Chapter 78: Dexter the Personal Trainer
"Five more. No, make it ten."
She gave me a look that was pure hate, but then she did what I had asked, before collapsing onto the floor. I stood over her grinning. It was almost a minute before she got up.
"You know I hate push-ups, so why do you make me do them?"
"Because they are a good exercise," then I gave her my best cheeky smile, before adding, "And because I know you hate them."
That got me a slap. It was going towards my head, but I managed to catch it on my arm. As she tried again, I grasped her wrist, and then I pulled her towards me. When she opened her mouth, to protest, I forced my mouth on hers. Then I kissed her. She resisted, but only briefly. Now she was kissing me back. After a couple of minutes I was the first to pull away. I needed to check the time.
"We only have twenty minutes."
"I only need ten," then, after starting to remove her top, she added, "I just hope you can keep up with me."
I gave her a confident smile, but I was a bit anxious. Julie was a woman that you don't want to disappoint. Six months ago she had turned fifty, and that had prompted her to acquire my services.
"I am on a mission to get myself fit. Dexter, are you the man to help me do it?"
"Yes I am."
And that's how I became a Personal Trainer, with Mrs. Kennedy as my first client. For the first three sessions, that was all I was, but after the fourth time I was much more than that. I was her lover, and I was now calling her Julie.
"Are you just going to stand there?"
I muttered a quick, "Sorry."
As she was undressing, my mind had wondered. I didn't have time to think about the past. I needed to concentrate on the present, otherwise I would be late for my next client. Before she could say anything else, I attacked her nipples. It was a two pronged offensive. I was now sucking hard on one, and pulling on the other.
"Don't stop until I tell you to."
That is what always happens. She tells me what she wants me to do, and I do it.
"You do know that I have a pussy that is waiting to be fingered?"
I did, and what a pussy it was. Julie is still attractive, but her best years are behind her. Large tits that were once firm, are now sagging, and she is carrying some extra pounds around her middle. However, her cunt is still a thing of beauty.
"That feels good, but I need more."
While still sucking on her, I had pushed a finger deep into her. When I added a second, she grunted, and when my thumb found her clit, she moaned. I never got tired of playing with her cunt. It was always wet, but the best thing about it was her clit. It was big, and it always responded to my touch.
"That's the spot, rub it hard. And don't stop."
She was now excited, and if I wanted to, I could easily finish her off with my fingers.
"Do you want to fuck me?"
That took me by surprise, and for a second or two I stopped playing with her. For the first time ever she was giving me a choice, rather than giving me a command. I needed to leave soon, then I thought of her tight cunt, and how it felt when I was inside her.
"Yes. I always want to fuck you."
I could tell from the big smile that she gave me, that I had said the right thing. She was now positioning herself so that I could take her from behind. When she was ready, I was as well. Normally I take my time entering her. I start by giving her just an inch or two, and then I slowly push in until my balls are flat against her. However, this time I was in a hurry, so she got the full seven inches in one go. It took her breath away, but before she could complain, I started fucking her.
"Squeeze my tits."
I reached forward, and then I cupped her swinging breasts, feeling the weight of them. As I continued to fuck her, I pinched her nipples.
"Fuck me harder with your big cock."
Good, she was now ready to be finished off. My cock isn't massively long, but it's thick, very thick. I've seen longer ones in the locker room, but I have never seen one that has my girth.
She was now getting the full benefit of it. Long hard strokes that were making her gasp every time I went deep into her sweet cunt.
"I'm nearly there."
It was now time to fuck her even harder. As I did, she made even more noise. A minute later she climaxed. I continued to thrust into her, even though I knew I wasn't going to reach it. When she wanted me to stop, she would tell me. A short while later, as her orgasm was subsiding, she spoke.
"You can stop now."
When I pulled out of her, my cock was still stiff, but I knew it wasn't going to get any attention from her. Once her needs are satisfied, she loses interest. Sometimes that is a problem for me, but not today. My next client is Mrs. Wilson, and, unless I am mistaken, she is going to let me fuck her for the first time.
Before I left, I took a quick shower. I knew it was going to make me late, but there was no way I could turn up at Mrs. Wilson's place all sweaty, and smelling of sex. Fortunately there was very little traffic, so in the end I was only five minutes late, but I had to wait another two before the maid opened the door.
