Different Sex Story

Chapter 75: David Enjoys his Perfect Job Ch. 02


As I played with her small tits she started to moan. They were not much more than a handful, but they were firm, and she had nice nipples.

"Squeeze them, I like that."

I did, and then I tweaked her nipples.

"What would you like today, the usual?"

"No, I want to try something different."

That surprised me, Mrs. Henderson was not normally adventurous. I had now seen her over a dozen times, and I had yet to fuck her. So far she had been satisfied with my fingers, and more recently by my tongue.

I wagged my finger at her, then I said, "You naughty girl. I think you want to be fucked."

Despite being in her mid-sixties, she giggled like a schoolgirl.

"No, it's something else."

While I waited for her to continue, I went through the list of all the things clients had asked me in the past. It was a long one, all of which would give your maiden aunt a heart attack if you mentioned them in front of her. What Mrs. Henderson was going to say would not shock me, but she seemed reluctant to go on.

I gave her my best smile, then I said, "It's OK, you can tell me what you want."

"I was speaking to my friend Gemma, she says you have a lovely cock," then she hesitated before adding, "I want to suck it."

The mention of my Sister's name sent a surge of excitement through my body.

"Can I?"

I hadn't answered her, I was too busy thinking about Gemma.

"Of course you can. I would like nothing better than to put it into your mouth."

I had expected her to giggle again, but she didn't, instead she frowned. There was something troubling her.

In my best concerned voice, I said, "Tell me."

She was hesitant at first, then she blurted it out, "I have never done it before."

For the second time today she had surprised me. How can a woman who likes sex so much, get to her age without having done it before?

I tried to sound casual as I said, "It's easy. You just put your lips together and blow."

She gave me a strange look, then she laughed.

"Very good. Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not, but that was how to whistle, not how to give a blow job."

"I know, but I thought it would make you laugh."

"It did," then she smiled before adding, "Can we start?"

I nodded, then I took my shorts off. It was the first time she had seen it, and it was standing to attention for her, ready for inspection. She studied it for a few seconds before reaching down to hold it.

"It's a big one, nearly as big as my late husband's, but yours is thicker."

So one point each. I then waited to see what she would do next, but when she looked at me, I could tell she wanted some guidance.

"Take the head into your mouth, then slowly take in more. Stop when it becomes uncomfortable."

"OK, but what do I do when you start to come?"

"That's up to you. I can take it out, or you can swallow."

"What would you like me to do?"

She had surprised me again, my job was to give the clients what they wanted. I can't remember the last time any one of them asked me what I would like.

"I enjoy it more when the woman swallows."

I got a big smile from her, then she said, "I will try."

Ten minutes later I climaxed in her mouth.

"That was good, but I am not sure I like the taste."

I handed her a tissue so that she could wipe her chin.

"You will get used to it."

She then gave me a quizzical look before saying, "How did I do? Tell me the truth."

"I enjoyed it. It was rough at the beginning, but it got better when you got a steady rhythm going. I have had worse."

That made her laugh.

"So it was that bad?"

I shook my head.

"Sorry, a bad choice of words. You did very well for a first time."

She scrutinised my face, and when she saw that I had meant what I had said, she looked pleased.

"Now for you, fingers or tongue?"

"Can I be greedy and have both?"

I just nodded, then I got to work on her. She moaned when I pushed two fingers in, and she almost climaxed when I made it four. I was now playing with her cunt, but I was keeping well away from her clit, I wanted her to reach it with my tongue, not with my fingers. After a couple of minutes I went between her legs. The first lick made her gasp, the second made her arch her back.

"Fuck, I am going to come. It's a big one."

I smiled, she always came quickly, and it was always a big one. As she started to climax I lifted my head, but I kept my fingers in until she had finished. As I waited for her to recover I wondered if she would be telling Gemma about today. It was now nearly two months since I had last seen her at Hilltop Mansion, I just wish her husband Peter would go away on business again.

When she opened her eyes I got a nice smile, then I helped her off the table.

"That was wonderful, you have amazing fingers, and an amazing tongue."

"And you have an amazing..."

She giggled before I could finish. Fifteen minutes later, after showering, she was gone. I now had in my hand an envelope that I knew contained a generous tip.

On my way home I kept thinking about my Sister, it must be because Mrs. Henderson had mentioned her name. How often do they see each other? It had been her who had mentioned Hilltop Mansion to my Mother a few weeks ago. Gemma had been there at the time, so she had warned me that Mother might become a member. I was also told that my Mother was thinking of telling Aunty Jane about it. After hearing that, I thought that one day I would turn up for work, and that one of them would be on my client list. But after such a long time, that was now very unlikely.

When I arrived at Hilltop Mansion the next day, Anne was on reception.

"Hi, who have I got today?"

As she handed me the list, the phone rang.

"Hilltop Mansion. Anne speaking, how can I help?"

I was walking away when she called me back. I only had one client today, I hoped that wasn't them cancelling.

"It's a new booking. The caller wants to see you today, but with her sister."

I raised my eyebrows.

"You mean together?"

"Yes, is that allowed?"

"I don't think so."

"Should I tell her no?"

"It might be better to check. Is Amy in?"


"Good, then speak to her. Or better still, transfer the call to her."

I waited while she spoke to the boss. When the call was transferred she looked relieved that she didn't have to make the decision.

"Thanks David."

"Happy to help."

As I prepared the room, I wondered if Amy would allow it, I hoped she would. Two clients at the same time would be a first for me, but would I get two tips? I had to laugh, that would be too much to expect.

My first client was due anytime now, and I was ready. A few seconds later there was a loud knock on the door, then she entered.

As she offered me her hand I got a nice smile, then she said, "David I am Rachel Jones."

She had a posh voice, and a confident manner.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Jones."

