myself out later on."

"Don't be silly, let your big Sister take care of you."

I couldn't think of a good reason why I should say no, but I was surprised, this was the first time she had shown any interest in my cock.

With my back to her I pulled down my shorts, and then I took off my T-shirt. My cock was already rising in anticipation of what was to come next. When I turned to face her it was almost fully erect.

She was now staring at it, wide-eyed, and with her mouth open.

"It's a monster."

"Don't be silly, it's big but I wouldn't call it that."

"I would."

I looked down at it, it had now reached its full length.

"I have only ever had six inches before."

Looking at her I said, "Peter?"

She shook her head, "No, he only has five inches."

I smiled, all that money, but only a small cock.

"Would you like to touch it?"

I got a quick nod from her, then she wrapped her hand around it, high up just under the head. Then she slowly started to stroke it. He touch was good, and I was starting to enjoy it.

"Peter is back home in ten days."

She let that hang in the air. The implication was clear, when he returned this would stop. I guess I always knew that would be the case, but it didn't stop me from feeling disappointed. I decided to put it out of my mind, closing my eyes so that I could enjoy her hand on my cock.

"I want our last time to be special. Next week I want you to fuck me."

I quickly opened my eyes, she was smiling.

"I thought that when you mentioned that Peter was coming home, it was to tell me that today was the end."

"Don't be silly. I can still see you next week."

I closed my eyes again, and now I could really enjoy it.

Two minutes later I could feel my climax building, she must have sensed something because she started to masturbate me quicker. After another minute I was on the edge, but she skilfully kept me there for at least another thirty seconds. I was just at the point of coming when I felt her lips on my cock, that was a pleasant surprise. It got even better, because when I actually started to spurt I had three or four inches of it in her mouth. She greedily swallowed it all, and there was a lot of it.

This time she showered quickly, she was meeting a friend, and she was already late. I wondered what here excuse would be.

"Sorry I am late. I was doing all sorts of sexual things with my Brother and I just lost track of time."

When I awoke the next day I decided that I wasn't going to have a repeat of last week. I wasn't going to keep thinking about my Sister, and I wasn't going to keep counting down the days until I would be seeing her again. It was difficult, but I did OK, except for the day before her appointment, that felt as if it would never end.

After that first surprise visit from my Sister I had now got into the habit of always checking the client list before starting my shift, before I had been lazy, not always doing that. Today it was Mrs. Henderson, Ms Haywood and then Gemma. I was surprised Mrs. Henderson was on the list, I hadn't expected her back for at least another week. The second name was new to me. That was good, the excitement of a new client would take my mind off my Sister.

"Hello Mrs. Henderson, nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you David."

I took my time massaging her, because I knew that when I got round to playing with her she would climax after only a few minutes. After forty minutes it was time to get her excited. I started on her tits, but I knew she would soon ask me to move down to her cunt. Today was even quicker than usual.

"Play with my cunt."

I put three fingers against her opening.

"No, I want your tongue."

I was so surprised that I just stood there as if I was in a trance.

"I was speaking to a lady at a party, she says you have an amazing tongue."

Then she giggled. I was tempted to ask if that lady was called Gemma, but I had the good sense to keep quiet. When my tongue touched her clit she almost came straight away. After only four or five gentle licks she was gasping and arching her back. She had a nice clit and I would like to spend a lot more time on it, but I knew the next lick would probably take her over the edge. However it didn't, somehow she managed to last at least another two minutes. When she did eventually climax she actually screamed, luckily it wasn't too loud.

"That was wonderful, you have an amazing tongue."

"And you have an amazing..."

She didn't let me finish before she giggled. When she left she had a big smile on her face. Her parting words made me smile as well.

"The next time I see Gemma I must tell her she was right."

So it was my Sister who had been talking about me, but I bet she didn't tell her that I was her Brother.

My next client of the day wasn't much to look at, despite her expensive clothes and fashionable hairstyle, she could hardly be called attractive. I would guess her age to be fifty five, and that her best days were a good twenty years earlier. However I was pleasantly surprised, once aroused she was highly sexual. Her tits were small, with almost non-existent nipples, but her cunt was a thing of beauty. She had a nice clit that was framed by very large swollen lips. I spent fifteen wonderful minutes between her legs until she climaxed. When she left I reflected on our time together. Her tip was only modest, but I would be happy to see her again. It just goes to show, you should never judge a book by its cover.

I had only just finished showering when there was a knock on the door, then my Sister breezed in as if she owned the place.

"Hi Sis, you look happy."

"I am, Peter called me five minutes ago. He told me how much money he has made so far on this business trip. It might even be enough for us to be able to buy a big house."

"But you already have a big house."

"I mean we can buy a bigger house, one with more bedrooms."

"But the one you have has six."

She gave me a dismissive look, as if I was an idiot, then she said, "If you don't shut up you are not going to get a tip."

I wasn't sure if she was joking, but I thought it best not to say anything else.