"Mrs. Wilson has had to attend an important meeting at short notice. She sends her apologies," then she gave me a nice smile, before continuing with, "And of course you will be paid for today."
I shrugged my shoulders, and smiled back. It was not what I wanted to hear, but there was nothing I could do about it. Mrs. Wilson was supposed to have been my last client of the day, and I had wanted to finish on a high, but instead it had ended in disappointment. I now wished I had climaxed with Julie.
As I drove home, I tried to cheer myself up, it was silly to let this spoil my day. I was only twenty four years old, but I had my own business. So life was good.
'Dexter Ford, Personal Trainer. You set the goals, and I will help you achieve them!'
They say, 'If you only have lemons, then make lemonade.'
In my case, all I had was my fitness, and my enthusiasm for exercise. So when I was looking for a job, and nobody would hire me, I decided to make my hobby into a business. The first two months had been a struggle, but after that, when my client list had expanded, I was doing OK. Now, after six months, I was doing even better, working at least four days a week.
"You're home early?"
"Yes, the last client cancelled."
Mother now looked concerned.
"It's no big deal. It happens."
I then gave her a big smile, I was now over the disappointment.
"OK, but don't let them bully you."
"Yes Mummy."
That made her laugh. When she had finished, she spoke again.
"Now that you have some free time, I want a favour."
I was living at home rent free, so whenever she asked me to do anything, I had the good sense to do it. I just hoped it wasn't going to take long. I had bought a book this morning on Yoga, and I was keen to read it.
"I want you to be my Personal Trainer, and I want my first lesson now."
I was surprised, I certainly hadn't expected that. However, if that's what she wanted, then that's what she would get.
"I'm going to get ready. I'll be in the garage in five minutes."
As she left, I muttered under my breath, "It's not a garage anymore, it's a Gym."
Of course it was still a garage, but I had taken it over. It now contained all my exercise equipment.
I got there first. I had to wait a while before she joined me.
"I thought you'd changed your mind."
"No, it took me some time deciding what to wear," then she twirled around, before adding, "What do you think?"
I shook my head, before saying, "You need to go shopping, but it will do for now."
She was wearing an old T-shirt, but it was too tight, and her skirt was no better, it was only just covering her bottom. On another woman I wouldn't have had an issue with the clothes, but seeing them on my Mother was making me feel uncomfortable. I would just have to forget who she was, and treat her like any other client. Then I thought of Julie, and I nearly laughed. Yes, like any other client, except Julie.
Smiling at me, she said, "What do you want me to do first?"
She was ready to give up after just five, but I made her do ten. When she had finished, she was breathing heavily.
"I'm so unfit."
"Don't worry. In a few weeks you will be able to do fifty."
I could tell from the look she gave me, that she didn't believe me. It was an optimistic target, but it was achievable. However, she would need to make the effort, but this was the first session, so I decided that it might be best to go easy on her.
"Time to do some stretching."
I got her to lie on her side, and then I pulled her arm over her head. As I pushed it back further she groaned. I held the position for twenty seconds then I released it. Generally, I only repeat this two or three times, but for Mother I did five. The extra ones were for my benefit, and not hers. On the second stretch I had noticed her nipple. It was hard to miss, because it was prominent against her tight T-shirt. Each stretch seemed to make it even bigger. The same happened with her other nipple when we switched sides. When we had finished, and she stood up, both nipples were clearly visible. My cock was still coiled, but it was straining against my shorts, and it was painful. But I knew that if I averted my eyes, the blood would soon drain from it, so I turned away from her.
"What do you think?"
When I turned back to look at her, I was shocked. She now had her hands on her waist, and she was thrusting her chest out. Her nipples, that had been prominent before, seemed even bigger now, and she was asking my opinion of them. I hesitated, not sure what to say, which was just as well, because she spoke again.
"This bra. Is it suitable, or do I need a sports one?"
I hesitated, before saying, "I think so."
She then quickly took her T-shirt off.
"Is that better, or do you need to feel it?"
I was now finding it difficult to speak, but I did manage to nod. This was too good an opportunity to miss. When I put my hands underneath her tits, I tried to make it look like I was examining her bra, but to me it felt like I was fondling her.
"Move them up and down. Tell me if they wobble too much."