"Likewise," then she looked around the room, as if she was inspecting it. When she turned and smiled at me, I knew it had met with her approval.

"Please get undressed, and then get onto the table. Shout me when you are ready."

I then went into the side room. Five minutes later she called me. When I returned I had to smile, she was now on her back, completely naked. Her eyes were closed so it gave me the opportunity to look her over. She was quite tall, a large woman, but more muscular than fat. Her breasts were big, topped with nice nipples. I couldn't see what was between her long legs, but I had a feeling that it was something I was going to enjoy. As I started on her shoulders she opened her eyes.

"Nice and hard please," then she added, as an explanation, "I play a lot of tennis."

Each time I went deep into the muscle she groaned, but she didn't complain. When I moved to her stomach I felt her body tense, but then she relaxed when she realised that I wasn't going to be massaging her hard there.

My hands were now close to her large tits. I was hoping for some sign from her that she wanted me to touch them, but she remained still, and silent. She might be more responsive if I concentrated on her long legs.

"Time to do your calves."

I got a brief smile from her, then she said, "Yes I would like that."

I spent a few minutes on her left leg, then, as I moved over to her right, she opened her legs, only slightly, but enough to indicate that she wanted more than a massage.

"David, it was Hillary Henderson who told me about you."

Was there anybody she hadn't told? I was now starting to believe that she was stopping strangers in the street, and mentioning my name, and what I did.

"I want you to do to me what you do to her."

I gave her a nice smile, before saying, "I will, but you need to tell me what that is."

She was now frowning, and she looked slightly annoyed. This was a woman who was used to getting her own way.

"And why is that?"

I stopped massaging her, and then I calmly said, "It's nothing personal. What happens her with a client is confidential."

I got a stern look from her, then it disappeared, replaced by a smile.

"I understand."

I felt relieved, it could have turned into an awkward situation if she had become difficult. I got back to work on her leg.

"This is what I would like you to do."

Good, there was now no irritation in her voice.

"Please suck my nipples, then, when I am ready, I want two fingers in me."

I just nodded.

"But keep away from my clit, I will play with it myself."

So she was a woman who likes to take control. I was allowed to do some things to her, but she was the one who was in control of her climax.

"Also, when I tell you to, I want you to come over my tits."

Her instructions were clear, except for who would be giving me my climax. It sounded if it would be me, but best to check.

"Do you want to masturbate me?"

There was a quick shake of her head, then she said, "You now understand what I want. How much will it cost me?"

I shrugged my shoulders, then I said, "Nothing. You have already paid for the massage."

She gave me a sceptical look.

"But this is extra."

"No, it's all part of the service."

She now looked pleased, happy that there was no extra charge. What I had said was true, but there was generally an unspoken understanding that if the client received anything other than a massage, they would be expected to tip. I would be very surprised if I got anything from Mrs. Jones.

When I lowered my head onto her tits, she closed her eyes. I wasn't going to get a tip, but I was determined that I would enjoy myself. I sucked hard and deep, and she responded by moaning loudly. I rolled her other nipple between a finger and thumb.

"That's good, do it again."

For the next few minutes I worked her nipples aggressively, only stopping briefly when I wanted to suck the other one.

"Finger me."

As she said it she pulled her knees up, then she spread her legs wide. I was eager to get my fingers in her, but first I needed to get my cock out. As soon as my shorts were off it sprang out. I then leant over her. When my cock pressed against her she opened her eyes, from the look on her face she seemed to be impressed with it.

"That's a big cock," then in a dreamy voice she added, "A very big cock."

While she was still looking at it, I pushed two fingers into her cunt. It was nice and wet, and they went in without any resistance. There was room for at least another, but she had only asked for two, so I didn't add more. As soon as I started to stroke my cock, she put her hands between her legs. When she groaned I knew she had found her clit.

"Don't forget. Only come when I tell you to."

I nodded, she then closed her eyes. I could see the concentration on her face as she worked herself towards an orgasm. This was going to be tricky. She wanted me to come when she climaxed, but how soon would that be? I needed to be on the edge, ready for her command, but if I got it wrong I would come too early, or too late.

Ten minutes later she was still rubbing her clit, moaning and groaning, but apparently still no nearer to reaching it. I was now only giving myself occasional strokes, anymore and I would explode prematurely.

"Mrs. Jones, would you like me to fuck that nice cunt of yours."

She opened her eyes.

"I don't want to be unfaithful to my husband."

So, she had a line that she didn't want to cross, but I could see that she wanted to.

I raised my cock higher, so that she could see its full eight inches.

I thought that would persuade her, but instead she shook her head, then she said, "I am going to finish myself off, get ready to come."

Her eyes were now closed again, and the fingers on her clit were working overtime. Her breathing had also changed, she was almost gasping. My hand was on my cock, as I frantically tried to keep up with her. When she climaxed it was a big one, her head rolled from side to side. I tried to ignore her, to concentrate on my release. A few seconds later I managed it, spurting most of it onto her big tits, but some went onto her chin.

I waited until she opened her eyes before pulling my fingers out. She didn't seem to notice. I tried to hand her a tissue, but she refused. Instead she started to rub it into her tits. When she realised there was some on her chin, she removed it with a finger, and then wiped it on her nipple.

Looking at me she said, "I always do that. I like the feel of it on my skin."

Five minutes later she was dressed, ready to go. She hadn't showered, and I wondered if it was because she didn't want to wash my juices off her tits.

"David, that was very good. I have something for you."

She then took out an envelope from her jacket pocket, and handed it to me. I was surprised, almost shocked, I hadn't expected anything. I muttered a quick thanks. It was a small flimsy envelope, it didn't feel as if there was anything in it. She must have seen me inspecting it, because she laughed.

