Different Sex Story

Chapter 77: David Enjoys his Perfect Job Ch. 04


When I arrived at Hilltop Mansion I was in a good mood. Last week had been hectic, but I had now recovered, and I was looking forward to working again. I got my usual big smile from Angela, but then she giggled. What was going on?

"Sorry David, I couldn't help it. Your first client is sour-face."

She was probably expecting me to groan, or even to swear, but I didn't react. She was now confused. I spent the next few minutes telling her about how good Ms. Parry had been last time.

After I had finished, she said, "A wolf is still a wolf, even when it doesn't eat your sheep."

I gave her a wry smile, Angela must have read my mind. Last time she had been polite and well mannered, but I wasn't convinced that she would be the same again.

"Your other one is," then she looked away to check the name, before saying, "Mrs. J. Walker."

I kept a straight face as I thanked her, then I left. As soon as my back was towards her a huge grin erupted. Gemma had said that Aunty Jane wasn't coming back until next week, but she was wrong. Aunty was back now, and she was my second client of the day.

I was smiling when Ms. Parry entered the room, but it disappeared when I saw her. There was a look on her face that said, 'Don't talk to me, I am not in a good mood.'

I smiled again, but this time it was forced, as I put my hand out towards her. She looked at it with disgust, then she shook it, but only briefly. This was going to be hard work. I then left her alone so that she could undress. When I returned she was face down on the table. That was good, I didn't have to look at her miserable face.

I started off by giving her back a gentle massage, but five minutes later I moved to her bottom. It was full and firm, one to be proud of. I was enjoying touching it, and despite her bad mood, she seemed to be enjoying it as well. After a few minutes she started wiggling her bottom, that was always a good sign.

"Play with my cunt."

When I pushed two fingers into her she grunted. There was room for more, so I added another.

"Fuck me with them."

There was still aggression in her voice, but I just ignored it. As I moved my fingers she moved her bottom. We now had a nice rhythm going, one that would ultimately end with her climaxing. However, ten minutes later we were still going, and she was no nearer to reaching it.

Rubbing her clit would do the trick, but I decided on something else. I was going to fuck her, and I was going to fuck her hard.

I quickly took my fingers out, then I said, "Turn over, I am going to fuck you."

"NO", then in a softer tone, she continued with, "Let me bend over instead."

I was OK with that.

I didn't waste any time entering her. When my balls slapped against her she moaned. Her cunt felt good, it was tight against my cock in all the right places. I was going to enjoy this.

I made sure she got the full eight inches with each stroke. As her breathing changed, I upped the pace, holding her hips firmly as I thrust deep into her.

"This is so good," then she grunted before adding, "Don't stop."

That made me smile, I never stop. She was now obviously in a better mood. Two minutes later I took her over the edge. As her cunt pulsed, it almost made me come as well. It took all of my self-control to resist. If I wasn't seeing my Aunty next then I would have given in. It had been a surprisingly good fuck, and I was already looking forward to seeing her again, even though that would mean having to put up with her bad temper.

I was now standing at the side of the table, waiting for her to recover. For the next minute or so she made some whimpering noises, then she slowly turned over. There was a big smile on her face, but it quickly disappeared. She now looked guilty.

"Sorry, I wasn't in the best of moods when I arrived," then as an explanation, she added, "Problems with my ex."

I nodded sympathetically, then I said, "I understand."

But really I didn't. It was him she had issues with, not me. However I would always do my best to put up with her nonsense, especially if the next fuck was going to be as good as this one.

When she left there wasn't a tip. That didn't surprise me, but what did, was her parting words.

"I forget to bring the envelope. Next time I will make it up to you."

I knew that the first part was a lie, but the second sounded genuine.

We had finished early, so I had a bit of time to kill. I took a leisurely shower, then I chatted with Angela for ten minutes. She asked about Ms. Parry. I just told her that she was in a good mood. I didn't say that she had started off miserable, and that it was only after a good fucking that she became sociable.

I was now back in my room waiting for Aunty Jane. When the knock came, my cock started to rise. I had to adjust it before I opened the door. When I saw who it was my heart sank. It was Angela, she must be here to tell me that Aunty had cancelled.

"Hi, just had a call. You have another client after your Aunty," then she looked at the slip of paper in her hand, before adding, "With Ms. Parkinson."

"Thanks Angela."

Then she left. I had been tempted to ask how she knew about my Aunty, but that was a conversation for another time. She hadn't made a fuss about it, so it was obviously not something that she had just discovered. Then I had a chilling thought, did all the staff at Hilltop Mansion know about Aunty, and also Gemma and Mother?

The next knock on the door was Aunty Jane. She greeted me with the biggest smile I had ever seen, then she hugged me so tight that I had difficulty breathing, but it felt good having her large breasts squashed against me.

She whispered into my ear, "I have missed you," then after releasing me, she gave me a stern look before saying, "We need to make up for lost time."

I just grinned, I was thinking the same thing, so was my cock. When she saw it bulging out of my shorts she giggled like a schoolgirl, that got it even harder.

I then moved nearer to her, and she thrust her chest out. It was obvious what she wanted me to do. However I ignored her tits, instead I just kissed her gently on her lips. She gasped as if I had kissed her between her legs, rather than her mouth. Then she surprised me by pushing me away.

"I can't wait any longer. You need to fuck me now."

My hands were quickly up her skirt. As I pulled her knickers down, that big smile returned. She knew what was coming, a good hard fuck from my big cock. When they were off, she surprised me again. She didn't get onto the table, instead she sat on the chair that was in the corner of the room. I watched as she hitched her skirt up, so that her lower body was exposed. She then put her legs over the chair arms. My first thought was that it must be uncomfortable for her, but she must be happy with it because it had been her choice.

As I undressed, I took the opportunity to stare at her cunt, to remind myself of the beauty of it. Her clit was hidden behind her large lips, but it would push its way out when it started to swell. Big clits seemed to be a family trait, and hers was possibly the biggest of the lot.

"I am going to give that cunt the best licking it as ever had."

She shook her head, then said, "No, you can do that later, after you have fucked me."

When I parted her lips with my cock, so that I could get to her opening, she gasped. As I pushed into her she grunted, then she closed her eyes. I then lifted her legs higher, so that I could go deep into her. She responded by uttering a long low moan.

A minute later I was fucking her hard, and making as much noise as she was. She wasn't going to last long, but I might even beat her to it. I tried to hold back, to take the edge off it, but I couldn't. I was driven by the primeval urge to flood her cunt with my seed. I just hoped she would keep up with me.

I could now feel the sweat on my back. This was lasting a lot longer than I had expected, considering we were both highly excited. It was now even tilting towards hard work, rather than pleasure. Then thankfully, I heard her give a loud moan as her body started to go rigid. She was about to come.

When it came it was like a roller coaster ride. I just had to hang on, and keep fucking her the best I could, so that I would climax as well. Her body was arching and twisting. It was only when her orgasm was over, and she went still, that I managed to reach it. I grunted as my cock twitched. When I had finished, my balls felt as if they were completely drained.

We stayed on the chair for at least five minutes, nothing was said, but she did stroke my hair. I was happy to stay there longer, but she was the first to make a move. I got a gentle push on my head to tell me to get up.

Looking at my now shrivelled cock, she said, "Can you manage another go?"

With all the confidence of youth, I replied with a firm, "Yes," then I added, "But first you need to give me head."

She seemed to be thinking about it, then I got a wicked smile from her.

"OK, but you need to go down on me as well."

I thought about what I had just deposited into her. She must have seen the look on my face, because she laughed.

"How about..."

She cut me off with, "No, it's soixante-neuf or nothing."

I smiled, because that was such an elegant way of describing such a crude act. However, she took my smile as acceptance.

We were now both on the table, side by side. She had eagerly put my cock in her mouth, but I was just fingering her. She let me get away with it for a few seconds, then she pulled her head back. My cock plopped out.