They did wobble, but only slightly. However, it was enough to get me even more excited, so excited that I risked brushing her nipples with both hands. She didn't complain, but when I tried again, she stepped back.
"What's the verdict?"
It took me several seconds to compose myself, before I said, "The bra is OK."
I wanted to add, "And your tits are magnificent," but I had the good sense to keep quiet.
"That's good news. Now can we get back to doing more stretching?"
I was going to get her to use the step machine, but that could wait.
"Lie on your back. I'm going to work your hamstrings."
The first stretch was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I managed to get her leg almost up to her shoulders, and she didn't complain.
"That's very impressive."
"I can do even better. Watch this."
She then grabbed her other leg with both hands, and pulled it up herself.
"What do up think?"
She was the winner, but only just. However, I was taking my time telling her, because of what I was now looking at. When she had raised her leg, it hadn't just gone high, it had gone wide as well, exposing her knickers. They were tight against her, showing off the contours of her most intimate place. I could make out her opening, and a small lump that was probably her clit. It was a few seconds before I was able to speak.
"You managed to get it slightly higher than me."
I thought she would be pleased, but instead she looked disappointed, then she managed to get her leg even higher.
"Is that better?"
There was now no doubt that she had beaten me. When I nodded in agreement, she gave me a big smile. We then repeated the stretching, but this time I did both legs for her, and I made sure to get them as wide apart as possible.
"I think that's enough for me."
"One more?"
She groaned, but I knew it was a fake one, so I stretched her legs again.
"Let's hold this for as long as possible."
"OK, do you want to time me?"
I nodded, and then I looked at my watch to make a note of the time. Mother was competitive, so I knew that I would get plenty of time to stare at her plump cunt that was straining against her skimpy knickers.
I was only intending to look, but after a few seconds I wanted more. My cock was now throbbing like crazy, hungry for some action, and it was now in charge. As I moved both hands up her thighs, I told myself that it was just to help with the stretching, but really it was so that I could finger her.
"How long?"
"One minute. Can you hold for another?"
She grimaced, before saying, "I'll try."
When my hands touched the hem of her knickers, I stopped. If I continued, then there would be no going back. It would change our relationship for ever. If she wasn't my Mother, then my fingers would already be up her, and I would be massaging her clit. However, she was my Mother, so what should I do? Then I noticed the damp patch on her white knickers. She was excited, so I now knew my fingers would slide easily into her. I took a deep breath, I was going to go for it.
"I can't take anymore."
She then put her hands on mine, and I knew it was all over. I waited until her legs were back on the floor, before telling her how she had done.
"Two minutes seven seconds."
She punched the air with a clenched fist, as if she had won some great sporting event. I smiled, but it was forced. I had missed my chance because I had hesitated for too long.
After ten minutes on the step machine, then just five on the exercise bike, I decided it was enough for her first session.
"How do you feel?"
After putting her hands on her hips, and puffing her chest out, she said, "I feel as if I could do another hour," then she shook her head before laughing.
While she showered I went to my room. As soon as I was on the bed, my cock was out, and I was giving it quick strokes. I desperately wanted to reach it. I should have climaxed with Julie, but I had saved it for Mrs. Wilson. However, she had cancelled, and then, unexpectedly, I had got myself all worked up while I was with Mother, without getting anything.
Five minutes later, after I had spurted into a tissue, I felt a lot better. Then the guilt set in. An hour later, when my Sister knocked on the door to tell me to come down and eat, I was dreading seeing Mother again.
When I entered the dining room they were already eating. My Sister ignored me, but Mother gave me a nice smile, and I almost sighed with relief. I wasn't in trouble, so why had I made myself so anxious? Nothing had really happened. Then some of the guilt came back. If Mother hadn't closed her legs when she did, then something would have happened.
"What were you two doing in the garage?"
I muttered, "It's a Gym," but she ignored me.
Looking at my Sister, Mother said, with pride in her voice, "I was exercising with my Personal Trainer."
"You should introduce me to him."
"Very funny."
She was having a dig at me. She didn't think that I was good enough to be a Personal Trainer.
"Dexter was very good. You should let him teach you."
We both looked at each other, then, at the same time, we shook our heads. My Sister and I knew that was never going to happen.