"Yes, there is something in it," then she added, "It's a piece of paper."

I was now even more confused. She laughed again.

"Let me explain. I am not who I appear to be. I have been employed by Hilltop Mansion to assess you, but don't worry you have passed."

"So what is in the envelope?"

"It's a bonus, a big one. Inside is a sheet of paper that tells you how much you will receive."

I was now slightly annoyed. I felt as if I had been deceived.

"I thought I was doing a good job, so why did they need to test me?"

"It's not personal, they check most people."

"Will this happen again?"

There was a brief hesitation from her, as she decided if she should tell me, then she said, "They might, but it will not be for some time, and it will obviously not be me."

"So is this your job?"

"Yes, not just here, but for other places like this. I travel all over the country, sometimes even overseas."

We shook hands, and she was about to leave, when she turned back to face me.

"I don't normally tell my clients this."

I had to smile, today I was the client.

"I look out for three things. Confidentiality is the most important one. You didn't tell me anything about Mrs. Henderson, that was good. The second one is asking for extra money. Management hate that, that's what happens in brothels, they like to think they are better than that. The last one is also important, do you give the clients what they want? Today was excellent, you gave me exactly what I wanted."

"Thanks for telling me."

"You are welcome."

"I am glad I passed. So if I had failed I would not have got the bonus?"

"Correct," then as she was closing the door, she added, "And you would now not have a job."

I had to sit down, my legs were shaking. I felt as if I had just dodged a bullet. One wrong word, or action, and I would now have been clearing out my locker. I took a few deep breaths, then I muttered to myself, "Pull yourself together."

Then I remembered the envelope. Once I had read the note that was inside, my mood changed. She had told me it was a big bonus, and it was. I now had a smile on my face that would stay there for the rest of the day. However it turned into a frown a few seconds later, when there was a knock on the door. I didn't have another client, so who was it? It was Anne from reception.

"Amy wants to see you."

"What's it about?"

She shrugged her shoulders, then she said, "I don't know."

I thanked her, then she left. After quickly showering, I made my way to Amy's office. With some trepidation I knocked on the door.


She was behind her desk, and she was smiling, but I was still wary.

"David, thanks for coming. Take a seat."

I sat in the chair as if I was being interviewed, and I mentally prepared myself for bad news.

"Two things," she then gestured to some papers on her desk, before adding, "The report on you is excellent. Well done."

I relaxed a bit, so far so good. I even managed a smile.

"The second matter is a bit delicate. I got a call earlier today from a new member, she wants a massage, but she also wants her sister in the room with her. Now normally we do not allow that, but in this case I have made an exception. I hope you don't mind."


I didn't have a problem with it, but even if I had, I would not have disagreed with her, she was the boss.

"I had quite a long conversation with her, and it quickly became apparent that she is coming here just for a massage. I believe that she genuinely thinks that is all that goes on here."

She then shook her head, as if she couldn't understand how somebody could be so naive.

"She wants her sister with her because this will be her first massage, she is nervous."

Amy shook her head again, then she gave me a big smile.

"I am sure I can rely on you to give her the massage she wants."

"I understand."

I did, in a polite way she was telling me not to say, or do, anything that was inappropriate. This client wanted just a massage, and I shouldn't try to give her any extras. I thought she had finished, and I was getting up from my seat, when she spoke again.

"There is one other thing, the two sisters have made an appointment for today," then she looked at the clock on the wall, "In forty five minutes. Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all."

"Good, thank you David."

When I was back in my room, I looked at the piece of paper again. I still couldn't believe how big the bonus was. For the next half hour I thought about all the ways I could spend it. Top of the list was a nice holiday, somewhere tropical, but there would be quite a bit left over for other things. As I relaxed in the chair, with my hands behind my head, I reflected on how good life was at the moment. All I needed was my Sister to come back for a 'massage', to make it perfect.

It was now time for the sisters. Would they be old, possibly spinsters that lived together, with a house full of cats? There was then a loud knock on the door

"Come in."

I thought I was going to have to say it again, but then they entered. They were not spinsters, and they did not live together. Only one of them had cats, two, Mork and Mindy. How did I know that? It was easy, they were my Mother and Aunty Jane.

I don't know who was the more surprised, them or me. My Mother was the first to speak.

"David, what are you doing here?"

Aunty Jane gave her a dismissive look, then she said, "It's obvious, he works here."

"You never told me about this."

"Sorry," it was the only thing I could think of saying.

"I do like this place. I wasn't keen to come with your Mother, but now I have seen it I might become a member. You have done well to get a job here."

That surprised me, my Aunty Jane praising me. Was it a first?

I looked at both of them in turn, then I said, "What happens now?"

I got a puzzled look from Aunty, then she pointed to the table.

"You massage your Mother, I want to see how good you are."

I left them alone, with instructions to call me when ready. The massage oil was running low, so I needed to get the spare bottle from my locker. However, I had an uneasy feeling that I might have already used it, but fortunately I hadn't. It was tucked away in a corner. Aunty Jane would not have been impressed if I had run out of oil during the massage.

"David, we are ready now."

When I saw her I almost laughed. Mother was on the table, but the only parts of her I could see were her head and her feet. She was covered by two large towels. When I looked at Aunty, who was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room, she rolled her eyes.

I muttered under my breath, "This is going to be hard work."

Aunty Jane must have heard me, because she nodded, then she said, "I did tell her to only use one."

"What did you say?"

"Your Sister thinks that you have to take one of the towels off. If you don't, I can't massage you."

"If I do I will be almost naked."

Through gritted teeth, Aunty said, "Elizabeth, you have your bra and knickers on."

"That's what I said, almost naked."

Aunty Jane then gave a big sigh, she had obviously given up. It was now up to me. With a bit of coaxing, I got her to remove the top one so that I could now massage her back.