It was said like my Mother does when she is angry with me.

I muttered, "Yes Aunty," that made her giggle.

This time when she took my cock into her mouth, I responded by putting my head between her legs. I went straight for her clit, and she purred with pleasure when I found it.

She was now swallowing at least six inches. It felt good, very good. I rewarded her by furiously licking and sucking on her big clit. All apprehension about tasting my own juices had now gone. To make it better for her I pushed a couple of fingers in. I could tell she liked that, and when I added a third, she almost climaxed.

We were now in a race to see who would reach it first. She was desperately trying to take all eight inches, but the last inch was making her gag. At the same time, I was trying to suck her clit, and all of her large lips into my mouth. We both failed, but it was ten out of ten for effort.

I climaxed first, and she greedily swallowed. Then, after pushing my cock out, she gave a high pitch moan as her orgasm consumed her.

When I got off the table my legs felt weak. She had drained me. Then a sudden thought hit me, there was another client after her, Ms. Parkinson. I hadn't seen her before. I just hoped she was old and frail, so that she didn't want much from me. If she wanted to be fucked, I might struggle to get an erection.

"David, what are you thinking about?"

She had caught me by surprise, but I knew instantly how best to answer her.

"Just how good that was."

She beamed, then with pride in her voice, she said, "Not bad for a woman in her forties."

"And not bad for a twenty two year old man."

That made her laugh, and I eagerly joined in. She then spent the next ten minutes telling me about her holiday. It had been good, but she was glad to be back. She didn't say, but I had a feeling that she wouldn't be going away on another holiday for a while. That suited me just fine.

I didn't get a tip, but I got a present. She handed it to me as she was leaving. I started opening it as soon as she had left. Inside the wrapping was a small jewellery box. It contained a simple gold chain, with a letter J attached. The letter looked to be made of jade with diamonds around the edge. Simple but classy, and obviously expensive. I was overwhelmed. For the next few minutes I kept looking at it, and smiling.

The hot shower had put back some life into me. I didn't feel as tired, and I was now actually looking forward to seeing the new client.

She was on time, but she wasn't a frail old lady. She was about my age, and she was a stunner. When she offered me her hand, I didn't know if she expected me to shake it or to kiss it. I decided to be bold. When I bent and kissed it, she giggled. Then I looked at her again.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Parkinson, but do I know you?"

She was now scrutinising me.

"Yes of course," then she chuckled, before adding, "We dated a few times."

Then I remembered. It was nearly three years ago. At the time I thought she was the love of my life. I had been devastated when she had ditched me after only a couple of weeks.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds, then I reached for her hand again. After shaking it I said, "Nice to meet you Carol."

She responded, by replying in a formal tone, "Nice to meet you David."

Then we both burst out laughing. We had broken the ice.

We spent the next few minutes catching up. She was now married, to an older man. She didn't say how old, but judging from the large rock on her finger, somebody who was also very wealthy. Good luck to her, it was what my Sister had done. I just hoped she was happy.

She was now on the table face down, and she was completely naked. When we had been going out I had been desperate to fuck her, but she had resisted. In our brief time together I had only managed to get her top off. Her breasts were nice, and I had enjoyed them, but I wanted more. She had stopped all of my attempts to get inside her knickers. Perhaps I had been too eager, and that had put her off.

I started on her back, doing long firm strokes. She was tense at first, but she soon relaxed. My hands were on her back, but my eyes were glued to her peachy bottom. It wobbled nicely as my hands moved up and down her body. For most new clients I take things slowly, not rushing into anything sexual. However, for Carol I just couldn't resist any longer.

When I put both hands onto her cheeks, and pushed down firmly, she gasped. I then quickly started to massage her bottom. I was doing circular movements. The aim being to open and close her cunt as I grinded it against the table.

If she was going to complain, she would do it soon. After another minute I smiled, all I was getting from her was low moaning. She was now mine, to do with whatever I wanted.

When I lifted her bottom up, she responded by getting up onto her knees. I didn't bother fingering her, I just rammed my cock in. From the noise she made when I was fully in her, I would guess she had never had a big cock before. She was in for a treat.

I didn't wait for her to get used to it before I started fucking her hard. All my tiredness had gone, I now had a new lease of life. That's what a tight young cunt can do for you.

After a few minutes of brutally fucking her, I felt the sap starting to rise. I needed to make her come, so I reached forward with a hand so that I could get to her clit. It was difficult to find. It wasn't a large bud like Aunty's, it was small and delicate. However it must be very sensitive, because when I started to rub it, her excitement increased dramatically. A few seconds later she climaxed.

"Fuck, it's a big one."

It certainly was, and it put paid to any chance of me having one, because as soon as it started she slumped onto the table. I stayed in her until she had finished. I then left her alone while I showered. When I returned, she had showered as well, and was just finishing dressing.

I got a nice smile from her, then she said, "David that was wonderful."

I just smiled back. It had been good, even though I had not climaxed. I do like my job, but it's not often that I get a nice young ripe cunt, and hers was one of the best. I just hoped that she had enjoyed it enough so that she would come back again.

As she was leaving, she looked hesitant. Then she spoke.

"I do love my husband."

I waited, I knew there would be more.

"But he has problems getting..."

I jumped in, so that she wouldn't have to continue, "I understand."

She looked relieved that she didn't have to spell it out. I then get a quick kiss on the cheek, as she discreetly placed an envelope into my hand.

I was now sitting in the chair, the envelope still in my hand. I felt sorry for her. I didn't know what problems her husband had, but they were serious enough that she had to come to me for satisfaction. I tried to be philosophical, his loss was my gain. Then I opened the envelope. Inside was an eye-watering amount, even more than Mrs. Henderson tips me. He might not be able to give her what she wants sexually, but he could certainly satisfy her financially.

I was still thinking about Carol as I drove home. She would definitely be back, and if I was any judge of character, it would be soon.

The next day I got to Hilltop Mansion a few minutes early, I wanted to speak to Angela. I needed to find out how she knew about Aunty Jane, and who else knew.

"Hi Angela."

"Good evening David, how may I help you."

Then she giggled, she had said it in her best telephone voice. I just shook my head, I wasn't in the mood for any of her silliness, but I did want to quiz her.

"Mrs. Walker from yesterday."

"What about her?"

"How did you know that she was my Aunty?"

She now looked at bit sheepish. I could tell she was thinking if she should tell me or not. I stood my ground, looking at her as I waited for an answer.

"I overheard Amy talking about it. She was in her room, speaking to somebody on the phone."

I had been in Amy's office enough times to know that the desk was well away from the door. So unless Amy was shouting, Angela must have had her ear to the door.

"Have you told anybody else?"

She now looked offended.

"Of course not," then she managed a slight giggle, before adding, "Your secret is safe with me."

I believed her. We then chatted for another five minutes, before I left to prepare the room for my first client, Mrs. Henderson.

It was always a pleasure to see Hillary, but while I waited for her, all my thoughts were about my second client, my Mother.

Mrs. Henderson was ten minutes late, and she was flustered.

"I am so sorry David, it was roadworks," then she added, "But that is no excuse."

It took a couple of minutes to calm her down. Then, while she was undressing, I had a thought. For a long time I had been meaning to introduce her to 'Mr. Big Balls', my ten inch dildo. Today was as good a day as any.

I managed to bring it into the room without her seeing it. I wanted to start normally, and then to surprise her with it later on.

As usual, I didn't spend a lot of time on her small tits. Her cunt was where the fun was. When I slipped three fingers into her she didn't react, but she did when I added a fourth. I got a low moan from her, that became louder when I started rubbing her clit. I now needed to be careful, she had a hair trigger. It has been known for her to climax within a minute of me playing with her cunt. I eased off, it was time to tell her what my plan was.

"Mrs. Henderson. I have a ten inch dildo, would you like to try it?"

Her eyes widened, and she nodded vigorously. When I showed it to her she gasped.