Before starting the massage I looked at her, she was face down on the bed. I got a surge of excitement as I thought about how it would end, she was going to let me fuck her. It was difficult to keep the smile off my face as I got to work on. Her shoulders were tense, but five minutes later I could feel the difference, they were now more relaxed.

"David, I have been thinking."

I had a feeling she was going to tell me something that I wasn't going to like.

"About what I said last week."

She must be having second thoughts, perhaps it was a step too far for her. I just waited for her to continue.

"I don't think you should fuck me."

I gave a sigh that was probably loud enough for her to hear, then I said, "I understand, you don't want to cheat on Peter."

For some reason that made her laugh.

"Don't be silly. That would not be cheating, you are my Brother so it doesn't count."

I wasn't sure if that made any sense, but I was happy for her to believe it. That wasn't stopping her, so what was?

"So why don't you want too?"

"Because your cock is too big."

It was my turn to laugh, but I quickly stopped. If I was careful I could talk her into it.

"Trust me Gemma, you will be able to take it. Do you remember Jacinta?"

"Of course, she was a nice girl."

Then she realised the implication of why I was asking.

"No way. You are telling me you managed to fuck her with it?"

"Yes, lots of times."

"But she was so tiny, well under five feet tall."

With confidence I declared, "So if she can, then you can."

There was silence while my Sister thought about it. Eventually I got my answer.


She couldn't see me, but I was grinning like the cat that had got the cream. I should have felt guilt but I didn't. What I had said wasn't true, Jacinta had taken one look at it and flatly refused to let me go anywhere near her with it.

Now that we were back on track I could continue massaging her. Ten minutes later I had done all of her back, except for her bottom. I had saved that until last. I only got two minutes on it before she started to turn over, however I wasn't disappointed though, it meant that I could now get to her tits.

When I placed my hands on them I got a big smile from her.

"David, have you got anymore toys?"

"You mean like the one I used last time?"

"Yes, but this time for my cunt."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Something that's nearly as big as your cock. You can use it to get me ready for that monster that is between your legs."

That got me thinking, what had I got that was suitable?

"Have you?"

"Give me a minute."

I had a giant twelve inch dildo. Mrs. Henderson would probably be able to take it comfortably, but it was way too big for my Sister. The smallest I had was the six inch one that I had pushed up her bottom, but did I have anything in-between? Yes I did, and it just might be perfect for her.

It took me a couple of minutes to find it. When I returned I had a towel over my arm and I was cradling the dildo as if it was a bottle of wine. She looked at my strangely, then she giggled as she understood what I was doing.

"I have found this for madam, would she like to try it?"

"Thank you, but not now," then she added, "You would make a good wine waiter."

I gave an extravagant bow, and she giggled again.

After placing it on the chair I put a hand onto one of her nipples, then I lowered my head, moving it slowly towards the other one.

"No, I want you mouth somewhere else."

I stopped, licking her cunt would be nice, but I would rather do it later.

"I want you to kiss me."

That was a complete surprise to me. I had now been working at Hilltop Mansion for over a year, and I don't think any client has ever asked me to do that before. They had asked for everything else you can think of, most of which you couldn't talk about in polite company, but never this.


"But a Brother shouldn't kiss his Sister."

I could see she was now struggling not to laugh.

"A Brother shouldn't give his Sister a climax, but that didn't stop you."

"Yes, but kissing is more intimate."

That laugh finally came out. When she had stopped I got a quick shake of the head from her, then she said, "That's why I want to do it."

When our lips touched it was soft and gentle. We kissed like that for a few seconds, then the passion took over. We were now taking turns at exploring each other's mouth. After another few minutes I had to pull away, it felt too intense. I thought she might want more, be she seemed satisfied.

"That was good, now you can suck my tits."

That's exactly what I did for the next five minutes, and with the same intensity as when I had sucked on her tongue. I would have liked to continue for longer, but she was the one to stop it.

"It's time for you to use that toy on me."

I now had it in my hand, with the head of it touching her opening. It was about ten inches long and it was shaped like a real cock. However only seven inches could be inserted, the rest of the length was taken up by its over-sized balls. My cock was bigger, but I wished I had balls as big as that.

I didn't need to lubricate it, her cunt was already soaking wet. As I pushed it in deeper it felt as if her cunt was helping me by sucking it in.

"It's all in now, how does it feel?"

"Good, but I wouldn't want much more."

I looked at it, it was almost comical. Those balls were way too big, not realistic at all.

"What are you doing? I have a cunt that needs licking."

"Sorry Sis, but don't worry, I have a tongue that is looking for a cunt to lick."

Before she could reply I got to work on her. It wasn't long before she was moaning and wiggling her bottom. Her big clit was enjoying the attention of my tongue, and I could tell her excitement was building. I was going to have to use all of my experience to decide when it was best to replace the dildo with my cock. It was better doing it sooner rather than later. I wanted my cock to get her climax, not the dildo. I needn't have worried, a few minutes later she decided for me.

