Falling for my Best Friend’s Bully

Chapter 11: I like English

I stared at my face in my vanity mirror.

First day of classes. This was the beginning of my complete college experience. I didn't know what to expect but I at least wanted to look good for whatever came my way.

I brushed my still damp hair, wondering if there was anything I could do to it. My hair fell straight and long past my shoulders, a bright red waterfall.

I fleetingly wondered how'd they look curly.

I put on a soft, cream-colored slightly oversized knitted sweater with dark blue jeans. I slipped into the same flats from yesterday and wore my cross body leather bag.

My only accessories were my silver hoop earrings. I applied a bit of makeup, grabbed my phone with my books and was out the door.

Moana had already left hours ago. She had an 8am lecture. My first class was by 11am and it was 10:45am. I was cutting it a bit close.

I dashed out the door, my bag bouncing lightly against my hip. The air outside was crisp and carried the faint smell of freshly cut grass and damp concrete, a reminder of last night's drizzle. The campus buzzed with life—students rushing to classes, some lounging by the fountain, others sipping coffee from paper cups as they strolled leisurely.

I checked my phone: 10:47. My heart quickened. Not the best way to start my first day.

The path to the lecture hall wound through the main quad, a wide-open space bordered by towering oak trees. I walked briskly, my flats slapping lightly against the pavement. The cool morning air kissed my cheeks, and I found myself glancing around, soaking in the sights of campus life.

The hostel wasn't far from the academic block, but I regretted not leaving earlier. I passed a group of students laughing loudly near the library steps, their carefree energy making me feel oddly self-conscious. I tugged my sweater sleeves down over my hands as if it could somehow shield me.

The lecture hall came into view just as the clock on the nearby tower struck 10:54. A few students lingered outside, checking their schedules or chatting in hushed tones. I hurried up the steps, feeling the weight of both excitement and nerves settle in my chest.

Reaching the door, I paused for a moment to catch my breath. This was it—the beginning of a new chapter. I adjusted my bag, smoothed down my sweater, and stepped inside. The soft murmur of voices filled the room, and I scanned the seats, looking for a spot where I could blend in without drawing too much attention.

There was a free seat right next to the window which I eagerly made my way towards. My steps faltered when I noticed who occupied the seat behind it.

This had to be a joke right?

Aiden's head was lowered as he scrolled on his phone. He wore a hoodie and jeans and a tattered notebook with a pen lay on his desk.

"Such a serious student," I said with as much sarcasm as I could inject into my voice.

Aiden looked up.

"Hey Ellie," he said.

"Hi yourself Aiden. Is the seat taken?" I nodded to the one in front of him.

Aiden shook his head. "Help yourself."

I sat down, trying to still my quickening heart rate. Of course he took English, why wouldn't he? It would be too easy to ignore him if he didn't right?

Aiden's voice broke my stream of thoughts. "Didn't know you took this major," he said.

I turned to the side and almost jumped out of my seat when I noticed how close his face was. He had leaned forward in his seat and his face was right beside mine. He looked tired, with bags under his eyes.

"I like English." I said shortly.

"Same," Aiden said.

There was an awkward pause. I was about to tell him that he was too close when he spoke again.

"I moved out of my room last night."


Aiden finally leaned back in his seat. He crossed his arms and shrugged. "Me being Noah's roommate is definitely affecting him mentally and that's the last thing I want. I've already caused him enough pain."

"Where are you staying now?"

"The hostel manager put me in another room. It's much smaller than the rest but that's fine since I'm the only person in it."

Aiden lowered his gaze and picked up his phone. "I just wanted you to know. I really am sorry Ellie."


"Good morning class! Sorry I'm a bit late but I officially welcome you to your first college class of the semester."

A chorus of good mornings chirruped from the class.

I looked away from Aiden and to the teacher at the front of the classroom.

We would have to continue our conversation after the lesson.

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