"Those balls are like my late husband's."

I found that hard to believe. She had told me before that he had a big cock, but the balls on this dildo were outrageous, almost comical.

Now that she had seen it, I could tell she was eager to try it. As I started pushing it into her, she looked excited.

Her big cunt was now filled with it. She had easily taken all the ten inches.

"David, please leave it there while you do your magic with your fingers."

I just smiled at her. Her wish was my command.

I wanted this to last, so my first touch was as gentle as possible. I then continued rubbing her clit. She managed to last for five or six minutes, possibly a record for her, before I finally made her come. It sounded like a good one, hopefully one she would remember for a long time.

I waited until she had recovered before extracting Mr. Big Balls. It came out without any problems, and it was now sticky with her juices.

"That was wonderful, you have an amazing dildo."

"And you have an amazing..."

She giggled before I could finish.

So another satisfied client, and another large tip. It had been highly enjoyable, and next up was Mother. I did have the perfect job.

She was ten minutes early. I was only just ready when she knocked on the door.

"Sorry, I was late so I rushed. Then I ended up being early. I hope you don't mind."

I just smiled, then I kissed her on the cheek. Not on the lips, that would have been inappropriate!

This time I didn't leave the room, I just turned my back on her as she undressed.

"I am ready now."

When I turned round, my jaw dropped. She was ready, but not for a massage. She was lying on her back, completely naked, and with her knees high and her legs wide. A perfect position for fucking. She had made it clear what she wanted, but while I had been with Mrs. Henderson, I had decided on something else for her.

When she closed her eyes, I quietly walked to the chair. The dildo was on it, hidden under a towel. When I got back to the end of the table I had it in my hand. I then put it down while I got undressed. Mother opened her eyes, but when she saw I was taking my clothes off she smiled, before closing them again. She hadn't seen Mr. Big Balls.

When I pushed the tip into her, she didn't react. Good, she thought it was my cock. I manged to get half of it in before she realised. Her eyes were now open, and her head was raised. There was a look on her face that was a mixture of shock and horror, but she didn't speak.

Casually, I said, "Just relax, and let me take care of you."

I stood there smiling, waiting to see what she would do next. I tried to make it look as if it was no big deal. For the next few seconds, she looked at what was between her legs, and then she sighed.

She was now lying down again, and her eyes were closed. I couldn't stop grinning as I slowly pushed the rest of it in. She now had ten inches of thick dildo deep up her cunt. After this, whatever my Father had between his legs was never going to be enough for her ever again.

I then moved to the side of the table. When I offered my cock to her mouth she accepted it willingly. She managed six inches before she started gagging. As she fellated me I started fucking her with the dildo. Short strokes at first, but then after a few minutes, the full ten inches.

I hadn't lubricated the dildo, but it still had Hillary's cunt juice on it, and it now had hers as well. It was now moving in and out of her like a well-oiled piston. It wouldn't be long before she exploded.

We continued like this for another five minutes, then she upped the pace. I took that as a sign that she was approaching her climax, so I hurried her along by fucking her faster with Mr. Big Balls.

I came first. When she got the first spurt, she jerked her head back, and the rest of it went onto her face. Then she moved her head again, but this time because she was climaxing. Her head rolled from side to side until it had ended. I slowly removed the dildo, but she didn't seem to notice. It was hot and sticky, and when I held it to my nose it smelt divine. Who doesn't love the smell of a nice juicy cunt?

Nothing was said about what we had just done. It was just a massage. However I did get a big hug from her as she was leaving, and her parting words sent a shiver down my spine.

"Thank you David. See you next week."

It had been a good day, and it was going to get better. I had made arrangements to see Victoria again. We were going for a drink, but we both knew it would end up with us being in bed together. That first fuck at Hillary Henderson's party had been enjoyable, and I was keen to repeat it, but I had a feeling that there was going to be more to this relationship than just sex. I liked her, and I could tell that she felt the same about me.

When I woke the next day, I knew I was in love. Last night with Victoria had been all I had hoped for. Hot sex, then a meeting of minds. We had talked until the early hours.

When it was time to go back to Hilltop Mansion, I had slept with Victoria another three times, each one better than the last. I was seeing her again tonight after work, so I needed to keep something in reserve.

"Hi Angela, who do I have today?"

"Just one, somebody called Jameson. That's all I have on her."

I was about to leave, but it looked as if Angela was going to say something, so I waited, but she didn't speak.

"Anything else?"

She hesitated, before saying, "No."

I smiled at her, then I left. There was something she wanted to say, perhaps she would tell me later on.

Jameson turned out to be Iris, one of the ladies at Mrs. Henderson's party. I had massaged her that night, and she had now come back for more. If I remembered correctly, she was in her early seventies, but she didn't look it. Without any prior knowledge you would say that she was no older than sixty.

She didn't immediately undress, instead she sat on the chair, and we talked about the party. Not about what had happened when we were alone, but about how good it had been. Nice food, even better wine, and interesting guests. What more do you want from a party?

When she did eventually undress, she took her time. She didn't ask me to leave, and I think she enjoyed me watching her as she took her clothes off. When she got to her underwear, she stopped.

"David, will you please take these off for me."

After unhooking her bra, I held the cups under my hands, before taking it off. Her breasts were firm and heavy. Whoever had enhanced them had done an amazing job. I only knew they were false, because a woman in her seventies doesn't have breasts like these.

Her knickers were soft and silky, obviously expensive. Before pulling them down, I stroked her bottom, enjoying the firmness of it. When I had them down to her ankles, she stepped out of them.

I helped her onto the table. She was now on her back, ready for the massage to start. For the next thirty minutes it was just that. A nice firm massage to work her muscles. It got more interesting though when I touched her tits, especially the nipples. Last time I had swiftly moved onto her cunt, this time I was more patient. It was another ten minutes before my hands and mouth left her tits.

When my fingers found her cunt, she gave a deep moan. I quickly squeezed three of them into her, then I put my thumb on her clit. Last time she had climaxed before we could fuck, this time I was going to make sure that didn't happen again. I then rubbed it gently, not too hard, just enough to get her juices flowing.

She was now so wet that she was leaking onto the table. Time to fuck her. I didn't lift her legs very high, just enough so that I could push into her.

I was now up to my balls in her, and she was surprisingly tight, especially for her age. Had she had some work done down there as well? I didn't care, all that mattered to me was that it felt good.

Five minutes later it got even better, my climax was building and I knew it was going to be a good one. She must be close as well. However she lasted another couple of minutes before she got to the boil.

"Fuck me harder."

Then she reached it, without any extra effort from me. Her cunt was so wet it took me another thirty seconds before I climaxed, and it was a good one. I was still spurting into her when she spoke.

"Thank you David, that was just what I needed," then she giggled when she realised I hadn't finished yet.

After showering I helped her to dress. It felt very intimate doing it for her. I got a nice tip from her as well. Only one client for the day, but I couldn't complain. I had enjoyed it, and I was seeing Victoria again tonight.

I took my time showering, I had plenty of time before I had to meet Victoria. When I got back to the massage room there was a note on the table.

'** URGENT ** Amy wants to see you. Love Angela xxx'.

I went straight to her office.

"Thank you David, this won't take long. I hope you don't need to leave now, because you have another client."

"No, I can stay."

It would make me ten to fifteen minutes late for Victoria. Not ideal, but also not a problem.

"There is going to be a bit of a wait. They will be here in two hours."

I wished she had told me that before I had agreed to stay. I wasn't happy but I forced a smile.

"Can I ask who they are, and why so late?"

I got a curt "No," from her, and a look that said 'Don't ask any more questions'.

On my way back I stopped off to see Angela. Before I could say anything, she put her hands up, then she said, "Please don't ask."

So she did know something, but it wasn't fair to try and force it out of her. She was a good friend, and she would tell me if she could.

"It's OK, I understand."

She looked relieved that I wasn't annoyed with her.