"I think you need to fuck me."

I pulled it out a lot quicker than I had put it in, then I raised her legs. She was tight but I had no problem getting my cock in. I stopped when I was up to my balls in her.

"Why have you stopped, I want to be fucked?"

Her wish was my command. I was now giving her full strokes, and she was taking all of my eight inches like an expert. We continued like that for a few minutes, but I wanted to try to get in even deeper, so I raised her legs even higher, almost to her shoulders.

"That's good, fuck me harder Peter."

I winced at the mention of his name, but I didn't miss a stroke. I didn't mind her calling me Peter, in fact she could call me any name she wanted so long as I still had access to her cunt. My worry was that when he was back she might call out my name, or say something even worse.

"That's good, fuck me harder little Brother."

Now that would take some explaining.

"I want more."

That surprised me, I thought I was already giving her more than enough, but obviously not, I needed to up my game. I now had her legs actually on her shoulders.

"Yes, that's it."

I think I was now fucking her harder than I had ever fucked anybody before, and it was hard work. At the start I had wanted it to last, now I was keen for it to end, if it continued any longer it would spoil it for me.

"I am nearly there, make me come."

I tried to push into her even harder, I must have succeeded because she gave a loud grunt, then she started to toss her head from side to side. Good, she was climaxing, but I wanted to as well. When her head stopped moving I knew her orgasm had ended.

"You have to stop."

I did, but only after another twenty seconds when I had reached it.

After I had pulled out of her I gently lowered her legs, then I got off the table. As I slumping down into the chair I looked across at her, she was now coming round.

"Are you OK?"

"Yes, but my cunt feels as if it has been fucked with a baseball bat."

"Is that a good or bad experience?"

"Good, but I wouldn't want to do it every day."

"The same for me, that was some fuck."

I thought she was going to agree with me, perhaps to tell me what a great stud I was, but she didn't, and there was now a worried look on her face.

"I have something to tell you, and I don't think you are going to like it."

I gave her a smile, I knew what was coming.

"It's OK, I understand. Peter coming back means that this is our last time together."

She shook her head, "No it's not that. We have to stop, that is until he goes away on business again."

I liked the sound of that, but what was the bad news? I had to wait a few more seconds before she blurted it out.

"Mother might be coming here to get a massage from you."

I just stared at her, had I misheard her?

"Let me explain."

I just nodded, I was still shell-shocked.

"Two days ago I went to a function, Mother came with me. While we were there I met Hillary Henderson. Mother and Hillary had never met before, but within five minutes they were best friends. While I was with them there was no conversation about Hilltop Mansion, but on our way home Mother mentioned it. I think Hillary must have told her about it when I left them alone to get the drinks."

I gave a loud groan, then I said, "What did Mother say about it?"

"She said Hillary had told her about this exclusive place where you could get the best massage in town. She should pamper herself and go there, but she must ask for David because he has amazing fingers."

"So do you think Mother knows that you come here?"

"No, because she asked if I was interested in it, she even offered to pay my membership. I said no, and that it was probably not worth the money."

"Do you think Mother has any idea about what goes on here?"

"No, she thinks it's just a massage."

"In that case it's not as bad as I first thought. She will probably forget about it, however if she does turn up and see me, I will talk her into seeing another masseur."

I was now smiling again, pleased with myself for reasoning it out.

"Sometimes you are so stupid."

"What do you mean?"

"You persuade her to see somebody else. So what do you think is going to happen when they start touching her in a sexual way?"

"She will be horrified."

"Yes, but it will also make her realise that her son is doing the same to the women he massages."

"I hadn't thought about that."

"If she does come to see you for a massage, the solution is simple, give her a massage."

"Thanks Sis, that will work."

"But there is more."

I groaned again, what now?

"Mother said another thing. She is going to tell Aunty Jane about it."

Now that was a problem, we don't get on, she thinks that I am lazy and that I should get a proper job. If she sees me here it will just confirm her opinion of me.

"I don't know what I am going to do if she becomes a member, but thanks for the warning. Any more bad news?"

Thankfully there wasn't. Ten minutes after my Sister had left I still hadn't showered. I was sitting in the chair, thinking about the time I had spent with her during the last two weeks, and what we had done together. When would Peter be going away again? I might even ask him the next time I see him.

"Peter, when do you think you will be going away on business again?"

"I am not sure, why do you ask?"

"No special reason, it's just that while you are away I will be fucking Gemma, so it would be nice to know when that will be."

"OK, let me check my diary."

I smiled, that conversation would be funny, but it was never going to happen.

Then my thoughts turned to Mother and Aunty Jane. Would it really be so bad if they booked an appointment with me? If they did turn up then I should massage them, I would show them how skilful I was at it.

They might enjoy it, they might even want more than just a massage. I had tasted forbidden fruit and I liked it, they might like it as well. With those wicked thoughts still in my head, I left the chair and headed towards the shower.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.