The next day I only had two clients, three hours apart, so I took the opportunity to do some running before seeing the second one. I had only intended to run six miles, but I ended up doing eight. When I arrived at their place I was still tired from my run, but that wasn't going to be a problem. I was seeing Arthur, a nice guy in his late fifties. He never wanted to do anything too strenuous, and we spent a lot of time talking. This was going to be easy.
When I got home, Mother was in the kitchen.
"Becky will be another hour and a half, can you wait for her so that we can all eat together?"
"Yes, but only if you come to the Gym with me."
She smiled at me, before saying, "OK."
That surprised me. I was only joking, and I had expected her to say no. I was planning on spending the time reading before my Sister got back, but now I would have to give her another lesson.
This time I only had to wait five minutes for her. Her skirt was the same one as before, but her top was different. However, it was still as tight on her as the other one had been. I would need to concentrate, and be professional. I needed to remember that she was my Mother.
"I'm a bit stiff. Can we start by doing some stretching, lots of stretching?"
I nodded, and then I thought about last time. That was a bad idea. I was now trying to control my cock as the blood flowed into it. While I stretched her arms, I didn't look at her nipples. That did the trick, I was now back in control, and my cock was completely limp. It was now time to work her hamstrings. However, when I reached for her leg, she pulled it away.
"I can do it myself."
Her legs were now high in the air, supported by her hands under her knees.
After a few seconds, she looked at me and said, "I need some help."
I was confused, she appeared to be in control.
"I want to stretch out as well as up, so I need you to push my legs apart."
I looked away as I did what she had asked.
"Move your hands higher, so that I can open wider."
This time I couldn't resist, I had to look, and what I saw was even better than before. At first I thought she wasn't wearing any knickers, she was, but they were almost transparent. I was shocked, and excited, in equal measures. As I continued looking, two things happened. My cock started expanding, and my hands started moving. I wasn't in control of either of them.
I was now inches away, and this time I wasn't going to stop. Then suddenly she lowered her legs, but she didn't close them, and my hands were still up her skirt.
"That was hard work. I'm going to rest for a while."
Then she smiled at me, before closing her eyes. I smiled as well, because my Mother, without actually saying it, had just given me permission to touch her cunt.
I started by gently running two fingers up and down her opening, and then I pushed them against it. The knickers gave a little, just enough so that the tips went in, but I wanted more than that, so they needed to come off. When I pulled on them with both hands, she opened her eyes. I froze, fearing the worst, but then she closed them again. This time as I pulled on them there was no resistance, and she even closed her legs so that I could get them off.
Her cunt was now naked, and I could see it in all its glory. I was going to take my time with it, to savour every part of it. I was determined to give her the best climax she had ever had. That was ambitious, and I might fail, but I was going to try my best.
This time when I pushed two fingers in, her knickers were not in the way. I only stopped when I couldn't get them in any deeper. I then started to fuck her with them, and she started to moan. Hearing her so excited was making my cock go crazy. I was tempted to get it out, and to thrust it into her, but I wasn't sure how far she wanted to go, so I kept it in my shorts. However, her cunt looked good enough to eat, so I was going to go down on her instead.
The first lick must have taken her by surprise, because when my tongue touched her clit, her legs jerked. Then as I continued to finger her, I searched for her sweet spot. When I found it, she gasped.
I was now concentrating on her clit, licking and sucking it, and she was now moaning almost continuously. When I added another finger, it almost took her over the edge. I eased off. She would get her climax, but not yet.
I managed to keep her excited, without boiling over, for another ten minutes. However, it was now getting difficult, because even a gentle lick was making her go wild. I had even stopped fingering her. I had kept them in, but I wasn't moving them. Then she started wiggling her bottom, and I knew it was time to finish her off.
A short while later she climaxed. I may only be twenty four, but I have had my share of women, so I know what it's like when they have an orgasm, but Mother's was different. There was nothing unusual in what she did. Her head shook from side to side, her body went rigid, and she even muttered some obscenities, but the intensity was different. It was off the scale. When she had finished she looked exhausted.
She gave me a weak smile, before saying, "It might be best if we stop now."
I just nodded, and then I helped her up. As she left the Gym, she looked unsteady on her feet. I didn't follow her, instead I bent down and picked up her knickers. I then took my cock out. It only took me a few quick strokes before I climaxed into them. On the way to my bedroom, I put them in the laundry basket. Would Mother notice what I had done? I hoped so.