"That's too hard."

I reduced the pressure.

"It's still too hard."

I glanced at Aunty, she shook her head, then she looked at the clock on the wall. She didn't have to say anything, I could tell she was now regretting that she had agreed to accompany her Sister to Hilltop Mansion.

My touch was now so soft on her, it was almost non-existent. I continued on her back for ten minutes, then I decided I needed to change, she might let me do her legs harder. However as soon as I touched her feet, she tensed.

"Thanks, I think that is enough for me."

Aunty Jane looked annoyed.

"What a waste of money, just for a ten minute massage. If you can call it a massage."

I wasn't annoyed, I was just glad it was all over. Mother then turned over, and was now sitting up on the table, her arms folded across her chest, and the towel covering her lower body.

"I think it was a mistake, I am going to cancel my membership," she then looked at me, with a worried look on her face, before adding, "If I can."

"You can, but you will have to pay for one month."

"That's a relief, but it's a lot of money for ten minutes."

There was a quick, "Yes," from Aunty Jane, and another shake of her head.

"I will get dressed and then we can go."


We both looked at Aunty, she was smiling.

"It's my turn."

I blurted out, "But you are not a member."

She gave me a withering look, then she said, "Nobody will know, and there is some time left."

I hesitated for a few seconds, then I said, "OK."

I could tell she wasn't going to take no for an answer. I was about to leave when she spoke again.

"You can stay, just turn your back while we get ready."

I did as I was told. It didn't take them long. They had swapped places, Mother was now on the chair, and Aunty was on the table. She was on her back, with just one towel. It was low on her naked breasts, and it was only just covering her lower body. There was a lot of leg exposed. Mother had kept all her underwear on, but Aunty had removed her bra. Had she also taken her knickers off? I felt a sudden shudder of excitement as I thought about that.

"David I am ready."

I tried not to look at her breasts as I massaged her shoulders, but I couldn't resist occasionally glancing down at them. Aunty was only forty, five years younger than my Mother, and she was an attractive woman. It wasn't just her face, she had a body to match. She was an older version of my Sister, but with bigger tits. Did she have Gemma's clit? That was a mistake, I felt my cock start to stiffen, but fortunately my back was towards Mother, so she couldn't see the stirring in my shorts. I tried to ignore it, and a minute later I had it under control.

"That's good."

When I looked down, I realised my hands were lower than they should be, they were massaging the top of her tits. I must have been on autopilot while I was sorting my cock out.

I muttered a quick, "Sorry," then I moved them back to her shoulders. Then I realised she hadn't complained, she had even said that it was good. This time when my hands were on her tits, it was deliberate. I glanced behind, it was OK, Mother couldn't see what I was doing. Even if she could, I don't think she would have noticed, she was too busy playing with her phone.

This time my cock got its own way, it was now fully erect, but held in by the waist band of my shorts, and covered by my baggy T-shirt. My hands were now dangerously close to her nipples, I had even pushed the towel lower. Her eyes were now closed, and her lips were slightly parted, she was obviously enjoying it. However a few minutes later she opened her eyes, then, as she pulled the towel up, I removed my hands.

"Elizabeth, you can go home if you want."

There was a quick shake of the head from Mother, then she got back to doing something on her phone. I thought she was going to ask again, but instead she looked at me, and I instantly knew what she wanted. It was my turn to try to persuade her to go.


I waited until I had her attention.

"Aunty Jane is right, there is no need for you to be here."

"OK, but I will stay if you want."

We both said, "No", at the same time.

Mother tried to look as if she was offended, but she couldn't help smiling. Two minutes later, after kissing me on the cheek, she left.

"I am glad she has gone, you can now give me a proper massage."

She then closed her eyes. This time my hands went straight to her big tits, when she moaned, I knew it was time to remove the towel.

Now that it was on the floor, I could have good look at her body. She was lean and toned, in good shape for a woman of her age. Her nipples were already erect, and they were a nice size for sucking. What was between her legs was still a mystery, because she had her knickers on. They could stay on for now, but eventually they would be off, and I would then be able to see her cunt in all its glory.

I started on the edge of her tits, then I slowly worked my way towards her nipples. I took my time, even though I could tell she was getting impatient. The closer I got the more she moaned. When I finally had them between my fingers, she gave a long sigh.

"That's good."

"Your tits are magnificent," then I added, "I have always admired them, but I never thought I would ever get to touch them."

She then opened her eyes, and I got a big smile from her before she said, "You can suck them if you want."

She didn't have to ask twice. My mouth was now on a nipple, and she was stroking my head, as if I was a child feeding at her breast.


I was being too rough. When I eased off, she pushed my head away. I thought she wanted me to stop, but then I realised you wanted me to service the other nipple. After another couple of minutes, she did the same again. We then kept swapping, until eventually she pushed my head away, and held it.

"That's enough for me."

I looked at her, and she must have seen the disappointment on my face, because she laughed.

"I meant enough of playing with my tits," then in a seductive voice she said, "I do have another part of my body you might be interested in."

I played along with her little game.

"And what would that be?"

I watched as she opened her legs, placing her hand between them, and then into her knickers.

"This is to give you a clue."

She then offered me her fingers so that I could taste her juices. I licked them clean.

I murmured, "Delicious, just like Gemma."

"What did you say?"

If I had stayed calm I would have got away with it. There are lots of woman other than my Sister who have that name, but I could tell from the way Aunty Jane was looking at me, that she knew I was referring to her Niece.

What happened next surprised me, she gave me a big smile.

"Don't look so shocked. Did you think your Aunty was going to shout at you? What do you think me and you are getting up to here?"

I could start breathing again.

"But don't ever tell your Mother, it will give her a heart attack."