I was now back in my room, with two hours to kill. The first thing I did was call Victoria. I expected some grief from her, but she was very understanding. Like me she was curious, why the big mystery?

Fortunately I had a book with me, the latest bestseller, but I was well into it. When I had finished it there was still half an hour to go. There was nothing to do now but sit and wait. Then I dozed off. I don't know how long I slept, but I was woken up by a knock on the door. Before I could reply, it was opened. Two big burley men entered, wearing suits. A young woman followed behind. She was dressed as a nurse.

One of the men smiled at me, before saying, "Don't mind us. We just need to check some things."

I was now wide awake. What was going on? I watched in fascination while they looked around the room. One of the men had some sort of electrical gadget in his hand. He kept waving it about, eventually he stopped, and he seemed happy with the results, because he was smiling.

"We need to move the chair," she then pointed to where she wanted it to go.

It was quickly moved for her by, 'Gadget Man'. As they left, the men didn't say anything, but the woman did.

"Thank you. I will be back in a few minutes."

Was she my client? Was she even a real nurse? I just shook my head, I had no idea what was going on.

Five minutes later there was another knock on the door.

I shouted, "Come in."

This time the door was opened by a different man, but he was as well dressed, and as big, as the other two had been. He then kept the door open, so that the woman who I had seen before, could push a wheelchair in. Seated in it was an old man, and he looked more dead than alive. I had been so busy looking at him, that I didn't notice another woman enter the room, until she spoke.

"You must be David. It's nice to meet you, please call me Julie," then she waved in the direction of the man in the wheelchair, before adding, "And this is my husband."

I greeted both of them with, "Hello."

The man then left us, but I would bet money he hadn't gone further than the other side of the door. He was a bodyguard. Julie then took me to one side, and I bent my head so that she could speak to me quietly.

"This is a delicate matter. Don't be fooled by my husband. His body might be a wreck, but his mind is still as sharp as a knife. I am here so that you can massage me, and he is here to watch."

She looked at me to see if I had a problem with that. I was going to have to fuck her with her husband and the nurse in the room. I was confident I could do it, and what she saw in my face must have assured her, because she continued.

"My husband is a very private person, hence all the security. I apologise for the late hour, but we wanted the place to ourselves. Do you have any questions?"

I wanted to impress her by thinking of one, but she had explained it so well that there was nothing else I needed to know.

"There is one other thing. My husband is very, very wealthy. He owns Hilltop Mansion. It's only one of his numerous investments. With great wealth always comes great power. We were never here. Do you understand?"

I gulped before saying, "Yes," this was getting heavy.

"Good, I have been told that you can be trusted."

I stayed in the room as she undressed. She was now lying on the table, face down and naked. As I poured oil onto my hands I looked at her body. I had guessed her age as mid-thirties, but now, without her clothes, I changed it to forty. She was a small woman, not much more than five feet tall, and with a slim build. But she was curvy in all the right places. She obviously kept herself in shape, and I could see why a rich man had married her. If he had done that twenty years ago then he would have been a lucky man. In her early twenties she would have been a stunner. Even now she would still turn heads, and I was being paid to fuck her. Does anybody have a better job than me?

I wasn't sure if she was here just for the sex, or if she also wanted a massage. For the first time with a new client it's always best to start with a massage, and continue until you get some indication that they want something else. It was thirty minutes before that happened.

"Thank you David."

Then she turned over. It took her a few seconds to get comfortable, but when she had finished moving, it was clear to me what she wanted. Her legs were now slightly apart, hinting at what was between them, and her hands were under her breasts, pushing them slightly up. She was inviting me to play with them.

When I touched her tits, she moved her hands away, and then, after glancing at her husband to make sure he was watching, she closed her eyes. I had to be careful, this wasn't just about pleasuring her, I also needed to make sure he had a clear view of what was going on.

As I sucked hard on her nipple she moaned loudly, but I could also hear some noise coming from her husband. I tried to ignore him as I concentrated on her. Each time I switched, she arched her back so that her nipple could get into my mouth quicker. I was enjoying it, and at times I even forgot I had an audience.

I spent ten wonderful minutes doing nothing but sucking on her, then she pushed gently on my head. Good, I was ready for a change as well.

When my hand went between her legs, she opened wide for me. I teased her opening with just the tips of two fingers. When she started pushing against them, I squeezed them deep into her, up to the knuckles. That got a deep satisfying groan from her. I looked across at her husband, his face was still impassive, but his eyes were fixed on her cunt. Then I noticed the nurse, she was standing behind the wheelchair looking in the same direction as her patient, but there was a strange look on her face. I couldn't tell if she was disgusted with what was happening, or if she wished it was happening to her rather than to her employer. It was unsettling, and I wished I hadn't looked at her.

A minute later I had forgotten all about it. My full attention was now on Julie's cunt. I now had three fingers up her, and another two from my other hand were on her clit. If I didn't concentrate she would climax before I could got to fuck her.

"Please, I need you inside me."

I was, but with my fingers. She was letting me know that she wanted my cock instead. With hindsight I should have taken my clothes off when she had, but all I could do now was to be quick. I was naked in record time, and then, without any hesitation, I was thrusting into her. She was tight, and I had to push hard to get the last couple of inches in.

"Fuck, it's too big."

I couldn't help smiling. A lot of women have said that the first time I had given them my full length, but none had ever asked me to stop and take it out. She was no exception.

I was now putting on a show, fucking her as hard and as deep as I could. She might be rich and powerful, but now that she was at the end of my cock, she was just another woman striving for a big climax. And I was going to make sure that she got one. I wondered if her husband and the nurse were impressed with my efforts, but when I looked at them I wished I hadn't. His cock was out, and she was masturbating him. It was a decent size, but only semi-erect. She might be flogging a dead horse.

I felt sorry for him, but I didn't let it put me off my stride. The only way I could possibly help him was to fuck his wife to a big climax. Seeing that might give him one as well.

"Fuck me hard Bill."

I just hoped that was her husband's name, but if it wasn't, did it really matter? They were both her for sexual gratification, however they could get it.

As soon as I gave her what she had asked for, her breathing changed. It was now laboured. Her climax was building nicely.

"She is going to come."

I had said it for the benefit of the nurse, so that she could try to finish him off as well. A minute later her orgasm surged through her body. She arched her back as it reached its peak, then she collapsed back onto the table. As I pulled out of her I looked at her husband. I wasn't sure, but he looked to be smiling. His cock was now completely limp, and the nurse was wiping something off her hands with a tissue. I was pleased for him, there was still life in the old dog.

She didn't bother showering, and she dressed quickly.

I held the door open, so that the nurse could push the wheelchair out. Julie followed behind. As she was leaving, she surprised me by turning back and hugging me. I sensed she wanted to say something, so I bent my head towards hers

"Thank you, from both of us. It has been a long time since he..."

Then she stopped, and I got a big smile from her as she released me.

"I almost forgot. See Amy tomorrow, she will have something for you."

When I got home it was after midnight, but Victoria was still up. We then had our first argument. It wasn't about me being late, it was because I wouldn't tell her why I was late. She tried everything, including, "You need to trust me," and "We shouldn't have any secrets," but I wouldn't budge. Eventually she stormed off to bed. I joined her five minutes later, and she spent all night with her back towards me.

In the morning nothing was said, but I could tell she was still irritated. I did want to tell her, but I had an uneasy feeling that if it was ever discovered that I had talked about it, the consequences would be much worse than just losing my job. In a few days she would forget about it, and we would be back to normal. I could wait.

When I got to work that evening, the first thing I said to Angela was, "We can never talk about it."

Her face was solemn as she nodded. Good, she understood the seriousness of it. Then, after giving me the client list for the day, she informed me that Amy wanted to see me.

I was in and out of her office in less than a minute.

"From a satisfied client," then I was dismissed.