As we sat together eating our evening meal, I kept asking myself, 'Had it really happened?' The answer was always yes, but I was still finding it hard to believe. Mother was acting the same as usual, in what she said, and the way she looked at me. My Sister was with us, and she was none the wiser. Mother even told her that we had been in the Gym, and she had made it sound perfectly normal.
When I went to bed I was tired, but I was finding it difficult to sleep. There was too much on my mind. I had questions, but no answers. The key one was, why had she let me touch her? The simple answer was that she hadn't dated for the last six months, so she needed sex. However, lots of Mothers are in that position, but they don't let their Son give them a climax. But did it matter what the reason was? We had both enjoyed it, and I knew that we would do it again. When I eventually drifted off, I was still thinking of her.
When I woke, I just knew it was going to be a good day. My first client was Mrs. Wilson, and my last one was Julie. If I was lucky, then I would get to fuck both of them. Julie was a given, but Mrs. Wilson was playing hard to get.
There was no traffic, so I got to my first appointment ten minutes early. I rang the bell and waited.
"Hi Dexter, come in."
"Hello Mrs. Wilson."
I was surprised, the maid always lets me in.
"It's Angela's day off," then she gave me a nice smile, before saying, "And I think it's time you called me Hannah."
While I waited for her to get ready, I was finding it difficult to contain my excitement. No maid, and call me Hannah. Today must be the day, but I still wasn't sure. She had teased me before and then stopped. I needed to manage my expectations. However, when she entered the room, and I saw what she was wearing, I was convinced. This time there was no T-shirt. On her top she just had a sports bra. Also, her leggings had been replaced by a skirt, and it was as short as Mother's.
We started with the exercise bike.
"Is this too fast?"
I shook my head, and then said, "No, it's too slow."
She groaned, before putting more effort into it.
"That's perfect. Fifteen minutes to warm you up."
She groaned again, but I just ignored her.
I liked Mrs. Wilson, and not just because she had let me touch her. It was difficult to tell her age because she had kept herself in good condition. My best guess was early forties, but she might even be older than Julie. She was petite, with small tits, but they were topped with nice nipples. I knew that because I had played with them often enough, but only through her clothes. However, what I liked best about her was her face. She was a beauty, and that's why she had bagged a wealthy business man. Apparently he was mega rich, but the downside was that he was much older than her, and his health was now poor. I got all that from Angela the maid, just after I became Mrs. Wilson's Personal Trainer.
"Can I finish?"
I glanced at my watch, another minute left, but she was breathing heavily, and her face was red, so I took pity on her.
"Yes. Take a short break, then it's push-ups."
She was good at them, so I made her do twenty. Next was the step machine. We then finished with her working with the weights. It was now time for her to hug me. That is what she had done after the first session had ended, I think out of relief that she had managed to complete it. The next time, I got a kiss after the hug. Now I got more, but not as much as I would like. Up to now she had let me touch her tits, and rub between her legs, but only over her clothes. If I tried to get inside, she would always pull away.
This time it was only a quick hug, and then we kissed. It was tender at first, but it soon became passionate. When I put my hand on her tits, she responded by kissing me harder, and when I found her nipple, she groaned. My other hand was now going up her skirt, eager to get to her cunt.
I was now pinching her nipple, and rubbing on her clit through her knickers. How long should I do this for before taking them off?
"You need to fuck me."
I almost laughed, she had made the decision for me. As I got my cock out, she took her knickers off. We were now ready to start, but what position? Then I noticed her looking at my cock. Her expression was a mixture of excitement and apprehension.
"It's too big for me."
I shrugged my shoulders, before saying, "It's not that long."
"I have had longer, much longer, but never one as thick as yours."
I have had this reaction before, and I always say the same thing in response.
"We can try. I will stop if it's too much for you."
They always think about it, but up to now nobody has said no.
"OK, but be gentle."
"I'm always gentle."
That made her smile. Yes I would be gentle, but only at the start. At the end, when she was climaxing, I would be fucking her as hard as possible.
I was now ready to enter her. Without saying anything, she had got into the 'doggy' position. I was happy, because that would have been my choice as well. As I pushed into her she winced.
"Take it easy."
I briefly stopped, then I gave her more. She was now breathing heavily.
"Are you OK?"
"Just about. I can't believe my little pussy has managed to take it."