She then took her knickers off, and spread her legs as wide as she could.

"Now don't you think it's time you fingered me? And while you are doing it, you can tell me all about you and your Sister."

Her cunt was very wet, it took three fingers without any problems. As soon as I started to fuck her with them, she got excited. She got even more excited when I put a finger from my other hand onto her big clit. As I rubbed it I talked about Gemma.

"So her clit is as big as mine?"

"Yes, it might even be bigger."

The more I talked, the more she moaned. Eventually it was too much for her, she exploded against my fingers. Her legs clamped tight, and my fingers were trapped inside, until her climax was over.

After opening her eyes, she stretched her arms high into the air, it looked as if she had just come out of a deep sleep. Then she looked at my crotch.

"Thank you, now it is your turn."

I glanced at the clock, we were already fifteen minutes over time. She must have noticed how anxious I was.

"I gather we have run out of time."


"Then I will not make it worse, I will shower when I get home."

She then looked at my crotch again, before saying, "Your cock will have to take a rain check."

I blurted out, "But you are not a member."

"That's correct, but I will be tomorrow."

In less than five minutes she was ready to leave. As I opened the door for her, she stopped, and I then got a kiss on the cheek.

"Remember, not a word about this to my Sister," then she gave a brief laugh, before adding, "Or to Gemma."

As I closed the door, her parting words made me smile, "See you next week."

I slumped into the chair, what a day. I had got a large bonus, that was completely unexpected, and then I got another surprise, Mother and Aunty Jane coming to Hilltop Mansion. I was glad that this was my last shift for the week, I don't think I could take any more excitement.

Then next day I got a call from Gemma.

I quickly asked, "Is Peter going away?"

I heard her sigh, before saying, "No."

"You can still come for a massage."

"I would like to, but it wouldn't feel right with him still being around. Does that make sense?"

"I think I know what you mean."

I didn't really understand, but I also didn't want to argue with her.

"I am calling to see what happened with Mother and Aunty Jane. They told me they were going to Hilltop Mansion."

I told her, in detail, about Mother. She couldn't stop laughing. When I got to Aunty Jane I played it down, and from her reaction I could tell she didn't suspect anything.

"Do you think Aunty will become a member?"

"She might do."

"If she does, you need to be careful. If you try any funny business with her, you know what she will do?"

I did know, she would take her knickers off and open her legs, so that I could get access to her juicy cunt. But I kept my mouth shut.

"She will have a heart attack," then she laughed, she was still laughing when she ended the call.

At the weekend, I spent some of my bonus on new clothes. I also bought two technical manuals that I use on the computer course I am on. I have been borrowing them from the library, but now I have my own to keep. The course ends in two months, I need to decide what to do next. Hilltop Mansion gives me enough money to live on, but I really need to get a 'proper' job, but one that still allows me to continue working there as well, for two evenings a week.

My first shift back at work was a busy one, three clients. They were all regulars. Mrs. Woods was the first one, and she was on time. However when I opened the door, it was Angela from reception.

"I am very sorry, Mrs. Woods has just cancelled."

I muttered under my breath, "Again."

She looked worried, as if I was blaming her. I gave her a nice smile, before saying, "Don't worry we are used to this. She does it a lot."

She looked relieved. When she had gone I sat back down in the chair, I now had an hour to kill before the next client. My thoughts then turned to Angela, she had only worked here a week, so she was bit nervous. She was very pretty, and had I ever seen anybody with a better figure than her? Probably not, I must ask her out.

This time, when there was a knock on the door, it was the client, Mrs. Green.

Glancing at the clock, she said, "I hope I am not late."

"No, you are on time."

"Good, being late is so rude."

I muttered, "It's better than cancelling."

She didn't appear to hear me. Five minutes later I was massaging her. She is such a polite lady. When she wants me to do anything she asks, rather than commands.

"David, if it's not too much trouble will you please massage my breasts? But only if you want to."

However, all that goes out of the window when she approaches her climax.

"Fuck my cunt, harder. I am going to come, don't stop. Fuck, fuck ..."

Afterwards, we both pretend she hasn't said anything. She is such a nice lady, one of my favourites.

Today was the same, when she climaxed she was like a wild animal. After dressing, she handed me an envelope. I knew it would only contain a small tip, but I thanked her, and hugged her, as if it was a very generous amount. When I released her, I noticed a tear on her cheek, I wiped it away with a finger. She was now trying to smile, but it was wavering.

"David, I want to tell you something," she was hesitant, then she added, "I can't come and see you anymore."

She was now looking down at the floor. I reached out and hugged her again.

"I have met somebody."

I put a hand under her chin, then I raised her head so that our eyes met.

"That's good news. Very good news."

I was genuinely pleased for her.

"He is such a gentleman," then she smiled before continuing, "But he is nothing like you. He is sixty, bald, and chubby. However, he does satisfy me, even though he isn't built like you."

"I understand."

"I do love him, I hope you are not annoyed that I will not be coming here again."

"Of course not, I have never liked you."

That made her laugh, I had said it so that she knew I was only joking.

"But if you ever change your mind, I will be very pleased to see you."

As she was leaving, she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. This time her tip was generous. Would I ever see her again? She had said no, but I wasn't so sure. She might love this new man in her life, but he wasn't a twenty two year old with an eight inch cock.

The final client of the day was Ms. Haywood. I have only seen her once before. As I waited I thought about that previous encounter. She was in her mid-fifties, and despite being well dressed, not particularly attractive. However, once aroused, she was highly sexual. I was looking forward to seeing her again. She was five minutes late.

"Sorry David, I was late because I was having my hair done."

"Not a problem, please get ready."

I didn't spend a lot of time on her tits. They are small, with almost non-existent nipples, what she had between her legs was a lot better. It gets interesting when I got her knickers off.

