Chapter 12: Messy
"It'll do you a world of good to read up the chapter by our next class," the lecturer said before walking out.
I sighed and made some final notes. College definitely wasn't a joke, that much was certain. Around me, the class buzzed with shy conversations and laughter. Everyone being new made the whole buddy making process easier. There was a sort of innocence we all shared.
"I so love your hair," a high voice said.
I looked up at the girl in front of me. She had on a off the shoulder top with black jeans and boots. Her hair was an explosion of frizzy curls lazily tied back with a green rubber band, the same color as her huge glasses.
I smiled and touched my hair. "Thank you so much."
"I'm Shari. Are you a natural redhead?"
I nodded, feeling my face heat up.
"It's such a bright color I just had to ask! Long, straight red hair. Ugh you're living the dream. Not like those of us with curly hair. On the days I'm not ready to work for its beauty, my hair looks like this."
I chuckled but my smile froze on my face when I heard her speak to Aiden behind me.
"You got curls too so I know you understand me. I can see them peeking out from under the hoodie. Bad hair day too?"
I held my breath. Not knowing the response Aiden would give. This new Aiden who apologized publicly and discomforted himself to not strain Noah's mental health was new and foreign to me.
I turned to look at Aiden who was looking at Shari. I almost gasped when I saw the slight twitch of a smile. It had always been smirks up to this point.
Aiden pulled back his hoodie. "Alright, alright. You got me."
His usual bouncy, loose curls lay tousled and flattened on his head. He ran a hand through his hair. "Woke up late and didn't have the time or strength to deal with this messy thing."
Shari giggled. "I so relate."
Aiden smiled and pulled his hood back up. He was taking care to avoid my eyes though I was staring right at him. I knew that look. Maybe that's why I wasn't scared to say what I did next.
"I don't think it looks bad, just not as good as it usually does. You still look nice Aiden."
His eyes finally met mine and I could see the shock in them. I quickly turned back to Shari.
"Just like yours too Shari. It's all frizzy but it looks cute to me and very human. I don't think something must look its best to look good."
Shari removed her glasses and dabbed at her eyes with a green hanky. "You're so freaking nice. Why are you so nice?"
I laughed. "'M not."
"You are," Aiden said quietly. "You're a very nice person Ellie."
My face was beginning to heat up again. I looked around, most people had left the class. It made sense since the next lecture was in two hours. I debated going to take a quick power nap in my dorm.
"Lemme have your number both of you. It'll be nice to have people in the same class to talk to. What are your names?"
"Ellie," I said.
"Aiden," Aiden said.
"Ellie and Aiden," Shari said as she put our numbers in her phone. She pushed her glasses up her nose and waved as she walked out of the class. "Be seeing you guys. Stay pretty."
"Pretty what?" Aiden asked.
I laughed. "I think just staying pretty."
Aiden chuckled. We were the only ones left in class now and the pressure of first day jitters and sitting in front of my best friend's bully had eased enough for me to face him with a small smile.
Aiden gave me a hesitant smile back.
"Thanks for moving out like you did yesterday. That was a good call on your part for both you and Noah."
"That's the least I can do," Aiden said and I nodded. It was true.
My stomach gave a round rumble. I mentally grimaced in agony. Maybe it was only loud to me. Maybe he hadn't heard it.
"Are you hungry? Let's go get something to eat. If you want to with me that is."
He had heard it.
I mulled it over in my mind. I hadn't eaten all day and it was almost 1pm. Food sounded really good right now.
But food with the guy who used to bully my best friend?
"Shari was right," Aiden said.
"Hm?" I was distracted by the many thoughts in my head and almost had a heart attack when he reached out a hand and gently tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
"I so love your hair," Aiden said in a spot on impersonation of Shari.
I couldn't keep from laughing even as my heart thudded in my chest. "Oh my gosh. That's exactly how she said it."
"She's right though," Aiden said now using his real voice. "I love your hair. It's so beautiful. Makes you so easy to notice and I like noticing you."
His hand was still near my face, fingers lightly brushing my cheek. I was too surprised to even begin thinking about thinking of what to say.
So I just said whatever came to me.
"I like your hair too Aiden." I reached out a hand and pulled back his hoodie. "Even the messy side."
Aiden smirked. "You like the messy side?"
Why did I feel he wasn't asking about his hair?
Time seemed to slow down as we stared at each other. I didn't understand what was happening, didn't understand this pull I felt towards him. He obviously had so many layers. Who didn't?
But with him, I kind of wanted to break those layers down.
Aiden's gaze traveled to my mouth then back to my eyes.
My phone began ringing, breaking the quiet and startling the both of us.
I checked the caller I.D.
It was Noah.