There was a lot more to put in, but the worst was over. Her cunt was now stretched enough for me to continue. I took my time, and when I was fully in, I stopped to let her get used to it.
I did start nice and easy, and she was very tight for the first three or four strokes, but then she loosened up. I took that as a sign that she was now ready to be fucked harder.
She was now getting my best effort, and she was taking it without complaining. It must have been uncomfortable for her at first, but from the noises she was now making, it had become all pleasure. She was now broken-in, so next time would be a lot easier. However, I needed to give her a big climax, to make sure that she would come back for more.
Ten minutes later we were still going, and I was getting tired. It was beginning to feel like a chore, rather than a pleasurable experience.
"Fuck me harder," then she groaned as I went deep into her, before adding, "I want to come, but I never do when I am being fucked."
I wished she had told me that at the beginning. I might have licked her to a climax first, before putting my cock in. I felt sorry for her, but I was also angry because I was attempting the impossible. Then I had a selfish thought. She might not be able to orgasm, but I certainly could, so I upped the pace. That did the trick for me. A few seconds later my cock twitched, and I started to flood her cunt.
"Oh fuck, I'm going to come as well."
She sounded surprised, and as I finished, she reached it. Perfect timing. I waited a while before pulling out of her. It had been a struggle to put it in, but it came out without any fuss. We then showered together.
As I was about to leave, she hugged me, and then she kissed me on the cheek before whispering in my ear.
"That was wonderful. Same time next week?"
I stroked her hair, before saying, "Yes it was, but only on one condition."
She looked at me quizzically, wondering what that condition could be.
"Angela isn't at home."
She smiled, and I could tell that she was relieved, because I wasn't asking for something that was impossible.
"Yes, it will be her day off again, so we will be completely alone," then she giggled.
It was just as well that Hannah had been willing, because I got nothing from Julie. When I arrived at her place, she was in a bad mood, and it got worse as the session went on. She did all the exercises, but she complained about everything. When we had finished, I knew that there wasn't going to be any sex. I was OK with that. I had realised early on that nothing was going to happen, but I was curious. Why was she in such a mood? Then I got my answer.
"That bastard husband of mine is screwing his secretary, and she is half is age."
I tried to look sympathetic, but really I wanted to laugh, and I did, but I waited until I was in my car. She was screwing her Personal Trainer, and I was less than half her age. Forty minutes later, when I got home, I was still finding it funny.
That evening Julie phoned me to apologise, and to book another session for tomorrow. When the call ended, I had a big smile on my face. Nothing had been said, but I knew that tomorrow wasn't about having more exercise, it was about her having the sex that she had missed out on today.
That night in bed, I thought about how lucky I was. I now had two willing clients, Julie and Hannah. I also had Mother, but did I really have her? When I had got home, I had offered to go to the Gym with her. She had quickly said no. I could understand her not wanting to, so soon after the last time, but I would have expected some indication that she was keen to do it again on another day. Perhaps I was being over sensitive? Only time would tell.
The next day was a tough one, back to back clients all day, finishing with Julie. In the sessions, the clients do most of the work, but I still have to do some, because I have to demonstrate. By the time I got to Julie, I had done my share, and I wasn't keen to do anymore. However, when she opened the door to me, I knew it was going to be easy. There wasn't going to be any exercising from either of us, because she was completely naked.
"Come in before the neighbours see me," then she laughed.
Her house was very private, surrounded by a large wall, so there was no chance of that actually happening, but I think she liked to imagine that she was taking a big risk by being naked at her front door.
As soon as I was in the house, and the door was closed, she was taking my cock out. It was still limp, and she wasn't impressed.
Looking at me, and shaking her head, she said, "If you can't get it up, I am going to kill you."
Of course she was joking, but even so, I knew that I would be in trouble if I didn't perform. However, my cock was soon rock hard. Sucking on her tits, and fingering her, had got the blood flowing to it.
"Lie down, I want to fuck you."
So this was going to be a quick one. She wanted a climax, and she wanted it as soon as possible. I would have liked to take my time, but she was the boss, so I would have to do as I was told.
I was now flat on my back, and she was lowering herself onto me cock. As it went in, I reached for her tits, but she brushed my hands away.
"Don't do anything."