I waited until I was back in my room before opening the envelope. It was a let-down. Yes it was a decent amount, but only the same as what Mrs. Henderson gives me after each visit. I had expected more from somebody who was probably a billionaire, but I guess you don't get that wealthy by being overgenerous.

My Sister was on today's list, but first I had a new client, Ms. R. A. R. Parker-Smith. The name sounded very formal, and while I waited for her I tried to imagine what she would be like, and what those impressive initials stood for. My guess was that she was called Rachel, Anne, Ruth, and that she was a posh lady in her fifties.

"Hello, I am Rebecca."

I hadn't thought of that name, and I was wrong about her age. She was mid-thirties, but she was posh.

"Hi I am David, nice to meet you."

I then held my hand out, so that she could shake it, but she didn't respond. Then it hit me, she was blind. I had thought that she was wearing dark glasses inside as some sort of fashion statement. Also, that was why Amy had accompanied her to the room. I felt stupid, somebody should have warned me.

"Do you need help getting undressed?" then I realised what a crass question that was.

"Thank you, but no."

If I had offended her, she hadn't shown it. The expensive finishing school that she must have attended, had obviously taught her to always be polite.

I guided her to the chair, then I watched her as she slowly undressed. She was now naked, expect for the dark glasses. My cock was already stirring. She had a nice firm body, with one of the smallest waists I had ever seen. I would enjoy fucking her.

"David, I am ready now. Please help me onto the table."

After doing that, I took my shorts and T-shirt off. I was eager to fuck her, and I didn't want anything getting in the way when the time came for me to put my cock into her.

Normally my massage is quite firm, but I sensed that she would like it better if it was more sensual. After five minutes I knew it was the right decision. My touch was light and gentle, and she started to make appreciative noises even though I wasn't anywhere near her intimate places. I continued like that for another twenty minutes, then what had been sensual, now became sexual.

The first touch of her breasts made her gasp. Then I gently rolled her nipple between a finger and thumb.

"Please put your hand between my legs."

I had to smile, normally they asked to be fingered, but she was too polite to say that. I did what she wanted, but I took my time. I spent a few minutes caressing her inner thigh before making my way to her honey pot. When I got there it was worth the wait. Her lips were already coated with her juices, and my two fingers slipped in nicely. When they were fully in I could feel her cervix. She had a small cunt. I would enjoy stretching it to its limit with my big thick cock, but for now she was just going to get my fingers.

It only took a few more minutes to get her going. I was now finger fucking her as well as playing with her clit. That was always a winning combination. She might be posh, and she might be rich, but she was now moaning and groaning like a true bitch.

I only risked another thirty seconds before I pushed her legs up. Any longer and she would climax on my fingers. She took the first five or six inches OK, but the rest made her scream. It was only a small scream so I continued.

I was now fucking her hard. At the end of each stroke my cock was hitting her cervix. It felt good, and I hoped she was enjoying it as much as I was. She must be, if not, then why was she moaning so loudly?

When her orgasm came it was a big one. I wasn't certain, but I think she said, "Fuck," when it started. It seemed to last a long time, and when it had finished she looked exhausted. My cock was still rigid when I pulled out. I hadn't climaxed, but I didn't mind. Ms. Parker-Smith had a nice cunt, but my Sister's was better. I would come inside her later on instead.

While she showered I did the same. She finished first, but she waited for me so that I could accompany her back to reception. When I got back to my room, it took me a while before I discovered the envelope she had left. I thought that was a nice touch, leaving it discretely for me rather than placing it in my hand.

As I waited, I tried not to think about Gemma, but I couldn't help it. Each time I did, my cock stiffened, it was staring to frustrate me. She was now five minutes late. It was another minute before the knock came.

As I opened the door, I decided I was going to tell her off, but it wasn't my Sister. It was James, one of the other masseurs.

He said, "You need to come to my room," then he left before I could reply.

Very strange, but there was only one way to find out what was going on, and that was to do what he had asked.

When I got there I was even more confused. Gemma was in the room as well as him. I just stood there, waiting for one of them to give me an explanation. When James looked at my Sister I knew it was her who was going to do the talking.

"David, I want you to listen to all of what I have to say, before you say anything."

So it was going to be something I wasn't going to like.

"When I was at Hillary's party I talked to James about my fantasy."

I now knew what she wanted, but I let her say it.

"It's me with two men."

"No way. It's not my thing, and it's against the rules."

She now had her hands on her hips, and she was trying to stare me down, but it didn't work. She then looked at James.

"You tell him."

"I can't make him do something he doesn't want to do."

Turning back to face me, she said, "But I can. If you don't do it then I will never come back here again."

I knew how stubborn my Sister could be. If I said yes, we would probably get away with it. If I said no, it would almost certainly be the end of me and Gemma at Hilltop Mansion. I didn't like it, but I was going to have to give in. When I sighed, she knew she had won. I then got a big hug from her.

She looked at both of us in turn, then she said, "I am in charge. You do what I tell you to do."

She then started to undress, and we just stood there, waiting for her first command.

It was a simple one, "Strip."

When we were naked, we spent the first minute just looking at each other. There was a lot of cock watching from all of us. James was always boasting about his ten inch monster cock, 'Godzilla'. I could see why. It was impressive now, but I would have to wait until later before I could see it in all its glory. However, I wasn't intimidated by it, his was longer, but mine was thicker.

"Now that you two have stopped checking each other out, can we please start?"

She then quickly got onto the table.

"David you start at the top. James you start at the bottom."

I muttered under my breath, "And we can meet in the middle."

For the first five minutes it was a massage, then James made it sexual by putting his hand between her legs. I quickly joined in by putting my hands onto her tits.

"This is wonderful."

I was enjoying it as well, but I was envious of James. My Sister's tits were nice, but her cunt was better. After another five minutes she made us swap.

I was now continuing the good work that James had started. He had got her juices flowing, because my three fingers slipped easily into her well-oiled cunt. This was going better than I expected. I was concentrating so much on fingering her, that I was hardly conscious that James was with us. I only noticed him when he moved his mouth from one nipple to the other.

"I need to be fucked."

James raised his head, and then he looked at me. We were both thinking the same thing, who was first? Should we decide by tossing a coin, or by playing rock paper scissors?

"Didn't you hear me," then she continued with, "Fuck me James. David you can come on my tits."

As he got into position to enter her, he couldn't resist smiling at me. With gritted teeth I smiled back.

She was now enjoying his cock, and he was enjoying her cunt, but I had to make do with a hand job. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the noises they were now both making. She was loud, but James was even louder.

"Fuck, I am going to come."

It was James, but I knew my Sister wasn't ready yet. He had now stopped, and he was grunting as he climaxed. When he had finished he quickly pulled out of her, and then he got off the table.

When Gemma looked at him, he shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care, but I could tell he was embarrassed.

"Sorry," was all he said.

My Sister didn't reply, she just looked at me, I was the reserve. I had mixed feelings, because it was going to be 'Sloppy Seconds', but I knew Gemma would not take no for an answer.

Her cunt was now so well lubricated, that when I entered her it felt as if I was inside Mrs. Henderson's large cunt. There was no chance of me reaching it quickly.

For the next ten minutes I fucked her hard. It was for her benefit, but also to show James how it should be done. He was now seated on the chair, looking down at the floor, but I knew he was taking an interest in what we were doing.

Ten minutes later I was still going strong. I was putting on a good show, and I hoped James was impressed with it.

"I am on the edge, make me come."

A few more minutes would be nice, but if she was ready now, then there was nothing I could do except finish her off. A few seconds later she shouted my name, then she climaxed. I quickly glanced at James, and we made eye contact. I could see that he was disappointed that he hadn't been the one to take her to such heights of pleasure.

After coming out of her, I had to wait a few minutes for my erection to subside, so that I could go back to my room. James was now talkative again, and we even shared a couple of jokes. As I was leaving, I got a nice smile from Gemma, and a thumbs up from James.