I was now sucking on her large swollen lips, and licking her clit. Last time she had climaxed after ten or fifteen minutes, this time I wanted it to be longer. I kept her on the edge, going close, but not tipping her over. After twenty minutes she begged me to make her come. I teased her for another five minutes before giving her release. As before, her tip was modest, but I didn't mind. She had enjoyed it, and I had as well.

When I got in work the next day, I was eager to see my client list. The masseurs only get to see it on the day, even if a client has booked days, or weeks, in advance. Amy says it is to keep things as private as possible. I think it's silly, but she is the boss, so I am not going to argue with her.

Mrs. Jones, Ms. H Parry and Mrs. J Walker.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Parry, because I thought it was my Sister, but then I noticed H, so it wasn't Gemma. But I did smile when I saw Walker, that was my Aunty Jane.

"Angela, do you have a first name for Jones?"

I watched her check, she seemed eager to please me.

"Sorry, that's all I have."

I thanked her, then I decided it was time to ask her out.

"Angela, I was just wondering. Would you like to have a drink with me sometime?"

She seemed surprised, and I could tell it was going to be a no.

"Sorry David, I thought everybody knew I was gay."

"Not everybody."

We both laughed, then she said, "Don't you get enough working here?"

I shrugged my shoulders, before saying, "Yes, but I am greedy."

That made her laugh again.

Back in my room, I waited for Mrs. Jones. She was a new client, so what would she be like? That was always a pure guess. But what did she want? That was easy, what she was not getting at home. When the door opened I was almost lost for words, but then I manged to speak.

"Rachel, what are you doing here?"

She offered me her hand, then she said, "Shouldn't you call me Mrs. Jones?"

I muttered a quick, "Sorry."

She then laughed, before saying, "You look worried, don't be. I am here as a client, I am not here to test you again."


"Because you do a good job, you get a bonus. My reward is also money, but sometimes they also give me a little extra. This is not costing me anything, and they have also given me a tip for you as well."

I scrutinised her face, she appeared to be telling the truth, but I would bet money that her real name wasn't Jones.

I left her to get ready. Five minutes later, when I returned, I stopped dead in my tracks. I had expected her to be on the table, lying on her back, but instead she was on all fours, her bottom sticking up in the air.

"I should have said, I am short of time. I have a plane to catch, so you need to get that big cock of yours into my cunt as soon as possible."

"I thought you didn't..."

She finished it off for me, "Be unfaithful to my husband," then she added, "I don't normally do this, but I can't stop thinking about your cock. He is not going to know."

I didn't really need any convincing, I was already removing my shorts. Her cunt looked so inviting, it would be rude to turn it down.

I was now deep into her, and she was moaning like a bitch. For a big woman she was very flexible. Her bottom was high, but her stomach was low on the table. I was holding her hips as I pounded into her. It didn't take long before she climaxed. I hadn't, but I wasn't bothered, with a bit of luck I would be coming into my Aunty later on.

She didn't bother showering, and five minutes later she was gone, leaving me with an envelope in my hand. This time it did contain money, a modest amount, but still worth having. It was a nice start to the day.

Ms. Parry was next, and this time she was a new client. I am normally quite tolerant, but she was hard work. She was sour-faced, complaining about everything. The table was too hard, I was too rough with the massage, the lighting in the room was too bright. The only time she shut up was when I started to finger her. Normally I try to make it last, but this time I wanted to end it as soon as possible. She climaxed within a couple of minutes.

Grudgingly she said, "That was quite good," but she then spoiled it by saying, "But I have had better."

She took her time showering, and when she left her parting words were, "I hope you are not expecting a tip."

Through gritted teeth, I gave her my best smile. What an awful woman, she would test the patience of a saint. Then I cheered up, the next client was my Aunty.

When she arrived she was ten minutes late.

"Sorry David, your Mother wanted to come with me. It took some time to persuade her not to."

I didn't say anything, we both knew that Mother being here would have spoiled things. I was about to leave, to let her get undressed, when she looked at me and said, "Please stay."

She then undressed slowly, it was almost a striptease. When she was naked she twirled around.

In a girly voice she said, "Do you like what you see?"

I nodded furiously, I was highly excited even though I hadn't touched her yet.

"Good, now let me see what you have."

I didn't have the patience she had, my T-shirt and shorts were quickly off. When my cock extended to its full length, she stared at it, open-mouthed.

She muttered, "You fucked Gemma with it? It's no wonder she came back for more."

I repeated what she had asked me, "Do you like what you see?"

In a low voice, she just said, "Yes," then she shook her head, as if she couldn't believe how big it was.

"Would you like me to put it in your mouth?"

"Yes," then she quickly said, "No. There is another place that wants it first."

She then got onto the table.

"Would you like me to start by massaging your shoulders?"

She looked horrified, "No, I want you to play with my tits. And please do it now."

I sucked hard on one nipple, the other one I pinched with my fingers. After a minute or so I switched nipples, I wanted them to get equal attention. After a few minutes she grabbed my hand, trying to force it between her legs. I resisted.

"You need to finger me.

"Yes, but not now."

She gave a long sigh, she sounded frustrated, but she was going to have to wait. It wasn't long before she tried again.

"Please, if you don't then I will do it myself."

"If you do, I am not going to fuck you."

She muttered something, it sounded like, "You're a bastard," but she didn't try to finger herself.

Of course I was going to fuck her, no matter what she did, but she wasn't prepared to risk it. Two minutes later I relented. When my finger touched her cunt she arched her back.

"Thank you, thank you."

I was tempted to say, "You're welcome," but I kept quiet. Instead I probed for her opening, and when I found it I pushed two fingers in, as deep as they would go.