I put my hands to my side, and then I closed my eyes. If she wanted to do all the work, then I was happy to let her. Eventually, when I climaxed, I had no idea how long we had been at it. I had lost track of time. It was a nice one, and I now felt relaxed because my balls had been drained. I wasn't sure if Julie had come, but she must have, because when I opened my eyes, she was smiling.
"I needed that. You should have fucked me yesterday."
I muttered a quick, "Sorry," even though I hadn't been at fault.
When I got home, it was time to eat. Mother served my Sister, then me.
Looking at my plate, Becky said, "He has more than me."
I compared them. It wasn't true, she was just looking for a fight. Mother came over, then without saying anything, she switched our plates, but Becky still didn't look happy. She was obviously in a bad mood.
"How is my little Brother doing, is he giving you what you need?"
From the tone of her voice, it sounded as if she was hoping that the answer would be no. I liked my Sister, but sometimes she could be a bitch. I knew she was referring to the exercising, but it still made me feel uncomfortable. Mother seemed unperturbed with the question.
"He is giving me exactly what I need," then looking at me, she said, "And we are going to have another session tomorrow."
I nodded a couple of times. That was news to me, but I was more than happy to agree to it.
The next day was unusual, just two clients, and both of them new ones. I did want to grow the business, but regulars were always easier than new people. The first one was George. He was only about thirty years old, but he had already gone to seed. He had a fat flabby body, but he was very keen. Given time, a long time, I should be able to whip him into shape.
I was shocked when I saw the next client. You hire a Personal Trainer when you are unfit, but this woman looked to be in peak physical condition. She was also very young, perhaps even my age. Before starting, we talked for a while, and it then became clear what she wanted from me. She had reached a plateau in terms of fitness, and so she was hiring me to take her to the next level. An hour later she seemed satisfied with what we had achieved. She was a nice lady, and super attractive. I just hoped she would become a 'special' client.
I was the first one home. An hour later Mother got back from her part-time job.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, but let me check with Becky to see what time she is back."
Mother had a brief chat with her, and when the call ended she was smiling.
"She won't be back for at least two hours, so we have plenty of time."
That sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. I had my Mother all to myself for two hours. We could do a lot in that time.
She kept me waiting for nearly fifteen minutes. Any longer and I would have gone looking for her.
"Sorry, I couldn't find any clean underwear. So I had to borrow some of your Sister's."
That was risky, Becky would blow her top if she found out. However, I was intrigued. What sort of underwear was my Sister now wearing? I had stopped masturbating with her underwear, when I fucked my first woman at the age of nineteen. I had discovered that there was a better place to deposit my semen.
To start with, I made her do push-ups. She stopped at ten, but I got her to do another three.
After standing up, and putting her hands on her hips, she said, "This top is way too tight. Do you mind if I take it off?"
I was never going to object, but before I could say anything, it was off. I could now see my Sister's bra, and a big chunk of my Mother's tits. It was completely unsuitable for exercising in. It was low cut, only just covering her big nipples.
Staring at it, I said, "It looks to be tight as well."
After putting her hands under both cups, and lifting them up, she said, "It is a bit tight."
She then turned her back on me.
"Will you please take it off?"
With trembling hands I unhooked it, and it fell to the floor. She then turned round.
"Do you think my nipples are too big?"
"No, they are perfect."
I could tell that she was pleased with what I had said.
All the women in our family have them."
Without thinking, I muttered, "Even Becky?"
She laughed, before saying, "Yes, especially Becky. But your Aunty has the biggest."
My Aunty has the biggest tits, that was obvious, but I now knew that she also has the nipples to match. I wished I had known that when I was growing up. I had often shot my load while imagining what it would be like playing with them. Knowing that she had big nipples, would have added to my excitement.
"Would you like to touch them?"
I had lost concentration, I had been too busy thinking about my Aunty. She repeated it again, and I nodded.
I was nervous, so my first touch was tentative, but I soon got bolder. I was now pulling on her nipples, and she was responding by moaning. It was a low moan at first, but it got louder when I pulled harder.
"That's nice, but would you like to suck them?"
As I milked her, she stroked my head. I had lost count of the number of nipples I had sucked before. All had been nice, but this was special, not just because of its size, but because it was my Mother's. Every Son wants to suck on his Mother, but I was actually doing it. As good as this was, I wanted more, much more. I raised my head.
"Are your knickers too tight as well?"
