Chapter 10: Earth to Ellie
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I really am."
I stared up at Aiden, my mouth slightly open. His eyes drifted down to my lips before meeting my gaze again.
"That's why I've been staring at you. I wanted to apologize."
"Aiden…this is a shock."
"And a trick," Noah said. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me towards him. He was gentle as usual but very firm.
"Aiden apologized to me too Ellie. Yesterday. Don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth, he obviously wants something."
Aiden sighed. "Of course I want something Noah. You and Ellie's forgiveness. I'm not trying to be coy."
"She doesn't accept your forgiveness so you can leave her alone."
Aiden glared at Noah before looking at me. His icy blue eyes seemed to thaw when our gazes met.
"Is that true Ellie?"
I shook my head then nodded then shook it again. I felt a complete muddle and just wanted to go somewhere private and sift through my thoughts.
Aiden had apologized and it was honestly the last thing I expected. Then again, four years was a long time.
Anyone could change in four years.
Maybe he had?
Images of the past suddenly flashed through my mind. Noah's tearful, swollen face. Noah's self esteem being chipped away at till he was but a former shell of himself. Noah's constant arguments with his parents because he refused to tell them who was bullying him.
Aiden had caused much more pain to Noah than he even realized.
Did he think a simple sorry would fix everything?
I could feel Noah trembling beside me. I knew he was barely managing to hold himself back because of me.
"It's true Aiden. I can't forgive you. You've done too much and you can't ever make it up."
"Can I at least try?" Aiden asked and my heart felt heavy with an emotion I couldn't name.
I shrugged, suddenly feeling exposed and ashamed. Most people had gone back to what they were doing but a few still watched us. I hated being the object of scrutiny.
"Do what you want but quit staring at me," I mumbled. "You're four years too late with your apology and there's almost no way to make up for that."
I turned around and walked away, feeling rather than seeing Noah beside me. I didn't turn around to see Aiden's expression.
"I feel so drained. Are you sure the semester is just about to start and not end?" I asked Noah.
He shook his head. "I need to go," he said before grabbing his phone off the table we sat on and leaving.
I stared after him, trying not to burst into tears. If not for me, Noah wouldn't have come to this school where Aiden was. If not for me, Noah wouldn't be feeling traumatized all over again. If not for me-
"Earth to Ellie."
I turned around. Moana was staring at me. I lowered my eyes, trying to still my trembling bottom lip.
"You don't have to tell me anything. Let's just go back to our room and get ready for classes tomorrow. Okay?"
I nodded. "Okay."