I was now servicing her tits and her cunt. My cock was twitching, eager to join in. As I slowly moved my fingers in and out of her, I searched for her big clit with my other hand. When I found it, I rubbed it with two fingers. For a clit that size one is not enough.

"Fuck, go easy. I don't want to come yet."

I eased off, when she eventually climaxes, I want it to be in fifteen or twenty minutes, not now. I was happy to do this for as long as possible, but after a couple of minutes she wanted to change.

"Please get your tongue on my cunt."

I had teased her enough before, if I did it again it might spoil it for her, so I quickly moved my head between her legs. When I pushed my tongue into her opening she squirmed. I could feel her juices coat my mouth and chin. She did taste like Gemma, and she had the same strong smell. Then I had a sudden thought, was Mother's cunt the same, and did she have a big clit as well? One day I might find out, that sent a shudder of excitement through my body.

She liked my tongue in her opening, but she liked it even more when it moved to her clit. I thought I had ruined it with the first lick, because it almost took her over the edge. The second one was gentler. I then continued with slow soft licks, and each time I did it, she gave a low appreciative moan. I could tell her climax was building, and mine was as well, even though my cock wasn't getting any attention. If we didn't fuck soon it would be too late. I raised my head.

"I need to enter you. Do you want it like this, or bent over?"

"No, I want it on my side, with you behind me."

As I got onto the table she lifted her leg up. It took me a few seconds to get positioned at her opening. I quickly pushed the head in, then I slowly gave it to her, inch by inch. When it went in she moaned, getting louder as it progressed. When it was fully in she sighed.

"It's big cock, a fucking big cock."

I held onto her bottom, spreading her cheeks apart as much as I could, then I started to fuck her, shallow at first, then full strokes.

"It's good. I like it this way. The first time I had sex was in this position. I was sleeping when somebody came into my room. They got into bed with me. I was woken up by a cock being pushed into me."

I pushed deeper into her, and she moaned loudly.

"It was very naughty, but I liked it."

I was now fucking her hard, using the full length of my big cock. She wasn't naming him, but I would guess it was one of her three older brothers. That might be why she wasn't surprised that Gemma and I had fucked.

My balls were now slapping against her bottom, and I don't think she was capable of telling me more even if she had wanted to. She was seconds away from reaching it, and I could feel my sap rising.

"Fuck me hard Brother."

I did, and that took her over the edge. Her cunt contracting finished me of as well. I thought my cock would never stop pouring it into her. She was now making strange noises. A minute later she went silent, and I then pulled my limp cock out of her. So it was one of her brothers, but which one? I wasn't going to ask, but I had a feeling she would tell me. Eventually she came round.

"That was good, but I never got to suck your cock."

"There is always next time."

I got a quick, "Yes," from her. Good, so now I had something to look forward to.

She spent ten minutes in the shower, and I could hear her singing, if you can call it that. Had anybody ever told her that she couldn't sing? Somebody needed to, but it wasn't going to be me.

"I needed that."

"The shower?"

She smiled, "Yes, and the sex as well. That was really good."

"That's my job, to keep my clients happy."

She gave me a stern look, before saying, "No, your job now is to keep your Aunty happy."

Then she laughed.

I didn't get a tip. I hadn't expected one. If she had offered, I would have refused, she was well off, but not as well off as Gemma.

"I had better go, I am meeting Hillary Henderson," then she added, "I will tell her all about this. But don't worry, I will not be telling her you are my nephew."

I just nodded. So she now knew Mrs. Henderson, probably through Mother.

"I am going to book for next week."

"I can't wait."

She looked pleased with what I had said. I then opened the door for her, but she turned round as I was about to close it.

"I bet you are wondering which Brother it was?"

She didn't wait for me to reply.

"It was all of them, they took turns."

I shook my head as I watched her walk down the corridor. I hadn't expected her to say that.

The following week went quickly, because I spent a lot of time revising for my exams. I needed to pass them, if I didn't, then I would not graduate. I was happy when it came time to go back to work, it would give me a break from studying.

"Hi Angela, who do I have today."

"Ms. Parry."

"Gemma or sour-face?"

Angela tried not to laugh, then she said, "I think I know who you mean. Yes it's her."

"I hope there are more."

"Yes, Mrs. Woods."

I groaned.

Angela had not been here long, but she already knew about Mrs. Woods reputation

"And your last one is Mrs. Walker," then she laughed.

I looked puzzled.

"Don't you get it, J Walker? You know, crossing the road dangerously."

I smiled. And people say my jokes are bad.

This time it was Ms. Parry who cancelled. After Angela had informed me that

sour-face wasn't coming, I looked towards the heavens, then I said to myself, "Somebody up there likes me."

I then had a long wait for the elusive Mrs. Woods. I spent most of the time thinking about my Aunty Jane. She was obviously keen, I was expecting her tomorrow, not today. Eventually there was a knock on the door, it must be Angela, but it wasn't. It was Mrs. Woods.

"Nice to see you again David. It's a long time since I have been here."

It would have been a lot sooner, if she hadn't kept cancelling.

"I have been having some medical problems, but I am OK now."

She then gave me a nice smile, and I felt guilty for all the bad words I had said about her for cancelling. I would try to make it up to her. I didn't ask her what treatment she had received, but when I was massaging her, I could see a large scar across her stomach. It had healed, but I could tell it was recent. I tentatively ran my fingers over it.

"They had to cut some things out of me."

I just nodded, she deserved a big climax, and that was what she was going to get. Ten minutes later I gave it to her. I had warmed her up with three fingers, than I had added a fourth. My tongue on her clit had almost made her come, but it was bending her over and fucking her hard from behind, that had done the trick.

When she left she was so grateful, but I was still feeling guilty. Next time I will keep an open mind until I know all the facts.