I showered quickly, because I was eager to go and see Victoria. She wasn't expecting me for at least another hour, so it would be a nice surprise when I got home early.

I had just finished dressing, when there was a knock on the door. It was Amy, and before she spoke I knew what she wanted, but she was the boss, so I let her tell me.

"My back is playing up again, any chance of a massage?"

"Of course, come in, I will do you now."

I would rather have said no, so that I could leave, but it was always best to keep on her good side, even when it was inconvenient.

We both knew that she wasn't here for a massage, but I kept up the pretence by starting off with one. I spent ten minutes on her back. I wasn't sure if it was actually sore, but if it was, then what I had just done to it would help.

"Please turn over."

Her firm plump bottom had looked inviting, but I had ignored it. I was eager to go down on her, but that was going to be after I had given her tits a workout. She was in her late fifties, but she had a nice pair.

Five minutes of sucking on them had got both of us worked up. It was now time to taste that nice cunt of hers.

"Amy, I was just thinking," then I paused, "Wondering even," then I paused again, "If you would like me to lick your juicy cunt?"

She played along with me. Her finger was now on her lips, and she was pretending to be deep in thought.

"Yes," then it was her turn to pause, "But on one condition."

I waited, but she made me ask.

"What is that condition?"

"That you give me a screaming orgasm."

Then she giggled like a schoolgirl. I shook my head, this was not what you expected from the woman we all feared.

I didn't reply, and I didn't wait until she had stopped, before I was between her legs. The giggle quickly turned into a moan. I was conscious of the time, and the fact that Victoria was at home waiting for me, so I went straight for her clit.

The art of servicing a clit is to find the sweet spot, that piece of it that when touched, sends them wild. Amy had one, but it was all of her clit. It didn't matter where I licked, the result was the same, she writhed in ecstasy. This was going to be easy.

And it was. If I had wanted to I could have got her off in a couple of minutes, but I made it last ten. I kept taking her to the edge, then easing off. I had enjoyed teasing her.

When I eventually let her climax, it was the screaming orgasm she had asked for. It wasn't a loud scream, and it didn't last for long, but I still felt pleased with myself.

I then had possibly the quickest shower I had ever had, and then I drove home a bit too fast, but I was still fifteen minutes late. Thankfully Victoria didn't give my any grief, and she didn't even ask why I was late.

Ten minutes later we were in bed together. It was fast and furious, but we both enjoyed it. Finally, I had managed my first climax of the day. An hour later I had another, and it was even better than the first.

The next day I woke up late. I then panicked, until I remembered there was no college, it was the mid-term holidays. I was tempted to go back to sleep, but I knew that if I did, I would end up wasting the morning.

By the time Victoria got back from work, the house was spotless, and I had cooked a three course meal. She was impressed, but it was my prowess in the bedroom later on that impressed her more.

When it came time for work again, I was relieved. Some free time is OK, it gives you a chance to catch up on things, but too much means you end up bored. I had definitely had too many days with nothing to do.

I arrived at Hilltop Mansion raring to go. I was in a good mood, and full of enthusiasm.

"Hello Angela, how are you today?" I then I gave her my best smile.

"Have you heard?"

"No, what?"

She looked around, to see if anybody was near, before leaning forward and whispering, "James has left Hilltop Mansion."

I was surprised that he had gone, but why was she telling it to me like this, as if it was a big secret?

"Amy handed this to me this morning."

I took the single sheet of paper from her hand, then I read it.

'I would like to inform you that James Peter Bush no longer works for Hilltop Mansion. He has left to pursue other interests, we wish him well'.

It was short and to the point. I handed it back to her. This time, before she spoke, she leant even closer.

"I don't think he jumped, I think he was pushed."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because when she handed me the note, she had a face like thunder. And when she said it was about James, she shook her head. I don't know what he did, but it must have been serious."

I tried my best to stay calm, as I said, "It's probably best not to speculate."

When I got to my room, I almost retched. I knew it had been a bad idea to have that threesome last week. I should have said no, now I was going to have to face the consequences. Any minute now there would be a knock on the door. It would be security, to escort me from the building. Should I ask to see Amy? If I begged for forgiveness would I get to keep my job?

I didn't get time to decide on what I was going to do, before the dreaded knock came. It was Amy. So she was going to do it in person.

"Just an update on James."

I stood to attention, ready to take my punishment.

"Don't pass this on to anybody else. We discovered yesterday that he has been doing some secret filming of clients."

I wanted to smile, but she would have found that strange, so I tried to look horrified. However, as soon as she left, the smile appeared, and it was a big one. I could now relax, and look forward to my first client, Ms. A. Nelson.

She arrived wearing dark glasses, but when she walked straight towards me I knew she wasn't blind. She took them off before offering me her hand.

"Hello David, Please call me Anne."

I would have preferred Ms. Nelson, but there was authority in the tone of her voice.

As I shook her hand, I said, "Nice to meet you Anne."

She then started to undress before I had the chance to leave, so I just stayed. When her baggy coat was off, I was able to get a proper look at her body. It was impressive, curves and bumps in all the right places. Next off was her long red hair. That had surprised me, I had no idea it was a wig. Her real hair was cut short, and it was blonde.

Then I recognised her, she was Marilyn Brandy the actress. Star of the Godmother Trilogy, a dark parody of the Godfather films. She had got an Oscar for part one. I liked them, they were very good, except of course for the third one, that was shit.

I now understood the dark glasses, baggy coat and wig. They were her disguise. They had certainly fooled me. But what was she doing here? Then it hit me, but should I ask? I decided that I would.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you here to research a part for a film?"

She didn't seem surprised that I knew who she was.

I then got a shake of her head, before she looked directly at me, "No, I am here to be fucked."

Then she laughed loudly, a sinister laugh that I had heard before, in the Godmother films.

Most times when I start to massage a new client, they are a bit nervous. It's my job to get them to relax, sometimes by talking to them. It puts them at ease. This time I was nervous, she was a famous actress, and I was a bit awestruck of her. She must have sensed how I was feeling, because she did a lot of talking. She told one story about an actor that she had worked with, that was so funny, I thought I was never going to stop laughing.

Fifteen minutes later, I had given her back and legs a really firm massage, and she had manged to put me at ease. She was now just a client, rather than a star of stage and screen. I was even calling her Marilyn, rather than Anne.

"Please turn over."

"I will, but only after you have played with my bottom."

Good, she was now ready for more than a massage.

My hands were quickly on her cheeks, and I pushed down hard. Her bottom wasn't as firm as I had expected. I was slightly disappointed, I thought it would be better than this, but that was silly. Marilyn had just turned forty, I knew that because there had been pictures of her celebrating her birthday in all the national newspapers, so I shouldn't really have been surprised that her plump bottom was sagging a bit.

"That's nice, push down harder. But not too hard, or you will make me come," then I heard that famous laugh again.

I was now giving her what she wanted. However, two minutes later, when she started squirming, I knew it was time to stop.

"Turn over."

There was a soulful sigh from her, then she said, "Do I have to?"

"Yes, and hurry up."

She thought that was funny, and I got a little chuckle from her. It sounded a lot better than that harsh laugh of hers.

When she was on her back, I didn't waste any time, I went straight for her big jugs. I already knew what they looked like, even before she had taken her clothes off. In almost all the films I had seen her in, at some stage she had got them out. Now I desperately wanted to touch them.

This time I wasn't disappointed. They were very firm, she must have had some work done on them. I then spent the next few minutes exploring every part of her large breasts, before concentrating on her impressive nipples. They were nipples that if you weren't careful, would poke your eye out.

It was difficult to say who was enjoying it more, but that changed when I started sucking on them, then she was definitely the winner. She was now moaning, arching her back, and writhing in ecstasy. Sometimes all at the same time. What would she be like when I got to work on her cunt? Five minutes later, when she pushed my head off her tits with both hands, I knew that I was about to find out.