She giggled, before saying, "I will let you decide that."
"Let me check."
The answer was always going to be yes, even if she was wearing baggy ones, because I wanted them off. My hand was quickly up her skirt. I laughed when I got to the top, she wasn't wearing any. She joined in, but it turned into a groan when I pushed my fingers into her.
"You naughty boy. Fingering your Mother's pussy."
That got me even more excited. I was now desperately searching for her clit. It was easy to find, because it was already nicely swollen.
"Would you like to fuck me?"
Then she giggled, before adding, "Of course you want to"
"Yes, but I want to play with your cunt for a bit longer."
"OK, but don't make me come with your fingers. I need cock. It's a long time since I have been fucked."
"Yes Mummy."
That made her giggle again, and I thought she was never going to stop. I now had the difficult task of keeping her excited, but not taking her over the edge. I liked playing with her nice clit, and I was tempted to rub it as hard as I could, but I restrained myself. It took a while to get into a rhythm, but she was now ticking over nicely. I would wait another five minutes, or possibly ten, before giving her my cock. It ended up being a lot longer than that, and I was amazed at my self-control.
She was now on her back, legs apart, and her knees high. As I took my cock out, I wondered what her reaction would be. When she saw it she smiled.
"It's just like your Father's."
That was good, she wouldn't have any problems accepting it.
"When your Father left me, I was glad. I don't miss him, but I miss his cock."
She then stared at it, with hunger in her eyes. I now knew that it was time to satisfy her. When the first three inches went in, she purred. When I hit the top, she gasped.
"Take it easy. I haven't had such a big cock for a long time."
I did, but not for long. After only a few strokes, I felt that she was ready for a proper fucking, one that was fast and furious. She was now getting everything that I could give her. I had even pushed her legs up high, almost to her shoulders, so that I could get into her as deep as possible. I was on a mission to fuck her to a climax, and from the noises she was making, I was going to succeed. But I had a problem. For some reason, even though I was highly excited, my own climax was a long way off. I could slow down, or continue and hope for the best. For her benefit, I decided to keep up the pace.
A short while later, she grunted, and her body then went stiff. I carried on fucking her, but I was never going to reach it. Then she surprised me.
"Don't stop. I'm going to come again."
It took her another couple of minutes before she did, and it seemed to be as big as the first one. Then I surprised myself, by climaxing as well. It had come without much of a build-up, but it was a good one, and when it ended I felt drained. After a short recovery, we left to get showered.
Fifteen minutes later, when I entered the kitchen, Mother was already there.
"I've just made some coffee. Do you want some?"
I nodded, and she smiled, because she knew it was a silly question. I never say no to freshly brewed coffee.
As I took my first sip, she looked at me, and said, "We need to talk."
My heart sank. This was going to be, 'We should never do that again'.
"We need to be careful, only doing it when your Sister isn't here."
I put on my serious face, before just saying, "Yes."
"And there is something else."
I was now curious, and as I waited for her to tell me, I tried to work out what it was. My best guess was that she was going to say that we only did it once a week.
"I do want to get fit. So we don't just make love, we exercise as well," then she paused, before saying. "Is twice a week too much for you?"
I nodded so many times, that it made her laugh.
After our evening meal, I went to my bedroom. I then read for half an hour before watching some television. When it got to nine o'clock I was tired, and soon after I fell asleep.
At the weekend it was Becky's birthday. She had reached the grand old age of twenty seven. I couldn't make my mind up on what to get her, so I gave her cash. We even had a party for her, just family and some close friends. My Aunty was there. Shortly after arriving, she came over to me. I then got a hug, and I could feel her big tits squash against me. My cock responded, and I had to quickly pull away before it poked into her.
I then got a stern look from her, before she said, "I'm not happy with you."
So she must have felt my expanding cock.
"You have become your Mother's Personal Trainer. What about me?"
That took me by surprise. My Aunty had never shown any interest in any sort of exercise before. However, I could tell she was being serious, so I told her that I would do it. We even made arrangements to start next week.
By ten, everybody had left. I stayed up another hour to tidy up, and then I went to bed. My hand was soon on my cock, and I started to think about my Aunty. Magnificent tits, and big nipples, but would I ever be lucky enough to play with them?
Probably not, but now that I was going to be her Personal Trainer, you never know!