This time Aunty Jane was on time. She greeted me with a big smile, then she twirled round.

"Do you like my new clothes," then she patted her head, "And my new hairstyle?"

"Yes, you look wonderful."

Her clothes were nice, but her haircut was really only suitable for a much younger woman. However I may only be twenty two, but I have learnt enough in my few short years, that when a woman asks for your opinion on how she looks, you always compliment them, no matter what you true feelings are.

"I would like to try something different today."

It sounded as if she was deciding what to eat.

"Would Madam like to pick something of the menu?"

"She giggled before saying, "You actually have a menu?"

"Don't be silly. But what would you like?"

I could tell she was thinking about it, then she said, "You choose."

That was a tricky one, she obviously wanted something unusual. I thought of a few things, but I instantly dismissed them, they were good, but she would have experienced them before. Then I had a brainwave.

"You have thought of something, haven't you? That is why you are smiling."

I nodded, I had, and I would bet my bonus that she had not done it before.

"I put my cock in your mouth, and you take as much of it as you can manage. Then when I climax you swallow."

She now had her hands on her hips, and from the look on her face, she was not impressed.

"There is more."

Now she looked interested.

"You remember the dildos I used on Gemma, the ones I told you about?"

Her eyes widened, then she nodded.

"While you suck my cock, both of them are going to be inside you. As you pleasure me I will be rubbing you clit. If we time it right we can both come together. Is that different enough for you?"

She was looking a bit apprehensive, but then she nodded. It was a yes for now, but it wouldn't surprise me if it became a no, when she saw them. I left her to undress while I got them from my locker. When I returned, I had them behind my back.

I smiled as I said, "This is the one for your peachy bottom."

I held it up for her to see.

"No way, it's too big."

"It's only six inches."

"I mean it's too thick."

It was quite thick, but I might still be able to persuade her.

"It's tapered, so it will go in. Gemma managed it."

I held my breath, waiting for her to decide.

"I suppose I can try."

Good girl, now for the second one. I thought it was going to shock her as well, but instead she laughed.

"Look at the size of those balls."

"It's a big dildo, but if you ignore those oversized balls, it's smaller than my cock, so you will be able to take it."

"OK, but if you trying pushing the balls in as well, I will freak out."

I shook my head, then I had a wicked thought. I should introduce the dildo to Mrs. Henderson. She has a very big cunt. I bet she could take all of it, including the balls.

In order to get the first one in, I made her get onto all fours. It was tapered, and well lubricated, but it was still proving difficult. When it was eventually in she gave a long sigh.

"You did this to Gemma?"

"Yes, and she loved it."

That was true, but it had taken her a while to get used to it.

"Turn over, it's time for Mr. Big Balls."

She giggled, but then she stopped when I started to push it in.

"Stop I don't think I can take it."

The one in her bottom must be pushing hard against her cunt, restricting the space.

"It's nearly in, just another inch."

That calmed her, but I had lied, there was still at least four inches left. As I pushed again she held her breath.


I did, but this time there really was only one inch left. Both holes were now well filled. She then moved onto her side. When she raised her leg up, her big clit was clearly visible. What she had inside her seemed to be pushing it out more. It was begging to be played with.

I rolled it gently between two fingers, she purred with pleasure.

"Now that I have got used to it, I like it. I like it a lot."

As I rubbed it harder, I took the opportunity to push that inch in. This time she didn't seem to notice.

It was now time for me to join in. When I pushed my cock against her lips, she opened wide, only gagging when she had taken in six inches. She then bobbed her head, slowly at first, then faster as she got used to my cock.

"That's it, not too fast. I will let you know when I am about to come."

She didn't reply, she was a lady, and a lady never speaks when she has her mouth full. We now had a nice rhythm going, enough to keep us both excited, but not fast enough so that we would climax. Normally I can wait as long as the client wants, but this time, after ten minutes, I was the one who wanted to end it

"I am nearly there."

She responded by bobbing her head quicker, and I rewarded her by rubbing her clit faster. I thought it would be me first, but she beat me to it, but only by a few seconds. Mine was a nice climax, but I might have spoiled it for her. She was having to cope with what I was pouring into her mouth, while at the same time having an orgasm. From what was now on her face and chin, it looked as if she hadn't swallowed much. I waited for her decision.

"That was a big one, one of my best."

I was relieved, happy that she had enjoyed it. Then she winced,

"Now please get that monster out of my bottom, it's splitting me in two."

When it came out, it was accompanied by a large fart. I thought that was funny, but she was not amused. The one in her cunt came out easily, and I was hoping it would make a noise as well, but it slid out without making a sound.

"For the next week I think I will be walking like John Wayne."

I laughed, and she seemed surprised that I had understood her reference to an old film star, but films are my passion, especially westerns.

As I watched her dress, I wondered if Uncle Henry got as much pleasure from her body as I did. They seemed to be a very happy couple. This was probably just a bit of excitement for her, something to add a bit of spice to her life. As she was leaving she reached into her handbag.

"This is for you."

I thanked her as I took the envelope from her hand.

"It's not much, but..."

She left it at that.

I was now all emotional, and I responded by hugging her.

"I can't come for a while. We are going away on a cruise, a sort of second honeymoon."

I was pleased for her.

"How long?"

"Just over a month, but I will see you when I get back."

I hugged her again, before saying, "I will miss you."

"I doubt that, I think you will have other things on your mind."

I was puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"Gemma told me today that Peter is going away next Tuesday, and that he may be away for up to six weeks."

"Do you think she will come to see me?"

She laughed, then she said, "What do you think?"

She didn't wait for an answer before leaving.

First it was my Sister Gemma, then my Aunty Jane, and now Gemma was coming back. I do have the perfect job!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.