She breathed heavily for a few seconds, before saying, "That was the starter, now for the main course," then she pointed towards my crotch. I was now expecting her to laugh, but thankfully she stayed silent.

I quickly undressed, and when she saw my erect cock, it got a nod of approval. She then gave me a quick list of the Hollywood stars that also have big cocks. My favourite actor, Big Jim Johnson, wasn't on the list. When I mentioned his name she went hysterical. So whoever had named him 'Big', had never seen him naked.

When my hand went between her legs, she grabbed it.

"No need for that, you have already stoked the fire. I just need to be fucked."

I would have liked to finger her, and to possibly even go down on her, but I wasn't going to complain. She was one of the best known actresses in the world, a global superstar, and she wanted me to fuck her.

This was one to savour, so I didn't rush. I gave her the full eight inches, but only an inch at a time.

She was surprisingly quiet at first. It took a few good strokes before she got going, but when she did, she was almost wild, moaning and writhing more than any woman I had ever had. It was hard keeping up any sort of rhythm. At one time we almost fell off the table. This was not what I had expected. However, after five minutes it was a lot better, I had now got used to it, and I even felt as if I was back in control.

"I want more."

I thought I was already giving her my all, but she had sounded desperate, so I would see what I could do. There was no response from her when I gave her faster strokes, but there was when I pushed her legs higher.

"Yes, yes."

That had done the trick, then a minute or two later, without any warning, she climaxed. To call it a big one is an understatement. It was so intense that it spoilt any chance I had of reaching it as well. When it ended, I was just glad that I was still alive.

I was now sitting on the chair, waiting for her to move, or to even say something. It was a few minutes before there was any sign of life.

After opening her eyes, and stretching her arms into the air, she said, "It was as good as Hillary said it would be."

"So you know Mrs. Henderson?"

"Yes, she is a good friend."

That surprised me, I wouldn't have thought they had anything in common.

I waited until she had showered, and was almost dressed, before I asked her. I was hesitant, because she might be offended, but then I went for it.

"Marilyn, can I ask you why you came here?"

"I told you, to be fucked," then she gave me a big smile, before continuing with, "What you really want to know is, why does a woman like me pay for it?"

I nodded.

"I don't have to, there is always a long list of young attractive men willing to date me, but sometimes this is simpler. There is no acrimonious break up, with you selling your story to a journalist. I am not paying you for sex, I am paying you to get out of my life afterwards."

Then she laughed, and I was glad when she stopped, it was starting to get on my nerves.

Her tip was modest, but I wasn't disappointed because I also got a signed photograph of her. On it she had written, 'To my dearest David, thanks for a wonderful time, love Marilyn xxx'. It was something I would always cherish.

Ten minutes later, after showering, I was still thinking about her. My next client, a new member, was due in a few minutes, but there was no way she would top Marilyn Brandy.

When I opened the door to her, I was surprised, but pleasantly so.

"What are you doing here?"

She smiled, then said, "That's no way to greet your Mother."

"But I have another client, and you were not on my list."

"I rang in earlier, on the off chance, and that nice receptionist told me that I was lucky. Somebody had just cancelled."

I was lucky as well, first a famous actress, then my Mother. Days don't get any better than this.

I helped her off with her coat, then she gave me a quick smile, before saying, "Will you please leave, I will call you when I am ready."

That surprised me, but I did as she had asked. I couldn't understand her need for privacy, especially after all the things we had done together. When somebody has fucked you with a ten inch dildo, and you have loved it, being watched while you undress seems irrelevant. Then it hit me, this was to keep up the pretence that this was going to be just a massage.

When she called me back, I was half-expecting her to be still wearing her underwear, that would have cracked me up, but I could see it on the chair. However, I did smile when I saw the towel covering her lower body.

In my best professional voice, I said, "Madam, are you ready for your massage?"

That got a little chuckle from her. I then spent the next five minutes on her top, but well away from her nice breasts. If she was going to keep pretending that she was just here for the massage, then I was going to keep her waiting for the sex.

I then did as much of her legs as I could with the towel on. When it needed to come off I didn't ask, I just quickly removed it. Now that I had better access, I could do her thighs. I spent ten minutes on them, the last two as high as possible without touching her most intimate place. When I had finished she was breathing heavily.

"Please turn over."

She gasped. It was barely audible, but I had heard it. She had made it out of surprise, and possibly disappointment because I was continuing with the massage, instead of making it sexual.

I took my time doing her back, then when I had finished, I placed my hands on her peachy bottom. This time it wasn't a gasp, it was a deep sigh, out of relief and the anticipation of what was to come next. She was now highly excited, even though it was just her bottom I was touching. As I pushed against it, she started pushing back. It was time to turn her over so that I could get to her tits. I was going to spend as long as I could feasting on them, before fingering her. She was going to get four inside her, whether she liked it or not. Then I smiled, of course she would like it.

"Fuck me David."

It was my turn to gasp, and it was a big one. I was stunned, and it was a few seconds before I could speak.

"Turn over."

"No, do it from behind," then she giggled, "My cunt or my ass, I don't mind. You choose."

As I took my shorts off, she got onto all fours.

"What are you waiting for?"

There was a hint of frustration in her voice. I muttered a quick, "Sorry," then I was behind her, ready to push in. Both were on offer, but there was only ever going to be one that I would choose, her sweet juicy cunt.

As I fucked her, I kept thinking about what she had said. It made me even hornier. This was now so fast and furious, that it was never going to last. And it didn't. Another five minutes would have been better, ten would have been perfect, but we only managed two at the most.

"I am going to fucking co..."

Then she climaxed. I needed another three deep strokes before I got mine. As I flooded her cunt she collapsed onto the table. I only rested for a few seconds, then I pulled out of her.

As I showered, I wondered what she would say to me when I got back. I considered, 'That was some fuck', 'That was a great climax' and even 'You must have my ass next time', but I settled on something else.

She was dressed when I returned, and she looked as smart as she always did. I then got a big smile, from her.

"Thank you, that was a wonderful," there was then a slight hesitation before she said the last word. It wasn't fuck, and it wasn't climax. It was what I had thought it would be, 'Massage'.

So far it had been a perfect day, and it would get even better when I got home to Victoria. When I had left for work she had told me she was going to cook us a special meal, but she wouldn't tell me what it was.

It was roast lamb, with all the trimmings. I ate too much. As she cleared the dishes I looked forward to the great sex we would soon be having. However that didn't happen. We ended up having our second argument, and this one was more serious.

It started after I had causally said that it had been a good day at Hilltop Mansion. Her response was unexpected, "I don't like you working there." I couldn't understand why she had said that, she knew what my job was when we had started going out together, so why had she suddenly decided that she didn't like it?

There was no sex that night, but the make-up sex in the morning was fantastic. I even joked to her that we should argue more often, but she didn't find it funny.

When she left for work I went back to sleep. I had another free day with nothing urgent that needed doing, so I was going to have a lazy day.

That evening I got to work a few minutes early, that was good, I could spend some time chatting with Angela.

She asked about Victoria, and I told her it was going well. I thought it best not to mention last night's argument. Then the conversation turned to James.

"You are a friend of James. Have you seen him since he left Hilltop Mansion?"

He was more a colleague than a friend, so that wasn't likely, but I didn't correct her, I just shook my head.

"There are a lot of rumours going around. I thought you might know something."

"Sorry, I only know what was on that piece of paper you showed me."

I didn't like telling her a lie, but I couldn't risk telling her the truth. However I was curious to know what people were saying.

"So what is being said about James?"

"This one I have heard from a few people. Amy wanted to have sex with James, but he turned her down. That made her so mad she fired him."

"That's silly, James will fuck anything that has a pulse. He would never have said no to her."

She thought that was very funny, and I had to wait a while until she had stopped laughing before she told me more.

"I like this one. James has got her pregnant, and he refuses to marry her. She was so angry she wants nothing more to do with him."

It was my turn to laugh. She was nearly sixty, so was that even possible?

"What do you think?"

I moved closer to her, and I could sense her excitement as she waited for me to speak.

"I think," then I moved even closer, before adding, "That he left because he had got a new job."

That got me a slap across my head. It was done playfully, but it still hurt.

When I got to my room I slumped into the chair, then I put my hands behind my head. There was still nearly five minutes before my first client was due, so I had the opportunity to briefly relax before they arrived. I needed to take it. Once I started, it was going to be non-stop. Today's client list was Ms. Nelson, my Sister and then my Aunty. By the end of it I would be exhausted.

Ms. Nelson arrived on time, and she looked flustered. It took her a moment to catch her breath, before she said, "I had to rush, am I late?"

I shook my head, then I pointed to the clock on the wall. She looked pleased when she realised that she wasn't late, in fact she was actually two minutes early.

Turning back to me, she said, "I must have forgotten my manners," then she offered me her hand. I shook it vigorously, that made her smile.

"Do you remember me?"

"Of course. You are Mrs. Green's Granddaughter. The shy young virgin."

That made her crease up with laughter.

I then sat on the chair, watching her undress. It was done with speed, this was a woman who was eager for sex. On Mrs. Green's last visit she had asked me for a favour. She wanted me to 'deflower' her young granddaughter. However, when she arrived, I found out that she had lost her virginity years ago, and that she was a sex fiend, with an almost insatiable appetite.

Despite her being chubby, possibly even fat, I found her very erotic. The next forty minutes were a whirlwind of every sexual activity you can imagine. The highlights being when I fingered her to her second climax, and her third, with the help of my giant dildo, Mr. Big Balls. I only managed to come once, but it was more than enough for me.

When we had finished I had to hurry. I only had ten minutes to shower before my Sister would be here. I managed it in six, which was just in time, because she was early.

I had only just finished greeting her, when there was a knock on the door. It must be Angela. It wasn't, it was Aunty Jane. She was surprised to see Gemma.

"Am I early?"

"Yes, an hour early."

There was confusion for a couple of minutes, until we figured out what had happened. Aunty Jane had been given the wrong time, and when she had arrived the reception desk was empty. Angela wasn't there to tell her that there had been a mix-up.

"Sorry Aunty, you are going to have a long wait."

She didn't look happy. Then, as she was leaving, Gemma put her arms around her to give her a hug. I thought she was consoling her, but then they started whispering to each other. When they giggled, I knew they were plotting something. After breaking from their hug, my Sister was the first to speak.

"It's unfair to make Aunty wait. I think she should stay," then, after putting her hands on her hips, she added, "That is if you can manage both of us together."

After the threesome with Gemma and James, I had vowed that I would never do another. But this was different, and even though it was still as risky as before, I was never going to say no.

"OK, but if we get caught I am going to blame both of you."

That didn't seem to bother them. I then watched as they undressed each other. I hadn't expected that, but I found it highly erotic. They stopped when they were both down to just their knickers. My cock was now so hard it was doing its best to rip my shorts, and when they started fondling each other's breasts, it almost succeeded.

I had only ever had two women at the same time once before. I was on holiday, and they were staying in the same hotel as me. I met them in the bar. We got drinking, and we eventually ending up in bed together. I couldn't believe my luck. I was having sex with two women, and they were Mother and Daughter.

I don't remember exactly what happened, because I was quite drunk, but I do remember it ending with me climaxing inside the Mother, while fingering the Daughter. The next day I woke up looking for a second helping, but they had gone, not just from my room, but also from the hotel. I never saw them again.

This time I wasn't drunk, so I would probably enjoy it more, and I definitely wouldn't forget any of it.

I let them touch each other for a few more minutes, before I decided it was time to join in. I now had both hands on Gemma's tits, and my mouth on Aunty's nipple. Both of them were making appreciative noises, so I knew I was doing a good job.

"Who are you going to fuck first?"

It was Gemma, and she seemed eager to know. However, it was a difficult question. Was there an answer that would please both of them?

"I don't know, you decide?"

The ball was now back in her court.

"I want to be first," then she looked at Aunty Jane, before adding, "If that's OK with you?"

She looked relieved when she got a yes.

"I want you on the table, on your back."

After taking her knickers off, my Sister did what I had asked. As soon as she was lying flat, Aunty was sucking on her tits. That left her cunt for me.

It was now a contest between Aunty and me, to see who could abuse Gemma the most. Aunty was sucking in huge mouthfuls of tit, and I was inserting as many fingers into her cunt as I could. I manged an impressive five, three from one hand, and two from the other, all at the same time. I declared myself the winner.

What we were both doing should have been uncomfortable for my Sister, possibly even painful, but she didn't object, instead she just moaned continuously. She was obviously enjoying it.

"This is good, but I thought you were going to fuck me?"

"No, I've changed my mind."


Then she realised I must be teasing her.

"David, you are such a bastard. If you don't do it now, I might change my mind."

I was now worried that she might actually mean it, so I took my shorts off in record time.

"Turn over, I am going to have you from behind."

Then I had a brainwave.

"Wait. Aunty you can get underneath her, so that you can lick her clit while I fuck her."

It took a while for all of us to get into position. At first it was awkward, but then when I moved a bit, to get out of the way of Aunty's head, it worked a treat.

Gemma was now getting long strokes from my cock, and at the same time Aunty was lapping her clit, as fast as a cat drinking milk from a saucer. It was good for me, and for Aunty, but it must be heaven for my Sister.

The only problem when it is this good is that it never lasts for long. We managed another five minutes, six at the most, then Gemma climaxed. I had seen her orgasm lots of times before, but none like this. It was so intense and strong, that at one point I actually thought she might be having a heart attack.

When it eventually ended, she collapsed, taking me with her, and almost crushing Aunty.

I got five minutes rest before Aunty Jane reminded me that it was now her turn. We could both tell that Gemma wasn't interested, and that was confirmed when she said she was going for a shower. I was OK with that, it would be no fun for any of us if we forced her into it.

I hadn't climaxed in Gemma, so I was eager to come, but I still wanted to take my time with Aunty. Five minutes sucking on her nice nipples was enough to get us both worked up again. I then took her knickers off so that I could go down on her.

I spent the next few minutes just sticking my tongue into her opening, so that I could saviour the taste and smell of her sweet cunt. Then I got to work on her magnificent clit. Its size always amazed me.

It didn't take me long to find the right spot, and when I did, her moaning went off the scale. I kept on it for a few more minutes, then I had to back off, she was getting too near to a climax. After another minute or so, even a gentle lick was in danger of taking her over the edge. It was now time to fuck her.

When I pushed into her, it was done with force, and it made her gasp. She was about to say something, but I stifled it by giving her a long hard stroke that was almost brutal. The time for anything subtle was over, this was hot and passionate, just as it should be.

"I can't take much more of this."

I muttered, "Yes you can," then I pushed her legs higher so that I could plough into her deeper.

That was enough to make her come. It was a big one, impressive, but not as good as Gemma's. It was only when her orgasm was fading, that I managed my climax. I grunted like a wild animal as I flooded her cunt, only stopping when my balls were completely drained.

It was only when I was getting off the table, that I noticed Gemma sitting in the chair. She was now dressed.

Aunty didn't bother showering, I think because she could see that Gemma was keen to leave. Five minutes later I was getting a big hug from both of them. Their parting words sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

Aunty said, "We must do this again."

"Yes, next week," was my Sister's reply.

I was still high with excitement when I got home. Victoria should have been there, but she wasn't, but there was a note on the kitchen table.

'David, you do know I love you, but I cannot continue sharing you with the women you see at work. I should be enough for you. If you want our relationship to continue, then you must leave Hilltop Mansion.'

I did love her, but I also loved my job. I was now angry with her for making me choose. I spent the next hour thinking about it, but I couldn't decide. I would try again in the morning.

Just out of curiosity, if you were in the same situation as Peter, what would your decision be?

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